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German beggar spends donated cash drinkin' and partyin' in Pattaya


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He's German. He's in Thailand. They won the world cup. It's all good. If it was my stingy American government they would allow me to sit on a street corner with a swollen foot.

Maybe, maybe not. But if this hit the news, the American people would overwhelm you with help.

In 2013, the American people were ranked the most generous in the world for charitable giving. In 2010, they were ranked the 5th most generous.


Edit. #1 in 2012. LINK

The ones who can travel are just the most 'loaded' is all!.. don't big yourselves up again, please.. your successive governments have already made this world a very dodgy place in which to live with your 'generosity' evident supposedly on other peoples behalves and definately in other peoples back-yards.. if you ever were, you ain't IT anymore, enough already!!.. thumbsup.gifwai.gif

Edited by spectrumisgreen
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"Thais are angry because it seems he preyed on their generosity." this is the best !!!!

Are you implying that Thais in general have less generosity? In my experience --

outside of the main tourist areas -- Thais are more generous than Westerners.

And are also more honest, smell a lot better... etc, etc.

Have they commented on your smell then?

Hehehe... great comeback.

Well, after 27 years in Asia I've lost most of my unseemly Western habits, such as reluctance

to taking a shower every day.

In many parts of the world (such as Europe, the Middle East and India), there is an old tradition

of not bathing for long periods due to superstitions involving health.

Most of East and Southeast Asia have no such tradition. Even in very poor countries, such as

Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and even in the mountains of the Philippines, they have a

tradition of bathing every day.

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This guy is the epitome of double standards. Had this been an older person or an Asian who had this condition, and went for a beer with the tokens donated to him, would he still get flamed by everybody for taking money? Probably not.

What a stinking world we live in, where folks show no compassion for people less privileged than themselves. OK the guy could have been a bit more discreet if it was just beer and a shag he wanted, but my god what a right bunch of self-righteous nobs commenting. "Never donate to charity, Never give to beggars blah blah blah" honestly I'm embarrassed to be associated with the same species as you - never happy unless a beggar has absolutely nothing - "Oh he's smoking or oh he's drinking, how dare he have any happiness" Carry on living in your cozy little carefree world, when the other 95% struggle.

Hope this young lad can at least find a little bit of happiness in what must be a very difficult life.

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"Thais are angry because it seems he preyed on their generosity." this is the best !!!!

I get your underlying point and its attendant irony, but this is not that. Most likely, the people who donated to this clown are not of the ilk to which you are alluding. There are some damn fine folk here. We just tend to see a p*ss-poor sample of the population. More than likely due to the demographics in the areas we choose to frequent. Sum na na (spelling arbitrary).

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"Thais are angry because it seems he preyed on their generosity." this is the best !!!!

The Thais got something wrong, the Deutscher Hilfsverein Thailand e.v. is sponsored mostly by German companies doing business in Thailand, on the website of this foundation is a list of sponsors,

Edited by franzs
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may be at least somebody will learn - they only way to help an alcoholic (junkie) is to take away his(her) booze and take him to the rehab. the silliest thing is to give cash to drunkard..

these 50.000 baht can be used to help people who really deserve it - children with dangerous diseases, for example.

but Germans better give money to this drunk burs because he is German, not to Thai children, because they are Thai.

And after that you complain that Thai authorities treat you worse than locals?!

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Time Traveler post # 257

Was there even a crime involved here? What reason is he being deported? Disfigured people with deformities not allowed in Thailand ?

In truth no.

However it would seem as if the man in question has successfully assimilated the way that a number of the locals see their earn a living and subsequently dispose of that income thus he is guilty of the theft of intellectual property in the eyes of the local police farce force who no doubt were not receiving their dues as they see their ''commission payments'' from him.

Edited by siampolee
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Time Traveler post # 257

Was there even a crime involved here? What reason is he being deported? Disfigured people with deformities not allowed in Thailand ?

In truth no.

However it would seem as if the man in question has successfully assimilated the way that a number of the locals earn a living thus he is guilty of the theft of intellectual property in the eyes of the local police farce force who no doubt were not receiving their dues as they see their ''commission payments'' from him.

Cheating Beggar In Thailand:

Edited by mataleo
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Most I see look fairly healthy and are too lazy to work or make more than minumum wage begging.

Ignorance at it's most splendid.

I wish I could strip all you arrogant Farangs of your money and trappings of wealth and put you in the place of these lazy people for a month.

What really bugs me is a-holes come to SE Asia and critisise all things that are here, hey guess what, it's what you signed up for when you moved to a developing nation.

You want to live in Asia but not have to suffer the poor in your face, go to Tokyo.

Yes your welcome to. The game is called capitalism, try to strip me of all my money and trappings.

Banzai99, I agree the people complaining about beggars in thailand are nauseating, but that is Thailand's problem. Foreigners have no moral responsibility for what Thailand allows because the country fails to provide an adequate safety net for the poor.

Edited by Time Traveller
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may be at least somebody will learn - they only way to help an alcoholic (junkie) is to take away his(her) booze and take him to the rehab. the silliest thing is to give cash to drunkard..

these 50.000 baht can be used to help people who really deserve it - children with dangerous diseases, for example.

but Germans better give money to this drunk burs because he is German, not to Thai children, because they are Thai.

And after that you complain that Thai authorities treat you worse than locals?!

I am sure the Germans are not going to miss 1,000 Euros...

Would not go very far treating even one child with a dangerous disease.

Shit happens - as many have already said: do not give cash to people with addictions, or other social problems - there are better ways to help.

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Was there even a crime involved here? What reason is he being deported? Disfigured people with deformities not allowed in Thailand ? Or is it one of banned diseases, Elephantiasis?

wonderful reason -

1) he does not have enough money to support himself

2) he is begging on the street

also, any country has a right to deport any foreigner on it's territory, without explaining any reasons. this is called "persona non-grata"

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Was there even a crime involved here? What reason is he being deported? Disfigured people with deformities not allowed in Thailand ? Or is it one of banned diseases, Elephantiasis?

The only crime here, is too many Thaivisa-posters with way too much time on their hands!!coffee1.gif

Let this poor guy do whatever he wants with his pathetic life, none of our business!!

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Yes your welcome to. The game is called capitalism, try to strip me of all my money and trappings.

Banzai99, I agree the people complaining about beggars in thailand are nauseating, but that is Thailand's problem. Foreigners have no moral responsibility for what Thailand allows because the country fails to provide an adequate safety net for the poor.

you are wrong mate, "try to strip me of all my money and trappings" - this game is called socialism. European left-liberal bureaucrats + Obama play it now.

"the country fails to provide an adequate safety net for the poor." this is none of a business of a farang, if he is not a Thai citizen. Thailand chose not to boost amount of parasites (like that German burs) in his society - that's why it has such a splendid economic growth - money come to where they can work but not where they will be used to support drunk parasites, who are sure that the whole world owes them.

if you are jealous - please do it in silence.

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This guy is the epitome of double standards. Had this been an older person or an Asian who had this condition, and went for a beer with the tokens donated to him, would he still get flamed by everybody for taking money? Probably not.

What a stinking world we live in, where folks show no compassion for people less privileged than themselves. OK the guy could have been a bit more discreet if it was just beer and a shag he wanted, but my god what a right bunch of self-righteous nobs commenting. "Never donate to charity, Never give to beggars blah blah blah" honestly I'm embarrassed to be associated with the same species as you - never happy unless a beggar has absolutely nothing - "Oh he's smoking or oh he's drinking, how dare he have any happiness" Carry on living in your cozy little carefree world, when the other 95% struggle.

Hope this young lad can at least find a little bit of happiness in what must be a very difficult life.

Baxida, This has got to be one of the very best posts I've ever read on TV.

Thanks for being an astute observer and for your candid assessment.

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"Thais are angry because it seems he preyed on their generosity." this is the best !!!!

Are you implying that Thais in general have less generosity? In my experience --

outside of the main tourist areas -- Thais are more generous than Westerners.

And are also more honest, smell a lot better... etc, etc.

I took it that this post was alluding to the ironic twist taking place here. Often the Thai will see the farang in an opportunistic way. Preying on our naivete and/or our sometimes generous natures to alleviate us from the burden of some of our supposed wealth. I am of course referring to non TV farang. Something like this could never happen to such an enlightened and savvy group. cheesy.gif

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Most I see look fairly healthy and are too lazy to work or make more than minumum wage begging.

Ignorance at it's most splendid.

I wish I could strip all you arrogant Farangs of your money and trappings of wealth and put you in the place of these lazy people for a month.

What really bugs me is a-holes come to SE Asia and critisise all things that are here, hey guess what, it's what you signed up for when you moved to a developing nation.

You want to live in Asia but not have to suffer the poor in your face, go to Tokyo.

Yes your welcome to. The game is called capitalism, try to strip me of all my money and trappings.

Banzai99, I agree the people complaining about beggars in thailand are nauseating, but that is Thailand's problem. Foreigners have no moral responsibility for what Thailand allows because the country fails to provide an adequate safety net for the poor.

I've had beggars come up to me in London, Paris, Geneve and Zurich, why is it seen as so abhorrent when it happens in Thailand, a land of no Social Security ?

I'm sick of the moaning Farangs who move to a developing Nation by choice, then whine and moan when they see and live among developing nation problems by choice, they want First world, stay at home and don't move to a developing nation, it ain't rocket science.

I understand many who move to Thailand are too old to adapt, but they should have thought about that before they moved, that's their problem, not Thailands!!

I saw a movie once where people were all killed off at a certain age, there were no old people, makes me wonder if it would be a good idea .....laugh.png

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This guy is the epitome of double standards. Had this been an older person or an Asian who had this condition, and went for a beer with the tokens donated to him, would he still get flamed by everybody for taking money? Probably not.

What a stinking world we live in, where folks show no compassion for people less privileged than themselves. OK the guy could have been a bit more discreet if it was just beer and a shag he wanted, but my god what a right bunch of self-righteous nobs commenting. "Never donate to charity, Never give to beggars blah blah blah" honestly I'm embarrassed to be associated with the same species as you - never happy unless a beggar has absolutely nothing - "Oh he's smoking or oh he's drinking, how dare he have any happiness" Carry on living in your cozy little carefree world, when the other 95% struggle.

Hope this young lad can at least find a little bit of happiness in what must be a very difficult life.

Baxida, This has got to be one of the very best posts I've ever read on TV.

Thanks for being an astute observer and for your candid assessment.

I would have been much more inclined to agree with you gents, had this dolt not made the derogatory comments about those who had helped him. Calling one's benefactors stupid in a public setting is low-brow even by knuckledragger standards. A reckoning is warranted. Something along the lines of being displayed for a time in stocks on the town square. Inexcusable.

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"Thais are angry because it seems he preyed on their generosity." this is the best !!!!

Are you implying that Thais in general have less generosity? In my experience --

outside of the main tourist areas -- Thais are more generous than Westerners.

And are also more honest, smell a lot better... etc, etc.

I took it that this post was alluding to the ironic twist taking place here. Often the Thai will see the farang in an opportunistic way. Preying on our naivete and/or our sometimes generous natures to alleviate us from the burden of some of our supposed wealth. I am of course referring to non TV farang. Something like this could never happen to such an enlightened and savvy group. cheesy.gif

I agree with you about what the post was alluding to, and thus my objection.

Your reference to "the Thai will see the farang in an opportunistic way. Preying on our naiveté..." relates only to Thailand's tourist

areas, which comprise maybe 1-2% of the total population. In tourist areas in many countries, the locals are "opportunistic" as you

have described. However, such description does not fit the great majority of Thais, any more than it fits most folks in other countries.

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I guess his days are numbered anyway...whatever condition is causing his legs to swell must be serious...world won't miss him, nobody will mourn, perhaps the sooner the better in fact.

Condition may be called Elephantitis


The word elephantiasis is a vivid and accurate term for the syndrome it describes: the gross (visible) enlargement of the arms, legs, or genitals to elephantoid size


The drug of choice in treating lymphatic filariasis is diethylcarbamazine (DEC). The trade name in the United States is Hetrazan.
The treatment schedule is typically 2 mg/kg per day, three times a day, for three weeks. The drug is taken in tablet form.
A little search on Google shows that the Hetrazan will cost about $ 0.29 per tablet, so let's say 12 baht, three times a day for three weeks would add up to THB 600.
He could have gotten help, perhaps cure the condition he has, if to be cured with suggested medication and have THB 49,400 left to enjoy the country....
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Most I see look fairly healthy and are too lazy to work or make more than minumum wage begging.

Ignorance at it's most splendid.

I wish I could strip all you arrogant Farangs of your money and trappings of wealth and put you in the place of these lazy people for a month.

What really bugs me is a-holes come to SE Asia and critisise all things that are here, hey guess what, it's what you signed up for when you moved to a developing nation.

You want to live in Asia but not have to suffer the poor in your face, go to Tokyo.

Yes your welcome to. The game is called capitalism, try to strip me of all my money and trappings.

Banzai99, I agree the people complaining about beggars in thailand are nauseating, but that is Thailand's problem. Foreigners have no moral responsibility for what Thailand allows because the country fails to provide an adequate safety net for the poor.

Another thing, you talk of moral responsibility, many Farangs travel thousands of miles to exploit poor Asian women, and you talk of morals.......................

I don't see plane loads of old western men landing in Narita or Haneda to partake in Tokyo's unbelievably massive sex industry, why's that ?

It's because they can't exploit the people in Japan, it's too expensive for them, if Japan was 3rd world, believe me, there would be hoards of westerners bypassing Thailand to go to Japan.

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This guy is the epitome of double standards. Had this been an older person or an Asian who had this condition, and went for a beer with the tokens donated to him, would he still get flamed by everybody for taking money? Probably not.

What a stinking world we live in, where folks show no compassion for people less privileged than themselves. OK the guy could have been a bit more discreet if it was just beer and a shag he wanted, but my god what a right bunch of self-righteous nobs commenting. "Never donate to charity, Never give to beggars blah blah blah" honestly I'm embarrassed to be associated with the same species as you - never happy unless a beggar has absolutely nothing - "Oh he's smoking or oh he's drinking, how dare he have any happiness" Carry on living in your cozy little carefree world, when the other 95% struggle.

Hope this young lad can at least find a little bit of happiness in what must be a very difficult life.

Baxida, This has got to be one of the very best posts I've ever read on TV.

Thanks for being an astute observer and for your candid assessment.

Yup, excellent post

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