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An Americans Musings in Thailand


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it's called "Cultural differences"

A whole ton of stuff is different here. If it is a list you want, then you better have lots of spare time to read it all.

I noticed that, on the positive side, you can get certain things here that you can not find elsewhere. Badger Milk is one of those items.

And he can drink that with a spoon as well.

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As an American, I feel the need to tell you...you are not in America any more.

Get over it, this will never be America and most of us don't want it to be anything like America.

Now, as for your ED visa.....are you here looking for an education or just a place to play illegally?

The lie t play attitude is what has caused so much trouble for those who are here legitimately.

If you are just here to play..play out your tourist visa, spend your money and then go play somewhere else when it's gone.

Thailand is much less tolerant of cheaters than in the past.

Your abysmal attitude is appalling. I'm here to actually learn the language and enjoy myself in the meantime. I have significant investments from the US and have no concern regarding my income. How long have you been here? How did you stay? I hope you never abused the system.

Good to hear you are on the level Jeffery.

Way too many are not, and until recently a phony ED ( no actual classes or education involved) visa was the sleazy way of choice.

I am here on a marriage visa ( Non Imm O Thai wife ) and no, I have not abused the system..

At times staying here without cheating is very difficult compared to how easy I imagine cheating would be..

Just as it was very difficult to get a visa for my Thai wife to enter and stay in America when I knew people were just walking over the border daily.

I believe it can be very difficult to follow the rules, but much more difficult if and when you are caught breaking the rules..especially in matters of immigration.

I hope you enjoy learning such a difficult language that is only useful in one small country on earth!

Choke Dee!

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Maybe this is totally off-topic, but why does this new member's avatar identify him as an 'advanced member' when he has only 39 posts or so?

Is there a problem with the forum software? George! Help!

BTW new member, welcome to the forum and here is another musing for you to consider: 'Why do so many beautiful Thai ladies have large hands?'

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As an American, I feel the need to tell you...you are not in America any more.

Get over it, this will never be America and most of us don't want it to be anything like America.

Now, as for your ED visa.....are you here looking for an education or just a place to play illegally?

The lie t play attitude is what has caused so much trouble for those who are here legitimately.

If you are just here to play..play out your tourist visa, spend your money and then go play somewhere else when it's gone.

Thailand is much less tolerant of cheaters than in the past.

Your abysmal attitude is appalling. I'm here to actually learn the language and enjoy myself in the meantime. I have significant investments from the US and have no concern regarding my income. How long have you been here? How did you stay? I hope you never abused the system.

Good to hear you are on the level Jeffery.

Way too many are not, and until recently a phony ED ( no actual classes or education involved) visa was the sleazy way of choice.

I am here on a marriage visa ( Non Imm O Thai wife ) and no, I have not abused the system..

At times staying here without cheating is very difficult compared to how easy I imagine cheating would be..

Just as it was very difficult to get a visa for my Thai wife to enter and stay in America when I knew people were just walking over the border daily.

I believe it can be very difficult to follow the rules, but much more difficult if and when you are caught breaking the rules..especially in matters of immigration.

I hope you enjoy learning such a difficult language that is only useful in one small country on earth!

Choke Dee!

Thank you for your much more cordial response. It is much appreciated.

Yeah, I did the research on the best ways to maintain a temporary stay and unfortunately Thai visa law seems to be rather... lacking in many ways for foreigners. That being said, I always told myself if I'm going to spend any length of time in a country that is more than a temporary visit, I would learn the language. As such, an ED visa was a no brainer for me. Now what happens at the end of 3 years if I'm still here? I don't know. Perhaps I'll be married, perhaps I'll have had enough, perhaps I'll stay in another nation for a new experience. I'll tackle that beast when I get there.

And you're right, many do abuse the system. I have already met a few people who do just that...

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Maybe this is totally off-topic, but why does this new member's avatar identify him as an 'advanced member' when he has only 39 posts or so?

Is there a problem with the forum software? George! Help!

BTW new member, welcome to the forum and here is another musing for you to consider: 'Why do so many beautiful Thai ladies have large hands?'

Sadly, I have already had the conversation with a Thai friend of mine. Look for hands, shoulders, feet... telltale signs of well, another 'tail'.

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Point of interest....

My Thai wife once pointed out to me that many times Thai food is served with no knife on the table at all, due t the fact that most Thai food is cut into mouth sized pieces before it is cooked.

Good idea! but I wish they would take the time to remove the bones and things like the shells of shrimp before cooking too!

On my first trip to LOS, I asked my then wife to be " Do Thai people eat with chop sticks?" answer, Of coarse, when we eat Chinese food we use them!"

The fork and spoon were brought back from Europe by a visiting Thai King many years ago. Unfortunately he also brought great western inventions like the bra!..such a waste in the land where A cup is the average size bra....what's to support?

Old joke; In Thailand a bra is like a bag of potato chips, once you open it, you see it's half empty!

from utensils to half empty bras....Oh my! Have I strayed off topic or what????

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Point of interest....

My Thai wife once pointed out to me that many times Thai food is served with no knife on the table at all, due t the fact that most Thai food is cut into mouth sized pieces before it is cooked.

Good idea! but I wish they would take the time to remove the bones and things like the shells of shrimp before cooking too!

On my first trip to LOS, I asked my then wife to be " Do Thai people eat with chop sticks?" answer, Of coarse, when we eat Chinese food we use them!"

The fork and spoon were brought back from Europe by a visiting Thai King many years ago. Unfortunately he also brought great western inventions like the bra!..such a waste in the land where A cup is the average size bra....what's to support?

Old joke; In Thailand a bra is like a bag of potato chips, once you open it, you see it's half empty!

from utensils to half empty bras....Oh my! Have I strayed off topic or what????

I couldn't agree more your comment about shrimp. Perhaps it's a personal thing but shell still on means not deveined...

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I think the real problem with the OP is that he thinks that time spent overseas with the US military that he was actually experiencing other cultures. First of all US military bases are like a cancer in other countries. They spread throughout the area and no longer are pure examples of that country's culture. I really doubt that you know anything deeply about other cultures. You sound like any other redneck going through culture shock.

As for the spoon and fork, I really don't see how that is any different than the use of a knife and fork. The spoon is the fork and the fork is used like the knife. I guess the shock for me was eating in Thai food restaurants in the US. There they give you chopsticks to eat you rice. Forks aren't even put on the table. Probably because Americans like to think that all Asian cultures are the same.

But this thread sounds like another my experiences are so unique so let me bombard the interspace with my revelations.

I like the suggestions you have had. You should just start a blog.

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I think the real problem with the OP is that he thinks that time spent overseas with the US military that he was actually experiencing other cultures. First of all US military bases are like a cancer in other countries. They spread throughout the area and no longer are pure examples of that country's culture. I really doubt that you know anything deeply about other cultures. You sound like any other redneck going through culture shock.

As for the spoon and fork, I really don't see how that is any different than the use of a knife and fork. The spoon is the fork and the fork is used like the knife. I guess the shock for me was eating in Thai food restaurants in the US. There they give you chopsticks to eat you rice. Forks aren't even put on the table. Probably because Americans like to think that all Asian cultures are the same.

But this thread sounds like another my experiences are so unique so let me bombard the interspace with my revelations.

I like the suggestions you have had. You should just start a blog.

I didn't say my time overseas was only with the US military. You inferred without evidence and assumed based on preconceptions. However yes, American military bases are mostly American. Interestingly you're allowed to leave those bases.

Did I say my experiences were unique? I simply wanted to hear others experiences or the small things that they felt were different. I never said that this thread was limited to only my own experiences so why would I start a blog?

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is this thread for real, or just a wind up?

I think more of an accidental troll. He's still in the, "I'm a lumberjack" phase of his Thai experiences which makes him see Thai people as different than him rather than he is different from Thai people and in fact different than most people on Thai Visa. He doesn't know that he eats funny.

A better question would be, "since coming to Thailand I notice I'm goofy. I eat funny when compared to everyone else in the restaurant; different than Thais or Europeans and even Canadians! Does anyone else feel goofy since coming to Thailand?"

Get off your high horse. He just arrived to Thailand and wanted to start a thread discussing small differences he notices between how Thais do things and how he does things. What the F is wrong with that? Sure those of use who have been here for years and years will chuckle at some of the musings, but look at you saying "he eats funny".

No, he eats how he eats. You eat how you eat. Is it "funny"? No its different and its interesting to compare the difference. I would think on a forum about living in Thailand that this type of thread would be par for the course.

Instead, as usual, the curmudgeonly TV crowd shoots down anything he says and people like you call him a troll.

Lets be honest, the real reason this poor bastard has had his thread attacked is because he mentioned he's American. Of course no one will admit it and I'll get flamed for bringing it up but the fact is you lot want to frame this as another yank thinking the world circles around the U.S. The sad truth is that, as he has reiterated in numerous replies, he just wanted to hear other such examples of differences people have noticed about Thais and them.

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I think the real problem with the OP is that he thinks that time spent overseas with the US military that he was actually experiencing other cultures. First of all US military bases are like a cancer in other countries. They spread throughout the area and no longer are pure examples of that country's culture. I really doubt that you know anything deeply about other cultures. You sound like any other redneck going through culture shock.

As for the spoon and fork, I really don't see how that is any different than the use of a knife and fork. The spoon is the fork and the fork is used like the knife. I guess the shock for me was eating in Thai food restaurants in the US. There they give you chopsticks to eat you rice. Forks aren't even put on the table. Probably because Americans like to think that all Asian cultures are the same.

But this thread sounds like another my experiences are so unique so let me bombard the interspace with my revelations.

I like the suggestions you have had. You should just start a blog.

How daft are you to think that US military bases are ever, in any instance, supposed to be examples of the country's culture in which they are stationed.

And yes, "all Americans think all Asian cultures are the same". Look at what you are doing; branding all Americans because you think they brand all Asians. Pot meet kettle.

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For me it's funny to see americans eat steak, they hold the fork in the wrist like Popeye holds a can of spinach.

The Thai like to share everything, even they can share a chair, plate, cutlery, glass just everything and they can do it for many hours. I prefer to have my own plate of food though.

Also Thai don't care if food is getting cold, try that to a european. Or when the food is not all served in the same time.

Thai don't use servingspoons, the spoon they eat with is used for everything else as well.

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For me it's funny to see americans eat steak, they hold the fork in the wrist like Popeye holds a can of spinach.

The Thai like to share everything, even they can share a chair, plate, cutlery, glass just everything and they can do it for many hours. I prefer to have my own plate of food though.

Also Thai don't care if food is getting cold, try that to a european. Or when the food is not all served in the same time.

Thai don't use servingspoons, the spoon they eat with is used for everything else as well.

My friends always thought I was crazy for enjoying cold pizza but there's nothing like a night after hanging out with your friends, reaching for the box and just taking that slice.

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Buffets in Thailand have a time limit otherwise some people would stay all day & night. Same with McDonald's in Thailand:


Mcdonalds designed their seats so that it was too uncomfortable to sit for more than 13 minutes
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An American spends a couple of years on a US army base occupying part of a foreign country, finally leaves the base and discovers that other cultures are funny and weird because they don't do things like normal folks do back home in the good ole USA.

When did I ever imply this? I said I was in the Army but I certainly never stayed sitting on a base 'occupying' a foreign country with the exception of Iraq, but you can run around there outside a FOB if you watn.

I traveled plenty outside the military but I appreciate your excellent and well educated (see: ignorant) response.

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Buffets in Thailand have a time limit otherwise some people would stay all day & night. Same with McDonald's in Thailand:


Mcdonalds designed their seats so that it was too uncomfortable to sit for more than 13 minutes

That's actually hilarious. Do you have a source to cite?

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Don't worry. You will find a muse. Probably called Calliope from Sisaket. Among her many skills other than artistic and writing Sext meassages in dactylic hexameters will be her ability to memorise your PIN numbers. Knives? As I recall I was instructed from an early age that all edible food could be consumed with forks, chopsticks, spoons and fingers, particularly steak. If a knife was called for. It was inedible. Send it back.There was probably a whetstone on the table to put an edge on the forks. I don't recall.

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Actually, most of the world has their own unique way of eating. When I was in iraq, people would eat with their right hand and wipe their asses with the left. Not the way I would live but it's the way they have for a long, long time. So be it. Now either please keep the thread on topic or don't post on it.

I watched a part of a cooking show on one of the Arabic Channels. The cook/presenter definitely used both hands on the food....hmmm.

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Actually, most of the world has their own unique way of eating. When I was in iraq, people would eat with their right hand and wipe their asses with the left. Not the way I would live but it's the way they have for a long, long time. So be it. Now either please keep the thread on topic or don't post on it.

I watched a part of a cooking show on one of the Arabic Channels. The cook/presenter definitely used both hands on the food....hmmm.

Not all arab nations are the same. That type of mentality would proclaim that Singapore and America and England are all the exact same with how they behave and their culture, they're not. What country were they in?

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Buffets in Thailand have a time limit otherwise some people would stay all day & night. Same with McDonald's in Thailand:


Mcdonalds designed their seats so that it was too uncomfortable to sit for more than 13 minutes




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If you're so well travelled, how come you've only just noticed that the rest of the world eats with both hands?

This thread is all about naive wonderment. Next musing: did you notice they drive on the other side of the road?

Did you notice they cannot understand English?smile.png
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If you're so well travelled, how come you've only just noticed that the rest of the world eats with both hands?

This thread is all about naive wonderment. Next musing: did you notice they drive on the other side of the road?

They don't, though. They drive on the correct side.

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Naive wonderment is what happens when an American yokel from a provincial redneck town leaves his homeland and encounters foreign cultures. Howdy doody folks, y'all look and act funny over here.

At least they're not bogans ... rolleyes.gif


Edited by Jingthing
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If you're so well travelled, how come you've only just noticed that the rest of the world eats with both hands?

This thread is all about naive wonderment. Next musing: did you notice they drive on the other side of the road?

Next musing, why are all the local so tight, I never see the locals tip, why do the Brits and Ozzys not tip?

Followed by, why when I go to the bog is there no toilet paper?

And last but not least, whats a bum gun and how to use it?

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All Thais special or otherwise eat Thai food with a spoon and fork with the fork as a pusher to the spoon in the dominant hand. Chopsticks is for Chinese style food.

All Thais special or otherwise eat Thai food with a spoon and fork

As would most farang who have been here more than 3 weeks and who are eating Thai food. The food is generally prepared so that it doesn't require further cutting at table.

Chopsticks is for Chinese style food.

And for Thai noodles or most anything at MK and for Japanese food at Fuji and ...

with the fork as a pusher to the spoon

Americans would think shoving your food onto your fork with a knife in the style of the British to be rather crude. There's a reason why the Queen never wants to be photographed shoving her mushy peas into her mouth.

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