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Two trolls tried to hijack the thread and turn it into an anti American anti gun rant but got stopped when asked.

"Who else is going to stop Ebola? Who else is going to stop ISIS?"

With that I'll stop feeding their anti American troll.

lol! what calibre do you use for the ebola virus John Wayne! lol

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You think ISIS are about to come to Bangkok and slit my throat?


Soi Bikker

Ask Colleen Hufford I'm sure she felt safe in Oklahoma - so maybe you shouldn't be so smug in Bangkok.......the object is terrorize.....then rule by terror.....

If they get rolling and powerful a country such as Thailand would be easy pickings - they're trying to enter the country now (just like they're doing in the US) it's global...........but not in this generation - maybe years down the road....

It's a slow march it's a that's been going on for hundreds of years......

What country you from?

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You think ISIS are about to come to Bangkok and slit my throat?


Soi Bikker

Ask Colleen Hufford I'm sure she felt safe in Oklahoma - so maybe you shouldn't be so smug in Bangkok.......the object is terrorize.....then rule by terror.....

If they get rolling and powerful a country such as Thailand would be easy pickings - they're trying to enter the country now (just like they're doing in the US) it's global...........but not in this generation - maybe years down the road....

It's a slow march it's a that's been going on for hundreds of years......

What country you from?

i suspect the masons are behind it! lol

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You think ISIS are about to come to Bangkok and slit my throat?


Soi Bikker

Ask Colleen Hufford I'm sure she felt safe in Oklahoma - so maybe you shouldn't be so smug in Bangkok.......the object is terrorize.....then rule by terror.....

If they get rolling and powerful a country such as Thailand would be easy pickings - they're trying to enter the country now (just like they're doing in the US) it's global...........but not in this generation - maybe years down the road....

It's a slow march it's a that's been going on for hundreds of years......

What country you from?

The UK. Not sure why that's relevant here though.

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I think sensible people take sensible advice when in Thailand.... and of course that will not guarantee 100% safety... If you want 100%, stay indoors, never go out, and then you are likely to be bitten by a cobra in the laundry room.... No where can be 100% safe... Keep your nose out of others business, I think, is the number one thing you can do... also, if someone is having a go, by trying a rip off, stop and think for a minute.... is the few hundred baht, worth getting a flogging, or worse, over?

I think carrying weapons in Thailand, is a sure way to increase your chances of ending up dead.... Your best weapon in Thailand is your brain, and common sense.... it works for me. I am more concerned about being obliterated on my motor bike, than worrying about being beaten to death, and only just slightly worried at that.

As for IS and Ebola? Really? stay away from people bleeding out of every orafice, and throwing up and crapping everywhere, and ya might just be fine... Unless you are treating someone with Ebola, or are close to a corpse that is leaking, you have very very little chance, just about nil, of catching the disease.... Ebola has been around since 1975, but because all of a sudden it effects a few Americans it is a world threat? It is still behaving the way it was when first identified... nothing has changed, except, a few westerners have caught it... Panic about it if you want.... your choice... but before you panic, become informed about the disease itself, and what it can and can not do.... I have far more chance of being killed on my bike than I do by Ebola or IS for that matter.

To say let's talk about the "now" and forget the past, when it comes to IS is exactly why a lot of people are leery of the American Policies.... It was those dopey policies, a decade ago, that created the vacuum in the first place, that allowed mobs like ISIS to "thrive". IS, is the "coalition of the Willing's" baby, and as such, it is up to them to put it back in the box.... As far as getting my head chopped off in BKK..... I think I will still wander around with out a weapon, and not worry too much about it.... but I will still be very watchful on my bike... for me, that is MY real danger...

Edited by winnerinsix
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I think sensible people take sensible advice when in Thailand.... and of course that will not guarantee 100% safety... If you want 100%, stay indoors, never go out, and then you are likely to be bitten by a cobra in the laundry room.... No where can be 100% safe... Keep your nose out of others business, I think, is the number one thing you can do... also, if someone is having a go, by trying a rip off, stop and think for a minute.... is the few hundred baht, worth getting a flogging, or worse, over?

I think carrying weapons in Thailand, is a sure way to increase your chances of ending up dead.... Your best weapon in Thailand is your brain, and common sense.... it works for me. I am more concerned about being obliterated on my motor bike, than worrying about being beaten to death, and only just slightly worried at that.

As for IS and Ebola? Really? stay away from people bleeding out of every orafice, and throwing up and crapping everywhere, and ya might just be fine... Unless you are treating someone with Ebola, or are close to a corpse that is leaking, you have very very little chance, just about nil, of catching the disease.... Ebola has been around since 1975, but because all of a sudden it effects a few Americans it is a world threat? It is still behaving the way it was when first identified... nothing has changed, except, a few westerners have caught it... Panic about it if you want.... your choice... but before you panic, become informed about the disease itself, and what it can and can not do.... I have far more chance of being killed on my bike than I do by Ebola or IS for that matter.

To say let's talk about the "now" and forget the past, when it comes to IS is exactly why a lot of people are leery of the American Policies.... It was those dopey policies, a decade ago, that created the vacuum in the first place, that allowed mobs like ISIS to "thrive". IS, is the "coalition of the Willing's" baby, and as such, it is up to them to put it back in the box.... As far as getting my head chopped off in BKK..... I think I will still wander around with out a weapon, and not worry too much about it.... but I will still be very watchful on my bike... for me, that is MY real danger...

1. Scientists estimate there’s a 75 percent chance the Ebola virus could spread to France and a 50 percent chance it could reach UK by the end of October. The latest research analyzes the pattern of infection and airline traffic. If this thing continues to rage on in West Africa and indeed gets worse, as some people have predicted, then it's only a matter of time before one of these cases ends up on a plane to Europe,” expert in viruses from Britain's Lancaster University, Derek Gatherer, said.

2. Saddam kept ISIS in check? Is that what you are saying? Aw come on.

2. Police and military carry weapons ever day in Thailand. Why aren't they all dead?

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1. Scientists estimate there’s a 75 percent chance the Ebola virus could spread to France and a 50 percent chance it could reach UK by the end of October. The latest research analyzes the pattern of infection and airline traffic. If this thing continues to rage on in West Africa and indeed gets worse, as some people have predicted, then it's only a matter of time before one of these cases ends up on a plane to Europe,” expert in viruses from Britain's Lancaster University, Derek Gatherer, said.

2. Saddam kept ISIS in check? Is that what you are saying? Aw come on.

2. Police and military carry weapons ever day in Thailand. Why aren't they all dead?

1/ No where did I say it wasn't going anywhere.. What I said was... the virus is STILL behaving exactly as it did when first identified.... Transmission is the same.... when a patient becomes infectious is the same... the difference now, is white people might start falling off the perch.... The fact remains, is that you WILL know if you have been exposed to Ebola or not..... it is pretty obvious.

The reason it has spread are multiple... The obvious is the lack of infrastructure in West African Countries, they just can't handle it.... Ignorance is another, religious beliefs are another, fear and distrust of western medics is another.. In some of these countries, it is customary for the relatives to look after their dead family members, cleaning the body, wrapping etc... Corpses leak fluids, and those fluids are a viral soup, get exposed to those, and you are odds on to be infected.

2/ IS, and for that matter, terrorists of any sort against the state in Iraq were very very rare, if unheard of when Saddam was running the show... You need to so some historical research, Oh wait, I forgot, you are the bloke that is only interested in the "NOW", when the "THEN" is at the crux of the issue... Prior to Saddam's dopey invasion of Q8, Iraq was a truly secular state, with great health care and education systems.. and a very decent standard of living...that's a fact... Unless you were in opposition to Saddam and his looney kids, life was better for the average Iraqi. Saddam was a bad bad man, no denying.... but he posed no threat to the world, under the "keep him in the box" regime Clinton used against him for years... After, Bush The Elder pulled up short of Baghdad, then encouraged the Kurds to rise against a weakened Saddam, he then left them to fend for themselves... Saddam responded...

Move to 2003, Bush The Stupid, went further than dear old dad, and removed Saddam, for as it turns out, for no real reason, certainly not out of a compassion for the Iraqi people, more likely a Texas Oil Man wanting to get his hands on Iraqi oil... They then installed a government, that ruled for some and oppressed the rest... Sadly for that govt, it's army wasn't prepared to fight for that govt, and now, you have what you have... an 80% failed State... The truth is, The Americans, the British and sadly, us, dopey Aussies, broke it... we now own it. A real triumph. Meanwhile, Iran sits in the background, not believing their luck....

3/ Be my guest, go ahead, carry a gun in Thailand.... And I am pretty sure I will end up reading about your demise, or incarceration at a future date.... The thing about the cops is that silly, it doesn't deserve a response.

Edited by winnerinsix
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3/ Be my guest, go ahead, carry a gun in Thailand.... And I am pretty sure I will end up reading about your demise, or incarceration at a future date.... The thing about the cops is that silly, it doesn't deserve a response.

Trying to stay on topic. I carried a gun in Thailand for two years and I'm just fine. PS I deleted the off topic areas of your post.

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1. Scientists estimate there’s a 75 percent chance the Ebola virus could spread to France and a 50 percent chance it could reach UK by the end of October. The latest research analyzes the pattern of infection and airline traffic. If this thing continues to rage on in West Africa and indeed gets worse, as some people have predicted, then it's only a matter of time before one of these cases ends up on a plane to Europe,” expert in viruses from Britain's Lancaster University, Derek Gatherer, said.

2. Saddam kept ISIS in check? Is that what you are saying? Aw come on.

2. Police and military carry weapons ever day in Thailand. Why aren't they all dead?

1/ No where did I say it wasn't going anywhere.. What I said was... the virus is STILL behaving exactly as it did when first identified.... Transmission is the same.... when a patient becomes infectious is the same... the difference now, is white people might start falling off the perch.... The fact remains, is that you WILL know if you have been exposed to Ebola or not..... it is pretty obvious.

The reason it has spread are multiple... The obvious is the lack of infrastructure in West African Countries, they just can't handle it.... Ignorance is another, religious beliefs are another, fear and distrust of western medics is another.. In some of these countries, it is customary for the relatives to look after their dead family members, cleaning the body, wrapping etc... Corpses leak fluids, and those fluids are a viral soup, get exposed to those, and you are odds on to be infected.

1- It's now suspicioned that ISIS will use the capability of infecting people with Ebola and using them as a new type of suicide bomber....it's not as easily "written off" as something "behaving exactly as it did when first identified"...with the US borders purposely relaxed to aid flood various people and agendas into the country this is a very dangerous scenerio......

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1. Scientists estimate there’s a 75 percent chance the Ebola virus could spread to France and a 50 percent chance it could reach UK by the end of October. The latest research analyzes the pattern of infection and airline traffic. If this thing continues to rage on in West Africa and indeed gets worse, as some people have predicted, then it's only a matter of time before one of these cases ends up on a plane to Europe,” expert in viruses from Britain's Lancaster University, Derek Gatherer, said.

2. Saddam kept ISIS in check? Is that what you are saying? Aw come on.

2. Police and military carry weapons ever day in Thailand. Why aren't they all dead?

1/ No where did I say it wasn't going anywhere.. What I said was... the virus is STILL behaving exactly as it did when first identified.... Transmission is the same.... when a patient becomes infectious is the same... the difference now, is white people might start falling off the perch.... The fact remains, is that you WILL know if you have been exposed to Ebola or not..... it is pretty obvious.

The reason it has spread are multiple... The obvious is the lack of infrastructure in West African Countries, they just can't handle it.... Ignorance is another, religious beliefs are another, fear and distrust of western medics is another.. In some of these countries, it is customary for the relatives to look after their dead family members, cleaning the body, wrapping etc... Corpses leak fluids, and those fluids are a viral soup, get exposed to those, and you are odds on to be infected.

1- It's now suspicioned that ISIS will use the capability of infecting people with Ebola and using them as a new type of suicide bomber....it's not as easily "written off" as something "behaving exactly as it did when first identified"...with the US borders purposely relaxed to aid flood various people and agendas into the country this is a very dangerous scenerio......

Hang on a sec 5555... The VIRUS is behaving EXACTLY as it always has..... nothing has changed in it's behaviour.... what IS (source please) may or may not do, is up to them.... Meanwhile, I will continue, NOT jumping at shadows.....

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1- It's now suspicioned that ISIS will use the capability of infecting people with Ebola and using them as a new type of suicide bomber....it's not as easily "written off" as something "behaving exactly as it did when first identified"...with the US borders purposely relaxed to aid flood various people and agendas into the country this is a very dangerous scenerio......

Hang on a sec 5555... The VIRUS is behaving EXACTLY as it always has..... nothing has changed in it's behaviour.... what IS (source please) may or may not do, is up to them.... Meanwhile, I will continue, NOT jumping at shadows.....


Forbes Magazine

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So when ISIS send an ebola infected suicide assassin to cut my head off and cough down my neck - what weapon should I use to defend myself against them?

Stay away from the food courts.

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1. Scientists estimate there’s a 75 percent chance the Ebola virus could spread to France and a 50 percent chance it could reach UK by the end of October. The latest research analyzes the pattern of infection and airline traffic. If this thing continues to rage on in West Africa and indeed gets worse, as some people have predicted, then it's only a matter of time before one of these cases ends up on a plane to Europe,” expert in viruses from Britain's Lancaster University, Derek Gatherer, said.

2. Saddam kept ISIS in check? Is that what you are saying? Aw come on.

2. Police and military carry weapons ever day in Thailand. Why aren't they all dead?

1/ No where did I say it wasn't going anywhere.. What I said was... the virus is STILL behaving exactly as it did when first identified.... Transmission is the same.... when a patient becomes infectious is the same... the difference now, is white people might start falling off the perch.... The fact remains, is that you WILL know if you have been exposed to Ebola or not..... it is pretty obvious.

The reason it has spread are multiple... The obvious is the lack of infrastructure in West African Countries, they just can't handle it.... Ignorance is another, religious beliefs are another, fear and distrust of western medics is another.. In some of these countries, it is customary for the relatives to look after their dead family members, cleaning the body, wrapping etc... Corpses leak fluids, and those fluids are a viral soup, get exposed to those, and you are odds on to be infected.

1- It's now suspicioned that ISIS will use the capability of infecting people with Ebola and using them as a new type of suicide bomber....it's not as easily "written off" as something "behaving exactly as it did when first identified"...with the US borders purposely relaxed to aid flood various people and agendas into the country this is a very dangerous scenerio......

why would they suddenly start using ebola when they could have been using various other grems and viruses long before now? "it is now suspicioned..." lol!!!

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Yeah, because it's always worked out so well in the past.

Tell us again how you ridded south east asia from the evil threat of communism?

You too? Lost in the past? Try the news today. Do you want to die of Ebola or have your throat slit by ISIS?

Do you want America, the worlds policeman, to sit by like Switzerland stay neutral and do nothing?

If you want to discuss the past I can take any country to task for wrongs. I'm challenging you to talk about today. Do you have another answer? Or do you want to call America to solve the world's problems once again paid for by American taxpayers once again?

I am struggling to come up with even one "of the world's problems" that has been solved by US intervention....

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Yeah, because it's always worked out so well in the past.

Tell us again how you ridded south east asia from the evil threat of communism?

You too? Lost in the past? Try the news today. Do you want to die of Ebola or have your throat slit by ISIS?

Do you want America, the worlds policeman, to sit by like Switzerland stay neutral and do nothing?

If you want to discuss the past I can take any country to task for wrongs. I'm challenging you to talk about today. Do you have another answer? Or do you want to call America to solve the world's problems once again paid for by American taxpayers once again?

I am struggling to come up with even one "of the world's problems" that has been solved by US intervention....

I am struggling to come up with one little tiny thing that connects your post with the topic? What Am I missing? I can give you 100 different factual answers to your question but I think they would all be off topic and I would just be feeding an anti American troll trying to hijack a thread. Why don't you start a thread on USA contributions to the world at large and I'll be happy list them for you. biggrin.png

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So when ISIS send an ebola infected suicide assassin to cut my head off and cough down my neck - what weapon should I use to defend myself against them?

In Thailand or Pattaya, I usually carry around 12 inches of steaming purple helmet.

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Yeah, because it's always worked out so well in the past.

Tell us again how you ridded south east asia from the evil threat of communism?

You too? Lost in the past? Try the news today. Do you want to die of Ebola or have your throat slit by ISIS?

Do you want America, the worlds policeman, to sit by like Switzerland stay neutral and do nothing?

If you want to discuss the past I can take any country to task for wrongs. I'm challenging you to talk about today. Do you have another answer? Or do you want to call America to solve the world's problems once again paid for by American taxpayers once again?

I am struggling to come up with even one "of the world's problems" that has been solved by US intervention....

I am struggling to come up with one little tiny thing that connects your post with the topic? What Am I missing? I can give you 100 different factual answers to your question but I think they would all be off topic and I would just be feeding an anti American troll trying to hijack a thread. Why don't you start a thread on USA contributions to the world at large and I'll be happy list them for you. biggrin.png

he didnt say america hadnt made contributions, he said he didnt know of any american INTERVENTIONS that did.

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You too? Lost in the past? Try the news today. Do you want to die of Ebola or have your throat slit by ISIS?

Do you want America, the worlds policeman, to sit by like Switzerland stay neutral and do nothing?

If you want to discuss the past I can take any country to task for wrongs. I'm challenging you to talk about today. Do you have another answer? Or do you want to call America to solve the world's problems once again paid for by American taxpayers once again?

I am struggling to come up with even one "of the world's problems" that has been solved by US intervention....

I am struggling to come up with one little tiny thing that connects your post with the topic? What Am I missing? I can give you 100 different factual answers to your question but I think they would all be off topic and I would just be feeding an anti American troll trying to hijack a thread. Why don't you start a thread on USA contributions to the world at large and I'll be happy list them for you. biggrin.png

he didnt say america hadnt made contributions, he said he didnt know of any american INTERVENTIONS that did.

No difference. I am struggling to come up with one little tiny thing that connects your post with the topic except to start another anti American bickering flame war. Why don't you start a thread on positive USA interventions and I'll be happy list them for you. biggrin.png

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No difference. I am struggling to come up with one little tiny thing that connects your post with the topic except to start another anti American bickering flame war. Why don't you start a thread on positive USA interventions and I'll be happy list them for you. biggrin.png

there is a big difference. and off-hand, I cant think of any.

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No difference. I am struggling to come up with one little tiny thing that connects your post with the topic except to start another anti American bickering flame war. Why don't you start a thread on positive USA interventions and I'll be happy list them for you. biggrin.png

there is a big difference. and off-hand, I cant think of any.

I am struggling to come up with one little tiny thing that connects your post with the topic except to start another anti American bickering flame war. Why don't you start a thread on positive USA interventions and I'll be happy list them for you. You can't think of any because your anti American; hardly surprising.

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No difference. I am struggling to come up with one little tiny thing that connects your post with the topic except to start another anti American bickering flame war. Why don't you start a thread on positive USA interventions and I'll be happy list them for you. biggrin.png

there is a big difference. and off-hand, I cant think of any.

I am struggling to come up with one little tiny thing that connects your post with the topic except to start another anti American bickering flame war. Why don't you start a thread on positive USA interventions and I'll be happy list them for you. You can't think of any because your anti American; hardly surprising.

youve got the order reversed

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No difference. I am struggling to come up with one little tiny thing that connects your post with the topic except to start another anti American bickering flame war. Why don't you start a thread on positive USA interventions and I'll be happy list them for you. biggrin.png

there is a big difference. and off-hand, I cant think of any.

I am struggling to come up with one little tiny thing that connects your post with the topic except to start another anti American bickering flame war. Why don't you start a thread on positive USA interventions and I'll be happy list them for you. You can't think of any because your anti American; hardly surprising.

youve got the order reversed

Off topic rant not deserving of response. Try posting something on topic for a change. Not every thread is an Anti American bash.

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Wow! I read this for the first time and guess who hijacks the thread? Mr and Mrs Pedantic again! Is nowhere safe from you whiny b*tches? Get a room or start a thread. "Ayjaydee hates thailikethai".

Alternatively stay on topic and give the anti Us, not its not b***ocks a rest.

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...do you want to call America to solve the world's problems once again paid for by American taxpayers once again?

I am struggling to come up with even one "of the world's problems" that has been solved by US intervention....

I am struggling to come up with one little tiny thing that connects your post with the topic? What Am I missing?

I believe what you are missing is the fact that YOU brought the point to the thread (sans the delineation of "contributions". CYA much?rolleyes.gif )... therefore it is fair game for rebuttal.

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