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Koh Tao Murders: Thai Authorities Deny 'Scapegoat' Allegation

Lite Beer

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The police are doing their job. If the police hear your accusation, they will be sad," Gen. Prawit said.

I guess all families involved will be a little more than sad if it is revealed that the suspects are framed.

The most I important thing is the moral of the Thai police. They are thinking 100% about themselves and don't give a hoot about how anyone else is feeling.
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It is natural for the police to deny it.

Just as it is natural for many Falong's to admit the police did any thing rite.

Back home we would call it a Mexican stand off.

Except this time the police have DNA.

the sad part about the whole thing is the continues publication of it to just further the sorrow of those who knew them and loved them.

It happens all over the world. Just occasionally the media picks it up and keeps waving it in the face of the people who have lost loved ones.

Back home this would be thrown out of court in an instant.

Mmmm . . . but back home there are courts . . .

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There are questions that foreign media and governments will want answered. Some of these can be explained, however; some are quite difficult to answer. These questions include:

  • Why were some suspects allowed to refuse DNA sampling?
  • Why did the phone get turned in and then appear in the bushes behind a migrant worker's residence, and why would such a high value theft item be discarded so close to the residence?
  • Why was the FBI uninvited to participate and the DNA sent to a country where Thailand has connections?
  • Why were the current suspects cleared, then uncleared of suspicion?
  • Will DNA collected from the bodies in England match your samples?

If they can answer these questions, all will be satisfied. Otherwise, people will call foul/blue diamond caper until Hades freezes over. This one is not going away anytime soon.

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I don't believe anything until an independent investigation has been done.

The only thing we can do is massively share articles of the CSI LA facebook page and ask for on independent investigation.

Type CSILA90210 in the facebook search bar and you'll get to the page.

Edited by kriswillems
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Why haven't any lawyers come forward and offered there services to these guys. Come on people im sure there is someone out there following these ridiculous events who will want to do the right thing and defend these poor blokes.

I heard the Thai Law Society might handle the case. Let's hope that the truth comes out.

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I've heard some rumours/ gossip from a Thai friend who works on Samui so take it as you should with a pinch of salt...

This is my own interpretation of what she has said

That night a large group, a mix of Thai and farrang including David Hannah and Sean went to the beach after the bars closed to drink, smoke weed, play guitars and just the typical backpacker utopia, we've all seen the cliche a million times...

One of the Thai guys was trying to hit on Hannah but she wasn't having any of it and he started getting nasty. Thats when David stepped in to defend her and the guy having lost face attacked David, other Thais joined in and he got stabbed and killed.

Sean probably tried to break it up and thats how he got the cuts, self preservation kicked in and he ran away.

Hannah watched all this was then raped and killed.

David was stripped of clothes because they wanted it to look like he had raped Hannah and maybe someone killed him for doing it.

A lot of people thai/farang were there and witnessed this happen and the clean up and getting stories straight before the police were 'officially' called out in the morning so know who did it.

But as we can see the wall of silence tells us its people of importance on that island involved, there's a lot of intimidation going on there now and people are genuinely scared.

But same as anywhere in the world people will eventually bit by bit start to gossip and just tell there best friend and so on...

Eventually someone will leave and then talk.

Don't quite know how much you say is right. But sure that there were a group there that night. A fight broke out over something. The two Burmese may actually have raped hannah. But i don't think it was possible for them to have done it on their own. There is still at least one and maybe two murderers from that bar. All of this trouble with the burmese takes the light right away from them.

Thai police. Bring in the other criminals.

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I've heard some rumours/ gossip from a Thai friend who works on Samui so take it as you should with a pinch of salt...

This is my own interpretation of what she has said

That night a large group, a mix of Thai and farrang including David Hannah and Sean went to the beach after the bars closed to drink, smoke weed, play guitars and just the typical backpacker utopia, we've all seen the cliche a million times...

One of the Thai guys was trying to hit on Hannah but she wasn't having any of it and he started getting nasty. Thats when David stepped in to defend her and the guy having lost face attacked David, other Thais joined in and he got stabbed and killed.

Sean probably tried to break it up and thats how he got the cuts, self preservation kicked in and he ran away.

Hannah watched all this was then raped and killed.

David was stripped of clothes because they wanted it to look like he had raped Hannah and maybe someone killed him for doing it.

A lot of people thai/farang were there and witnessed this happen and the clean up and getting stories straight before the police were 'officially' called out in the morning so know who did it.

But as we can see the wall of silence tells us its people of importance on that island involved, there's a lot of intimidation going on there now and people are genuinely scared.

But same as anywhere in the world people will eventually bit by bit start to gossip and just tell there best friend and so on...

Eventually someone will leave and then talk.

Don't quite know how much you say is right. But sure that there were a group there that night. A fight broke out over something. The two Burmese may actually have raped hannah. But i don't think it was possible for them to have done it on their own. There is still at least one and maybe two murderers from that bar. All of this trouble with the burmese takes the light right away from them.

Thai police. Bring in the other criminals.

This is close to some of what i believe may be involved.

It is very possible these two were involved in the murders but if it was them it wasnt just these two .............. I do not believe there were only 2 and certainly not now ive seen their size and demeanours and heard reviews on them by islanders interviewed, I think it very likely there was a ringleader that hasnt been caught and others involved too right up to committing/aiding in the murders that are still out there.

Edited by englishoak
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There is now a petition for an independent investigation :- 10000 signatures are needed,still 2,207 NEEDED, it will go to Mark Kent, the UK ambassador to Thailand

Please sign!!!


No way to sign intelligently. The sign in form...is in Thai......

Browse to the end and you can switch to English or many other languages.

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I've heard some rumours/ gossip from a Thai friend who works on Samui so take it as you should with a pinch of salt...

This is my own interpretation of what she has said

That night a large group, a mix of Thai and farrang including David Hannah and Sean went to the beach after the bars closed to drink, smoke weed, play guitars and just the typical backpacker utopia, we've all seen the cliche a million times...

One of the Thai guys was trying to hit on Hannah but she wasn't having any of it and he started getting nasty. Thats when David stepped in to defend her and the guy having lost face attacked David, other Thais joined in and he got stabbed and killed.

Sean probably tried to break it up and thats how he got the cuts, self preservation kicked in and he ran away.

Hannah watched all this was then raped and killed.

David was stripped of clothes because they wanted it to look like he had raped Hannah and maybe someone killed him for doing it.

A lot of people thai/farang were there and witnessed this happen and the clean up and getting stories straight before the police were 'officially' called out in the morning so know who did it.

But as we can see the wall of silence tells us its people of importance on that island involved, there's a lot of intimidation going on there now and people are genuinely scared.

But same as anywhere in the world people will eventually bit by bit start to gossip and just tell there best friend and so on...

Eventually someone will leave and then talk.

Don't quite know how much you say is right. But sure that there were a group there that night. A fight broke out over something. The two Burmese may actually have raped hannah. But i don't think it was possible for them to have done it on their own. There is still at least one and maybe two murderers from that bar. All of this trouble with the burmese takes the light right away from them.

Thai police. Bring in the other criminals.

Those two Burmese weren't ever there, they probably wouldn't have been invited to this gathering i doubt they speak much Thai and English and the thais wouldn't want them there...

Sean took Hannah and David to this after the bars close/ beach party gathering, these Thais were Seans mates on the island..

I've been to few after parties like this over the years in Samui, Phangan, Krabi... always the same types, farang backpackers and the more in crowd/ cooler thai bar owners/ workers..

David was killed- stabbed and drowned for getting involved when the Thai guy was coming on strong to Hannah, he lost face.

Sean half tried to stop the fight with David took a few nicks and fled the scene, leaving Hannah there as the only outsider to the island, witness.. we know the rest

Might not be exactly how it happened but it all pretty much makes sense to me.

Edited by Cambodger
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If that story is true you and you are safely off the island and out of Thailand you need to give names. Exact details... Be more specific. The mafia on the island can't kill you all. Only when people power gets involved can the real truth be known. Who else was there, where should we be looking, who needs to take a lie detector test. Who cleaned up the crime scene. What businesses do these people own. U are aiding and abetting murderers and accomplices if you don't.

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Another person saying they know what happened, I have sent her a message to see if this is real or not.

This is on Hannah's fb page.

Its true they do all know...

And the saddest thing is many farangs who live on Koh Tao and so far up the as@ses of these islanders and so eager to please them/ dont want to give up the lifestyle of getting stoned on the beach every night.

They are going on line and trying to convince people that these Burmese guys really did do it and subvert attention away from the real problem.

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Another person saying they know what happened, I have sent her a message to see if this is real or not.

This is on Hannah's fb page.

Its true they do all know...

And the saddest thing is many farangs who live on Koh Tao and so far up the as@ses of these islanders and so eager to please them/ dont want to give up the lifestyle of getting stoned on the beach every night.

They are going on line and trying to convince people that these Burmese guys really did do it and subvert attention away from the real problem.

And I think we have a couple of them spineless foreigners posting on here............You know who you are!!!!!!

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Well then send exact details to an investigative journalist. Get the whole story into the papers. Make these people come up with alibis. Lie detectors for them all. Any photos of the people on the beach. Backpackers are always taking them. We need proof.

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Well then send exact details to an investigative journalist. Get the whole story into the papers. Make these people come up with alibis. Lie detectors for them all. Any photos of the people on the beach. Backpackers are always taking them. We need proof.

We are working on it mate, people are starting to take notice.

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it's a high profile case - there are international interests - there is a general distrust of Thai authorities - there was a lot of pressure on the authorities over this case resulting in uncontrolled and somewhat blatant stupidity regarding press releases

There would be no shame and a very positive outcome if the authorities were to have the evidence verified by an agency from the UK or the US to completely put this to bed and help dispel the general distrust surrounding this case and it's resolution - forget about face and stick it to the skeptics - there are many accusations of lies and scapegoats - this will not go away until you prove the facts to the world beyond any measure of doubt - the only way this can be done is by having the evidence verified (DNA) by a reputable authority and agency outside Thailand

words won't and don't cut it

it would be good for the Thai authorities and the Thai police and go a long way to restoring confidence in what has been and generally is considered to be a corrupt establishment - isn't that what this new government is all about

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There is now a petition for an independent investigation :- 10000 signatures are needed,still 2,207 NEEDED, it will go to Mark Kent, the UK ambassador to Thailand

Please sign!!!


No way to sign intelligently. The sign in form...is in Thai......

Scroll to the bottom right of the page, and click to change the language.

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