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GF's sister never speaks to me. Ever. Not a sodding word.


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Getting rid of the TV or pretending the TV is in the repair shop the next time she comes for a visit might have a salutary effect on the sister's interest in having a conversation.

I know I sound like Mel Brooks' 2000 Year Old Man, but with all these new fangled technologies crowding out and substituting for face-to-face interaction, actual conversation does seem to be fast becoming a lost art.

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OP I am not at all surprised to see a story like this.

You will get all kinds of nonsense replies on this forum now about culture and face and buddhism and all the rest of it but thats all nonsense.

She is just plain rude and this situation is plain rude and unacceptable. You cant stop here sister seeing her but you should DEFINITELY stop indulging her or paying for anything.

Next she came if I was you I would just leave and not come back for the duration of her stay...use it as an excuse to get out and let your hair down.

I hate this kind of nonsense and it is just plain rude and lack of respect. I have seen this hapen before and know exactly what you are talking about.

You are a foreigner, I Am Thai People, you cannot understand. Have had that said to me a thousand times since I have lived here. I guess that is as good a explanation for Thainess as any. Any way you look at it, it is just an excuse for being rude.

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1) Treat as a woman can sence treat that this man might thinking somethings that man wants.

2) Shy could be answer

3) Sister husband if anything goes wrong their relationship might apart, se is a very careful person for not let it happen.

4)She is no friendly at all.

Solution that smile is not enough you need to learn Thai to start communicate with her and some ice breaking games for family it wil help.

How can a Foreigner learn the Thai language when the Thai's haven't gotten a grasp of it yet?

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1) Treat as a woman can sence treat that this man might thinking somethings that man wants.

2) Shy could be answer

3) Sister husband if anything goes wrong their relationship might apart, se is a very careful person for not let it happen.

4)She is no friendly at all.

Solution that smile is not enough you need to learn Thai to start communicate with her and some ice breaking games for family it wil help.

How can a Foreigner learn the Thai language when the Thai's haven't gotten a grasp of it yet?

which thais?

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Quote: "is basic courtesy, politeness and good manners too much to ask?"

Basic courtesy, politeness and good manners in Thailand are not exactly the same as in, say, your country. In some parts (parts of more traditional SE Asia for example), people of "different status", say, sisters of girlfriends of older foreign men, rarely talk directly to or make eye contact with people of a higher status. Maybe the OP's gf's sister thinks she is being polite by not bothering him with talk. Maybe... .

Doubt it. The situation is too intimate for such a distance.

OP, have you tried to talk to her in Thai?

What is your GF saying to all this?

Edited by Morakot
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Maybe thats her personality OP, I'm an introverted person too, I never initiate conversations with strangers, some thai girls mistakenly think I'm an arrogant person because of this, but I'm not. Its just the way my personality is. I only initiate conversations with my close family members, thats it.

No, that's not your personality, that is some deeply-rooted hangup that requires the services of a good therapist.

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I was living with a girl in a village in Phitsanulok province. She had this younger sister who was a lazy bitch. The family had a store and after coming home on the school bus she would raid the store for candy and plop down in front of the TV. She barely lifted a finger to help the poor old overweight mother in the store. My g/f being older was doing the majority of the work. She would come into our apartment upstairs at 5.00 a.m. to rustle my g/f out of bed to help the mother in the store. This was especially true on "Water Days" Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. People used to line up early in the morning to buy water and have it blessed at the temple. She would come up into our apartment without any warning and help herself to any and all things in our apartment. I always walked around in the nude and that did not phase her. Even when my g/f and I were making love she would barge into the bedroom. I often said to myself "God pity the poor buggar that marries this girl he is in for a world of hell" I lasted about a year and then moved back to Chiang Mai. The Green Acres lifestyle also sucked.

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Don't let it bother you. It's not a big deal. Saying "hello" when she arrives and "thanks, bye bye" when she leaves is a lot. Maybe she doesn't have much personality.

Yes...and why is it so important for you to communicate with her.Leave her alone..she's not bothering you...and if she is...take it up with your GF.

Edited by mikehock
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Obviously you are not in control of your own destiny. Aren't you man enough to tell your GF you don't want her ignorant sister visiting anymore?

Great answer to this dilemma. Who's home is it anyway? Why be made to feel uncomfortable in you own home, by a lump of chromosomes posing as a woman? Just explain to your gal that you are not comfortable around her rude, boring, inconsiderate, self absorbed sister. If the sister does not want to make an effort to be friendly and civil, she is not welcome in your home anymore. Hopefully your gal will understand. Hopefully you have developed good, mutual communication skills with her. I would have so little tolerance for this kind of nonsense.

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I find my sister in law detestfully greedy.

once when I invited my brother in law,

on a men's tour in Bangkok -

so popped-in-law up and had invited others along for the ride, and I had to pay.

at least - it was what she thought.

Surprisingly, the trip was canceled for everyone. Including my brother in law.

my sister in law can not be entrusted money to medicine - she bought the cheapest, and kept the change.

her mother is ill - including diabetes - my wife sends money - my sister-in-law
takes some money - so the mother have to ask for more.
the sister drives a car today - and the mother is still sick - and dont have enough money.
Try to discuss this
and you get a hell with your wife.
i have tried.
thats why dating is better!
dump them when something starts to be like banana eating animal.
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No intention of developing any sort of a relationship with GFs Family - I have enough to deal with with my own side. I once had to waive to them after having had a lap top thrust in my face during a Skype call. I made my feelings clear later that day when I told her that she had violated my privacy and personal space by bringing them that close to me !

We seem to have an understanding about family issues now - there are some things that just can't be brought out in the open !

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Look at the advantages...

She will never ask for money and will never give any earache, if it really bothers you, just walk in with your Johnson hanging out and see if that gets a reaction?

But seriously it sounds a bit odd, is she really your GFs sister or as mentioned her GF?? Just ask your GF what gives? is obviously getting right on your T it$. Anyone was disrespectful and didn't speak with me would not be welcome in my house nore in my company.

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I used to have the nephew come stay often, and I noticed he would get up, and go out to join my wife, his aunt, without as much as a word to me.

I had a word with my wife, telling her that for me, it seems very rude that a younger person would walk past me in my home first thing, without so much as a hello.

He was sent back soon after to say good morning and sorry.

Now I always get a 'Good Morning'... and of course I reply back.

Simple point is, they sometimes do not realise something they are doing is impolite, they will just get up and leave company sometimes without so much as a good bye.

Or if such an action embarrasses them, like attempting to speak English, they will avoid it.

Similarly YOU should not forget to return a 'Wai'.

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