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Koh Tao Murders: Thai Authorities Deny 'Scapegoat' Allegation

Lite Beer

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Oh the irony!!whistling.gif

For the last couple of weeks the hang-them-high-brigade has been out in full force here on Thaivisa.

Now the police has "solved" the case and the very same posters come out in full force to defend the alleged culprits.

I am not saying, that the police has got it right, actually I doubt it very much, BUT IF. THat would be quite ironic, wouldn't it?coffee1.gif

Don't bogart the pipe my friend, pass it over to me.

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I look at those two boys faces and do I see two murderers, or two young boys who have not got a clue what is going on ?

I see two young boys who have not got a clue what is going on.

Anyone who thinks that justice has been served. Shame on you.

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It's sad that the people responsible for ensuring the safety of the citizens of a country are not trusted. Until they stop routinely turning a blind eye, taking bribes, extorting people, and creating scapegoats this will always be a third world country no matter how "developed" it becomes.

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Thai Tourist Authority's usual propaganda at its best. Thing is what they forgot to mention is that the huge amount of people seen at the pier, were actually leaving and not arriving. Edited by bigjules007
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Found it difficult to get the jist of most of that blog, the majority of it being in Thai, but I found the part of the English girls handing in the phone to the police after the murder interesting. The comments then went on to say that after the English girls handed in the phone to the police, including the password, the girls then later returned to the UK.

Sorry but I do not believe any of this. If this is true then all those girls have to do it give a statement and that will blow the phone discovered in the bushes evidence right out of the water and would discredit the whole police investigation.

In my opinion unless these so-called witnesses actually come forward and make official statements, even to the main media, and not just on social networking sites, than I am calling trolls on this one

Until something comes along that contradicts the police statements other than hearsay, wild accusations and comments made on social networking sites, than as far as I am concerned the police have conducted their investigations by the book and those 3 guys already in police custody are the actual perpetrators.

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not scape goats?

not tortured?

evidence not planted?

Then please explain why Hannah's cell phone was in police custody the day of the raping and double murder,

and then explain how it went from the police to the clearly tortured burmese boys bushes,

and then please ask any sane wire person who would believe this story?

police procedures, for Thailand, boiling water and beatings and no lawyers and fabricated evidence



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..........“The police are doing their job. If the police hear your accusation, they will be sad," Gen. Prawit said.............

Pathetic beyond words!

Could this be more of the cracker jack reporting we have seen to date from the media regarding this serious matter. Embellishments, half truths, complete fabrications and fantasies.

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Je suis triste pour le Premier ministre Prayut. Jusqu'à maintenant, moi, comme beaucoup ici, pensait qu'il faisait un travail OK pour tenter d'éradiquer la corruption. moins il a fait un rapide volte-face sur ce qui peut impliquer une certaine police judiciaire étant traduit en justice pour non-exécution et la fabrication de preuve (PAS!), va perdre toute crédibilité.

You persist with risky assumptions.
A simple glass used by prisoners allows any visitor a DNA analysis and so comparison with that found on the victim.
It is for the families, who will perform this verification must be facilitated by the authorities without unnecessary noise.
A refusal could lead to a clash between the two countries over a disastrous repute for Thailand. Everyone easily understands and this is a sign of a very great contempt to think that Thales authorities ignore it.
These two boys are guilty, you can be sure. And if any doubt should exist that would allow parents to apply an audit, not you.
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not scape goats?

not tortured?

evidence not planted?

Then please explain why Hannah's cell phone was in police custody the day of the raping and double murder,

and then explain how it went from the police to the clearly tortured burmese boys bushes,

and then please ask any sane wire person who would believe this story?

police procedures, for Thailand, boiling water and beatings and no lawyers and fabricated evidence

Sorry, but in another thread here on Thai visa a larger version of that comparison photo was uploaded on a post that clearly showed they were both completely different phones.

If these phones look remarkably similar or the same now than these images have been photoshopped.

As I said previous, I don`t buy this handing in the phone to the police story, otherwise where are the alleged witnesses to confirm this? And again, I am calling trolls on this one and vicious trolls at that.

PS: here is a photo of the 2 phones that I have enlarged, clearly showing that they are not one of the same:


Edited by Beetlejuice
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Found it difficult to get the jist of most of that blog, the majority of it being in Thai, but I found the part of the English girls handing in the phone to the police after the murder interesting. The comments then went on to say that after the English girls handed in the phone to the police, including the password, the girls then later returned to the UK.

Sorry but I do not believe any of this. If this is true then all those girls have to do it give a statement and that will blow the phone discovered in the bushes evidence right out of the water and would discredit the whole police investigation.

In my opinion unless these so-called witnesses actually come forward and make official statements, even to the main media, and not just on social networking sites, than I am calling trolls on this one

Until something comes along that contradicts the police statements other than hearsay, wild accusations and comments made on social networking sites, than as far as I am concerned the police have conducted their investigations by the book and those 3 guys already in police custody are the actual perpetrators.

OK so what was the blond hair all about ? you know the one. one of those guys dyed his hair blond, not seen a picture of him with blond hair yet.. The beaten up guy who was offered loads of money to convict his friends ?

The trouble is there are more holes in this story than in my pants, its really hard to keep up with all the BIB <deleted>.

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Je suis triste pour le Premier ministre Prayut. Jusqu'à maintenant, moi, comme beaucoup ici, pensait qu'il faisait un travail OK pour tenter d'éradiquer la corruption. moins il a fait un rapide volte-face sur ce qui peut impliquer une certaine police judiciaire étant traduit en justice pour non-exécution et la fabrication de preuve (PAS!), va perdre toute crédibilité.

You persist with risky assumptions.
A simple glass used by prisoners allows any visitor a DNA analysis and so comparison with that found on the victim.
It is for the families, who will perform this verification must be facilitated by the authorities without unnecessary noise.
A refusal could lead to a clash between the two countries over a disastrous repute for Thailand. Everyone easily understands and this is a sign of a very great contempt to think that Thales authorities ignore it.
These two boys are guilty, you can be sure. And if any doubt should exist that would allow parents to apply an audit, not you.

BS parents dont get any justice here and they cant apply any audit, what are you talking about ?

What is needed is the simple truth and professional accountable policing, the Thai authorities have failed in that and to address it...

imo a clash has already happened the way this case has been conducted and the contempt has been directed to the poor victims and families and tbh the rest of the world watching this farce.

You dont get to tell others what and how to think pal, nor do the Thai police.

Deal with it.

Edited by englishoak
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I've heard some rumours/ gossip from a Thai friend who works on Samui so take it as you should with a pinch of salt...

This is my own interpretation of what she has said

That night a large group, a mix of Thai and farrang including David Hannah and Sean went to the beach after the bars closed to drink, smoke weed, play guitars and just the typical backpacker utopia, we've all seen the cliche a million times...

One of the Thai guys was trying to hit on Hannah but she wasn't having any of it and he started getting nasty. Thats when David stepped in to defend her and the guy having lost face attacked David, other Thais joined in and he got stabbed and killed.

Sean probably tried to break it up and thats how he got the cuts, self preservation kicked in and he ran away.

Hannah watched all this was then raped and killed.

David was stripped of clothes because they wanted it to look like he had raped Hannah and maybe someone killed him for doing it.

A lot of people thai/farang were there and witnessed this happen and the clean up and getting stories straight before the police were 'officially' called out in the morning so know who did it.

But as we can see the wall of silence tells us its people of importance on that island involved, there's a lot of intimidation going on there now and people are genuinely scared.

But same as anywhere in the world people will eventually bit by bit start to gossip and just tell there best friend and so on...

Eventually someone will leave and then talk.

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I've heard some rumours/ gossip from a Thai friend who works on Samui so take it as you should with a pinch of salt...

This is my own interpretation of what she has said

That night a large group, a mix of Thai and farrang including David Hannah and Sean went to the beach after the bars closed to drink, smoke weed, play guitars and just the typical backpacker utopia, we've all seen the cliche a million times...

One of the Thai guys was trying to hit on Hannah but she wasn't having any of it and he started getting nasty. Thats when David stepped in to defend her and the guy having lost face attacked David, other Thais joined in and he got stabbed and killed.

Sean probably tried to break it up and thats how he got the cuts, self preservation kicked in and he ran away.

Hannah watched all this was then raped and killed.

David was stripped of clothes because they wanted it to look like he had raped Hannah and maybe someone killed him for doing it.

A lot of people thai/farang were there and witnessed this happen and the clean up and getting stories straight before the police were 'officially' called out in the morning so know who did it.

But as we can see the wall of silence tells us its people of importance on that island involved, there's a lot of intimidation going on there now and people are genuinely scared.

But same as anywhere in the world people will eventually bit by bit start to gossip and just tell there best friend and so on...

Eventually someone will leave and then talk.

send your info to the reporters on twitter and facebook

they have begun to respond to us

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Continue to feed the facebook and twitter feeds with the pictures of the cell phone,

it is clear, they were tortured

and they had no lawyers

this is the best evidence we have,

Where is Hannah's friend Abigail?

she must go to the press

Continue to feed the facebook and twitter feeds with the pictures of the cell phone,

The two phones were not one of the same.

it is clear, they were tortured.

How do you know? Where you there? Have you seen the scars?

and they had no lawyers

True. But only because the guys are just naive Burmese workers who did not know their rights, plus no lawyers came forward to defend them. Not the fault of the police.

this is the best evidence we have,

Where is Hannah's friend Abigail?

Good question. Abigail who? Do you believe this elusive Abigail really exists or rather she has been conjured up by trolls?

she must go to the press.

I wouldn`t hold your breath on this one.

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What about the 2 minutes of missing cctv footage showing that there was 1 possibly 2 people in front of the main cctv suspect carrying a stick like object? ? Why hasn't this been forthcoming ? Have you even seen it?

Edited by bigjules007
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I've heard some rumours/ gossip from a Thai friend who works on Samui so take it as you should with a pinch of salt...

This is my own interpretation of what she has said

That night a large group, a mix of Thai and farrang including David Hannah and Sean went to the beach after the bars closed to drink, smoke weed, play guitars and just the typical backpacker utopia, we've all seen the cliche a million times...

One of the Thai guys was trying to hit on Hannah but she wasn't having any of it and he started getting nasty. Thats when David stepped in to defend her and the guy having lost face attacked David, other Thais joined in and he got stabbed and killed.

Sean probably tried to break it up and thats how he got the cuts, self preservation kicked in and he ran away.

Hannah watched all this was then raped and killed.

David was stripped of clothes because they wanted it to look like he had raped Hannah and maybe someone killed him for doing it.

A lot of people thai/farang were there and witnessed this happen and the clean up and getting stories straight before the police were 'officially' called out in the morning so know who did it.

But as we can see the wall of silence tells us its people of importance on that island involved, there's a lot of intimidation going on there now and people are genuinely scared.

But same as anywhere in the world people will eventually bit by bit start to gossip and just tell there best friend and so on...

Eventually someone will leave and then talk.

send your info to the reporters on twitter and facebook

they have begun to respond to us

I don't have any info its just gossip rumours (no names) but sounds more believable than some of the other theories I've heard including all of the polices, though i acknowledge the story is third hand news already.

My friend wouldn't appreciate me revealing her identity, living just a short boat ride from Koh Tao

Regarding other farangs that know, possibly witnessed it, they probably have worked in the bars, diving etc there long term and can't leave if they wanted to, without feeling they would be killed, i imagine there's a very claustrophobic atmosphere on that island right now.

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And for everyones information, be prepared for people coming into the forum trying to discredit the "social media conspiracy theorists" as they are calling us, it is only to be expected as the police have there Patsies now. Thing is its not as if its the first time something like this has ever happened, we are just trying to make it the last!! Its not just us that believe this has been a fit up, its a lot of Thai nationals too. Surely we cant all pe paranoid nutcases?????

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What about the 2 minutes of missing cctv footage showing that there was 1 possibly 2 people in front of the main cctv suspect carrying a stick like object? ? Why hasn't this been forthcoming ? Have you even seen it?

no its being suppressed withheld for some innocent reason im sure whistling.gif

Edited by englishoak
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What about the 2 minutes of missing cctv footage showing that there was 1 possibly 2 people in front of the main cctv suspect carrying a stick like object? ? Why hasn't this been forthcoming ? Have you even seen it?

No, but I have seen the stills.

2 people in front of the main suspect, that equals 3. Think about it?

Don`t you believe that the police have all this evidence in hand so that everything adds up? The police have already made it crystal clear that they have all the evidence, including DNA matches, CCT footage, witness statements and even some facts they are not disclosing at the moment for the purposes of not jeopardising the case.

As I have said many times, let us wait and see what further develops in this case, especially considering that the families of the tragic victims maybe reading these threads as the comments on Thai visa have already been mentioned in other news media. Please, give them some hope on the positive side that justice will be obtained for their children and as for the guys in custody, until the police evidence can be firmly dismissed as not credible, than they have the right guys.

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