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GF's sister never speaks to me. Ever. Not a sodding word.


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She lives in Bangkok and comes down to Hua Hin to stay with us for a few days, 3 or 4 times a year. I have been with my GF for 3 years and have met her Sister many times. I have always been nice and polite with her, tried to have a laugh but not over the top... You know, just normal stuff. Took her on small holidays with us a couple of times, once paid for her and my GF to fly to Chiang Mai for a few days including hotels and once even paid for return trip to Japan for her and my GF. My point with all of this is that I have been a nice bloke to her.

I like her. She is a nice lady, bubbly and fun and every time she comes down from BKK she gives me a big smile and nice wai. The problem is from that point on, I get bugger all out of her. Nothing. She litteraly never, ever, says one single word to me unless I initiate it. I could walk in the house after being out for a couple of hours and she might be sitting on the sofa watching TV and she will not even look up at me. I always try and make the effort to speak with her but I am aware I should not over compensate and bang on at her so i just keep it to light chit chat but its ALWAYS me who starts it.

This latest visit i decided to test this out. I decided to not say anything to her for the whole trip and see how long it takes before she speaks to me. I have tried not to make eye contact with her but when i do, i always smile. I just dont speak. She has just gone home after 6 days here and I sware this is no word of a lie - she litteraly did not say one single word apart from "hello' when she first got here and "Thank you Bye Bye" when she left. Now its a daft thing I know, but its starting to get under my skin. Just imagine being back in your home country and this happening with your GF's Sister (of the same nationality) it would be the maddest, strangest thing.... So why am i supposed to let it not bother me just because i live here?

Its xxxxx rude. This is my house and I have always treated her very kindly so what gives? This isnt flipping rude beahaviour?????

She does speak reasonable, but not fluent, English so that is not an excuse.....

Edited by Rooo
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Don't want to be mean, but your communication skills with your GF are also lacking, if you can't get an answer from her on this. Surely she knows her sister best.

Wow - some of you communication experts just make me laugh .. you were able to ascertain that from what OP posted -- total B.S. --- you are just laughable...

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I refuse to meet family members of any girls I'm dating.

I think the OP is way past dating and is already living together, or do you still count that as dating? wink.png
No permanent and lasting commitment made = just dating.
Just purely out of interest, what do you call boyfriend, girlfriend and they have a baby
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Maybe thats her personality OP, I'm an introverted person too, I never initiate conversations with strangers, some thai girls mistakenly think I'm an arrogant person because of this, but I'm not. Its just the way my personality is. I only initiate conversations with my close family members, thats it.

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How's sis around others? And around other English speaking people? The answers could divulge a lot....What does your GF think about it...? Have you done something along the way to make the family leary of you (could be as simple as being a huggy person)? How do you score on the list posted in the "things that turn Thai women off" thread.....The cause maybe you yourself over and above the $$$$$ things you've done....Thais withdraw from things/people/situations they dislike....she's coming to visit her sister.....acceptance about you may take longer.....she might be unsure

how to act around you....are you a loud or stern/my house my way type of person? If so she could be scared of you....

I'd welcome and treat her with courtesy and quiet respect while being a good host - at this time it's all you can do.....don't do anything to make any of you lose "face".....

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ts xxxxx rude. This is my house and I have always treated her very kindly so what gives?

The OP is the type that I describe as the long and suffering, the I am a victim, really unhappy about his situation but too afraid to do everything about it.

The solution is; let the girlfriend know of his exact feelings and if the sister turns up again and the situation does not improve or becomes worse, than let it be known in no uncertain terms that he does not like the attitude and is unwilling to tolerate it.

Or could it be if the crunch came to the crunch, that the OP fears his girlfriend loyalties will be towards her sister over him? 2 options; either make a stand or continue to be the long and suffering and just endure it.

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