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UN appoints Leonardo DiCaprio as 'Messenger of Peace' on climate issues

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UN Appoints Leonardo DiCaprio as Messenger of Peace on Climate Issues

UNITED NATIONS, September 17 (RIA Novosti) - Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio has been appointed as a United Nations Messenger of Peace with a special focus on climate change, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told journalists at a press conference Tuesday.

“Mr. DiCaprio is a credible voice in the environmental movement, and has a considerable platform to amplify its message,” Ban Ki-moon said.

“I am pleased he has chosen to add his voice to UN efforts to raise awareness of the urgency and benefits of acting now to combat climate change,” he added.

DiCaprio joins 11 other UN Messengers of Peace and one Goodwill Ambassador and is expected to address the UN Climate Summit on September 23, which gathers government, business, finance and civil society representatives on climate.

“It’s an honor to accept the role of UN Messenger of Peace on Climate Change and to support the Secretary-General in his efforts to address one of the most important issues we face as a global community,” DiCaprio said.

Full story: http://en.ria.ru/world/20140917/193007904/UN-Appoints-Leonardo-DiCaprio-as-Messenger-of-Peace-on-Climate.html

-- RIA Novosti 2014-09-17

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Can sombody please show me some real scientific data on the climate cgange hoax please !

This is all about making money and not about the climate.

... most of all it has nothing at all to do to stop any real pollution.


Can sombody please show me some real scientific data on the climate cgange hoax please !

This is all about making money and not about the climate.

... most of all it has nothing at all to do to stop any real pollution.

I am sure you can find lots of it yourself in about two seconds.

Are you a scientist though?

What would you do with this "data" if you are not?

In any case the vast majority of actual climate related scientists DO think this is real and they KNOW how to read the data.

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Can sombody please show me some real scientific data on the climate cgange hoax please !

This is all about making money and not about the climate.

... most of all it has nothing at all to do to stop any real pollution.

If you had the ability to understand the data in the studies you would have the abiliy to easily locate the studies. Obviously you have neither.

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most climate change scientists are funded to find the right answers

if you give the wrong answer then your funding is cut

apparently Mars had lots of water on it years ago, so ponder that

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The right wing teabag element who deny science. You know... The same creationists who dont believe in evolution. Same TV wingnuts

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Well, he's not hot anymore, so I suppose he's got to do something with his life!

Wasn't the "messenger of peace" blamed for negatively impacting the environment when they filmed The Beach ?

I guess he's lost his baby fat by now, but he always reminded me of another celebrity:


Controversy arose during the making of the film The Beach due to 20th Century Fox bulldozing and rescaping of the natural beach setting of Koh Phi Phi Leh to make it more "paradise-like". The production altered some sand dunes and cleared some coconut trees and grass to widen the beach. Fox set aside a fund to reconstruct and return the beach to its natural state, however lawsuits were filed as many believed the damage to the ecosystem is permanent and restoration attempts failed.

More lame climate agit-prop.

Anyway, diCaprio is way behind people like Ken Livingstone (who he?) when it comes to being an effective propagandist, all the way down at Number 14.

Climate Week asked Millward Brown, a brand research consultancy, to utilise its "Cebra" (celebrity-brand) index. Twenty celebrities were chosen to represent a spread of people who were either a "well-known activist", "environmentally inclined but not an activist", or "not known for activism". A "nationally representative sample of 500 adults aged 16-65" was then asked how much influence each celebrity had on environmental issues. They were also asked to allocate a score to each celebrity using the measures of "familiarity", "affinity", "media attention", "role model" and "talent". And here, in order of influence, are the results:
1) Al Gore
2) Bill Gates
3) Arnold Schwarzenegger
4) Boris Johnson
5) David Beckham
6) Ken Livingstone
7) Chris Martin
8) Cheryl Cole
9) Gwyneth Paltrow
10) Duncan Bannatyne
11) Phil Schofield
12) Robbie Williams
13) Fearne Cotton
14) Leonardo DiCaprio
15) Holly Willoughby
16) Colin Firth
17) Graham Norton
18) Sienna Miller
19) Paloma Faith
20) Gary Neville

Not sure who most of those people are, but if Leonardo can't make the Top 10, celebrity climate fawning is in pretty bad nick.


I just have this vision of excrement coming out of the back end of a cow. (probably leading to global warming of course).

Leo -- go back to making the excellent movies you make.


The right wing teabag element who deny science. You know... The same creationists who dont believe in evolution. Same TV wingnuts

You forgot the atheists who want to create a new enviro-religion....oops...that's you!
new vocab from another climate change denier, "enviro-religion" You gotta laugh at them, as we do at the US house.

Yep, climate change caused by the rise in man-made CO2 in the atmosphere - except - the rise in CO2 is linear, the temperature is anything but - for instance it dipped in the forties and sixties. Plus it has stopped warming globally as "everyone" agrees for 17 years now. Plus it started to get warm in the eighties just as North America and Western Euroipe cleaned up their coal-fired power generation to stop pumping sulphates and the like into the high atmosphere - so consequently the albedo (cloud cover) was reduced and it warmed up a tad.

Climate HAS always changed - it was warmer in the Middles Ages, now proven to be global (evidence found in the Antarctic, not to mention the "greening" of Greenland during this time) - go back 8000 years and reisiduals from the last ice age had caused sea levels to rise cutting Britian off from mainland Europe - sea levels have risen a 120 METRES since the last ice age of 20,000 years ago, a few mm a year is nothing, a metre or so a millenia - and finally - "the heat has gone into the oceans" no it hasn't - the temperature rise since the fifites is reckon to be 0.06 degrees or the same amount of heat the Sun gives us in a few days - scorchio!

Plus plus - temperatures have only been monitored by weather stations (outside of the US eastern Seaboard and Western Europe) globally in the last fifty years - "evidence" of GLOBAL warming is taken from tree rings - which doesn't work in deserts, tundra, mountains, savannahs, is affected by overhanging coverage of trees above, disease and drought - better to use tea-leaves and chicken entrails.

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