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US and partners begin air strikes against Islamic State in Syria


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US airstrikes begin against Islamic State jihadists in Syria as 130,000 Syrian Kurds to flee to Turkey

WASHINGTON: -- THE Pentagon says the US and its partners have began airstrikes against the Islamic State (IS) in Syria.

A Pentagon official said: “I can confirm that U.S. military and partner nation forces are undertaking military action against ISIL [iSIS] terrorists in Syria using a mix of fighter, bomber and Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles.”

Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby said: “Given that these operations are ongoing, we are not in a position to provide additional details at this time. The decision to conduct theses strikes was made earlier today by the U.S. Central Command commander under authorization granted him by the commander in chief. We will provide more details later as operationally appropriate.”

It is believed the strikes are on a ‘governorate building’ in Raqqa - IS’s main headquarters.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/world/us-airstrikes-begin-against-islamic-state-jihadists-in-syria-as-130000-syrian-kurds-to-flee-to-turkey/story-fndir2ev-1227067271371

-- News.com.au 2014-09-23

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The US just started bombing Syria. This Syrian man is live-tweeting the strikes as they hit.

The US is now launching its first-ever air strikes in Syria against the terrorist group ISIS, the Pentagon announced at about 9:30 pm EST, revealing that the US military is "using a mix of fighter, bomber, and Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles" along with the air forces of Middle Eastern allies.

But the news was actually broken 30 minutes earlier by a Syrian Twitter user in the city of Raqqa, where ISIS has its headquarters, who heard the strikes and speculated — correctly, it turned out — that this was the beginning of the American air campaign. The Twitter user, named Abdulkader Hariri, posted that "massive" explosions had rocked ISIS headquarters, and that the skies were full of war planes and drones. Here are his tweets, which are chilling to read:

Breaking: Huge explosions shook the city in what might be the beginning of US airstrikes on ISIS HQs in Raqqa

Full story: http://www.vox.com/2014/9/22/6831565/was-this-syrian-man-the-first-person-to-tweet-the-american-air-strikes

-- Vox 2014-09-23
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clap2.gif Bravo! All the great military geniuses in history of mankind must be applauding.

USA found the way to bancrupt the Nation so that the rich can get richer in a justifiable way.

They will be picking those bastards one by one using jet fighters, bombers, rockets, drones and air carriers.

If I am not wrong it cost the taxpayers about 400 Bn $$$ (?) and about 10 years (?)) to kill this sick old kidney failure man Osama Bin Laden.

Poor Americans! I mean they will be poor soon.

NOTE: I am not crying over those 'innocent women and children'.

I am saying that using guns against pigeons, swallows and sparrows is not viable.

Especially when they allowed to propagate on your own grounds.

Edited by ABCer
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Here we go with another ineffective "shock and awe" campaign ...only people cheering at the moment is the workers of the factories making these bombs while the innocent and the common folk wonder when their reign will be spared from all these "Samaritan bombings"

A whole whole generation growing up to the sounds of gunfire bombs and senseless killings ...

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clap2.gif Bravo! All the great military geniuses in history of mankind must be applauding.

USA found the way to bancrupt the Nation so that the rich can get richer in a justifiable way.

They will be picking those bastards one by one using jet fighters, bombers, rockets, drones and air carriers.

If I am not wrong it cost the taxpayers about 400 Bn $$$ (?) and about 10 years (?)) to kill this sick old kidney failure man Osama Bin Laden.

Poor Americans! I mean they will be poor soon.

NOTE: I am not crying over those 'innocent women and children'.

I am saying that using guns against pigeons, swallows and sparrows is not viable.

Especially when they allowed to propagate on your own grounds.

Poor Americans! I mean they will be poor soon.

Yes far better for the economy to allow terrorists to attack US "assets," economic interests and citizens at will.

Certainly not a win-win proposition, but there are costs to doing nothing as well.

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At some point we have to recognize that it doesn't matter whether we play nice and let them run amok, or whether we bomb the crap out of them, they still have their jihad which aims to destroy all of us with religious fervor.

There's a school of thought that says it's better to get them over there than to leave so many who could get us over here.

I'm glad we're bombing them and I hope we get a lot of them. Beheading Westerners and posting the vids is just too far over the top. There has to be a price to pay.

This is one group with which playing nice won't accomplish a thing and I don't want to hear any crap that the next time they attack us it will be our fault. I wish someone would post vids of their heads flying through the air after being hit by a rocket.

Wish granted (almost) - ok, actually it is Taliban being chased on FLIR by an apache in Afganistan...


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This is a re-post.

clap2.gif alt=clap2.gif> Bravo!

The military geniuses of the mankind must be applauding.

USA have found the way to bancrupt the Nation by making rich people richer.

They will go after those bloody terrorists eliminating them one by one using jet fighters, bombers, drones, rockets and aircarriers.

Correct me if I'm wrong but it took American taxpayers around $400 Bn in about 10 years to get an old sick bastard Osama Bin Laden off his dialysis machine.

Shooting sparrows, swallows and pigeons with rockets is ineffective and costly.

Especially if they reproduce on your own land faster than you kill them.

Poor Americans!

Note: I'm not crying over those 'innocent women and children'.

I'm not happy that the US is back fighting in the Middle East, however, they have no choice at this point.Without the US leading the pack, this group of murderers will run amok, toppling other governments as well. With what will you gas up your car, make the electricity to turn lights on in your home and run your economy? The USA at least has their own oil and gas reserves. Much of the world does not and ISIS toppling other Arab countries such as lets say Saudi Arabia where who fuels their crazy religion, the world is totally screwed. Not only are a lot of innocents being killed but the world risks and economic catastrophe if nothing is done.

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Those guys will start to realise that the beheadings were a big mistake. Let's hope all the extremists go there and join them so we can get rid of them all in a war zone instead of suffering their cowardly attacks on innocent civilians. The UK should offer free one-way tickets to Iraq.

And why does the BBC give credence to statements made by someone under such duress as John Cantlie ?. The only possible outcome is to encourage like-minded terrorists : the words are certainly not his own.

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At some point we have to recognize that it doesn't matter whether we play nice and let them run amok, or whether we bomb the crap out of them, they still have their jihad which aims to destroy all of us with religious fervor.

There's a school of thought that says it's better to get them over there than to leave so many who could get us over here.

I'm glad we're bombing them and I hope we get a lot of them. Beheading Westerners and posting the vids is just too far over the top. There has to be a price to pay.

This is one group with which playing nice won't accomplish a thing and I don't want to hear any crap that the next time they attack us it will be our fault. I wish someone would post vids of their heads flying through the air after being hit by a rocket.

I understand your frustration and it is clearly justified. Islam has always been uncompromisingly opposed to all other religions. Their credo is Win or Die! From the very inception.

There are no mild, peaceful, innocent versions of Islam.

It is the decision of the rest of Civilized World to be subjugated or let them die. Strategically speaking. Tactically speaking there are many ways to skin the body. But killing it is a precondition.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This is a re-post.

clap2.gif alt=clap2.gif> Bravo!

The military geniuses of the mankind must be applauding.

USA have found the way to bancrupt the Nation by making rich people richer.

They will go after those bloody terrorists eliminating them one by one using jet fighters, bombers, drones, rockets and aircarriers.

Correct me if I'm wrong but it took American taxpayers around $400 Bn in about 10 years to get an old sick bastard Osama Bin Laden off his dialysis machine.

Shooting sparrows, swallows and pigeons with rockets is ineffective and costly.

Especially if they reproduce on your own land faster than you kill them.

Poor Americans!

Note: I'm not crying over those 'innocent women and children'.

I'm not happy that the US is back fighting in the Middle East, however, they have no choice at this point.Without the US leading the pack, this group of murderers will run amok, toppling other governments as well. With what will you gas up your car, make the electricity to turn lights on in your home and run your economy? The USA at least has their own oil and gas reserves. Much of the world does not and ISIS toppling other Arab countries such as lets say Saudi Arabia where who fuels their crazy religion, the world is totally screwed. Not only are a lot of innocents being killed but the world risks and economic catastrophe if nothing is done.

How many Governments has the US toppled in the middle east and elsewhere ? Could be a big part of the problem.

The Saudis share the crazy religion remember.

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At some point we have to recognize that it doesn't matter whether we play nice and let them run amok, or whether we bomb the crap out of them, they still have their jihad which aims to destroy all of us with religious fervor.

There's a school of thought that says it's better to get them over there than to leave so many who could get us over here.

I'm glad we're bombing them and I hope we get a lot of them. Beheading Westerners and posting the vids is just too far over the top. There has to be a price to pay.

This is one group with which playing nice won't accomplish a thing and I don't want to hear any crap that the next time they attack us it will be our fault. I wish someone would post vids of their heads flying through the air after being hit by a rocket.

here here

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clap2.gif Bravo! All the great military geniuses in history of mankind must be applauding.

USA found the way to bancrupt the Nation so that the rich can get richer in a justifiable way.

They will be picking those bastards one by one using jet fighters, bombers, rockets, drones and air carriers.

If I am not wrong it cost the taxpayers about 400 Bn $$$ (?) and about 10 years (?)) to kill this sick old kidney failure man Osama Bin Laden.

Poor Americans! I mean they will be poor soon.

NOTE: I am not crying over those 'innocent women and children'.

I am saying that using guns against pigeons, swallows and sparrows is not viable.

Especially when they allowed to propagate on your own grounds.

Poor Americans! I mean they will be poor soon.

Yes far better for the economy to allow terrorists to attack US "assets," economic interests and citizens at will.

Certainly not a win-win proposition, but there are costs to doing nothing as well.

Exactly, and you illustrate how some are ruled by emotion (or drunken stupor) and some by reason. He/she complains about money to taxpayer. The selfish side if me also wants to complain about short term financial impact of bombing Syria, but I also realize their is a much bigger picture here.

Inaction breeds intolerance and hate. Action breeds intolerance and hate. Inaction allows them to strengthen and gain assets. Action keeps the weak, scattered and hopefully hiding in the caves one day.

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Those guys will start to realise that the beheadings were a big mistake. Let's hope all the extremists go there and join them so we can get rid of them all in a war zone instead of suffering their cowardly attacks on innocent civilians. The UK should offer free one-way tickets to Iraq.

And why does the BBC give credence to statements made by someone under such duress as John Cantlie ?. The only possible outcome is to encourage like-minded terrorists : the words are certainly not his own.

The nutbag terrorists certainly stepped up their game and certainly have plans to do so in both the Middle East and on in Europe and US homeland. Their actions will eventually sway public opinion of those of us that generally prefer peace leading to big changes in how they are dealt with here and abroad. US public has less and less tolerance for terrorist attacks on our soil or against our citizens abroad. Keeping the weak, scattered and unorganized is perhaps the only course.

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At some point we have to recognize that it doesn't matter whether we play nice and let them run amok, or whether we bomb the crap out of them, they still have their jihad which aims to destroy all of us with religious fervor.

There's a school of thought that says it's better to get them over there than to leave so many who could get us over here.

I'm glad we're bombing them and I hope we get a lot of them. Beheading Westerners and posting the vids is just too far over the top. There has to be a price to pay.

This is one group with which playing nice won't accomplish a thing and I don't want to hear any crap that the next time they attack us it will be our fault. I wish someone would post vids of their heads flying through the air after being hit by a rocket.

I agree with you. My only sore point is I really dont have the sense that they want to totally address this underlying issue- the ideology which fosters this madness. It seems to me the west responds to these various incidents, terrorist actions, and muslim genocides piecemeal, half halfheartedly, while all the while denying what causes it- islam.

I make no statement regarding islam other than what is declared fact- all these acts of terrorist, insurrection, sedition, murder, slaughter, rape, human trafficking, subjugation, maiming, and oppression have one thing in common. Moreover, 'they' tell us everyday, throughout the world, what that one thing is that motivates 'their' actions- 'their' religion.

There is no inferring. There is no conjecture. Indeed, there is no guessing. We know what the problem is because all 'these' people see our "problem" as 'their' solution; only the West refuses to publicly admit the single thing most human beings on earth already realize- islam is in its third great expansion and is seeks to snuff out all other civilizations.

Therefore, as we begin airstrikes in Syria we are simply reacting to one more local or regional manifestation of the "problem" rather than addressing the underlying cause.

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