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The older one gets...in general...the more one starts to understand....about.......people, oneself and life.

I have made many mistakes in life...many...but honesty and the search for truth, yes i know it can be subjective, is one thing that is important for me......i want to be able to look myself in the mirror without it cracking....

In the world we live in nowadays i see that honesty and the search for truth seems not so important anymore.

Sometimes i feel


Am i the only 1 ?

The relation to Thailand in this topic.....not necessarily....but as i post it on this forum and many are living in, or are one way or the other attached to, Thailand.....bring it on, if you want.


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Is the truth subjective? Logic tells me that 2 + 2 = 4, and will always equal 4, no matter your perspective.

But that is not the point.......

I think that the truth is the key to solving all the world's man-made problems. The flaw in the idea is that people can't handle the truth. Does my bum look big in these jeans or is the US altruistic when putting boots on foreign soil are questions that some people don't want a truthful answer to.

Ignorance is bliss.

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You're not the only one. You're a lovely bloke and hence quite vulnerable.

Hmmm....this is not a post related to me, personal situation,..more a general observation of day to day life...watching the news on TV, Ukraine and ISIS related problems in the Middle East, and reading topics, thai news and comments here on this forum.

I just wonder.....whats it all about.....it is so far away, many many times, of how i see life.

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Ignorance and lies are all around us. It is how we perceive it (and what we do) that we can control. I spent a few years digging, until I was sure of the hidden agenda.

Now I think not about the subject although I am aware of it.

Awareness is important but do not let yourself be sucked in. Mental energy should be put into things that we have some control over.

Asking "why" is the start of a long and winding mental path that leads right back to the start.

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I loved Lennon's music, but in real life is was pretty much a dick. All the stuff about peace and love was just fashion. He is about as far as you can get from someone looking for honesty and truth. I did like his admission about what the waitress said to him when he asked her, "Do you know who I am"? She replied, "An A-Hole with a tampon taped to his head."

Edited by Ulysses G.
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ahh, deep thoughts. Yes as we get older some of us can look back on our lives and admit fault and wrong doings, usually it is after we find what we have been searching for all our lives. TV is a mix of many people and many attitudes, some only see what they want to see according to their own bias while others are capable of being impartial and making an informed opinion. Personally I like to read up on what I am talking about so that I can make informed opinions, others may disagree but I would rather have some idea on the subject based in truth rather than simply bias.

I can disagree with someone one day and agree the next as each topic starts a new line of thought, to me this is what being open as all about, no pre conceived lines of thought, only what the facts show although some will always perceive your thoughts as bias based on their own opinions.thumbsup.gif

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I loved Lennon's music, but in real life is was pretty much a dick. All the stuff about peace and love was just fashion. He is about as far as you can get from someone looking for honesty and truth. I did like his admission about what the waitress said to him when he asked her, "Do you know who I am"? She replied, "An A-Hole with a tampon taped to his head."

Interesting that your quote searched in google only indicated this thread.

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You're not the only one. You're a lovely bloke and hence quite vulnerable.

Hmmm....this is not a post related to me, personal situation,..more a general observation of day to day life...watching the news on TV, Ukraine and ISIS related problems in the Middle East, and reading topics, thai news and comments here on this forum.

I just wonder.....whats it all about.....it is so far away, many many times, of how i see life.

Your answer is in your comment.

Watching TV, one of the most poisonous things to poison a mind.

Learn to see the world through your own eyes, otherwise people are telling you what to believe, the same can happen in real life but you need to be able to distinguish for yourself.

No need to learn that....so much anymore....always have done....on certain aspects of life i have been ignorant.....i must confess.....a bitter pil to swallow.....lies because of ignorance....

Samuibeachbomber's comment has alot of truth in it.

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I loved Lennon's music, but in real life is was pretty much a dick. All the stuff about peace and love was just fashion. He is about as far as you can get from someone looking for honesty and truth. I did like his admission about what the waitress said to him when he asked her, "Do you know who I am"? She replied, "An A-Hole with a tampon taped to his head."

Interesting that your quote searched in google only indicated this thread.

You did not look very hard. There are many references to the incident on Google. Watch this:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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