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blod clot or varicose vein in my leg, now very painful

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DON'T READ THIS RIGHT NOW. YOU'LL HAVE PLENTY OF TIME IN THE HOSPITAL WHILE RECOVERING. about 16 yrs ago, had intense leg pain. went to sirirat hospital. they ran a catheter down my leg, blew up the balloon and yarded out the clot. very lucky i got the right doctor as many others would have amputated the leg. 16 or 17 years ago i spent 8 days in the hospital getting my coumadin level right. now i take coumadin every day and will for the rest of my life. a small price to pay. GET TO A HOSPITAL, NOW!!

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Minimize your level of activity and get to a hospital ASAP.

Thank you for all the warnings and I went to Bangkok Pattaya hospital this morning. I was sent to general surgery dep. and after a talk with the friendly doctor he sent me straight to uItrasound where they did ultrasound on , not only of the affected area but my entire right leg .

What they found was a blood clot , not in my deep vain but superficial vain, so this is good news indeed. Had it been in the deep vain I would be in trouble after what I read here and elsewhere. So far so good. I was prescribed Daflon 500 mg and a special gel Reparil. And pain killers. Will meet the doctor again in a week so he is optimistic the pain and swollen leg will be back to almost normal soon.

I've learned my lesson, never sit for many hours without stretching the legs and stand up and walk as much as possible so the blood circulation works.

What I would like to add is next time you go to the doctor ask him about a blood test for genetic Thrombophilia mutations.

If its genetic it was derived from one or both of your parents heterozygous or homozygous and it can also be passed down to your children, who will need to know this for their own safety especially during long flights 4 hours or more and will need to know this if they are factor 5 Leiden thrombophiliacs, which would mean they probably need to take warfarin for the rest of their lives even without experiencing a clot.

Just a heads up no need to panic.



Minimize your level of activity and get to a hospital ASAP.

Thank you for all the warnings and I went to Bangkok Pattaya hospital this morning. I was sent to general surgery dep. and after a talk with the friendly doctor he sent me straight to uItrasound where they did ultrasound on , not only of the affected area but my entire right leg .

What they found was a blood clot , not in my deep vain but superficial vain, so this is good news indeed. Had it been in the deep vain I would be in trouble after what I read here and elsewhere. So far so good. I was prescribed Daflon 500 mg and a special gel Reparil. And pain killers. Will meet the doctor again in a week so he is optimistic the pain and swollen leg will be back to almost normal soon.

I've learned my lesson, never sit for many hours without stretching the legs and stand up and walk as much as possible so the blood circulation works.

What I would like to add is next time you go to the doctor ask him about a blood test for genetic Thrombophilia mutations.

If its genetic it was derived from one or both of your parents heterozygous or homozygous and it can also be passed down to your children, who will need to know this for their own safety especially during long flights 4 hours or more and will need to know this if they are factor 5 Leiden thrombophiliacs, which would mean they probably need to take warfarin for the rest of their lives even without experiencing a clot.

Just a heads up no need to panic.


I don't know the names of the markers, but this happened to me on a long flight from LOS to the USA 2005. It took about a week for my leg to swell enough for me to see the doctor, immediately across the street to a small hospital that just happened to have the ultra sound guy there that day who found numerous clots in my thigh. Heperin first and then coumadin (warfarin is the generic) took care of the clots over time. A hematologist found blood conditions that pre-dispose me to blood clots. Turns out I had been having small bouts for several years from flights of 5-7 hours.....take care. Dangerous.... Yes, I still take warfarin.


OP - I think you did the right thing in coming to this Forum first before rushing off to the doctor. Why? because you quickly became educated and armed with the right information. What kind of doctor, what needs to be checked, the potential danger and much more was very quickly laid out for you. Before leaving for the doctor's appointment you knew what had to be done and why...giving you the motivation and focus to get it done.

The good people of this Forum jumped in and gave you guidance... It was not just good luck but good thinking. Alternatively - some people could have/ would have sat around for days not fully understanding the potential gravity of the situation and had a deep vein clot begin to move...

Forum members' knowledge and motivation got you going and you now have proper treatment... All this is a very good thing.

And - it would be an even better thing if more Forums on TVF had this kind of group support and assistance.


For those of you on Wafarin, there are newer drugs now that do not require regular blood tests. I am on xarelto for my attrial fibulation. Expensive if you dont have insurence.


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Minimize your level of activity and get to a hospital ASAP.

Thank you for all the warnings and I went to Bangkok Pattaya hospital this morning. I was sent to general surgery dep. and after a talk with the friendly doctor he sent me straight to uItrasound where they did ultrasound on , not only of the affected area but my entire right leg .

What they found was a blood clot , not in my deep vain but superficial vain, so this is good news indeed. Had it been in the deep vain I would be in trouble after what I read here and elsewhere. So far so good. I was prescribed Daflon 500 mg and a special gel Reparil. And pain killers. Will meet the doctor again in a week so he is optimistic the pain and swollen leg will be back to almost normal soon.

I've learned my lesson, never sit for many hours without stretching the legs and stand up and walk as much as possible so the blood circulation works.

You are not the smartest apple on the tree ,YOU could have been in the obituary notices this morning,,in which case we would have been saying "I TOLD HIM SO " Go and buy a lottery ticket while your luck still holds ............................


Happy that he OP is doing well now.

FYI, my optimistic American doctor in BKK reports of a recent study that concludes that this kind of problem can now be handled by a nurse with an injection, and out-patient care.


Low dose aspirin therapy might be something to consider for the future, 81mg of Aspect will prevent that problem from happening again and is low risk from a bleed perspective.


Good to hear your going to be ok You might find a glass of red wine is also a good blood thinner to and is relaxing.

Yes I hope I will fell better soon .

The pain in my leg is very bad when I wake up in the morning I can not stand up on my leg, but after 1 or 2 hours when I'm walking it feels better.

One question , some people told me about vitamin K , that it's a natural blood thinner and would help my blood and prevent blood clots in the future. Is there any truth in this? I think spinach and other vegetables are natural blood thinners too.


If you are taking Warfarin/Coumadin or whatever brand it goes under in Thailand you should avoid vitamin K, cranberry and grapefruit juice.


If anyone is taking Warfarin a key point is to maintain consistency in their diet...

The reactions are a little more complex - but simply put Vitamin K aids with clotting... thus reducing the effect of the Warfarin...

However, a correct therapeutic Warfarin dosage will be different for any individual, changing diet (i.e. leafy veg etc) or consuming alcohol will change the INR.

Alcohol increases the INR (reducing how well the blood can clot), but the following day dehydration increases the decreases the INR. An INR of 1.0 is the normal value, less than 1.0 and the blood clots too readily, higher and the blood doesn't clot as well.

Vitamin K (which is in a lot of green leafy veg) will reduce the INR.

Thus: IF you were diagnosed Warfarin over a few days to achieve a stable therapeutic INR Range while in a hospital and while on a healthy hospital diet changing your diet to avoid Vitamin K (Leafy Veg) will increase your INR levels possibly beyond the specified therapeutic range.


I don't know how many genuine medical experts this forum boasts, but wouldn't it be more sensible to ask a doctor?

My medical expertise has all been gained from Holby City Hospital *, so only really emergency medicine and cardio vascular stuff, but having had a few ops recently in Phuket the first thing that enters my mind when seeking medical help is the cost. I have cover, even though I have a £500 excess, but for someone without insurance it must be something considered before going to hospital. Just had a cataract done and with all the check ups am up to about 160,000.


* To any non Brits, Holby technically speaking isn't really a hospital.


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If you are taking Warfarin/Coumadin or whatever brand it goes under in Thailand you should avoid vitamin K, cranberry and grapefruit juice.


If anyone is taking Warfarin a key point is to maintain consistency in their diet...

The reactions are a little more complex - but simply put Vitamin K aids with clotting... thus reducing the effect of the Warfarin...

However, a correct therapeutic Warfarin dosage will be different for any individual, changing diet (i.e. leafy veg etc) or consuming alcohol will change the INR.

Alcohol increases the INR (reducing how well the blood can clot), but the following day dehydration increases the decreases the INR. An INR of 1.0 is the normal value, less than 1.0 and the blood clots too readily, higher and the blood doesn't clot as well.

Vitamin K (which is in a lot of green leafy veg) will reduce the INR.

Thus: IF you were diagnosed Warfarin over a few days to achieve a stable therapeutic INR Range while in a hospital and while on a healthy hospital diet changing your diet to avoid Vitamin K (Leafy Veg) will increase your INR levels possibly beyond the specified therapeutic range.


Yeah that's correct, I was trying to give as simple as possible of an answer. The INR while taking warfarin after a clot should be between 2-3 ideally (if I remember correctly NHS says 2.5-3.5) and it should be took for 6 months.

I don't know how many genuine medical experts this forum boasts, but wouldn't it be more sensible to ask a doctor?

My advice is from experience of developing a P.E whilst sleeping after having a DVT I didn't know about, my consultant was Europe's highest qualified Heamotologist.

  • 4 weeks later...

No vitamin is going to change your blood flow on a permanent basis.

Only a radical change of diet will.

Vascular problems are curable.

I had vascular problems for 30 years.

Now at 45 I have better legs than when I was 25.


Why the heck are you posting this on some dumb forum? Go see a doctor for crying out loud!

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

TV is not a dumb forum. If you are referring to the members, I take issue with that. There is a more gentle way of suggesting to someone that he should go and see a Doctor


I don't know how many genuine medical experts this forum boasts, but wouldn't it be more sensible to ask a doctor?

In this century with all the information that is available a person who does not become educated about his/her health status is shooting in the dark... Doctors are very often intentionally good people, but along the way foibles set in - profit motive, excess ego that blinds to alternative treatments or medications, pharmaceutical companies pushing their own solutions regardless of applicability to your situation and your doctor listens, a heavy patient load may not allow some doctors to really pay attention to your needs, doctors not taking thorough histories or pay attentions to patient histories, ... even to the extent of not asking what other doctors may be treating you for or what other medications you are taking.. or even paying attention - close attention to other diseases or problems you are being treated for... And many doctors will never consider natural remedies that may be available which will with plenty of proof fix your aliment..

Not becoming educated and aware of your health status, your disorders or diseases, of alternative treatment options is a recipe for disaster...

Surgeons have been known to take out the wrong kidney you know.. They have been known to completely overlook your many prescriptions that could seriously conflict with the meds he/she is now prescribing ... IT HAPPENS -- all too often.

It is similar to turning over all your available funds - all your savings to some investment guy and not checking the guy out before hand or paying attention to his investment strategy... you just hand the guy 20 million Baht and say ... hey let me know when I can cash in a dividend check for my next vacation in Singapore.. Hey thanks... I trust you... you are a great guy -- all my friends tell me that...


For those of you on Wafarin, there are newer drugs now that do not require regular blood tests. I am on xarelto for my attrial fibulation. Expensive if you dont have insurence.

I have a friend that tried one of these new "wonder" drugs and the next thing he knew he was in the hospital being treated for an irregular heartbeat that was caused by one of these new drugs

I am on wafarin and see no reason to get an expensive substitute just to eliminate blood testing and I am sure that my US Hematologist would recommend a substitute if she felt it was warranted


Why the heck are you posting this on some dumb forum? Go see a doctor for crying out loud!

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

TV is not a dumb forum. If you are referring to the members, I take issue with that. There is a more gentle way of suggesting to someone that he should go and see a Doctor

And while you are at it, take the time to actually read a thread before replying.

The OP was advised to see a doctor at once and did so, the same day of the original post.


Why the heck are you posting this on some dumb forum? Go see a doctor for crying out loud!

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

TV is not a dumb forum. If you are referring to the members, I take issue with that. There is a more gentle way of suggesting to someone that he should go and see a Doctor

And while you are at it, take the time to actually read a thread before replying.

The OP was advised to see a doctor at once and did so, the same day of the original post.

If you would have bothered following your own advice, you would have seen I was actually the FIRST one to suggest this to the OP (my reply was the first one in this thread). Moving on...


No vitamin is going to change your blood flow on a permanent basis.

Only a radical change of diet will.

Vascular problems are curable.

I had vascular problems for 30 years.

Now at 45 I have better legs than when I was 25.


Care to share those diet tips, or any other hekps that impoved our legs?



No vitamin is going to change your blood flow on a permanent basis.

Only a radical change of diet will.

Vascular problems are curable.

I had vascular problems for 30 years.

Now at 45 I have better legs than when I was 25.


Care to share those diet tips, or any other hekps that impoved our legs?


Basically our food is too rich and loaded in fat saturated and molecules that hurt our cells.

It causes inflammation and reduce the blood flow by aggregating cells.

1 spoon of olive oil reduces the blood flow by half for 10 Hours.

Immediately after a Mc Donald Meal your arteries dilates 24% less


Industrial sugar goes through the colon and navigate into our blood undigested.

When you get rid of saturated fat (animal product, oils, etc) and processed foods, you are pretty much left with what grows in a garden, try to minimize your cooking eat loads of fruits, salads (no oils) and you find your arteries veins in much better shape.

Some people say it's extreme to be a vegan.

I say it's extreme to have your leg opened to extract blood cloth or even risk your life because of what you eat.

At 15 I had cold hands and feet, - the doctor said " It's genetic there is nothing you can do, your have small vessels "

At 25 I started having heavy legs syndrom.

At 30 I had veins started showing, my grand-ma had varicose veins and fell sorry she "passed me that gene".

At 40 it became a problem, pains, problems standing / sitting too long. So I was "genetically programmed" to have varicose and no doctor could really do anything about this.

Today i'm 45, my grand ma is gone (heart attack- the food also) but my legs never fell better and I never have cold feet/hands.

Don't believe doctors. You can manage your blood flow


No vitamin is going to change your blood flow on a permanent basis.

Only a radical change of diet will.

Vascular problems are curable.

I had vascular problems for 30 years.

Now at 45 I have better legs than when I was 25.


Care to share those diet tips, or any other hekps that impoved our legs?


Basically our food is too rich and loaded in fat saturated and molecules that hurt our cells.

It causes inflammation and reduce the blood flow by aggregating cells.

1 spoon of olive oil reduces the blood flow by half for 10 Hours.

Immediately after a Mc Donald Meal your arteries dilates 24% less


Industrial sugar goes through the colon and navigate into our blood undigested.

When you get rid of saturated fat (animal product, oils, etc) and processed foods, you are pretty much left with what grows in a garden, try to minimize your cooking eat loads of fruits, salads (no oils) and you find your arteries veins in much better shape.

Some people say it's extreme to be a vegan.

I say it's extreme to have your leg opened to extract blood cloth or even risk your life because of what you eat.

At 15 I had cold hands and feet, - the doctor said " It's genetic there is nothing you can do, your have small vessels "

At 25 I started having heavy legs syndrom.

At 30 I had veins started showing, my grand-ma had varicose veins and fell sorry she "passed me that gene".

At 40 it became a problem, pains, problems standing / sitting too long. So I was "genetically programmed" to have varicose and no doctor could really do anything about this.

Today i'm 45, my grand ma is gone (heart attack- the food also) but my legs never fell better and I never have cold feet/hands.

Don't believe doctors. You can manage your blood flow

Interesting to hear about this , my mother also had a lot of problems with varicose veins and her health was not really good at the end mainly because she never exercised and was sitting in her chair all the time until she passed away.

Can you tell us how your diet looks like for one day ? And I'm sure you don't have to be a vegan to manage the blood flow the natural way.


No vitamin is going to change your blood flow on a permanent basis.

Only a radical change of diet will.

Vascular problems are curable.

I had vascular problems for 30 years.

Now at 45 I have better legs than when I was 25.


Care to share those diet tips, or any other hekps that impoved our legs?


Basically our food is too rich and loaded in fat saturated and molecules that hurt our cells.

It causes inflammation and reduce the blood flow by aggregating cells.

1 spoon of olive oil reduces the blood flow by half for 10 Hours.

Immediately after a Mc Donald Meal your arteries dilates 24% less


Industrial sugar goes through the colon and navigate into our blood undigested.

When you get rid of saturated fat (animal product, oils, etc) and processed foods, you are pretty much left with what grows in a garden, try to minimize your cooking eat loads of fruits, salads (no oils) and you find your arteries veins in much better shape.

Some people say it's extreme to be a vegan.

I say it's extreme to have your leg opened to extract blood cloth or even risk your life because of what you eat.

At 15 I had cold hands and feet, - the doctor said " It's genetic there is nothing you can do, your have small vessels "

At 25 I started having heavy legs syndrom.

At 30 I had veins started showing, my grand-ma had varicose veins and fell sorry she "passed me that gene".

At 40 it became a problem, pains, problems standing / sitting too long. So I was "genetically programmed" to have varicose and no doctor could really do anything about this.

Today i'm 45, my grand ma is gone (heart attack- the food also) but my legs never fell better and I never have cold feet/hands.

Don't believe doctors. You can manage your blood flow

Interesting to hear about this , my mother also had a lot of problems with varicose veins and her health was not really good at the end mainly because she never exercised and was sitting in her chair all the time until she passed away.

Can you tell us how your diet looks like for one day ? And I'm sure you don't have to be a vegan to manage the blood flow the natural way.

Breakfast :

- Green smoothie : Juiced veggies = at least one cruciferous (kale/broccoli/bokchoi/etc) a couple of cucumbers, a couple of aubergines, salad head,etc..

Blended with 1 coconut water and meat with 5/6 bananas and a piece of fresh curcumin and handful of mint/thai basil/ prakao and what ever fruit I have (mango/passion fruit/ watermelon/etc)

I make a liter, usually drink most of it at breakfast and/or finishes during the course of the day

- Fruits: Whatever the best fruit in season is; mangosteen,dragon fruit,orange

- one, two or three (depending how much fruit I had home,no restriction) bowls of Noodles at the organic stall: organic noodles boiled+ blanched (not fully cooked) green leafy veggies in seasons (beans sprouts/spinach/ chinese cabbage/etc) + spring onions seasoned with soy sauce (can't do without it yet) and dry chillies flakes.

Morning Snack ; Stop at a fruit stall and have 2 cantaloupe slices

Lunch : A big salad then if i'm still hungry, rice pumpkin noodles with raw tomato sauce,then either the rest of the green smoothy or a new fruits smoothy for sweetness.

Afternoon Snack : Dates that I have with me, or onigiri (japanese rice ball with seaweed inside) or raw nuts (macademia, almonds, walnuts)

Dinner :

At home: Raw soup and raw hummus with veg sicks

Japanese restaurant: Avocado Makis (3 servings) cucumber makis (2 servings) and Zaru soba.+ japanese green tea.

Again with soya sauce (I know too much salt). Waiters look surprised at the quantities I order considering I'm a size 8 :) .

By the way I lost 20kg in a year, no restriction.

The recommended tolerable level of saturated fat, transfat,cholesterol is ZERO


- Transfat is found in junk food (cakes,cookies, crakers) 40% and animal products (21%)


- Saturated fat is cheese, meat, milk and butter


- Cholesterol is 1 egg, 2 chicken 3 beef 4 burgers, 5 cheese 6 sausages 7 fishes.



Does anyone know best place to have ultra sound done on both legs ? Bought some compression stocking when I had pain in upper part of leg with varicose veins and saw Dr. after he told me to get ultrasound on both legs set out to find best / most reasonable place to have done to take to him so he could see root of my problem and pain . Confusing as some hospitals say it will be 20 minute procedure like and others say it will take an hour . Been to many hospitals asking about this to find best place for scan but confused so I am posting here ( possibly I should have separate thread ? ) as months have past and this thread and my pain have waken me up to get this scan done ASAP just not sure where ? Thanks .

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