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Killed by Taliban for being Aussie


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Australian Sayed Habib Musawi ‘tortured, killed by Taliban’

SYDNEY: -- AUSTRALIAN officials are trying to confirm reports a dual citizen has been tortured and killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The family of 56-year-old Sydney resident Sayed Habib Musawi have told the Guardian Australia his body was found on Tuesday with signs he was tortured before being killed.

The ABC reports Mr Musawi was was pulled off a bus by Taliban militants between Kabul and Ghazni province, where he was visiting family.

Ghazni’s deputy governor Mohammad Ali Ahmadi said Mr Musawi was targeted for being an Australian citizen.

“Of course the reason is that he was an Afghan-Australian,” Mr Ahmadi told the ABC’s AM program today.

“He didn’t do anything besides that – he didn’t do anything wrong, he wasn’t a criminal, he wasn’t involved in government activities.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/world/australian-sayed-habib-musawi-tortured-killed-by-taliban/story-fndir2ev-1227073402579

-- News.com.au 2014-09-29

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RIP. However, I don't get why anyone would think it is a good time to head back to the old home country for a visit right now. There was the French national executed last week. Another group of people have just been kidnapped by Abu Sayef in the Philippines.

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They claim they are only fighting to rid the country of "foreign troops" yet every year they murder more of their fellow Afghans/Muslims on purpose here than the coalition does by accident. Not to mention that a large percentage of their fighters are from "foreign countries" themselves.

They hang children after accusing them of being spies.

They rape women, then accuse them of adultery and have them stoned to death.

They strap bombs to mentally handicapped kids and send them into crowded markets before remote detonating them.

They are lowlife, scum criminals using religion to justify their actions. They use fear and terror to force the people into following their particular way of thinking. Any of them that has a weapon can be judge, jury and executioner on the spot. There is no law. There is no justice. There is no freedom.

I have met some decent, hard working, law-abiding Afghans here over the years. People trying to make a living, raise a family and live an honest life. I watch these people trying to cobble together ancient pieces of equipment in the hopes it will run another day and they can earn another $5 ($10 if they're lucky). I watch farmers tending their watermelon fields in 50+ degree (Celsius) heat, camel/goat/sheep herders spending all day in the sun tending their flocks. Guys with university degrees handling the hose on a shit-sucker (honey wagon) truck. Skilled workers (carpenters/welders/etc) sorting garbage in the waste yard for $10 a day because that is the only thing keeping them (and their families) from starving.

But for all those good people, there are plenty more that thrive on crime and corruption and violence. Far easier to use a weapon to take something from somebody than it is to work for it yourself. And hey, if you can use your religion to justify it - less chance of any recriminations. Bonus !

Robbery ? Just claim they were heathens and deserved it !

Rape ? Just claim they were heretics and deserved it !

Murder ? Just claim they were infidels and deserved it !

I've seen/heard so much of this over the last 11 years here that I wonder how they can even believe their own BS. But that's the whole point of keeping their people uneducated and stupid, isn't it ? The dumber they are, the easier it is to convince them of almost anything. In fact, so many of them don't even think what they are doing is criminal, because they've been told that everything they do is for the glory of their god. When you can justify any action by claiming your god approves it, then anything is acceptable.

Really not much different that the christians during the middle ages, and during the periods of "colonization" when emissaries of the various religious sects would forcibly convert the "heathens" they encountered in the new lands. Little things like the Spanish Inquisition and Salem Witch trials are just other examples of religious extremism carried out by christians during a period when religious leaders held near ultimate power over the people and could even force kings to do their bidding.

Best post of the day by far!

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I have met some decent, hard working, law-abiding Afghans here over the years. People trying to make a living, raise a family and live an honest life. I watch these people trying to cobble together ancient pieces of equipment in the hopes it will run another day and they can earn another $5 ($10 if they're lucky). I watch farmers tending their watermelon fields in 50+ degree (Celsius) heat, camel/goat/sheep herders spending all day in the sun tending their flocks. Guys with university degrees handling the hose on a shit-sucker (honey wagon) truck. Skilled workers (carpenters/welders/etc) sorting garbage in the waste yard for $10 a day because that is the only thing keeping them (and their families) from starving.

But for all those good people, there are plenty more that thrive on crime and corruption and violence. Far easier to use a weapon to take something from somebody than it is to work for it yourself. And hey, if you can use your religion to justify it - less chance of any recriminations. Bonus !

Robbery ? Just claim they were heathens and deserved it !

Rape ? Just claim they were heretics and deserved it !

Murder ? Just claim they were infidels and deserved it !

I could not agree more with your sentiments. Very well said.


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Ahh ! But was he a beer drinking Aussie ?

Word on the street is the Taliban walked straight up to him, and only him, called him by name , took him from the bus and the rest is history.

Left the Afgan in 2000 for Australia with his family. So whatever the Taliban held against him was from before the 2001 invasion. Must have been bad to hold a grudge so long. More to this story than meets the eye.

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They claim they are only fighting to rid the country of "foreign troops" yet every year they murder more of their fellow Afghans/Muslims on purpose here than the coalition does by accident. Not to mention that a large percentage of their fighters are from "foreign countries" themselves.

They hang children after accusing them of being spies.

They rape women, then accuse them of adultery and have them stoned to death.

They strap bombs to mentally handicapped kids and send them into crowded markets before remote detonating them.

They are lowlife, scum criminals using religion to justify their actions. They use fear and terror to force the people into following their particular way of thinking. Any of them that has a weapon can be judge, jury and executioner on the spot. There is no law. There is no justice. There is no freedom.

I have met some decent, hard working, law-abiding Afghans here over the years. People trying to make a living, raise a family and live an honest life. I watch these people trying to cobble together ancient pieces of equipment in the hopes it will run another day and they can earn another $5 ($10 if they're lucky). I watch farmers tending their watermelon fields in 50+ degree (Celsius) heat, camel/goat/sheep herders spending all day in the sun tending their flocks. Guys with university degrees handling the hose on a shit-sucker (honey wagon) truck. Skilled workers (carpenters/welders/etc) sorting garbage in the waste yard for $10 a day because that is the only thing keeping them (and their families) from starving.

But for all those good people, there are plenty more that thrive on crime and corruption and violence. Far easier to use a weapon to take something from somebody than it is to work for it yourself. And hey, if you can use your religion to justify it - less chance of any recriminations. Bonus !

Robbery ? Just claim they were heathens and deserved it !

Rape ? Just claim they were heretics and deserved it !

Murder ? Just claim they were infidels and deserved it !

I've seen/heard so much of this over the last 11 years here that I wonder how they can even believe their own BS. But that's the whole point of keeping their people uneducated and stupid, isn't it ? The dumber they are, the easier it is to convince them of almost anything. In fact, so many of them don't even think what they are doing is criminal, because they've been told that everything they do is for the glory of their god. When you can justify any action by claiming your god approves it, then anything is acceptable.

Really not much different that the christians during the middle ages, and during the periods of "colonization" when emissaries of the various religious sects would forcibly convert the "heathens" they encountered in the new lands. Little things like the Spanish Inquisition and Salem Witch trials are just other examples of religious extremism carried out by christians during a period when religious leaders held near ultimate power over the people and could even force kings to do their bidding.

Best post of the day by far!

Totally Agree with Kerryd. Its sad really and I dont understand why this fanatic behavior still exist in 2014...Nothing justifies such killings or beheading. Let me quote from the Haddis ""Beware on the Day of Judgement; I shall mysefl be complainant against him who wrongs a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state or lays on him a responsibility greater than he can bear or deprives him of anything that belongs to him." (Al-Mawardi)

Condemn such barbaric acts of Afghans

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There is a disconnect between being a member of the world community...treating your fellowman with dignity and respect...having respect for life and the rule of law...and being a Muslim terrorist...where life has no value...and those who sit down at the table to work out their differences become targets...along with the educated and professional people...

Left up to Muslim terrorists...the world would revert back to mid-evil times...with the guys with the most guns and swords...ruling by the seat of their pants...out-of-control...chaos...evil beyond description...

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There is a disconnect between being a member of the world community...treating your fellowman with dignity and respect...having respect for life and the rule of law...and being a Muslim terrorist...where life has no value...and those who sit down at the table to work out their differences become targets...along with the educated and professional people...

Left up to Muslim terrorists...the world would revert back to mid-evil times...with the guys with the most guns and swords...ruling by the seat of their pants...out-of-control...chaos...evil beyond description...

Actually muslim "terrorists" are just people that follow Allahs words in the Quran. The source of the problem is the book that is used to justify killings. Also the problem is many non-muslims refer to it as a religion. Islam is more like a cult.

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Ahh ! But was he a beer drinking Aussie ?

Word on the street is the Taliban walked straight up to him, and only him, called him by name , took him from the bus and the rest is history.

Left the Afgan in 2000 for Australia with his family. So whatever the Taliban held against him was from before the 2001 invasion. Must have been bad to hold a grudge so long. More to this story than meets the eye.

Word on the tele you mean,you hard arse reporter,you.

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There is a disconnect between being a member of the world community...treating your fellowman with dignity and respect...having respect for life and the rule of law...and being a Muslim terrorist...where life has no value...and those who sit down at the table to work out their differences become targets...along with the educated and professional people...

Left up to Muslim terrorists...the world would revert back to mid-evil times...with the guys with the most guns and swords...ruling by the seat of their pants...out-of-control...chaos...evil beyond description...

For a moment I thought you were describing Mexico or some African countries.

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