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Spent over $2,000 USD to get another tourist visa - horror story!

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I recently signed up with [name of school deleted] to get my ED visa. I was on a Tourist Visa (60 days with opportunity to extend to 90). I wanted to get my extension to 90 days, but my teacher (name deleted) told me I had to start class right away to get my ED visa. After talking to other language schools in Patong, I was cautioned about using [name of school deleted], but I thought this was just salesmanship on their part. [name of school deleted] was close to my house and a friend of mine went there previously without a problem (before the visa crackdown), so I decided to use [name of school deleted]. I later learned from instructors at other schools I could have extended my tourist visa and then applied for my ED visa. What I was told at [name of school deleted] was false.

I asked (name deleted)where could i go to get my ED visa. She said ANY Thai Embassy outside Thailand. She said I needed to speak some Thai when I was interviewed so they would know I was attending classes and not just a Visa runner. I asked if I could go to Vietnam (HCMC). She said yes. Vietnam is advertised on their website as a possible ED visa destination. I didn't like Penang much on my first tourist visa run, so I decided on Vietnam.

So, I flew to Vietnam. The next day I took a taxi to the Thai Embassy in HCMC, but they were closed so I had to take a taxi back to my hotel. The next morning I took another taxi to the embassy. This time they were open. I was the only person in the waiting room. I spoke to the staff in Thai, but they only spoke Vietnamese and English, so we talked in English. They told me to wait and they looked confused. Three hours later they handed me my application back and said it was rejected. I asked why. They said they could not give a reason, but my application provided and completed by [name of school deleted] was incorrect.

I contacted my teacher ( name deleted). She told me to go back and speak to them in Thai and ask them for a reason. Having tried this already and not wanting to anger the staff, I went to a visa service in HCMC with connections on the inside of the Thai Embassy. The visa service (who obviously wants my business) said, "No you cannot apply for a visa here because you are a foreigner - not Vietnamese." So I took a taxi back to my hotel and contacted (deleted) and explained to her what happened. She told me to go to Hanoi.

I contacted the visa service again in HCMC. I asked if I should go to Hanoi. They said "No, you are a foreigner - only Vietnamese can get the visa in Hanoi".

Not knowing what to do, I contacted a teacher at <name removed> School in Patong to ask for advice. She said they have never had an ED Visa rejected. Like the Thai Embassy in HCMC, she said my application documents had to be incorrect.

Taking the advice of the visa service in HCMC, I didn't go to Hanoi. My teacher (name deleted)also told me I could go to Phnom Penh, because she had a student approved there before. She said she has a "contact" in Phnom Penh, but I should try myself first to avoid the visa service fee. So I decided to go to Phnom Penh in Cambodia. I arrived late on Friday in Phnom Penh, so I had to wait until Monday to go to the Thai Embassy. So two more nights in a hotel in Phnom Penh.

Monday comes and I take a taxi to the Thai Embassy, but it's closed. I take a taxi back to my hotel. The hotel staff tell me everything in Cambodia is closed for the next three days because of a holiday. So I stay in the hotel 3 more days and do some sight seeing in Phnom Penh. Thursday comes and I take a taxi to the Thai Embassy, but they are closed again. Back I go to my hotel in a taxi. The hotel staff tells me yes, some businesses are still closed that day, so I need to go back Friday. Friday comes and I take the taxi early in the morning to the Thai Embassy - they are open!

I go inside and speak the the staff in Thai, but they only speak Cambodian. I smile (Thai style), submit my paperwork, and wait. There are maybe 3 people in the waiting room. After an hour the staff call me name and hand me back my application - rejected. I ask why. The guy tells me my documents are wrong. I ask what specifically and he says "not enough hours". So back to the hotel I go. I contact my teacher <name removed> and she says she will send me a new document for the school hours. I go to the internet cafe and print the document and rush back in a taxi to the Thai Embassy before they close at 11:30AM. Visa applications can only be submitted in the mornings. When I walk in, the guy who rejected my application laughs. I give him my application with new documents. He tells me to take a seat.

Thirty minutes later, my name is called. I go to get my visa, but again my application is rejected. He says, still not enough hours. I call my teacher( name deleted) and she sends me a new document with revised study hours. She tells me to go back and to speak Thai! Knowing that he doesn't speak Thai, I take matters into my own hands. I call her "contact" in Phnom Penh and pay his visa service to submit the application again for me. This guy has a connection on the inside of the Thai Embassy. He talks to his source in the Thai embassy and tells me he can get me a tourist visa, but the ED visa will not be approved. I ask him why, but he says he does not know - only that my documents are incorrect. Back to my hotel I go in the taxi.

I contact my teacher (name deleted) and she tells me to go back to the embassy on Phnom Penh on Monday and speak to them in Thai! Having done this and knowing they speak Cambodian, I go online and start researching Thai ED visa forums for what to do next. The visit forums say I can only go to Penang or Vientiene to get my ED visa. While there is a chance a can get my ED visa from Phnom Penh, the chances are slim at best. Some people in the past had received ED visas this way, but the probability was low. Meanwhile, my teacher swears that my documents are correct. And, she starts getting angry with me - why don't you speak to them in Thai she says!

So I decide to head to Vientiene, Laos, to try my luck there. I get on a plane and fly to Laos (the bus ride was 48 hours). Most of the hotels were sold out, so I paid a premium to stay in a three star hotel. When Monday arrives, I go to the Thai Embassy early in a taxi. By this time I'm tired of the constant rejections. I want to get back "home" to Thailand, so I pay a visa service to do the process for me. They review my documents and tell me, "Your documents are not signed originals and therefore will be rejected". I contact my teacher and she says, don't use a visa service - go yourself. So I go to the embassy, get a number and wait. Finally my number gets called. I go to the booth. They look at my documents for less than a minute and hand them back to me - rejected. I ask why. They tell me, because your documents are not signed originals.

I take a taxi back to my hotel. At the hotel I contact my teacher <name removed>. She tells me she is going to send me some new documents that will work. I explain to her the problem is the documents are not signed originals and her ID page is missing. She insists I go to the internet cafe anyways and print the documents. So I download the documents and notice they are wrong - the docs are addressed to the Thai Embassy in Hanoi! So I contact my teacher and she tells me to wait because she is busy. I wait and wait and finally I get the documents for the Thai Embassy in Vientiene. My teacher said it was my fault - that I told her I was in Hanoi. She gets angry at me! I tell her to read our emails. She apologizes and says, "oh yes, you did say you were in Vientiene." Then I take a taxi back to the visa process service guy. He tells me, no this will not get approved. The documents are not signed and one document is missing! This guy has a connection on the inside. He says, "go ahead and try, but your application will get rejected." I email my teacher <name removed> and she tells me don't worry, submit your application and speak Thai.

So I go to the embassy, get a number and wait. My number gets called and I go to the window and speak Thai. The lady hands me back my application - rejected. My documents are not signed originals and my teachers ID is missing.

I go to the visa service guy. He tells me, "I told you. You have to fly back to Thailand to get your correct paperwork. You need to switch schools and get your money back because your school doesn't do the documents correctly". He tells me, "You can get a 15 days entry stamp, or I can get you another 60 day tourist visa with option to stay another 30". I've been travelling all over SE Asia for two weeks by this point. I can't even count how many taxis I have taken. I have stayed in hotels for two weeks. I haven't been able to see much because I had to travel and wait in Thai Embassies. I am tired. I have spent over 2,000 USD and now just want to get "home" to Thailand.

So, I pay the guy 2,000 Baht for a tourist visa. He does the paperwork for me. He says come back tomorrow (Tuesday) and pick up my tourist visa - as simple as that. I go back to the hotel in a taxi. The next afternoon I return in a taxi. Within 30 minutes, I have my tourist visa! The visa service has a person on the inside and they processed my visa right away.

Then I take a taxi to the Thai border. Visa is no problem and I go through customs in 15 minutes. Then I take a taxi for 900 Baht to Udon Thani Airport. I get a last minute flight from Udon to Phuket for 3,000 baht. And, I go "home" to Phuket.

So I spent over $2,0000 USD traveling in two weeks on hotels, buses, planes, and taxis - to get another tourist visa. I could have gone to Penang in one day and spent 1500 Baht for the same thing and not wasted two weeks of my life. My teacher,( name deleted) had a bad attitude with me and would not admit her documents were wrong. She said to me, "You should have spoken to them in Thai".

Edited by ubonjoe
Name of school removed (naming and shaming forum rule)
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I'm going to file a complaint with the Ministry of Education. I'm going to show them my paperwork and they will see the problem right away. I don't want other innocent people to go through the same problems I went through. I also have an appointment with an attorney tomorrow.

Walen is too far away for me. I would pay $2,000 not to make the drive to Walen from Patong everyday.

Move to Katu and you are 15min to Walen and 15min To Patong..


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That is a horrible story. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that.

The Moderator is correct about the defamation laws. I see that the name of the teacher is still in a few places in the OP. may I suggest you take them out as well. I'm guessing you referenced her name so many time, it must have been difficult to edit them all out.

I'd switch schools, that's a given. I would not be a happy camper if I were in your shoes! Good luck in the future!

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So, I pay the guy 2,000 Baht for a tourist visa. He does the paperwork for me. He says come back tomorrow (Tuesday) and pick up my tourist visa - as simple as that. I go back to the hotel in a taxi. The next afternoon I return in a taxi. Within 30 minutes, I have my tourist visa! The visa service has a person on the inside and they processed my visa right away.

They don't really have anyone on the 'inside' in that they can get you something that you couldn't get on your own. You would have gotten the tourist visa the next day on your own, but you would have had to wait in line to submit the application and pick it up. Maybe an hour each time. Aside from checking your paperwork is right, that is all they do.

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A post commenting on moderation has been removed:

10) Do not discuss moderation publicly in the open forum; this includes individual actions, and specific or general policies and issues. You may send a PM to a moderator to discuss individual actions or email support (at) thaivisa.com to discuss moderation policy.

Maybe the OP needs to read the forum rules he agreed to abide by when signing on to Thai Visa, follow this link:


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I feel your pain! Had a similar experience trying to get a business visa, made even worse because while exiting Thailand, some self-important immigration officer wrote in my passport that I was applying for a business visa, therefore intending to work in Thailand. This meant I was not able to re-enter Thailand on a tourist / ED visa, or even 15/30-day visa waiver because I was intending to work! The b*astard...!

I finally ended up in Singapore which I found to be one of the more helpful embassies. They were very clear about what documents were required, and in what format, and allowed me to provide printed emails (not originals) of the documents I was missing.

Can also confirm that I just applied (second time around) for a B-visa in HCMC, Vietnam, and received a new 90-day B visa in my passport. In other words, that's complete nonsense about only Vietnamese being able to get visas at those embassies.

Best of luck with your next extension!

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"After talking to other language schools in Patong, I was cautioned about using [name of school deleted], but I thought this was just salesmanship on their part."

That was your biggest mistake. In Thailand (and also in nearby countries) you unfortunately have to check things out, ask around first before commiting. The cheapest offer is usually too good to be true. With the right people and companies you will get good service but it is a bit of hit and miss.

In visa matters you also have to check the paperwork yourself, sometimes they copy the wrong page from passport or accidentally left out a paper. Also always check the admitted until stamp right away at the immigration control. They will correct it on the spot if incorrect.

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HMMM. So you live in Thailand as you called it HOME several times. You are on a tourist visa. Sounds like you can speak good Thai as you are told be the teacher to speak Thai everywhere but now you want to be on an ED visa.

Sounds to like someone is taking the piss out of the visa system.post-4641-1156693976.gif.pagespeed.ce.Jg

People abusing the system often complain when they get bitten by the system.

Abuse the system and then complain "poor me"

Some people here in TV, like these two jokers, automatically assume an ED-visa holder is guilty until proven innocent. So his "sin" is that he speaks too good Thai?!

Edited by Timwin
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I'm going to file a complaint with the Ministry of Education. I'm going to show them my paperwork and they will see the problem right away. I don't want other innocent people to go through the same problems I went through. I also have an appointment with an attorney tomorrow.

Walen is too far away for me. I would pay $2,000 not to make the drive to Walen from Patong everyday.

Good luck with that, you are throwing good money after bad.

I cannot credit that a troll would invent such a convoluted story of woe and expense, so I have to assume you are plain naive - I won't use a stronger word.

As I read your story, there were several points along the way where you could have cut your losses and, with a small amount of lateral thinking, provided yourself with an alternative, albeit perhaps temporary, path to return to Thailand, with a view to then putting your paperwork in order and applying again when next a visa run was due.

I have a small amount of sympathy, but not much; to me it seems you wilfully threw away $2000.

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I am sorry to hear what happened to you. I lived in many countries and totally understand how frustrating immigration process can be. However, you have made one big mistake. You didn't research it yourself from beginning, and you can't really blame all on the school. I believe this applies to most countries. In the eyes of immigration law of any country, it is applicant's responsibility to make sure you have the right documents and correct information. Even if they were prepared by school, visa service or attorney, it is your fault. Also this may sound suck but it is still your fault if immigration officer incorrectly processed your application. Because, once again, it is applicant's responsibility to make sure you have the right documents and correct information.

Edited by sitti
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Anytime you deal with government bureaucracy (especially with immigration) you really have to make sure all your i's are dotted etc. to what THEY expect (not necessarily what is written on websites) and any amount of whining is not likely going to change their minds. The best approach is to accept what they say and make sure your 2nd attempt is everything they expect. Different offices / entrances tend to have different interpretations (Detroit is quite different than near Niagara Falls for entering the US in regards to work permits) -- that is the way the world is. Unless you have serious pull, going on the offensive against the bureaucracy will likely only end up with you in a world of pain -- and yes it is true that many have long memories and are petty for anyone that would challenge them and possibly embarrass them. If you're going to spend money on lawyers, make sure you hire those that have experience dealing with specific entry-points on entry / visas rather than some blind attempt at revenge.

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It wasn't Walen! Whatever we do is most reliable. Not the cheapest though so those who are overly price sensitive go to competitors and often end up with many expensive problems. But hey! saving 2,000 was such a great deal, wasn't it?

You make a valid point. However, I sincerely hope you aren't one of the teachers!? Nice plug btw clap2.gif

In regards to the story, wow..... You must have incredible patients! I would've had a coronary after the 2nd or 3rd rejection. wai2.gif

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