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Arrest warrant for Koh Tao murder suspect to be Issued in 3 days


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The police have interrogated...

This news report just come in from the Daily M.


"Thai police investigating the murder of two British backpackers tried to bribe a taxi driver to give false evidence against a football team then beat him up when he refused, it was claimed today.

Pornprasit Sukdam claims he was offered 700,000 baht (£13,300) if he agreed to be a fake witness to events leading up to the deaths of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge in Koh Tao.

But when he turned down the offer, he claims the officers became angry and attacked him before releasing him on Monday evening".

A Sickening read! He is one of the alleged players from the football team.

Well if there is someone who refuses to give dna, the only way to legally obtain it is having a witness ,which would enable them to issue an arrest warrant, which would give power to legally take dna from suspect. Even if witness recants, the dna evidence is still usable. Hence the desperation for a witness ,or someone to identify video footage as a couple of suspects have refused to give dna. So i say the police have gotta do what they gotta do to get this case solved. Anyone who knows even a little bit and keeps quiet, deserves a few slaps to get the choppers moving.

Interesting theory , in fact the beating of the taxi driver can be seen through another perspective.

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The Royal Thai Police Force should be renamed, they are an insult to there Majesty's, the Thai Police force it should be!

And a serious question, Should a police office who is found to be corrupt or found to be withholding criminal information not be subject to a les majese charge?

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Maybe, just maybe the noose is tightening on the "familly".

The sons statement, the fathers press conference, maybe they doth protest too much?

Lott of dissinformation being leaked deliberately, someone above aludes to needing a witness to force a DNA test?

Maybe they know they are heading for a fall, or have been tipped off higher levels of authority are after them, and this is frantic riggling to escape.

We can only hope, maybe im giving the Thai coppers a bit too much credit here.

Heres hoping.

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Spring News are saying that the three ppl work at AC Bar.

. Who are "spring news"?


Here's the translated version of their web site. You are better than I if you can make sense of it. I could not find the Kho Tao story.

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Just get those arrest warrants and get those collars! Over the years, I've been wondering what's up with those announcements?! Warnings to the perps, or what? A hope they will come forward to get lesser sentences? am not getting it.

Nor do I understand why the hell they need 3 more days if they know what they appear to know!!

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The police have interrogated...

This news report just come in from the Daily M.


"Thai police investigating the murder of two British backpackers tried to bribe a taxi driver to give false evidence against a football team then beat him up when he refused, it was claimed today.

Pornprasit Sukdam claims he was offered 700,000 baht (£13,300) if he agreed to be a fake witness to events leading up to the deaths of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge in Koh Tao.

But when he turned down the offer, he claims the officers became angry and attacked him before releasing him on Monday evening".

A Sickening read! He is one of the alleged players from the football team.

Well if there is someone who refuses to give dna, the only way to legally obtain it is having a witness ,which would enable them to issue an arrest warrant, which would give power to legally take dna from suspect. Even if witness recants, the dna evidence is still usable. Hence the desperation for a witness ,or someone to identify video footage as a couple of suspects have refused to give dna. So i say the police have gotta do what they gotta do to get this case solved. Anyone who knows even a little bit and keeps quiet, deserves a few slaps to get the choppers moving.

Interesting theory , in fact the beating of the taxi driver can be seen through another perspective.

yep, and they shouldn't stop there either. A few of those bar workers need a good slapping too.


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Spring News are saying that the three ppl work at AC Bar.

. Who are "spring news"?


Here's the translated version of their web site. You are better than I if you can make sense of it. I could not find the Kho Tao story.

It was a couple of tweets - one a translation followed by a screengrab of the original tweet from Spring News in Thai. Both tweets appear to have been deleted now???

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The police have interrogated...

This news report just come in from the Daily M.


"Thai police investigating the murder of two British backpackers tried to bribe a taxi driver to give false evidence against a football team then beat him up when he refused, it was claimed today.

Pornprasit Sukdam claims he was offered 700,000 baht (£13,300) if he agreed to be a fake witness to events leading up to the deaths of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge in Koh Tao.

But when he turned down the offer, he claims the officers became angry and attacked him before releasing him on Monday evening".

A Sickening read! He is one of the alleged players from the football team.

Sick indeed. It is better to (deliberately) not catch anyone than to knowingly catch the wrong person. Firstly, an innocent person would be made to suffer and secondly, the real killer would still be at large. I hope that the cops who did this will be punished.

This also shows what we can expect from this investigation: nothing even approaching a real intention to honestly solve the crime.

Obviously 700K was not enough, but they have an unusual bargaining technique.

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Has anyone thought that the police have people detained under investigation already that they haven't told the media about and they are waiting for the primary or secondary DNA results to come back.

Usually takes about 3 days for that if done correctly.

An awful lot of pessimistic people logged in tonight....................rolleyes.gif

On the other hand...............................coffee1.gif

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oh no, this again who will believe them

or did they now succeed in beating someone to be a witness

Stop talking rubbish, thai police and admit that your perfomance was/is utter BS

you will never arrest the murderers even if you probably know them and this is the most vicious and most sad part of it all

you have no mercy with the victims only with your bank accounts

Edited by sweatalot
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Spring News are saying that the three ppl work at AC Bar.

. Who are "spring news"?


Here's the translated version of their web site. You are better than I if you can make sense of it. I could not find the Kho Tao story.

It was a couple of tweets - one a translation followed by a screengrab of the original tweet from Spring News in Thai. Both tweets appear to have been deleted now???

Found them - thai and translation....

@Chu_SpringNews: < snip! >AC BAR #SpringNews

@Ryn_writes: Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen plans to issue arrest warrants for suspect(s) in Koh Tao murders in 2-3 days. Suspect(s) work at AC BAR. #SpringNews

Edited by metisdead
Thai language edited out of post. This is an English language forum, English is the only acceptable language, except in the Thai language forum where Thai language is allowed.
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I heard that FBI and Scotland Yard were doing their own investigations undercover and know exactly what the Thai Police are doing. Charge the wrong people for this and the entire Thai Police force will have to be sacked in front of the world....now that's a BIG loss of face.....karma. I was going to mention this earlier on in the investigation but decided to let them run with this entire disgusting excuse of an investigation.

Also, I'd imagine that human right groups will be called in to save the poor sucker fitted up for this.

Are you a secret agent?

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All the Thais i know are very angry and sickened by this horrific event and want justice for Hannah & David. Facebook especially on CSI LA's page is full of comments demanding that the student suspect and influencial people (suspects) in Koh Tao be dna tested properly. If you're innocent why hide? Initially my knee jerk reaction was anger at all Thais and that was wrong of me because the murderer and anyone covering up for them are $#@# sick #$@# and are shaming the otherwise good people of this country. This leads me to believe that that good will prevail and the real murderers will be caught in the end.

I agree with the first part of your post,

unfortunately regarding your last sentence

" This leads me to believe that that good will prevail and the real murderers will be caught in the end."

I do not share your optimism

I am afraid not only the murderers but a lot more villains would needed to be arrested - and this will make it difficult

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i wish they would stop all this nonsense and not act like headless hickens Its pathetic but soon all will believe rumours going around which are as usual police doth want to find real murderers because either they have been paid off or murderers are to well connected so and this is Thais talking not me as a ex pat most seem to say of course they will never admit it could be a thai so will find some poor pathetic burmese or such to be scapegoat as usual. I was even after 30+ years here vert surprised to hear from my wife and friends all in agreement that this was normal this way and they are not hiso or even so well educated except most from their youth very street wise. Maybe fact they are beginning to openly say what was taboo before even is not true is a really good sign that and i live n hope after 30+ years here worm has finally turned and been so disgusted with police and other corruption

One lives in hope that thais we've known for decades and their young are prepared to say openly at least semi publicly what they have believed all the time

one thai firmed of my wife's (came from Issan slums)as my wife did 35 years ago said thailand has no law no respect no moral values which is true of many hi sos police and others IMO but this group have always had moral values and they also repair about rip offs scandals and open corruption which they say was not so until last 10 years or so (and yes sorry to say who has been main government in power or in power all those years yes a certain hero of poor)

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The police have interrogated...

This news report just come in from the Daily M.


"Thai police investigating the murder of two British backpackers tried to bribe a taxi driver to give false evidence against a football team then beat him up when he refused, it was claimed today.

Pornprasit Sukdam claims he was offered 700,000 baht (£13,300) if he agreed to be a fake witness to events leading up to the deaths of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge in Koh Tao.

But when he turned down the offer, he claims the officers became angry and attacked him before releasing him on Monday evening".

A Sickening read! He is one of the alleged players from the football team.

Sick indeed. It is better to (deliberately) not catch anyone than to knowingly catch the wrong person. Firstly, an innocent person would be made to suffer and secondly, the real killer would still be at large. I hope that the cops who did this will be punished.

This also shows what we can expect from this investigation: nothing even approaching a real intention to honestly solve the crime.

Obviously 700K was not enough, but they have an unusual bargaining technique.

If he's not talking, slap him harder.

slap them all, til someone talks

The cops should do what they have to do to find these animals. Just goes to show, they risking their jobs to get these guys. Slap em again. And use a phone book next time.

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Will they arrest the dead victims for allowing themselves to be killed? Seem one of the very few options the RTP really have unless they have beaten some more witness into giving information.

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What a load of horseshit.

If the police have sufficient evidence, then you make arrests NOW. Not 3 days after announcing you are going to make arrests.

Please General, send EVERY police officer on Koh Tao to an inactive post in upper Issan and send in the troops to take over and get things sorted out on Koh Tao.

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