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Internet slow - anyone else?


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Might be caused by the General's anti corruption campaign. If the lines are not allowed to be corrupted by dubious Internet throttling practices carried out by the ISPs they then become clogged with overloaded traffic. Basically it's the same either way. Slow service. smile.png

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Might be caused by the General's anti corruption campaign. If the lines are not allowed to be corrupted by dubious Internet throttling practices carried out by the ISPs they then become clogged with overloaded traffic. Basically it's the same either way. Slow service. smile.png

That's an explanation that only a Red Shirt zealot could come up with.

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I've always been satisfied with True's internet service. They always gave (note past tense) me exactly what I paid for... until about two days ago.

Since then, I time out before I can connect to an internet speed test.

I called Tech Support, and they are working on the problem. It was 'supposed' to be fixed by 6pm last night, but it's still not running correctly.

I have every confidence that within a day or so, everything will be back to their usual fast service. Unfortunately, we are all now so dependent upon blazing internet speeds that to lose it even for a day seems like a major catastrophe. Just remember sending email over your 14.4 dial-up modem...

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thanks for the replies by the 3 on-topic posters.wink.png yes....i do remember sending email via 14.4K. wasn't all that long ago.... guess i'll just wait it out since it's not only me.

thanks for the red shirt propaganda by one member. i ain't taking the bait......

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Might be caused by the General's anti corruption campaign. If the lines are not allowed to be corrupted by dubious Internet throttling practices carried out by the ISPs they then become clogged with overloaded traffic. Basically it's the same either way. Slow service. smile.png

That's an explanation that only a Red Shirt zealot could come up with.

You couldn't be more wrong and obviously have no sense of humor and cannot understand sarcasm.

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20 Sep 11:00 4 speed tests, 3 with True and 1 with Ookla. I am getting my True fiber 15/1.5 program in country, but not out of country. It is interesting that my upload speeds seem stable and it is the download speeds that are throttled.





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Recorded message in Thai at True apologises for slow internet and says it is effecting all providers not just True - apparently an important cable is broken somewhere - international internet will be especially slow


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I am doing reasonably well with Firefox. Not up to it's usual speed but OK.

How ever the internet explorer with MSN is the worst I have ever seen it. Some times it will not even connect to MSN and I have to go to my favorite bar to get the subject. Even then it will cut out on me and I have to fix connection problem. Some times F5 solves it . This has developed in the last week.

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Three days ago, Vietnamese IT sources said an Asia-America Gateway (AAG) cable has been breached somewhere between Hong Kong and Vietnam. An executive from FPT Telecom confirmed the incident although he did not say how it happened.

So, until it is fixed, we can (or should) only suffer in silence.

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10am in Chiang Mai...

9.5 out of a paid-for 12mps when connecting inside of Thailand

6 out of a paid-for 12mps when connecting to the US

4.7 out of a paid-for 12mps when connecting to the UK

1.6 out of a paid-for 12mps when connecting to Vietnam

Better than the past two days, but still a ways to go. At least I can use the Internet again.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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10am in Chiang Mai...

9.5 out of a paid-for 12mps when connecting inside of Thailand

6 out of a paid-for 12mps when connecting to the US

4.7 out of a paid-for 12mps when connecting to the UK

1.6 out of a paid-for 12mps when connecting to Vietnam

Better than the past two days, but still a ways to go. At least I can use the Internet again.

that's interesting, and different to my experience. for me, the connection has worsened since about 7:30 last night. i've tried 4 times to run the speed test but it times out running the test!

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What site are you using for the US speed test?

I used a couple of different ones on the assumption that 'True Internet' Speed test would lie... :)

Right now, True speed test says I'm getting 11.5mps which may be the case if I'm connection to Bangkok. That's my normal speed.

I'm still getting less than half that connecting to Vietnam, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the UK.

http://www.speedtest.net/ - this one let me try different servers all over the world

http://www.bandwidthplace.com/ - this one did as well




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Triple B at Thapae Gate went out completely for about 3 hours this morning - at least mine did. I ended up reading quite a bit of "The End of Faith", so it was not too boring sitting at my desk. An excellent book about religion and Islam in particular, by the way.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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