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German beggar spends donated cash drinkin' and partyin' in Pattaya


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So many scams in Thailand that's why the country has got such a bad name.

This happens a lot all over the world.

Beggars and some Charities all over the world collect cash from good natured some say stupid people and use it inappropriately to suit them selves and feather their own nest.

A lesson should be:

Never give to Beggars.

Never give to Charities.

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So many scams in Thailand that's why the country has got such a bad name.

This happens a lot all over the world.

Beggars and some Charities all over the world collect cash from good natured some say stupid people and use it inappropriately to suit them selves and feather their own nest.

A lesson should be:

Never give to Beggars.

Never give to Charities.

The KKK and Nazis learned and tried to spread these same kind of lessons based on relating some people's actions to entire groups. There are just so many people in need in this world who need a helping hand or would perish or suffer extreme hardship if it was not for the giving nature of so many people and charitable organizations.

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"They ultimately released him because there was nothing to charge him with, as being a dick is not a crime especially in Pattaya."

I condemn his actions, but I can't stop laughing with the above statement.

So true....you'd have been jailed long ago. ;)
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he's giving all the honest beggers in thailand a bad name....biggrin.png

Beggars couldn't care less, I'm sure.

The ones that rant about giving farang or Germans a bad name are the ones are the ones that actually feel embarassed about whatever it is they are doing with their lives. Often the ones drinking beer every day in prostitute bars in pattaya or Nana Plaza. No matter how low you are, it's human nature to point the finger at those lower to up the self-esteem a bit.

Ever head the adage, "Live and Let Live"?

I agree one should not be too quick to judge. Put yourself in his shoes (no pun intended). In his home country or most anywhere else this guy would be shunned by the ladies. This is probably the first time this guy has ever had any female attention in his life.

He looks to have some form of elephantitis. Something I wouldn't wish for on anyone. Let him have his moment of fun no matter how bad it might seem and be glad you're not like him. It will probably be a long time before he ever gets this much attention again and I hope he even gets lucky in the process.

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Hope he had a bloody good time!!thumbsup.gif

Yes he cheated us all, but how many good times has this guy to look forward to?

All those "holier than thou" posters, give it a break. Guy just showing he is human!!

Exactly JOC. I'm sure none of us would wish to be in his position (with that leg) so good luck to him.

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I guess his days are numbered anyway...whatever condition is causing his legs to swell must be serious...world won't miss him, nobody will mourn, perhaps the sooner the better in fact.

don't be so cruel. Everybody will miss this nice German.....expert in foot-ball

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So many scams in Thailand that's why the country has got such a bad name.

This happens a lot all over the world.

Beggars and some Charities all over the world collect cash from good natured some say stupid people and use it inappropriately to suit them selves and feather their own nest.

A lesson should be:

Never give to Beggars.

Never give to Charities.

The KKK and Nazis learned and tried to spread these same kind of lessons based on relating some people's actions to entire groups. There are just so many people in need in this world who need a helping hand or would perish or suffer extreme hardship if it was not for the giving nature of so many people and charitable organizations.

where is the context with NAZIS or KKK ????

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So many scams in Thailand that's why the country has got such a bad name.

This happens a lot all over the world.

Beggars and some Charities all over the world collect cash from good natured some say stupid people and use it inappropriately to suit them selves and feather their own nest.

A lesson should be:

Never give to Beggars.

Never give to Charities.

What a generous, kind spirited person you must be! So glad I don't know you!

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I am German resident, living here in Pattaya since long time and feel ashamed abut that guy.

Hope, he will disappear from here.

If You watch all these lonesome losers hanging at the bars around, already in the morning,with the beer,

what can you expect ??

Pattaya needs a change, urgent.

Less people like this and more qualified tourists.

Why on earth would 'qualified' tourists go to Pattaya ? the beaches are poor, sea polluted and the town is jammed with traffic. Black market money from Russians fueling the property market & cheapskate Russians from Siberia on 2 week budget packages. Seems only the sexpats are willing to put up with such poor facilities, not your average tourist who has the pick of many decent beaches in Thailand.

Pattaya needs raising to the ground urgent ! thats the only change worthwhile.

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This guy is handicapped. He got not easy life. He cant just go find job.

Propabely he will loose legs in near future.

Let the boy enjoy whats left. He is not much threat to anyone to the degree some ppl comain here. He do wrong sure. But I feel pity for him still...

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"Pattaya needs a change, urgent.

Less people like this and more qualified tourists."

IF you don't like or won't tolerate these sorts of tourists, I suggest you move. Did you think Pattaya is like Salt Lake City? I don't drink or frequent the girls, but I enjoy the liberty to be what ever you want here. Sure there are dangers (drunks drivers, fights, random acts of violence, scams ala mode), but I do find this place (well, staid Jomtien) somewhat more interesting than living among the straight and narrow drones.

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Leave the poor bloke alone. So he pulled the wool over some Thais eyes. Big Deal how many times do Thais fleece Farangs? On a daily basis is the answer. Good luck to him and let him make the most oit of the remainder of his time in Thailand.

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He's German. He's in Thailand. They won the world cup. It's all good. If it was my stingy American government they would allow me to sit on a street corner with a swollen foot.

Maybe, maybe not. But if this hit the news, the American people would overwhelm you with help.

In 2013, the American people were ranked the most generous in the world for charitable giving. In 2010, they were ranked the 5th most generous.

Probably synonymous with having the most guilt in the world.

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I said it before and I'll say it again.

Poor and useless people are just that, dependable and always requiring help.

That is why the world is not balanced. We would imagine the rich successful people could "share" the wealth with the poor, and the world would be a happy place.

NOT. Those who require help will always require help regardless of how much help they receive.

Personally, I only help those who are unfortunate in my eyes, but still never ask for help.

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I said it before and I'll say it again.

Poor and useless people are just that, dependable and always requiring help.

That is why the world is not balanced. We would imagine the rich successful people could "share " the wealth with the poor, and the world would be a happy place.

NOT. Those who require help will always require help regardless of how much help they receive.

Personally, I only help those who are unfortunate in my eyes, but still never ask for help.

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