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Corruption in Phuket and the calloused underbelly the media refuses to report on.

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Day after day more and more horror stories emanate from Phuket of foreign nationals being targeted and defrauded by Thai criminals. I would suggest that nobody with any degree of confidence can trust a lawyer indeed the entire legal system in Phuket. It is my experience that the local legal brotherhood is either corrupt, incompetent or the many baffling interpretations of perplexing laws that ostensibly protect the guilty and punish the innocent will ultimately defeat you. Affluence, influence and intimidation are the bedrock of rough justice in Phuket. It seems that hundreds if not thousands of foreign nationals have fought the corruption ingrained in Phuket society and lost. Judges, prosecutors, police officers, bank and land office officials are transferred but justice is rarely if ever served. Even when you win you loose. I think it is time for those who have been disadvantaged in Phuket to rally together and demand that the law be upheld and justice served. If for eg the laws on foreign property ownership are open to the individual interpretations and whims of judges then the Phuket governor and Consulates should let this be known and not invite or encourage investment!

If you are confident that your pile in Phuket be it through a Thai nominee company or a lease agreement is secure you may think again because it certainly isn’t. There exists a well used loophole in Thai law that local criminals can in haste and confidence jump through and you will with consummate ease loose everything you own in Thailand in less than a day with no recourse to law or justice never mind empathy because the fact is most public officials consider these leases or nominee companies to be a circumvention of Thai law. I would ask that anybody who has invested and lost in Phuket log on to *Contact information removed* PM me and help identify and expose the corrupt judges, lawyers, police officers, bank and land office officials and then as a body we can take this information to the army commanders who are so determined to clean up corruption in Phuket.

There are many reading this communication secure that the Chanote's or leases they have safely locked away are copper fastened and legal but alas I am here to tell you that they can and will with surprising ease be rendered worthless when beset by local criminals. You only discover what has ensued when your property or business has been placed beyond your grasp by a legal system that ignores the old adage of let the buyer beware is allied to the sound of silence from dishonest bank and government officials. Don’t be fooled into believing that you own a property in Phuket because you bought it and it has been registered to you in the manner suggested and carried out by your lawyer.

If you have been directly involved or know others who have been victims of corruption in Phuket I would sugest that contact *Contact information edited out* in confidence and let them pool the facts and perhaps a public meeting can be arranged and invite the army, the hushed honorary Consul’s and the media to attend? A final word of advice given to me by a Thai lawyer who worked in Phuket. “Never trust a lawyer in Phuket especially your own!”




Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

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