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GF's sister never speaks to me. Ever. Not a sodding word.

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Obviously you are not in control of your own destiny. Aren't you man enough to tell your GF you don't want her ignorant sister visiting anymore?

Great answer to this dilemma. Who's home is it anyway? Why be made to feel uncomfortable in you own home, by a lump of chromosomes posing as a woman? Just explain to your gal that you are not comfortable around her rude, boring, inconsiderate, self absorbed sister. If the sister does not want to make an effort to be friendly and civil, she is not welcome in your home anymore. Hopefully your gal will understand. Hopefully you have developed good, mutual communication skills with her. I would have so little tolerance for this kind of nonsense.

Yep and if that doesn't work just go down the pub every day and come home at 4.00am. Your GF will either leave or be extra considerate and obedient to you.

All women need challenges like turning men into what they want and them hating them because the man has become what she wants but is no longer what they met.

Well said. Problem that a a large majority of TV members don't have the confidence or self esteem to pull that off.

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No one ever thought the sister might have a gag order towards OP from his girlfriend?

Too many times I have witnessed sisters or friends stealing the others boyfriend without so much a bat of an eye.

Could be that?

Anyway I don't know but I don't think it's because she's rude, Thai culture is VERY different from ours.

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I live for 5 years in Phuket with my GF.

My opinion, but I m not an expert : thai ladies are mostly like babies. When you stay with your GF, she s not staying with her sister...Does she lives alone now ? Brothers, and especially sisters coul be very close to each other, and it could be that her sister feels like you "stole" her best friends...money will not help. ( And sorry I dont have a solution, but I have the same feeling with the mom...)


OP. Ruckin rude is an understatement. She is taking the hiss. She would be banned from my house!

Exactly - come to my house -- treat me like I'm the neighbors dog and I am supposed to bend over backwards to be nice... OP --- something is amiss here ... maybe she knows something you don't ... something else is going on ...

Reading some posts here I'm sooooo glad I married a Thai girl with no brothers or sisters or dad. An only child and I get on fantastic with her mum, I call her mum too

But for the op, you just have to accept that for whatever reason, the sister doesn't have any time for you.

She is being very ungrateful to your hospitality too in your own home.

You can't forbid her to visit your sister though as you can imagine the consequences


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Without going through all the posts. Could it be that GF's sister is just plain jealous ?

I can answer that...there is not a chance in hell that the sister is jealous...you do not understand Thainess...

Maybe I do understand Thainess - hence the suggestion that the sister is jealous.


Me thinks...the same your GF's sister thinks...she should keep her distance and not encourage you...she is loyal to her sister...not you...wants to protect that relationship...not develop one with you...

Try not to take it personally...she is being...refreshingly...true to her blood relative...not taking a chance on any misunderstanding...

Try to find another annoyance...let this one go...

Here is your answer OP, it is amazing you have to read 110 replies before finding a post with the obvious answear. And it also often aplies to GF friends of same sex.


Hey long shot my girl speaks pretty good English but the amazing thing to me SHE DOES NOT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH VERY WELL !!!!

She tries to pick out words of my sentences and then figure out what I just told here. Both here sisters just smile and wai and so does her sisters husband. Thai culture is very different than ours.

Why have you not had this discussion with your girl, like someone else said, She knows exacly why her sister acts this way. Shy, intimidated could be anything or maybe she really hates FARANGS. Not very likely but lets see if you answer a few of the ? that have been asked of you.


Sit down next to her and ask if she ever heard the story of the carpenter?

Once there was a carpenter, and he built a door, and there it is.

True that. I found that system to work wonders. When my girl acted up I would point to the door. Look, if you are not happy here, you are welcome to use that door. If you are unwilling to communicate effectively, you can use that door. If you will not have my back, you can use that door. If I am unhappy, you can use that door. Got it?

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If you knew the reasons for her behavior, would it change anything? Are you looking for acceptance? Are you looking for a "thank you for your kindness"? I personally think she doesn't like you, but the reasons for her behavior are completely irrelevant.

The issue is about what kind of people do you want in your life. If she doesn't measure up to your standards, she is out. Surround yourself ONLY with people that lift you up, and your life will be a happy one.

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Now convinced the sister is an imposter and really is the lesbian lover. OP you are on the cusp of every heterosexual mans dream. Cook a nice meal, wine, flowers for both ladies, bubbly and chocs and ice cream ....... Go on give it a whirl you lucky bastar'd

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Maybe thats her personality OP, I'm an introverted person too, I never initiate conversations with strangers, some thai girls mistakenly think I'm an arrogant person because of this, but I'm not. Its just the way my personality is. I only initiate conversations with my close family members, thats it.

No, that's not your personality, that is some deeply-rooted hangup that requires the services of a good therapist.

No it doesn't, I'm a very social person when I want to be, but I just don't like speaking to people. Some people are introverted and its perfectly normal.

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I think maybe she thinks you're not serious about your relationship with her sister.

I know you have been with her fir 3yrs, but you show no interest in marriage. You say you don't have any contact with her parents? That's a big red flag for your GF's sister. I take you haven't educated yourself with the culture or religion either. You need to show you want to be part of her family, if you don't want to be apart of the family? Well your not serious about her.

That is what the sister see's, no matter how long you been with your GF or what you pay for or anything like that. If you really do love her, you got to become more Thai. Bottom line my opinion if you you want a happy life with a Thai woman, you have to become Thai yourself. Learn the language, learn the culture, you don't have to become Buddhist but it would be best for the relationship.


I know I was blown away when my wife's family expected me to eat before them and alone. Thais have an entirely different perspective on interpersonal interactions from us westerners (hi so/lo so), which my wife explained as their just being very careful to avoid giving offence. I'd recommend being a gracious host when she visits, and recognize that - given she has limited experience with foreigners - she is treating you with the same respect/distance she would accord her sister's husband if you were Thai. Good luck, and I know it ain't easy!


OP. Ruckin rude is an understatement. She is taking the hiss. She would be banned from my house!

Exactly - come to my house -- treat me like I'm the neighbors dog and I am supposed to bend over backwards to be nice... OP --- something is amiss here ... maybe she knows something you don't ... something else is going on ...
you were able to ascertain this from what the OP has posted...your posts are a joke.

I think I know whats happened..

YOUR MRS is not on your side, shes not kicking the ball towards the same goal as you are, she has been bad mouthing you and has told her sister all the bad things about you and everything bad that you ever do.

Your mrs is using you.

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A story from the real life!

Been married for almost 12 years with a lady from the sticks. Gets along well with the family, which is easy, because there are 800 km between us. The close family are my wifes mother, 2 sisters with husbands and a brother, also married with two kids.

A couple of times a year we go to the village, everyone is happy to see us, smalltalk and smiles all around.

Exept the wifes brother, who from day one, has been avoiding me for no obvious reason. Since I never slept over in the village (prefer a softer hotelbed), I really didn't care. If he didn't like me for some reason, I considered it to be his problem.

During the long school-holidays half of the village visit us for a week, a pain but it is only for a week, so I survive! Amongst the visitors every year are the brothers wife and two kids, but never the brother.

Then last year when visiting the village, I was walking down a dirtroad and the brother came from the opposite direction, there were only the two of us. He walked past me like I didn't exist.

Normally I can take care of small stuff myself, but this was too bloody weird, so I asked my wife, about her brothers strange behaviour.

"He is shy because, he ows us money"

So 10 years earlier the brother had borrowed 40k from us, which I honestly had forgotten all about, and ofcourse he couldn't pay them back. So in his Thai mind, he had lost the all important face big time!!

I sat the brother down, and told him not to worry about it. The relief on his face was obvious.

Three months ago he passed through our town with two friends, stopped to say hello, and we we all went out to have dinner. And he proved to be a very nice guy!!

So much nonsense because of "face".

Maybe it is something simular in the OP's case?


your brother in-law broke you down, i bet you said " sorry" for the way things turned out.yea he rode you like a rented mule, no donkey blankets for you bare back it is. the dude out lasted you, he phony faced you untill you said sorry for him not paying you the money he owes ya.clever & determined he is.:-)

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Sister in law hates me.

Wouldn't lend her 400,000 baht 6 years ago (I have my reasons)

Wouldn't lend her 200,000 baht 2 years ago " " "

Wouldn't lend her25,000 baht 6 months ago " " "

She really hates me and TBH I can't stand her either!

Missus doesn't get involved.

You meany tight fisted farangie. laugh.png

Yup, she couldn't get 25 Baht!


She is probably worried that if she talks to you, her sister will think she is trying to take you for herself - women are strange creatures and not just in LOS....

Alternatively , as has been suggested, she might just be an extremely arrogant and rude bitch !


My sister in laws don't say much to me beyond hello, how are you, good bye etc and I had always assumed they are a bit shy because I never get any unfriendly vibe from them. In fact one quite often brings over things she has cooked.

However I don't take them on holidays with me, nor send them off on holidays with my wife., so maybe I have less invested so feel less taken aback by the limited discourse.

They are just stalking their prey. Take care of your money.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app


Wife's father doesn't speak to me.

Wife's two teenage sons don't like me.

And now, gf's sister won't speak to me.

Do I see a posting trend developing here?


I don't bother mixing with any gf's family, that isn't what a gfs for.

The guilt factor is what has got sis clamming up. She would not know what to say to her sisters goldmine and is fearful of saying anything to ruin the free flow of gold as OP has already indicated.

The OP's girlfriend could possibly have warned her sis not to talk to him except to say hi and goodbye. Perhaps there have been stolen BF's in the past. At any rate the OP has failed to indicate any discussions with his GF on this matter in his post. Soooooo I declare this a total BS troll post.

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