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Much better to fly out of the country to Hong Kong/ Kuala Lumpur, do whatever you have to do including embassy visits and then fly back the next day. Why anyone would risk their lives on these Thai buses and visa run tours is beyond me, and yet you all keep doing it.

That's fine, but most visa runners are not rich, how much would it cost you to fly to Hong Kong and back? Then you have the hotel in Hong Kong, and transport back and forward to the airport both here and in Hong kong, and other expenses besides.

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OP - your main mistakes, in no particular order were:

1. Letting your GF do the typical cruise mode thinking (which means NOT thinking). She should have been your saviour - take that as a hint. If she cares that less, or thinks that little.....I'd be worried. Hopefully she's not taking commission on your condo/hotel/market purchases.

2. You used public transport in Thailand. Public transport consists of Suicide Motorbike Taxis, Suicide Car Taxis, Kamikaze Vans, Kamikaze Busses, and Death Trains. You should have hired a car and driven yourself - your safety is then in your hands, and not the hands of a cretin that's high and drunk, can't drive to save himself, and actually DOES aspire to be an F1 driver.

3. If approached by anybody who offers to help you, pretend not to speak English and walk away. That way, you avoid getting scammed and have a chance to figure things out yourself. Also, you won't wake up in the morning with a headache and a phrophylactic hanging out of your rectum.

4. Do your research. This applies to everything in Thailand. Even something simple like going to the toilet has specific differences to western countries. That can apply to knowing how to use a bum gun without spraying your shirt, or how to politely get the plonker in the gogo bars from giving you a massage while standing at the urinal - which tends to affect your aim, thus you end up pissing on your shoes. Before doing anything official, research, research, research!!

We look forward to your future exploits of getting a drivers licence, buying 100 rai up north and building a lean-to that costs three million baht.

(p.s. all tongue in cheek, but take the core messages as gospel - Cheers thumbsup.gif )

No 2. Your safety is never in your own hands driving in Thailand, no matter how safe your driving is, the roads are full of idiots who have no common sense, and you never know what they are going to do next, all you can do is try and be prepared.

That can be said of any country... although I would agree that even when driving yourself in Thailand you are at a higher risk than in the UK or other countries of similar driving standard; the safety of which have been ensured through very similar laws and imposed through a stricter level of consequence for those in flagrant disregard of the Law.

At least when driving yourself in Thailand your safety for the most part is in your hands rather than handing over complete control to others and in many cases someone far less educated.

Thailand has the 3rd highest fatality rate in the world. Most are on motor bikes.


Thanks for the information, for your first trip you should of went with a visa run company.

Well I took my Thai girlfriend with me. I thought she could help me avoid any issues that I might come across.

She just told me "I think too much." lol.

..sorry but when i read "I think too much"...aah he trusted his THAI GF...Well after 13 years here fulltime i can honestly say one thing:Thai usually don't think at all..even my wife who i trust and love says this to me,and my answer,well honey you don't think much at all..sometimes.

Have a great stay the last two month Liam...thumbsup.gif


And us Yanks get upset when our British friends call us a bunch of "Planks", and worse. As they see us the majority are Jerks, and you are a "Senior Member in TV? Have you not read about the rip offs during visa runs? Why be a jerk, you were simply stupid to hand over your passport to some dirt bag, with what you say was a badge.. Is this your 1st. trip out of the hills of Kentucky??? Please ,don't say your an American, gives the rest of us a bad name..And your GF, I would slag her off too ,but I'll try and be more of a polite American, not a JERK. Oh, if the words Plank and slag off are new to you, ask any Proper Brit, he'll gladly explain em to you.

This actually applies anywhere in the world, and not hard to remember. If anybody approaches you, tell them to buzz off.

Yep. You really have to be assertive. Sometimes even a jerk. smile.png


'... Do all Thais drive nutty?' Is that a trick question?

I think it's safe to say a lot do know the ropes, often gained from long experience of the ins and outs of the Thai culture and the Thai system. Better luck next time - if there is a next time.


OP, you didn't get scammed. You gave your passport to people that prepare applications for a fee. They asked 1200 Bt and you paid it. You could have said no and applied by yourself, or you could have avoided that if you purchased a visa in advance. And you had no obligation to pay tips, yet you did. That's not being scammed, that's just being silly.

Everything else that happened is just your complaints.

With so many other people complaining about experiences in Poipet, why do people still go there and then complain bitterly about it?

If you have visas, you don't need to pay any official. They may make you wait and wait some more. But unless you desperately can not spend any more time than 5 minutes of your life outside of Thailand, then why complain?

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Thanks for the information, for your first trip you should of went with a visa run company.

Well I took my Thai girlfriend with me. I thought she could help me avoid any issues that I might come across.

She just told me "I think too much." lol.

I think your gf is right...

Just go back home for a while.

You will realize that $50. US does not get you very far ...

When I read the title , about being scammed, I thought it was about some amount of money,

Then you refer to $50 altogether....<Duhhh


An E-visa for starters. Then either shake your head as you walk past them or simply say, 'I have a visa.'

Walk through to the other side, give them your visa and come back and get your 2nd visa stamped. Easy enough, especially with a little research. Or for a Newbie to ask in the forum how to do it.

The touts and beggars can be a pain because they are able to mug people who have not got the information before they go to Poipet.


Thanks for the information, for your first trip you should of went with a visa run company.

Well I took my Thai girlfriend with me. I thought she could help me avoid any issues that I might come across.

She just told me "I think too much." lol.

Yer because thinking would interrupt a fellow Thai person making a few ฿ out of you.

Number 67 million & 1, who hasn't been there?

Still funny to read.


OP, you didn't get scammed. You gave your passport to people that prepare applications for a fee. They asked 1200 Bt and you paid it. You could have said no and applied by yourself, or you could have avoided that if you purchased a visa in advance. And you had no obligation to pay tips, yet you did. That's not being scammed, that's just being silly.

The main problem being, many of us (when new), can't tell a "scammer" from a "Thai border official".

The scammers tell you they are employed by immigration, they have official looking ID cards hanging round their necks, and if you ask the "Thai border official" sitting at the immigration desk, they back up the scammer as another official.

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Hi, I am sorry to hear you had this problem, but it could have definitely gone worse. I heard really bad stories, where people get scammed out a lot of money and time, and before reading I was worried you had one of those.
Look at the bright side, you had an experience, you learnt your lesson. And it didn't cost you that much, afterall.

Just one thing, you say "sadly, being nice is a weakness". I understand what you mean, because it happened to me also to feel so. But being nice is never a weakness really. Conversely, not being nice can take you out of some minor troubles, it's true, but can get you into other ones. Especially in these parts of the world. Being nice, per se, will never get you into troubles. To be able to be nice is actually a great weapon. You must learn to be nice, but clear with your mind and firm with your will. smile.png


Loved your story...I am always interested in someone who meets with success at the Cambodian border...lol

Just a quick aside...my first trip...after clearing the Thai immigration and crossing over into Cambodia...there was a makeshift office setup with one chair and small table...with a guy who dressed like a policeman behind the desk...he had several goons singling out foreigners trying to make their way to Cambodian immigration...pulling the foreigners off the road and into his office...he was offering "safe passage" into Cambodia....what a laugh...it cost me 500 baht...and they did do the Cambodian immigration work for me...but really...all the foreigners were complying with his little scam...not wanting to find out if the veiled threat would actually result in bodily harm...

This is the price of admission in SE Asia...got to love it...


Generally, the cost of the Cambodian visa is 1000 baht if you have a photo. If no photo, add another 100 baht and if a guy helps you, add another 100 baht. That's the normal for round here in chong chom. Has been that for last 5 years now.


Generally, the cost of the Cambodian visa is 1000 baht if you have a photo. If no photo, add another 100 baht and if a guy helps you, add another 100 baht. That's the normal for round here in chong chom. Has been that for last 5 years now.

Cambodia visa price is usd 20.

All other prices are derived from conversion rate scam, exit fee scam or anything a corrupt office will want to impose


Next time use a Pro Visa Agent . . . .

I allways go whit this guy.

<contact member by PM for email address)

From Onut to Laos or Cambodia . . use him the last 5 yrs . . . . ,


You probably assumed your gf could read thai and guide you to the correct place and protect you from scams.

I have found many thai people non- confrontational.

I expect friends to be advocates and guide me.

Now I have learned to depend on myself and not assume a thai friend will be helpful when going to new places.

I have learned to read enough Thai or ask 2 other people when I don't believe an answer.


None of this has ever happened to me and I have never used a visa service. The large casino buses from Lumpini Park have always been courteous, and I always disregard the people who say they will help me at the border, and they have never gotten upset with me.

It really isn't all that difficult you know?

"It really isn't all that difficult you know?"

You're obviously new to Thai Visa. Once you've spent more time reading the threads here, you'll really understand the term "special needs."

  • Like 1

Thanks for the information, for your first trip you should of went with a visa run company.

Well I took my Thai girlfriend with me. I thought she could help me avoid any issues that I might come across.

She just told me "I think too much." lol.

My Thai friends say the same thing to me... "You think too much"! I always laugh because they is so right! We Farangs do tend to think too much. Maybe it makes us feel safer? I have no idea.


Going anywhere by road is the most stupid thng that you could do and just one of the first stupid things that you will do here...

Its funny, i read all these posts and blogs on the internet about drivers in thailand, then i go for a big roadtrip and the fastest and most aggressive driver i see is myself

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When you arrive do not stop at the offices (black windows) on left side (left sidewalk) where they asking you 1200 Bahts, try to cross the road when it's possible, the office for get 20$ visa is at 200-300 meters on the right side (right sidewalk)

by the way, the Casino is on the left side when you arrive from Thailand.

so funny @ this forum, it seems that members are dumb as &lt;deleted&gt; but thinks that they are so clever, nobody could answer OP how to get a 20$ visa.


The visa from their embassy in Bangkok is 20$. This is the price on the visa. But they charge 1000 b. When I asked why 1000, the answer was because it is express. :) It indeed was express, less than 20 min. SInce the place is not so far from me and was a pleasant ride to there it was best choice to take the visa in advance. I drove to the border with Poi Pet. Didnt see crazy driving vans or buses. From the parking there was a man waiting to "help". He was exactly the way you describe. Very nice, smiley, good english, He didnt even give up when I told him I had visa and it was only 20 $. Which seemed to surprise him a bit since sounds quite low compared to his service. ( I guess). After he finally left, there we 2 others to join... Took us (me and my gf who was really helpful by the way and crossed with me, just she used the first floor) to one building in the middle , not even listening what we need, and I was only say I need the arrival card. Once I showed my visa to the man in the building , they left. On thw way to the arrivals, another group of men sitting under a tent asked what do u need. U want to come in and get out. Another later do u want to stay. The service to get the in and out fast was 300 b. So we just went to the arrivals i was stamped in. THen we had a walk in one big casino and left. Departures, thai border and done. ANd me too, I got the lady, very strict face. I almost didn even dare to say than you hahaha. Anyway I got my stamp. But I have NOn B. The thing that made me thinking after I saw the stamp was, why the date is with red colour. I found out here in the topics that the colour doesnt matter. So for the others, just walk past to the arrivals, which is quite a walk in. There on the table can complete ur arrival card. There are no fees too.


OP, you didn't get scammed. You gave your passport to people that prepare applications for a fee. They asked 1200 Bt and you paid it. You could have said no and applied by yourself, or you could have avoided that if you purchased a visa in advance. And you had no obligation to pay tips, yet you did. That's not being scammed, that's just being silly.

The main problem being, many of us (when new), can't tell a "scammer" from a "Thai border official".

The scammers tell you they are employed by immigration, they have official looking ID cards hanging round their necks, and if you ask the "Thai border official" sitting at the immigration desk, they back up the scammer as another official.

This is true. He had what looked like an official badge. Also, he was talking with the officials in immigration like they were co-workers.


Why doesn't immigration just charge more and let people do the visa extensions without leaving the country? What an inane process for all involved (except your new friend).

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