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We have the cure for ebola, Bangkok's Siriraj Hospital announces


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Traveller45, on 29 Sept 2014 - 17:02, said:
Trentham, on 29 Sept 2014 - 16:59, said:

Vaccines do not CURE disease - they PREVENT disease. Even their announcement is not correct.

Hold it - there are vaccines that cure diseases. The key part is to introduce into the body a substance that helps in the generation of antibodies. It is not substantially different whether or not the disease is already present.

Before commenting you should at least know the definition of vaccine...an antigenic substance prepared from the causative agent of a disease or a synthetic substitute, used to provide immunity against one or several diseases. Not a cure.

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This is HUGE news: Thailand invented something,

Thai doctors are the smartest in the world.

yeah right, like the Thai doctor who said i was dizzy and feeling weak because i was old, turned out i had dengue fever, the red spots all over my body should have given the incompetent fool a clue plus the fact that i told him what it was. The private hospital i then went to said i was going into shock, another few days i could have died.

Nine years ago I had a headache for a week. I went to Bumrungrad and saw a neurologist. He told me I had early onset Alzheimer's Disease and sold me a 30,000 baht MRI and double that in drugs. I am still able to remember the incident and write this 9 years later. I guess he was wrong - although rich.

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I cannot believe the stupidity of this article, as written before...I am but a lowly old civilian and even i KNOW that vaccines PREVENT diseases not CURE them, so let's make sure we at least have the proper nomenclature figured out before posted crap like this

Yes, vaccines use a weakened form of the virus so that the subject will spontaneously develop antibodies. It takes a bit of time to develop a new antibody, so vaccines give the body a head start on kicking in the production of antibodies the moment that particular virus enters the body. So, technically speaking, vaccines kill the bad bugs before they get a chance to colonize the host.

In one sense, a vaccine is the first step in a cure for a specific disease. But it's the body's autoimmune system that develops the antibodies that kill that specific disease. In rare cases, a vaccination can cure an existing disease, and big pharma is working on just that. But so far, many treatments fight only the symptoms, not the cause...with the major exception of antibiotics, of course.

I'm sure I'll get flamed for this response, but the question "what's the difference between a vaccination and a cure" is actually quite complex.

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Vaccines do not CURE disease - they PREVENT disease. Even their announcement is not correct.

Their announcement is correct. The definition of a vaccine is "a mixture that helps stimulate the body's own immune system to fight a disease". In the past most vaccines have been preventative, but with Ebola the vaccine is given to the patient after he contracts the disease to stimulate the bodies immune system to produce anti-bodies which kill the virus. Strictly speaking vaccines do not cure or prevent a disease but stimulate the body's immune system to produce anti-bodies to fight the disease.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Vaccine (disambiguation).
Jonas Salk in 1955 holds two bottles of a culture used to grow polio vaccines.

A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins. The agent stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the agent as foreign, destroy it, and keep a record of it, so that the immune system can more easily recognize and destroy any of these microorganisms that it later encounters.

Vaccines can be prophylactic (example: to prevent or ameliorate the effects of a future infection by any natural or "wild" pathogen), or therapeutic (e.g., vaccines against cancer are also being investigated; see cancer vaccine).

The terms vaccine and vaccination are derived from Variolae vaccinae (smallpox of the cow), the term devised by Edward Jenner to denote cowpox. He used it in 1798 in the long title of his Inquiry into the...Variolae vaccinae...known...[as]...the Cow Pox, in which he described the protective effect of cowpox against smallpox.[1] In 1881, to honour Jenner, Louis Pasteur proposed that the terms should be extended to cover the new protective inoculations then being developed.[2]

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Robby nz, on 29 Sept 2014 - 17:31, said:
Sphere, on 29 Sept 2014 - 17:03, said:
QuoteAccording to its report, researchers at Siriraj Hospital have developed the world's first vaccine that can cure infected patients.

Could someone knowledgeable please explain whether there is a difference between a 'vaccine' and a 'cure'?

Doesn't look likely, nobody with knowledge has posted so far.

Vaccine: an antigenic substance prepared from the causative agent of a disease or a synthetic substitute, used to provide immunity against one or several diseases.


a substance or treatment that cures a disease or condition.

Boy, I have to Google this for those who can't.

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This is HUGE news: Thailand invented something,

Thai doctors are the smartest in the world.

yeah right, like the Thai doctor who said i was dizzy and feeling weak because i was old, turned out i had dengue fever, the red spots all over my body should have given the incompetent fool a clue plus the fact that i told him what it was. The private hospital i then went to said i was going into shock, another few days i could have died.

Nine years ago I had a headache for a week. I went to Bumrungrad and saw a neurologist. He told me I had early onset Alzheimer's Disease and sold me a 30,000 baht MRI and double that in drugs. I am still able to remember the incident and write this 9 years later. I guess he was wrong - although rich.

The internet is your friend, a headache is not a symptom of Alzheimer's which is difficult to diagnose with any accuracy, glad to here you are OK.

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IF THIS IS TRUE, I WILL BE AMAZED. In fact i guarantee its so full of ifs buts and caveats, its a sham announcement , and/or , they've actually found a cure for something, at best similar to ebola

finally produced an anti-body which is capable of treating hemorrhagic fever from Ebola virus.

I believe this is what you mean, it treats hemorrhagic fever, not Ebola, in others words it treats a symptom of Ebola, it doesn't make someone immune or actually kills the Ebola virus...Ebola is not the only source of hemorrhagic fever, in other words its not a cure for Ebola...

think of it this way... a symptom of HIV/Aids can be pneumonia, finding a treatment for pneumonia is not the same as finding a cure for HIV/Aids is it ?....you have a treatment for one of the symptoms of HIV/Aids, not a cure

smoke mirrors and misinformation to produce a head line me thinks...wink.png

Edited by Soutpeel
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As a layman I simply do not believe this tory, as reported. A chronic disease that has had the worlds best minds on the go for 40 years and, suddenly, bingo. Thailand has solved it.

I suspect that on Thursday it will be announced that they didn't actually mean a cure but something far less dramatic.

I would be the first to applaud them if it were true. Maybe they have found a cure for Thailand by refusing entry to anyone from Africa.

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On thursday , they will issue a statement saying that the media attention and TV members comments is disrupting their study of the vaccines and ask the social medai and media to stop disturbing them or there will say that a rogue falang who crossdresses stole the formulation and when back home or that some poor migrant workers stole the formulation.

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That is a bold statement. I hope i am wrong however no doubt the same vaccine will be known somewhere in the western world, however, because of the medical ethics laws making these kind of statements public before conducting years of clinical trials and testing we would never get to hear about it. Just hope this hospital does not end up with egg on the chin.

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