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Koh Tao: Police look for man in VDO footage as a key to provide clue of murder


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The 85% thing ,was supposed to prove that they were doing something .They have to feed the media a few crumbs ,until hopefully (for the Thai police ) the media looses interest soon .

The only hope i see is that the General /PM steps in ,and personally stops this farce .

Edited by anto
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In my humble opinion, the way Hannah´s dead body was found (laying on the back with wide spread legs) clearly indicate, that she was raped after she was killed. So why do the RTP only care about the DNA in the semen found on her body, when the killer and the rapists actually very well could be different persons? I believe that whoever killed Hannah, should be found among the persons present in AC Bar that fatal night (foreigner or not). A person who possibly would have showed interest in Hannah there, or had any kind of dispute with her there and followed her when she left the bar. The friends of both victims know exactly what happened in AC Bar that night before the killings, so why were they not required, to stick around and be available for further questioning?

Why do the RTP not check exactly which mobile phones were near the area that night and question all owners about what they saw, heard and did that night?

The CCTV footage of the Asian guy is actually not bad at all, so the RTP should easily be able to digitally enhance the footage and show us all a quite nice portrait of that guy.

Edited by Xonax
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Well id concentrate more on the other clues if i was investigating, not many people stay on Koh Tao more than a few day for diving , Really the chances of finding a farang boy still there all this time is highly unlikely and he surely cant have anything to do with the murder as he looks so skinny and young he wouldn't be capable of a double murder let alone produce Asian sperm. if he was a witness and he knew anything I am sure he would have piped up after safely leaving the island. could be 1000 reasons why some one is running around at that time in the morning.

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Very difficult to ID from that pic.This has already been circulated since the incident also.Nothing new.Everyday same same but same.

^ Yes , and no vision of the same man "walking" from the Touch camera ?

I have a simple question.

Did the (ex)Headman , or his son EVER give a DNA sample?

The Police said that lad was a prime suspect , after interviewing his father and uncle who it was said REFUSED swabs ... then the boy claimed he had CTV 'proving' he was in Bangkok ( that surely his father had already verified) and then he was no longer a suspect.

So no CTV realeased for public scrutiny , AND no DNA.... really?

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If anyone thinks the police are inept, or that this is a farce, please be assured that nothing could be further than the truth.

The police know very well what they are doing and every seemingly confusing statement is meant to be just that...confusing. The intent being to simply to have everyone going round in circles and getting nowhere.

It's actually interesting, in a macabre sort of way, to see an organization swing into action and achieve what they want so efficiently.

Policeman: Hey, you're not as dumb as you look

Fletch: Nobody's as dumb as I look.

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Does any policeman in Thailand understand any of the following:

"On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have the courage

to hold myself and others

accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the Constitution,

the community,

and the agency I serve,

so help me God."

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They need help. Scotland Yard must become involved, or they can seek assistance from FBI, and start a professional investigation. There is still hope, but not if they don't seek assistance from abroad. Why is it so difficult to admit that they can't do it? Even professional police forces from EU will ask FBI and Scotland Yard for assistance from time to time, and they never feel ashamed.

Get Scotland Yard there, three weeks after the murder? After three weeks of tempering with evidence, following wrong leads, having local jocals trample the crime scene to bits from minute one onwards? First thing SY would find out is that there is a mafia structure present on that island and that the local cops are corrupt and submissive to the mafia leader... Heads would roll by the dozen, and that exactly is the reason why SY will never be invited.

Let's cut the crap shall we? Bottom line is: The Thais on that island and the officials there give a $#ite about any foreigner, dead or alive! All they are concerned about is keeping the foreign money rolling in. Thus, they most likely will produce, charge and sentence a couple of patsies to get the case closed and forgotten.

And after that it will be just business as usual - extorting money through the kidnapped infrastructure, bullying successful business competitors out of their business by threats, burning the place down or a bullet to the head, drugs, corruption, and a relaxing murder and rape from time to time, to "clear the head"... If you ask me, Koh Tao is the biggest pile of dog $#ite in all of Thailand and it is about time the place gets cleaned up - or closed down!

Edited by catweazle
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HONOR means giving one’s word as a bond and guarantee.

BETRAY is defined as breaking faith and proving false.

The BADGE is a visible symbol of the power of your office.

INTEGRITY is firm adherence to principles,both in our private and public life.

CHARACTER means the qualities and standards of behavior that distinguish an individual.

The PUBLIC TRUST is a duty imposed in faith to those we are sworn to serve.

COURAGE is having the “heart,” the mental, and the moral strength to venture, persevere, withstand, and overcome danger, difficulty, and fear.

ACCOUNTABILITY means that we are answerable and responsible for our actions.

COMMUNITY is the municipalities, neighborhoods, and citizens we serve.

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The Police know who did it from day one .The Islanders of Koh Tao know .Every stray dog on the Island knows .Problem is that the guilty ones are untouchable .Even B780,000 is not enough .

Irony: because 1MBaht was promised to the person giving the perpetrators a rock solid alibi (ie. proving they didn't do it)

or to provide false leads or a patsy

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The Message is clear:

Police is from day one on not eager to present the three or four thai men

which are the perpetrators.

Hey farang,hey you : We will not give you what you want,we will not give you the murderers

of your people because it would be a greater shame to show the world

that thai people can do such a crime especially when they comming from

a rich and wealthy background.

Finally we dont give a $hit what you think,just bring your money in our

country and shut up.

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Wasn't the DNA results due yesterday?

Is this another case of "whoops, not what we wanted. Oh look over there!"

Well, yesterday the police stated that the 800kbaht was too expensive - so you really cant say now can you

Sorry,I am a bit lost here,must have missed something------What is too expensive that costs 800K??

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I'd like to see a poll how many think?

1. The police know who did it

2.The police have no idea who did it

3.The locals on the island know who did it

4. No one knows who did it

5.some poor Drifter going to get blamed for it :(

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Does anybody have any info at all on the speedboat seen running away from Koh Tao on the morning of the double murder? It was reported to be called "Little Duck". Anybody ever see this boat at Koh Tao before, who is the owner of this speedboat?

The speedboat was reported to have asked a fishing boat for directions to Naiphrao island in Nakhon Sri Thammarat but changed course when a police boat arrived to apprehend it.

Dodgy as, and I'll bet a significant clue. I say that because this line of enquiry has been hushed up by the coppers, as has all other important evidence that implicates the murderers.

I agree there is hushing going on when the truth is close at hand.

Has the son of the Village keeper that fled to Bangkok that morning given DNA.

No, witnesses are not good enough. It took him 10 days to say here I am along with all my witnesses. The public and the world must demand DNA from this prime suspect that was pointed out to be one of the killers. This man is subject number one, period.

Have him give DNA and I and the rest of us can let him alone. Maybe I missed it and he did give DNA or maybe giving DNA doesn't matter if you are of status that your beyond the law. I hope they clear this point completely once and for all.

Could someone please tell us if he gave DNA please.

From a report I read yesterday his father and Uncle gave DNA and were both cleared which suggests that they could use that same DNA to check if it was a family member/s.

I'm trying hard not to read about this case anymore as the information is so conflicting it's impossible to keep up. A few days ago the police reported they had someone that witnessed a foreigner murdering them and now nothing of this.

I'm hoping against all odds the police are withholding something and this daily reporting of misinformation is a way of trapping the real killer/s. I of course don't believe that's what they are doing, I just hope for the sake of the family and friends and Thailand that is what they are doing.

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who did it ?

the guitar playing farang ?

the burmese immigrant workers?

the head of the villages son?

or the guy in the wearing the victims blood stained pants caught running away from the scene on CCTV?

or the guy in the wearing the victims blood stained pants caught running away from the scene on CCTV?

where was this reported I must have missed that fact??? why would anyone put on a pair of trousers from a victim especially if blood stained unless by some chance the guy was ordered to be a patsy. i'd like to read that article as it sound more like the result of a Chinese whisper. no way can you see that on the cctv footage.

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He has been running past that camera twice a day for the past week and they have not caught him yet.

I think it would be good to publish more of this video. There might have been other people passing by just before or after this particular time. Those people might know something about this guy.

Edited by slipperylobster
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My heart goes out to the dead couples' family members and friends who have to go through this debacle. Every day something new comes up just to show what a bunch of bumbling and inept idiots the police and authorities actually are. Everyone has their own version of the story, their own agenda, their own levels of stupidity. One day they are close to catching the perps, the next day they have all the evidence they need to make arrests soon, and all of a sudden, and despite the reported progress and updates, they're back and firmly planted on square one. And then you top it off with some completely insensitive and disgustingly tasteless remarks by the higher authorities. I am really, honestly amazed how it is possible these people can be so completely brainless.

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I thought the best clue was the gangster with downs syndrome easy to spot and pick up, It’s all starting to get a bit boring now spend good time reading all these posts then it’s nothing new. I can see this whole murder thing being brushed under the carpet and local police just collect their gangster cash as normal each month and forget everything happened just an alien fall out and two got murdered at the beach and the foreign murderer escaped but then again that was a long time ago.

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Thai police are very quick at finding suspects............when they want to. This case has all the signs of a murder that they would rather bury.The powers that be know full well that keeping this case alive is doing a lot of harm to their precious Thai tourist trade and finding culprits will only prolong the damage. The police have now reached the point of repeating old news and going round in circles, which is very close to the time when the case is eventually filed away.Any Thai guy suspect with half a brain would have left the Island on the same day.Sadly I don't think they will ever find the culprits of this horrific crime and the only way of maybe preventing further atrocities like this one,is to continually warn tourist of the dangers in visiting this land of smiles. R.I.P

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Check phone calls, there would be some serious phone activity following this awful crime.

Killers > Boss > Escape Help > Mainland.

I bet that phone tower could tell a tale or 2.

Ask NSA or GCHQ for help.

They know everything.

But do they care about two British subjects of no political relavance ?

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Very difficult to ID from that pic.This has already been circulated since the incident also.Nothing new.Everyday same same but same.

Not clear, but useful for process of elimination. thin with a wavy black hair mop, it sure appears a lot like Mon. But he was quickly excused (with extremely quick DNA text) as was his brother (flaccid alibi of being in Bkk, reported a week after APB looking for him). If the dad is worth many millions, it's no surprise he's putting his money to good use. How about check some bank accounts of top brass cops on the case.

Check phone calls, there would be some serious phone activity following this awful crime. Killers > Boss > Escape Help > Mainland. I bet that phone tower could tell a tale or 2.

That's assuming two things: The investigators can think outside the box, and they're sincerely looking for the perps. Reality check: TIT, with Thai investigators.

Errrrr.....have any of the police been dna tested ?

....particularly the cop who's bosom buddies with Mon. It's a good question, and I'd venture the answer is NO. If yes, then cops get tested in the same all-too-quick shoddy (or pseudo) way Mon was tested.

If I was grading the investigation thus far, it would score a solid F. Interesting than none of today's lead stories in the Post or the Nation mentioned the Koh Tao investigation. Everyone worried about tourist revenue wants this case to be forgotten a.s.a.p.

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