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Liqourice in Chiang Mai ?

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I just love liquorice but didnt succeed in finding any in Chiang Mai. Any one got idea to get it ?

I have ordered 2 kg. a few days ago but the postage is quite expensive so finding it here would be amazing 5555

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I have a life/hack for this as I don't have a international market in my town.... You get those black rectangle candies (made from bananas) and Anise flowered fisherman's friend (at a Pharmacy, 7-11 doesn't care that flavor) start chewing the black candy (right shape and feel) then pop a fisherman's friend in your mouth... and think Chinese panda liqourice... not perfect but it helps when you get the cravings......


What kind of Liquorice are we talking about here,sticks or

the black stuff,like Pontefract cakes,or straps,?

I have seen sticks in Makro's spice dept,but none of the black

stuff,it maybe bad for you,but a little bit of what you fancy does

you good, right.

regards Worgeordie


"Multiple 2-ounce bags of black licorice a day for at least two weeks is overdoing it."

Who eats that much licorice? Reasonable amounts are no problem.

I do, I bloody love the stuff.

I was devastated by that news.



"Multiple 2-ounce bags of black licorice a day for at least two weeks is overdoing it."

Who eats that much licorice? Reasonable amounts are no problem.

When we go back to England, me! I don't really have a sweet tooth, only have three soft spots for sweets things, white chocolate, Cadbury's Cream Eggs, and Pontefract cakes.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Australian import from Rimping, black or raspberry.

Doesn't taste at all like the stuff from England, much sweeter, softer and stretchy-er. My husband prefers it, but I like the English recipe.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Careful! It removes potassium from the body, and can give you a dodgy ticker.


I didn't know that, I gorge on it when we go back home, and every blood test I've ever had in my life has shown me potassium deficient, including all the years we've lived away from England where I never eat it. Too much as a child/young person? Pontefract cakes were always seen as an old person's sweetie, a bit like midget gems and humbugs, but I didn't care. I love them. I'm sure my mam used to call them Poor Ben's or something similar.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Eat beans, raisins, avocado, even bananas. Plenty of potassium to be had there.


I believe spinach and yoghurt have the highest potassium contents so I guess spinach liquorice or yoghurt liquorice would be the answer!


Australian import from Rimping, black or raspberry.

What is the brand of this Australian licorice, please? I know that I can find Haribo licorice from time to time--there's never an adequate nor constant supply. But I've not seen anything else in the candy aisle.

The Haribo style is pictured in this frightening story from ten years ago: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3733757.stm


Eat beans, raisins, avocado, even bananas. Plenty of potassium to be had there.


I believe spinach and yoghurt have the highest potassium contents so I guess spinach liquorice or yoghurt liquorice would be the answer!

Coconut water too. I love the stuff.


Australian import from Rimping, black or raspberry.

What is the brand of this Australian licorice, please? I know that I can find Haribo licorice from time to time--there's never an adequate nor constant supply. But I've not seen anything else in the candy aisle.

The Haribo style is pictured in this frightening story from ten years ago: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3733757.stm

post-51-0-20946800-1411217106_thumb.jpg. post-51-0-18934300-1411217323_thumb.jpg

Keep it in the fridge.


yeah, it's sometimes not that simple just to duck down the corner for a bag of 'Wiper Blades' or 'Protection Strips' - as I call the bigger black stuff...

Resorted to eBay a few times, no problemo

also diversified on eBay, with Green Tea Kit Kit - yummmmeeee!!

but one, I hope to track down liquorice that actually contains real Aniseed.


Jimlove you have a lot to answer for.... You've triggered a craving here and it won't be satisfied by any of the poor substitutes mentioned here, I want the real thing. Have to get a bag slipped into my next legal papers courier envelope.....

post-214380-0-70133100-1411217953.jpg post-214380-0-40642600-1411217954.jpg post-214380-0-67582400-1411218092_thumb. post-214380-0-91793900-1411218095_thumb. post-214380-0-00350400-1411218101_thumb.


Jimlove you have a lot to answer for.... You've triggered a craving here and it won't be satisfied by any of the poor substitutes mentioned here, I want the real thing. Have to get a bag slipped into my next legal papers

He's not Britain's favourite asset for nothing. tongue.png

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Jimlove you have a lot to answer for.... You've triggered a craving here and it won't be satisfied by any of the poor substitutes mentioned here, I want the real thing. Have to get a bag slipped into my next legal papers courier envelope.....

attachicon.gifLiquorice.jpg attachicon.gifLiquorice2.jpg attachicon.gifBassets.jpg attachicon.gifBassets-tin.jpg attachicon.gifmini-liquorice-allsorts_2.jpg

This is a bad thread- wasnt even thinking about liquorice till I read it, now I cant get it out of my head. Cant see it in shops here so ordered on ebay.

See if it arrives next week-or goes missing like other mail from uk.....


Jimlove you have a lot to answer for.... You've triggered a craving here and it won't be satisfied by any of the poor substitutes mentioned here, I want the real thing. Have to get a bag slipped into my next legal papers courier envelope.....

attachicon.gifLiquorice.jpg attachicon.gifLiquorice2.jpg attachicon.gifBassets.jpg attachicon.gifBassets-tin.jpg attachicon.gifmini-liquorice-allsorts_2.jpg

This is a bad thread- wasnt even thinking about liquorice till I read it, now I cant get it out of my head. Cant see it in shops here so ordered on ebay.

See if it arrives next week-or goes missing like other mail from uk.....

If the postie knows it's got Berty Bassett in it, you'll be out of luck tongue.png

Seriously, and without going back and reading all the posts I can't remember who it was who said it, but he had the best idea. Get an electinic version of your address and use it as lables for anyone sending stuff from home or try to use it in on-line ordering - there may be a special place where you can put comments, or if you order a lot from someone such as Amazon, contact them, explain about Thai script, and ask them if they can do a copy and paste and use that as your defualt address. I've been trying for a few days to get an electronic version of my address, but I'm not making myself understood, or they don't get the concept of people overseas using different script to Thai for important things like mail. I'll get there eventually.

If you have a Thai wife, it's probably best to have her name included on the label, again in Thai script, so it looks like it's being addressed to a Thai. The only part of the label that needs to be in Roman script is the word Thailand. I've just thought about that bit, perhaps I could get someone to write my name in Thai Script, or a close equivalent to it - or even Somchai Somtamseller if they want, doesn't matter to me if it makes it more likely that I'll get my mail. I mentioned in another thread, no packages (and there have been a lot) have ever gone missing, but countless birthday and Christmas cards have been lost in the system.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


I bought the Australian brand one time at Rimping Meechok and it was very good but have never seen it again there. Anyone seen it lately?

Sometimes they have it and sometimes they don't, but they always get more eventually. It sells out very quickly.


Jimlove you have a lot to answer for.... You've triggered a craving here and it won't be satisfied by any of the poor substitutes mentioned here, I want the real thing. Have to get a bag slipped into my next legal papers courier envelope.....

attachicon.gifLiquorice.jpg attachicon.gifLiquorice2.jpg attachicon.gifBassets.jpg attachicon.gifBassets-tin.jpg attachicon.gifmini-liquorice-allsorts_2.jpg

Looks like what we called Alsorts in Canada. Well in British Columbia any how. They are delicious. As for the potassium I used to get muscle cramps in my legs at night until I started putting three small bananas on . cereal. No more problems. Also add cinnamon for the blood sugar level. From 125 t0 135 down to 85 to 95. Win win meal. Have been looking for licorice tea but not seen it here in Thailand. It like licorice is not good for the blood pressure.


I didn't know that about liquorice and potassium. I mentioned in this thread I think (maybe another one on food) that every blood test I've had since childhood has come up with low potassium. I eat banana's rather than take tablets, but like you I also got very, very serious leg cramps after surgery on my back 14 years ago. I'm going to ask Dr Google about this, I may have to start taking potassium tablets after all.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

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