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I left my ATM card in machine ---AGAIN

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This happened 3 times for me, I am used to the european and NZ method, get card first and cash after. most of the time was because i was distracted talking with the GF that wanted to know how much i keyed in smile.png. I find the system silly, but at least you can get a new visa card in 30 min. at your bank, in Europe i would have to wait a week.

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I agree with the OP... It is a bit lame... The card should come out before the cash... When I forgot my card once I went to the bank and told them about it (it was the ATM outside thier location).. And they told me they did not have it and would have to issue a new one... I think it is a ploy by the bank to get a 100 baht for each new card...

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I agree with the OP... It is a bit lame... The card should come out before the cash... When I forgot my card once I went to the bank and told them about it (it was the ATM outside thier location).. And they told me they did not have it and would have to issue a new one... I think it is a ploy by the bank to get a 100 baht for each new card...

Well generally cards here do not have your name on it so how could they identify any in the machine as yours ?

Also not as though they can just go unlock the machine and have a look for it either.

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when i first moved here i did the same several times. I guess it's the same reason they poor window screens inside instead of outside. I don't know

...and the light switches are the reverse of Australia, NZ, UK, Holland......

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In Sydney I had 2 Thai girls walk away from an ATM machine after a transaction just before $700 popped out. I was the next in line!!!

Did you invite them to dinner...and buy expensive gifts for them? That would of been nice.

Even though I had been fired that week and was short of money I handed the money over

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In Sydney I had 2 Thai girls walk away from an ATM machine after a transaction just before $700 popped out. I was the next in line!!!

Did you invite them to dinner...and buy expensive gifts for them? That would of been nice.

You could have used the $100 'reward' they gave you to buy the gifts.

No. Wait.

Save the $100 for services rendered after dinner . . .

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Having got used to the system with ATM's in Thailand I don't have a problem.

I also have my wife standing behind me just to be sure, so nothing gets forgotten.

In my case in the UK a couple of years back I took the card out but then forgot to take the money.

Luckily the next person in line behind me grabbed me before I got too far.

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I just go to BKK bank and pay for a new card 100 baht. No need for police report as they cancel the old card

Yes roath--very easy If you have a Thai card---impossible for me as I use my N.Z Visa to draw out cash--But I will learn someday whistling.gif

AND --to whom it concerns---I am not brain dead--just on holiday-- and not used to the system wai2.gif

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And of course being the kind hearted gentleman you are, you gave the clerk a few baht for her kindness??? Or NOT

A few months ago, I took the money and left the card in the machine,blink.png and an alarm went off in the store where the machine was located... a girl ran out to say "Mr Mr your card in machine!" as I was walking away..... I liked that! Not sure if they all have "alarms" but I was pleasantly surprised! ... thumbsup.gif

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After having this happen three times, I cut down some paper envelopes to fit ATM and credit cards. Now, when I use an ATM I take the envelope out of my wallett, take the card out of the envelope and hold onto the envelope until the transaction is complete. Sometimes I catch myself walking away from the ATM with the empty envelope still in my hand. Many times, this has saved me from loosing cards.

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yes be careful happened to me, but someone went straight to 2 shops and spent 16,000 baht, bought a 10k phone and shopping before I cancelled it, remember they don't need pin number to spend in shop, and my card doesn't have my name on it just privileged user, even found out who used it from numchai, there name address and tel number police done, sweet f.a,

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As I understand it, if you forget and leave your card in an ATM after the cash has been dispensed, it will automatically "swallow" it after a designated time, in order to prevent anyone else raiding the account. You can check with the bank, who should have your card. If not, the answer is to immediately report it lost and have it cancelled and replaced. .

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I agree with the OP... It is a bit lame... The card should come out before the cash... When I forgot my card once I went to the bank and told them about it (it was the ATM outside thier location).. And they told me they did not have it and would have to issue a new one... I think it is a ploy by the bank to get a 100 baht for each new card...

Why should entire banks make changes just for a few of you. Almost all ATM users here don't have any difficulty using it. You are in a foreign country. You play by their rules, not yours.

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This is kind of important, so I keep both hands empty, after I put in the card. When all the keypunching is done, I put one hand at the card slot and one at the money slot. I do not move either hand until both the money and the card comes out. When I get both, that is when I first put away my card, and then count the money in front of the camera.

If you make this a standard procedure (such as any habit), you will never forget. Also, never get distracted by somebody trying to talk to you or what is going on.

1. Eyes on the machine

2. One receiving hand with outstretched fingers at the card slot

3. The othe hand with outstretched fingers at the money slot.

4. Do not move...stand like a statue, even after one hand grasps the money. Wait for the card to be in the other before moving.

Doesn't work if you are transferring money to another account and are holding a card in one hand with the account number on it.

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In the last 8 years happened to me 4 times

When I was in Thailand the first time, just one of those things

2nd time was a few years ago at the Bangkok main railway station, was in a rush to catch the train and grabbed the cash and ran

3rd was in Indonesia last year, my wife was pushing me to hurry and so I did, leaving the card behind,

4th was Indonesia again THIS YEAR. Was in the airport after an 18hr flight. It was 3am, and I just wanted to get out of the cvnting place. I realised i did it a few seconds after the machine swallowed it. Of course no one there to assist, 'call the bank and come back to the airport tomorrow'. I literally kicked the shit out of myself. I ordered a new card and had my sister DHL it out to me, in the end I had to get it retrieved out of the post office, took 2 days of running around to get it out because of a mix up on the hotel address.


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put your card on a piece of string around your neck, like they do with a latch key kid, and you will be ok....laugh.png

Are you kidding?

Then you have to punch/drill a hole in it, does not seem really wise.

And then when the card is drawn into the slot, your face gets slammed into the machine! I hate it when that happens.

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Thai logic, what you expect? It is designed to make people forget cards so thieves can steal them!

After receiving cash, there is no sound notification or anything and you need to push a button to receive your card, how ridiculous!

"Thai logic, what you expect? "

That's right. Some farang are too feeble-minded to deal with an ATM on their own, and naturally that can be blamed on Thailand.

I used to recommend that incoming flights from Farang Land show compulsory instructional videos on how to use a balcony without falling to your death. Maybe there needs to be a second installment on how to use an ATM when not accompanied by mom & dad or some minder provided by your home nanny state. Further installments on personal hygiene to follow.

After receiving cash, there is no sound notification or anything and you need to push a button to receive your card, how ridiculous!

Actually on the screen it normally asks if you want a receipt or another transaction. How difficult is it to push "no?" I can't believe so many people are unable to cope and are so eager to admit it's too overwhelming for them to deal with.

Many people do more than one transaction and quite often cash dispensing isn't even one of the transactions, so why would the machine keep returning your card before you were done?

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In countries where the card comes out first, I've taken the card and walked off without the money.

And if that was what happened here, it would all be the fault of Thailand too.

People are unable to take personal responsibility. Everything must be someone else's fault. It's a farang lower economic class cultural phenomenon closely linked to farang dread of losing face, which frequently causes faces to go bright red and irate sputtering ( quickly followed by a new thread on Thai Visa).

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A few months ago, I took the money and left the card in the machine,blink.png and an alarm went off in the store where the machine was located... a girl ran out to say "Mr Mr your card in machine!" as I was walking away..... I liked that! Not sure if they all have "alarms" but I was pleasantly surprised! ... thumbsup.gif

Like you I come from a country where you can't get the money till the card is taken. Why is it the other way here? Ever hear the saying..... "Never give a sucker an even break?" Seriously, I did it in a Homepro foyer ATM at Chacheongsao. Same reason. Once has to be enough, though. (Hopefully)

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It has happened to me twice in my three years here. First time was at Macro, and I went back to the service center and someone had turned it in. Second time was at ATM outside my bank. Again, someone took the card inside and turned it in. In the U.S. you swipe the card, and then complete the transaction. Recently, BKK bank changed the programming so that it displays the balance and asks if you want a receipt. If NO then your card comes out quickly and there is less chance that you will walk away.

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