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How to teach my son 10, and my neighbours daughter 9 first aid

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I live in rural Thailand 6 km from the nearest clinic and 15 km from the nearest hospital.

The kids get the usual scrapes, cuts and bruises that all kids get and they come to Dr Daddy for a quick repair session.

What I would like to do is to teach them simple first aid so that they can fix each other.

They can both speak some English, my son has more because that is all I speak to him, the daughter a bit less as her family are Thai but they speak English too.

Are there any books or videos etc that I can get hold of to teach them?

It will always be useful in their later lives for their children too.


learning by doing......I always paid attention when I had some accidents how my mother fixes it. Next time I did it myself.

But I had times they great us per name when we entered the hospital......I was a very "active" child and not fearful.....


My son has learnt a few bits and my neighbours 6 year old grand daughter fell and scraped her knee a couple of days ago so I cleaned and dressed that for her.

Yesterday she came back and wanted it dressed again and this time her 9 year old sister wanted to do it so I showed and told her what to do while she did the work.

I find it just a little odd that most Thai houses don't seem to have much beyond plasters and Tiffy for colds.


My son has learnt a few bits and my neighbours 6 year old grand daughter fell and scraped her knee a couple of days ago so I cleaned and dressed that for her.

Yesterday she came back and wanted it dressed again and this time her 9 year old sister wanted to do it so I showed and told her what to do while she did the work.

I find it just a little odd that most Thai houses don't seem to have much beyond plasters and Tiffy for colds.

Here....my staff grown men run to the doctor if they cut their finger. And if they have a cold they eat 5 different pills from the pharmacy without knowledge what they are. Very strange here sometimes


Try: http://english.redcross.or.th/article/1093

Consider becoming a Red Cross volunteer teacher for your community, you'll find a Thai also interested so you can present bi-lingually.

You can take a first aid course online too:


To buy a book use addall.com, this is a wonderful meta-search engine that queries hundreds, if no thousands of bookstores that ship and will sort through ones that ship to Thailand.

Hints: Start with new, then if you find a book, try used since a slightly older version might be much cheaper and still most likely has the same info.


At the addall.com search page, use new, in title box enter: American Red Cross First Aid

In ship to choose: "Other Asian Country"

In state of order choose: New Hampshire (NH) Note: If you choose another state you may be charged sales tax, NH has none.

This will bring you to dozens of books. Find an interesting book, copy the ISBN or title/author and search for it on amazon.com or half.com to read more about the book.

Here's one I found shipped to Thailand for $10.46 US

TITLE: First Aid - Responding to Emergencies

by American Red Cross

ISBN: 1584-80400-9 Note: Abebooks is great, I've bought from them. Price: $3.46US, shipping: $7 total: $10.46 Not bad for a book shipped round the world.

Many thanks "jsflynn603" greatly appreciated.


Okay, clear this up for me - you want to teach your 10 year old how to play Doctor with a 9 year old........whistling.gif

Make sure they know how to read first, otherwise he might put toilet bowl cleaner on a wound instead of mercurochrome, or even worse, make her drink it.


I think there is only one rule when teaching children and that is make it fun.

fun? Well the fun is usually one sided when you clean out the dirt of a bloody cut.....


At ages 9 and 10 all I would teach them is to come to you or another responsible adult.

Wait a few years before trying to teach them first aid.


Try: http://english.redcross.or.th/article/1093

Consider becoming a Red Cross volunteer teacher for your community, you'll find a Thai also interested so you can present bi-lingually.

You can take a first aid course online too:


To buy a book use addall.com, this is a wonderful meta-search engine that queries hundreds, if no thousands of bookstores that ship and will sort through ones that ship to Thailand.

Hints: Start with new, then if you find a book, try used since a slightly older version might be much cheaper and still most likely has the same info.


At the addall.com search page, use new, in title box enter: American Red Cross First Aid

In ship to choose: "Other Asian Country"

In state of order choose: New Hampshire (NH) Note: If you choose another state you may be charged sales tax, NH has none.

This will bring you to dozens of books. Find an interesting book, copy the ISBN or title/author and search for it on amazon.com or half.com to read more about the book.

Here's one I found shipped to Thailand for $10.46 US

TITLE: First Aid - Responding to Emergencies

by American Red Cross

ISBN: 1584-80400-9 Note: Abebooks is great, I've bought from them. Price: $3.46US, shipping: $7 total: $10.46 Not bad for a book shipped round the world.

Thank you for your help and advice. I think at 70 I may be a bit old to become a Red Cross volunteer and I live a long way out in rural Thailand some 65 km from Khampaeng Phet.

Thbe books are a good idea and perhaps I will be able to find some in Thai too with pictures.

For anything more serious we would take them to the local hospital 15 km away but this is just how and what to stop bleeding, what to do for shock, both normal and electrichow to immobilise a limb etc. How to dislodge something stuck in the throat and choking people etc

I got my First Aid badge in the Scouts 55 years ago and had some training in the military 40 odd years ago and fortunately at my age my long term memory is pretty good. The short term memory needs working on.


Okay, clear this up for me - you want to teach your 10 year old how to play Doctor with a 9 year old........whistling.gif

Make sure they know how to read first, otherwise he might put toilet bowl cleaner on a wound instead of mercurochrome, or even worse, make her drink it.

I will ignore that as they DO know where the limited first aid kit is.


At ages 9 and 10 all I would teach them is to come to you or another responsible adult.

Wait a few years before trying to teach them first aid.

They do come to me first before their parents because they know I have the stuff and I have a good idea of what I am doing.


At ages 9 and 10 all I would teach them is to come to you or another responsible adult.

Wait a few years before trying to teach them first aid.

In my understanding teach is something like: They have a problem they come to an adult and the first aid is done together, so they have an idea about it when they are 14.

And I have in my mind something like a scratched knee, a burned finger....some minor things. Not real serious first aid. But explaining how it could have happened worse.

(like falling with the bike....what would have happened if it would have been in front of a truck....)

I recall when I was 14 and came into a technical school, they showed us the most horrible movie about accidents when someone ignored the safety.

Blood and gore movie....arm 2mm flat and the person sucked into the machine till the shoulder, hairs teared from the head including the skin. With nicely zoomed in on the skinless head, etc.

14 might be a bit young for it, but I am sure that movie saved us a lot of first add.


You probably want to research the poisonous snakes prevalent in your area and check at the local hospitals if they have anti-venom or not. If not you can get them from The snake farm in Bangkok (Chula-Red Cross) and keep them in your fridge at home.
Also want to have a list of phone numbers like 1669 for Narenthorn (your local government ambulance service BUT also have local foundation groups numbers handy if there are no government ambulances available. They will have people living near you who can get you to a hospital faster than waiting for an ambulance, which in most cases is better since many ambulances do not have the equipment necessary to help serious cases anyway.
As everyone else has said, use the internet to teach your kids First Aid and when they are 16 they could also join the local rescue services if they are interested in helping others too :) Lots of fun and a nice bunch of people, they have been my family for the last 14 years :)
You may even want to ask them to teach you and your neighbors First Aid. Get a group together and get involved in the community spirit :)


I was taught first aid in the UK Cubs & Scouts movement. You could try the Thailand equivalent.

I am not sure if they have a real Scouting movement as such. My son is in the Cubs/Scouts at school as are most schoolkids.


I was taught first aid in the UK Cubs & Scouts movement. You could try the Thailand equivalent.

I am not sure if they have a real Scouting movement as such. My son is in the Cubs/Scouts at school as are most schoolkids.


British Heart Foundation Campaign

Fun but most important videos on CPR with Vinnie Jones and mini-Vinny to the beat of "Stayin' Alive"; after viewing the first your kids will just love the second.



Why not take a look? I often do, as these teaching videos are such fun.

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British Heart Foundation Campaign

Fun but most important videos on CPR with Vinnie Jones and mini-Vinny to the beat of "Stayin' Alive"; after viewing the first your kids will just love the second.



Why not take a look? I often do, as these teaching videos are such fun.

Thanks for that. I did look and so did my son and we both laughed at it.

I did tell him he may have to do it to me one day and he had a little think about that.

The only big problem I can think of is where on earth will I find a boombox like that in Thailand nowadays?

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