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Australian Jack Hansen-Bartel a victim of Thailand's brutal underbelly

Lite Beer

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My sympathy abated after reading post no 5.

Towards the end, we are asked to support a petition to stop the alleged perpetrators from starting their tertiary education.

On what basis? We can hardly be judge, jury and executioner based on the one sided and badly written reports, tragic as the case maybe for the young victim.

I might support a petition to relevant governments to ensure perpetrators are brought to justice but not to destroy someone's future based on the words of one side only.

I believe signing a petition is all about freedom of choice, beliefs and information at hand.

If this ones not for you move on. Your choice. Please consider signing David and Hannah's as well if you have seen that one floating about. Again - just a choice for each person to make

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Is that seriously a suggestion that Thailand is a classless society? Bruhahahahahahahaha!

Believe they're saying that Thais may have jealousy towards foreigners who come from a classless society.

Is my understanding of that statement anyway.

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The same and far worse happens every weekend in every town or city in the UK. Samui is no different and i would say if anything safer. I can only presume Australians don't get drunk and fight ever ?

Absolute dogshite of the highest order. I was born here and can assure all non Brits reading this that this does not happen over here.

And even if it did, does that excuse the behaviour of the Thais? If something like that happened over here to a tourist police would try to do everything possible to help them. Eg that Malaysian kid who was knocked out and robbed during the London riots.

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The same and far worse happens every weekend in every town or city in the UK. Samui is no different and i would say if anything safer. I can only presume Australians don't get drunk and fight ever ?

Absolute dogshite of the highest order. I was born here and can assure all non Brits reading this that this does not happen over here.

And even if it did, does that excuse the behaviour of the Thais? If something like that happened over here to a tourist police would try to do everything possible to help them. Eg that Malaysian kid who was knocked out and robbed during the London riots.

Righto - safe as houses here we all are.

Absolute <deleted> this post :)

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The same and far worse happens every weekend in every town or city in the UK. Samui is no different and i would say if anything safer. I can only presume Australians don't get drunk and fight ever ?

This happened on the dance floor of the GM club. Yet security did nothing, sweet FA. An ambulance arrived and refused the medical aid they were there to administer. That doesn't happen every day in the UK. Sure, people have fights but when you're in a club, with security, you have a chance of not getting some retards steaming into you from behind.

Not trying to take sides here - but just to avoid misconceptions.

There is no 'ambulance service' in Thailand. There is no common number where one can call for medical help.

There are private groups of volunteers who operate emergency response vehicles (locally called ambulances)

Altrnatively there are ambulances that are operated by the hospitals. You would have to phone the hospital direct and they would send their private ambualance to you.

If the rescue volunteers were threatened, then they would probably back off (as would I).

wow, have long have you lived in Thailand? For ambulance and rescue 1554, an ambulance emergency hotline too on 1669.. The list is endless - Samui's own information pages gives emergency numbers too

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How many similar cases we have had already with shot guns at Green Mango etc....The fight between Reggae Pub and Green Mango ended up by Reggae Pub to have been burnt down....Of course locals are hating the foreigners having a good time forgetting they are the ones feeding them with cash, security guards are irrelevant also dangerous themselves, the police non existent totally corrupt.

Those who know never return and the new ones arriving have to be informed they can be caught wrongly and deadly for any even minimal issues.

Watch out this is a tropical jungle where humans and wild all sizes animals reign whom you can not differentiate from ones or the others.

So sad and so self destructive....Paradise = Hell but Hell can not equal Paradise !

Hell is Hell !

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I lived 6 years in Samui and Chewang was a snake pit then and is 100 times worse now. Would never go back to even visit a day. The Thais that own busisnesses there are all mafia integrated and though they love the falangs money they don't really care much for him. Her is better.

The Green Mango was a sespool then and I'm sure it is today. And I mean they set up there club creating a wonderful sesspool underneath. It is ashame that a young kid just wanting to go out for a nice evening can't enjoy it but when you hear the reception he got after the beating why is Green Mango even still in business. Pretty crazy. Young kids just think it is funny all the whores and the loud music. Well youcan get hurt real bad in it.

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Why do people need places like Green Mango or Reaggy Pub ?

Loud as hell, not only "music" from within the very pub but also noise from outside.

Is this what is called 'fun'?

Avoid bars and pubs like those and stay away from from Beach Parties, be it full or half moon.

Are there no other ways to enjoy oneselves ?

Oh well, guess I'm too old to understand...

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Thais are beaten up like this daily.

Hardly ever makes the news.

What some guys forget is its not their manor .

If a thai guy goes into a pub in London giving it large .

He's gonna get walked by the locals

Not saying this guy did.

But when I was in those parts year ago.

Green mango ..always fights breaking out .

I remember being on koh pang gan at the bar. Chatting in thai badly.

With the bar man. Friends of my mate who owns a bungalow there .

This french guy comes up.

Oi you you gonna chat all night or give me a F img beer ?.

Bar man said 1 min mate.

Then the french guy started f ING and cursing .

3 guys punched and kicked him.

Then bar man said. I'm son of the owner .

He's lucky he got beat up.

He can be dead in a bush like a lady boy.



After chatting with him later on .

He said fed up with fallang s treating me like shit in my own country

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Tragic story ... but the Letter to the editor is a looser wannabe writer "Jack was covered in the red cells of his blood" FACT OR FICTION!!!

Perhaps for an honest report of the situation - he was covered in his own blood.

That's the takeaway of this event for you ?

Go to bed bonsai it's late mate :)

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The same and far worse happens every weekend in every town or city in the UK. Samui is no different and i would say if anything safer. I can only presume Australians don't get drunk and fight ever ?

I can only assume you have lived in every town and city in the UK. To generalise to such a degree is crass. Other than that your post hardly adds anything to the discussion.

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I think everybody will anowledge that Thailand i a thrugout violens coceity. We just have to warn everybody of or fellows. Do not go to Thailand. Its much safere around the Mediterainian sea.

Edited by PoorSucker
opening quote removed.
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FRom the picture it doesn't seem to have been a particularly serious attack and he certainly doesn't need extensive plastic surgery. Overall it sounds like he went a bit hysterical and with him trying to fight those trying to help him as well as with his last ounce of strength the attack those who attacked him, seems like he was drunk.

Overall not much sympathy....if you want to go out and get hammered, then fights happen and people get hurt. Either don't do it or go out with a bunch of hard nuts to protect you.

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The same and far worse happens every weekend in every town or city in the UK. Samui is no different and i would say if anything safer. I can only presume Australians don't get drunk and fight ever ?

So you're saying that the UK ranks right up there in the civility category with Thailand... Nice, I'll note that for future reference...

Nice apology BTW, as if it justifies stomping on someone's head...

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The same and far worse happens every weekend in every town or city in the UK. Samui is no different and i would say if anything safer. I can only presume Australians don't get drunk and fight ever ?

So you're saying that the UK ranks right up there in the civility category with Thailand... Nice, I'll note that for future reference...

Nice apology BTW, as if it justifies stomping on someone's head...

Pipiffs is a cross cultural specialist, so fair point all Australian s fight. All Indians rape women. All Muslims are terrorists. All Thais are corrupt. The Britain kids murdered were drunk and having sex as that's a what they all so in Koh Tao I hear. Any other enlightened cross cultural assumptions from the culturally uneducated that you care to share with us, please do. I for one can't wait ! :)

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My thai wife told me a long time ago - if you have no rice to eat someone will give you rice but if you live in the south you will go hungry.

Stop going to these places and they might change - same as I wouldn't go to Magaluf , etc. ?!!

Yeah, right, go to Isaarn instead.....plenty of sticky rice there, unfortunately not enough internet coverage as otherwise one could read of all the horrific stories from up there too.....in the south you might not get rice, but you get fish and meat.....

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I'm afraid the land of smiles is long gone. A country I've had a long association with & had hope to retire to. It's become a very dangerous country with flotsam & jetsome from every country in the world. The low life that now come to Thailand due to cut price airlines makes this place unsafe. They have no respect for Thai culture what's so ever. Thailand has become a place to get so drunk because alcohol is dirt cheap, foreigners think it's a lawless society & so long as they're spending money no one enforces laws. Thailand has become a very unsafe place, many people in the last month have said , I'll never go to Thailand & this is a place I use to feel safe in.

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Yes the south of Thailand has a general very strange undercurrent.

I was on soi mango late 2008 when we heard what we thought was firecrackers. It was three young guys getting gunned down and there was blood everywhere.

All the Thai owner of the bar was concerned about was getting the music back on so the farangs would keep drinking.

Around that time they also found a girl no head, no hands, no feet.

Finally a group of overly aggressive ladyboys would not leave my friend alone until finally he told them to leave which they took the wrong way and followed us back to our hotel one night looking to teach us a lesson.

Yep it was time to go.

that don't sound to good!what did the Ladyboys teach you?i bet you couldn't walk the next day


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