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NGO questions if the two Myanmar suspects are scapegoats

Lite Beer

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I may be wrong, but i think that Sean McAnna knows a lot .

He accused a Koh Tao family, the Koh Tao family accused him.

So , why did Thai police let him go ?

Did they just dismiss him as a paranoid fool ?

If he went back home, why English police didn't ask him some questions ?

...Or did he vanished in the air ?

A couple of possibilities...

He's gone to ground in shame after been outed publicly for the child porn conviction.

Or he's signed a contract with a TV production company..

There is no doubt one will be working on a documentary as we speak and will probably be out within a month or so.

If he has he wont be speaking to anyone else until its broadcast as they will do anything to protect their exlusive.

Remember the British media have been in contact with him, even in Koh Tao so i imagine hes been signed up already.

Thats just how it works these days with something this big.

The police in the UK will definitely have interviewed him already, I suspect as he got off the airplane.

I tend to agree , but, now there are 2 guys accused of murder and rape, and , even if they are guilty, it's unlikely that 2 people alone can have done everything, unless they are professional killers.

So, if somebody knows more, he should come out asap.

...Unless, of course they have a very good reason not to ..

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Regardless if the Thai authorities are claiming that the alleged murder's DNA matches, there will be a secondary test and complete autopsy done by the British authorities. This important confirmation will clear-up any misconceptions relating to the questionable "patsy theory".

And this info you got from exactly where?

I thought I read that there was going to be, or has been, a formal inquisition and Interpol DVI protocol proceedure done on the victims. Besides, don't you think the families will proceed with an independant investigation and or DNA inquiry? Dont be such a tool!

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I really do hope that Sean has told everything he knows to someone in the media. His run-in with the bar manager and frantic Facebook posts really were the catalyst for all the conspiracy theories. Imagine if we'd never heard from Sean. I wonder whether this case would have be wound up much sooner?

Sean, why did you say the bar owner committed the crime?

Sean, what did you mean when you said the bar manager was the 'leader'?

Sean, you said that you were only guessing when you posted that David died defending Hannah. Yet you never said that you were only guessing when you named the murderer.

Sean, you made these explosive claims to the world.

What do you really know, Sean?

Tell the world now!

Edited by Tazwa
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This would be quite revealing in itself if it proves to be the case.

Here's a photo of the 'missing phone' in the last photo of Hannah taken on the night she was murdered, and apparently on the desk of the police the day after, her friend had just given it to the police :


It this phone is part of the evidence against the Burmese then it does raise questions doesn't it ?

yes it does - and if her friend in the UK reads this and goes to the uk police or her TV station to verify it - a new can of worms could be opened...

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Considering personal involvement of the PM congratulating the Koh Tao police force with their excellent work I do not give a lot of changes for any other outcome then that the Burmese are FKD.

It will come down to if the hoe doesn't fit, you must acquit.

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Good. At least someone is sitting up and taking notice. Everyone must know it's a sham. Those who don't and shout conspiracy theory are either loved-up with the place and have the blinkers on or haven't been paying attention... this lot were already rounded up and given the all-clear, only to be yanked back in when the truth was discovered (a local someone did it) and the pressure intensified for a result!

' Everyone must know it's a sham.' and everyone knows who did it eh? Plain as the nose on your face. whistling.gif

Amazing how so many people simply have the power to know all these things automatically. Truly gifted. But just to make sure, add a statement that anyone who can't see what you can or offers a different opinion must be blinkered.

Maybe you'll offer your formula for world peace and climate change too.

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I may be wrong, but i think that Sean McAnna knows a lot .

He accused a Koh Tao family, the Koh Tao family accused him.

So , why did Thai police let him go ?

Did they just dismiss him as a paranoid fool ?

If he went back home, why English police didn't ask him some questions ?

...Or did he vanished in the air ?

A couple of possibilities...

He's gone to ground in shame after been outed publicly for the child porn conviction.

Or he's signed a contract with a TV production company..

There is no doubt one will be working on a documentary as we speak and will probably be out within a month or so.

If he has he wont be speaking to anyone else until its broadcast as they will do anything to protect their exlusive.

Remember the British media have been in contact with him, even in Koh Tao so i imagine hes been signed up already.

Thats just how it works these days with something this big.

The police in the UK will definitely have interviewed him already, I suspect as he got off the airplane.

I tend to agree , but, now there are 2 guys accused of murder and rape, and , even if they are guilty, it's unlikely that 2 people alone can have done everything, unless they are professional killers.

So, if somebody knows more, he should come out asap.

...Unless, of course they have a very good reason not to ..

The problem is no one in the UK police or government has any authority/ jurisdiction to do anything about it as it happened in Thailand.

And that includes making Sean say anything to either them or the Thai police.

Also the media can act with as much selfish impunity as they like as its not covered by any restriction as the crime happened abroad.

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Regardless if the Thai authorities are claiming that the alleged murder's DNA matches, there will be a secondary test and complete autopsy done by the British authorities. This important confirmation will clear-up any misconceptions relating to the questionable "patsy theory".

And this info you got from exactly where?

I thought I read that there was going to be, or has been, a formal inquisition and Interpol DVI protocol proceedure done on the victims. Besides, don't you think the families will proceed with an independant investigation and or DNA inquiry? Dont be such a tool!

Where did you read that - the Beano? Do you have the link handy?

Maybe you should read what Interpol's role is.

They ain't the world's police force and Hollywood ain't reality.

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This would be quite revealing in itself if it proves to be the case.

Here's a photo of the 'missing phone' in the last photo of Hannah taken on the night she was murdered, and apparently on the desk of the police the day after, her friend had just given it to the police :


It this phone is part of the evidence against the Burmese then it does raise questions doesn't it ?

yes it does - and if her friend in the UK reads this and goes to the uk police or her TV station to verify it - a new can of worms could be opened...

She could of course own two phones.

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I really do hope that Sean has told everything he knows to someone in the media. His run-in with the bar manager and frantic Facebook posts really were the catalyst for all the conspiracy theories. Imagine if we'd never heard from Sean. I wonder whether this case would have be wound up much sooner?

Sean, why did you say the bar owner committed the crime?

Sean, what did you mean when you said the bar manager was the 'leader'?

Sean, you said that you were only guessing when you posted that David died defending Hannah. Yet you never said that you were only guessing when you named the murderer.

Sean, you made these explosive claims to the world.

What do you really know, Sean?

Tell the world now!

Exactly my thoughts and feelings.

I could be very wrong, but even if Sean did all the drugs and booze on the island, still there must be something which resembles some truth in his words.... Or is he a liar ?

Somebody on the island said that he has blood on his hands..And again, why Thai police let him go ? ( if they let him go )

For sure, given that he spoke complete lies, there should be a case of defamation against him ?

Something doesn't add up here.

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I really do hope that Sean has told everything he knows to someone in the media. His run-in with the bar manager and frantic Facebook posts really were the catalyst for all the conspiracy theories. Imagine if we'd never heard from Sean. I wonder whether this case would have be wound up much sooner?

Sean, why did you say the bar owner committed the crime?

Sean, what did you mean when you said the bar manager was the 'leader'?

Sean, you said that you were only guessing when you posted that David died defending Hannah. Yet you never said that you were only guessing when you named the murderer.

Sean, you made these explosive claims to the world.

What do you really know, Sean?

Tell the world now!

He's probably already sold his soul to the devil and his 'friends' plus these 2 poor Burmese kids down the river for i guess somewhere around £10k

Will just have to wait for the documentary...

Edited by Cambodger
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And this is one of the reasons I walked out of Thailand; no longer will I support such a regime with my money. In my view the only way to bring about change is for the expat community to walk out en mass instead of just moaning about this and other such crimes committed by the authorities. Those of you who stay and continue to support the country through your spending ought to be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves for not having the spine to take positive action.

Don't keep calling on the tourists to boycott Thailand when you could easily show the world your disgust through a mass walk out - such would be noticed by the international press, do considerable damage to tourism plus cut off masses amount of cash normally spent by the expats.

We have seen many incompetent acts by the authorities but the ones who are to truly blame are those who sit and moan and yet remain in a country that has puts no value on human life and providing the money continues to roll in they couldn't care less.

Take a good long hard look in the mirror - your money supports this behaviour and yet a trip to the border en mass would probably put an end to it; if nothing else at least you would no longer be culpable in supporting a country that values nothing more than money.

You just crapped on all the reasons I married and moved here. I love the corruption and the pay off atmosphere where you can buy anything where everything is for sale and everything has a price including confessions.

I watched many a back hall deal take place in American and Canadian courts for years. I switched to aviation law and gave that up too because in Air Accidents it is so wonderful for the plane and avionics manufacturers to blame the pilot for error...oh but the family rarely squawks because they are in their new house driving their new cars. Now I like playing the fixer here and learning new things every day. Even this site is a gold mine albeit time consuming weeding through troll posts and comedy offerings to find a nugget of gold here and there.

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I have not read all of the answers to this post as of yet. I must say this has given a slight chance of hope to the wrongly accused.

If this lady or someone of trust in authority would like to set up a trust to buy these guys a good lawyer to represent them. I would willingly donate towards it.


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I may be wrong, but i think that Sean McAnna knows a lot .

He accused a Koh Tao family, the Koh Tao family accused him.

So , why did Thai police let him go ?

Did they just dismiss him as a paranoid fool ?

If he went back home, why English police didn't ask him some questions ?

...Or did he vanished in the air ?

I read that he'd gone to Italy to see his girl friend. The Italian police won't be remotely interested and IME aren't exactly world class either.

The English police - not if he flew home to Scotland. Then it wold be Police Scotland. But they would have no reason to interview him unless requested. I doubt any police force in England or Jersey have opened a case file as neither family appears to have requested one.

The fact that the British Ambassador appears to be accepting the Thai Police account, and he is privy to much more information than posters here, speaks volumes.

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littlebw, on 03 Oct 2014 - 22:55, said:littlebw, on 03 Oct 2014 - 22:55, said:

laugh if 2 innocent people get punished?

yea its a big laugh

like to see you laughing if you were one of them

eeeya, on 03 Oct 2014 - 22:52, said:eeeya, on 03 Oct 2014 - 22:52, said:

I will laugh so hard if its a set up. I hope it isn't.

Your comment is making me laugh, I believe you took eeeya's comment completely wrong, in fact I think your took it as being opposite to what he/she was meaning.
Yep, can confirm most people miss understood my comment. But I'll leave it at that because its highly entertaining watching people get in a tizzle over it!

Flame on!

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This case is so full of holes it is unbelievable - here are a few no brainers

these 2 guys look way too small to overpower and brutally murder a couple

the police say one of the suspects had blonde hair - but in 7-11 cctv footage they all had dark hair, or did he bleech his hair after going to 7?

Furthermore the phone that turned up outside the 'murders' house had been handed over to police by friends the morning after murder -

For more sights check out CSI LA facebook page -

However did this has serious connections and will probably never face justice in Thai system- sad but true

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Hell YES !!

Make them pay the price..... International Tourist should stay away and avoid Koh Tao all together....

Hit the Bastards where it hurts the most until they deliver the real goods......

David and Hannah along with their loved ones at least deserves real justice.... ??????

Be careful with this one LOS..... stop the BS and do the right thing for once. wai2.gifwai.gif

Children never learn.

Even a cat only touches the hot stove once. Thais keep touching it and wondering why they have third degree burns.

They actually think high tide is from a lot of rain and nothing to do with solar or lunar changes.

Gotta love em.

Not as ignorant as British schoolkids of whom a large percentage thought spaghetti and potatoes grew on trees in a survey 2 years ago.
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This case is so full of holes it is unbelievable - here are a few no brainers

these 2 guys look way too small to overpower and brutally murder a couple

the police say one of the suspects had blonde hair - but in 7-11 cctv footage they all had dark hair, or did he bleech his hair after going to 7?

Furthermore the phone that turned up outside the 'murders' house had been handed over to police by friends the morning after murder -

For more sights check out CSI LA facebook page -

However did this has serious connections and will probably never face justice in Thai system- sad but true

Has JUSTUS been served here.

I think most of us here know the present Justus system was created in England centuries ago.

I think we also know that the system was established to protect the rich (Illuminati, IMF type people) from the lesser rich, namely poor people.

The fact is,,,,, the word Justus comes from the words JUST US. Now maybe it's more understandable the true JUST US is being fulfilled.

It makes one sick..

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