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Koh Tao murder report: Prosecutors seek changes

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In many (if not all) countries in the world... DNA evidence on its own regardless of any other (so called) evidence... would be enough on its own to secure a conviction. Let alone be accepted by a public prosecutor to be able to set up a court hearing.

So it MUST BE that the DNA evidence itself is 'in doubt'.

That to me speaks volumes.

Also I find it rather strange that the suspects were questioned by two groups together... the Thai NHRC and Myanmar Embassy reps and lawyers and both groups have managed to walk out of the room with different stories.

The Burmese lawyers and Embassy staff are saying they denied doing it and only confessed after they were beaten and scalded and threatened by electrocution. This being backed up by the police 'witness' who has also reported torture and beating to get him to testify, then later retracting his accusations and saying they were totally innocent.

Then you have the 'Thai' NHRC commissioner saying that they 'insisted' that they were the killers.

Why such a polarised set of statements?... I think you have to understand here that the representative from the 'Thai' camp is NOT singing off the same song sheet as the Burmese camp.

Equally strange how the 'Thai' NHRC commissioner seems to be coming down on the side of exactly where Prayuth and the RTP want it to come down.

Just tells me what I have always said about Thailand...... Everyone here can be coerced for the right price.

My guess is the NHRC translator was none other than......bananaman.

I wonder how his pancake business is faring?

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If these knuckleheads were offered 700,000 baht a lot of money to someone who is very poor. most likely more than they will make in a life time and said money was delivered to family maybe they might admit to killing Jimmy Hoffa and eating his body.cheesy.gif But most likely they were told once case goes to court and your convicted we get money to your family, But you know they won't.


Has anyone looked at the evidence of the Village heads son on CSI la?

They have multiple comparison pictures of him and the security camera of the guy running away from the scene on the island and it looks just like him..

Friends in the school say he was not there on the 15th but showed up on the 16th with scratches on his arms and neck.

The security camera phootage showing him at school seems to be doctored because of multiple coloring of time and date.

The last thing is he never got the dna test..

Im not saying he did it but these things are worth investigating and people here should look at the pictures on csi la facebook because it is really compelling.

  • Like 2

Serious question. If the DNA from the island family can not be used as evidence, how can the DNA from the 2 guys be used as evidence ?

You have stumped me with that one.

You can read through every post I have made and you will not find one time where I suggested the DNA evidence can or should be trusted in the arrest or identification of anyone--including the two Burmese.

That is what I have been attempting to tell everyone here who keeps clamoring about testing the Mon family.

Thanks for finally listening.

I must apologise to you Mr. Clark I must have mistaken you for another poster! I thought you were one of the guys who have insisted every line uttered has been true, no matter how many times it has been changed.

The point which I have stated repeatedly is that I am not willing to declare these two Burmese men innocent victims simply because their newly appointed defense attorney says they are innocent.

The other point I have made from day One is agsinst a bigoted undercurrent that has existed in several members' posts against Thailand and Thais because they insist the killers must be Thai due to the violent nature of the attacks and they want to see tourism destroyed on KT to retaliate.

We will disagree there. I have had them down as innocent since day 1 and the more this gets played out the more clearer it becomes they are innocent.

There has been nothing to link them to the crime from day one.

They just happen to be Burmese, and people in power really never expected a response as has happened.

As for hoping it is Thai people. Not me. Just get those who did it and we will all be happy. Even if they come from Mars.

One does need to be careful, as the boys may well guilty of some part in this crime. If they are, with all the police bashing, the police might give up on Hannah and david. People should be careful they are fighting to set free guilty people. I think they may have been there. But the actual killers are yet to be arrested.


Seems the prosecutor doesn't agree with Somyot's announcement on Tuesday that the investigators have done a 'perfect job'.

Does it??

Or did the prosecution ask for changes in the paperwork?

A perfect job looks quite different unless you are a torture and pancake fan.

cctv : modified for cover and frame up

DNA : Mon has given DNA,was cleared way to fast.Another cover up

Nomsod,the main suspect,still protected by corruption

Anything from your list cited by the prosecution? No.

Any of those statements facts? No.

And nothing coming from you are facts either, especially if it comes from the police.

All you are doing is really convincing me and probably everyone on here that the police are covering this up.

Nothing what you say actually stands up to what we all think (and know) about the corrupt Thai police. Therefore it flies against ALL logic, and so by default makes you almost certainly wrong in this particular debate.

You can not argue with logic.


Has anyone looked at the evidence of the Village heads son on CSI la?

They have multiple comparison pictures of him and the security camera of the guy running away from the scene on the island and it looks just like him..

Friends in the school say he was not there on the 15th but showed up on the 16th with scratches on his arms and neck.

The security camera phootage showing him at school seems to be doctored because of multiple coloring of time and date.

The last thing is he never got the dna test..

Im not saying he did it but these things are worth investigating and people here should look at the pictures on csi la facebook because it is really compelling.

Ohhh, you mean because it looks like this:
So, your assume those images have been tampered with because
someone put the settings to: - Automatic, White or Black on mixed background
One can easily change those letter settings.
- Top, Bottom, Left or Right
- Black on light background
- White on dark background
- White with black outlines on any background
....... and many, many more

I posted this on another thread, so hope its ok to duplicate on this one...

For anyone interested, the CSI LA page spotted that Sean McAnna uploaded two songs to Soundcloud on 4th October, so it looks like he's alive, unless someone has access to his stuff - https://soundcloud.com/seanmcanna

There are some interesting lyrics in the track 'Johnny' - 1:38 "I'm still waiting at the hotel bar. They beg of you, but they don't need you, still they won't let you go. And I, I, so near so far...'. Might be nothing, but could be a message in there somewhere.

What a lot of rubbish is being put out on here about Saun MCanna!

No big mystery at all. He was in the company of UK media journalists shortly after the convenience store incident until he left the Island and gave a number of interviews to the UK press. It was later reported by those sources that he had left Thailand safely and gone to his girlfriend in Italy. His sister also confirmed that on Facebook before she shut the page down as advised by the UK FO.

All this nonsense about him being in sinister cahoots with Mon and co to set up gang rapes is complete fantasy concocted out of mindless gossip. The guy is just a very young over dramatic attention seeking spliff smoking musician. Thailand and the cheap backpacking circuit is full of them world over.

ALL friends of the victims would have been advised to keep any evidential statements quiet as their testimony could be highly relevant in obtaining convictions at the correct time. Spewing their guts to media or anywhere else for the titillation and entertainment of a load of ghoulish morons pawing over their friends awful deaths would be of no value to them.

Seriously, get a grip people.

  • Like 1

Not surprising that the other Burmese migrant workers would not want to believe fellow countrymen had committed the crime.

Such a statment has zero credibility.

Its no different than a Senior Thai Police official suggesting the same about a Thai.

This article offers little useful insight except the interpreter issue. It would be worth clarifying the interviews by having the taped recordings heard by additional Native burmese translators familiar with the same dialect.

Was the interrogation taped?

Even if it wan't, the two suspects readily admit their guilt so it would not be difficult to have them explain themselves to a Native speaker/interpreter.

how they did it, the way they did it, who they did it with, and why they did it, does not alter the fact that they still claim that they did it, so they are guilty regardless of how sweet people want to make it seem, if somebody rapes and kills a person, would it make a difference if they said please first, they are guilty and they do not deny that, so lets stop worrying about the minor details, like I killed him with a stick, but it was not that stick, etc etc


I posted this on another thread, so hope its ok to duplicate on this one...

For anyone interested, the CSI LA page spotted that Sean McAnna uploaded two songs to Soundcloud on 4th October, so it looks like he's alive, unless someone has access to his stuff - https://soundcloud.com/seanmcanna

There are some interesting lyrics in the track 'Johnny' - 1:38 "I'm still waiting at the hotel bar. They beg of you, but they don't need you, still they won't let you go. And I, I, so near so far...'. Might be nothing, but could be a message in there somewhere.

What a lot of rubbish is being put out on here about Saun MCanna!

No big mystery at all. He was in the company of UK media journalists shortly after the convenience store incident until he left the Island and gave a number of interviews to the UK press. It was later reported by those sources that he had left Thailand safely and gone to his girlfriend in Italy. His sister also confirmed that on Facebook before she shut the page down as advised by the UK FO.

All this nonsense about him being in sinister cahoots with Mon and co to set up gang rapes is complete fantasy concocted out of mindless gossip. The guy is just a very young over dramatic attention seeking spliff smoking musician. Thailand and the cheap backpacking circuit is full of them world over.

ALL friends of the victims would have been advised to keep any evidential statements quiet as their testimony could be highly relevant in obtaining convictions at the correct time. Spewing their guts to media or anywhere else for the titillation and entertainment of a load of ghoulish morons pawing over their friends awful deaths would be of no value to them.

Seriously, get a grip people.

well said


Not surprising that the other Burmese migrant workers would not want to believe fellow countrymen had committed the crime.

Such a statment has zero credibility.

Its no different than a Senior Thai Police official suggesting the same about a Thai.

This article offers little useful insight except the interpreter issue. It would be worth clarifying the interviews by having the taped recordings heard by additional Native burmese translators familiar with the same dialect.

Was the interrogation taped?

Even if it wan't, the two suspects readily admit their guilt so it would not be difficult to have them explain themselves to a Native speaker/interpreter.

how they did it, the way they did it, who they did it with, and why they did it, does not alter the fact that they still claim that they did it, so they are guilty regardless of how sweet people want to make it seem, if somebody rapes and kills a person, would it make a difference if they said please first, they are guilty and they do not deny that, so lets stop worrying about the minor details, like I killed him with a stick, but it was not that stick, etc etc

They retracted there confession saying they were beaten and made to confess.

Yes they are now denying that they did it.


Going on posts by SteveFong this is exactly how it went down iny opinion

*There was an argument in the bar. Mon and co were rejected ( I believe one is police and one influential islander). Later that night whilst on the beach in a group Sean, having been asked by Mon and co for his help, has lured Hanna away behind the rocks so Mon and co could have their way. David on the beach hears her struggle, probably screams and has gone to help and been assaulted with knuckle knife and dragged to the water and drowned.

Sean who was OK with the girl being raped tried to stop Mon and co beating and killing his friend and has been struck and run for his life also. Mon and co have finished the rape buy because she has seen David murdered needs to be killed herself so she can't id Davids killers. Mon runs the other 2 stay on the island again I believe as police and influential islander to contamenate the scene, remove all evidence of their involvement and help the investigation lead somewhere else, plant new evidence to find a patsy ie cigarette butt of the accused, phones etc etc.

No patsy is easily found so they go after Sean, hence the comment u have blood on your hands when they catch up with him in 7/11 and or the minimart. Fearing for his life and now with witness to being chased and being able to post on FB who was chasing him he calls police. Police come to help and knowing now that he has posted on FB and created a scene have to protect him.

Sean gets off the island with help of journalists but is interrogated on BKK by police. Not because they think he did it but to make sure he Nevers opens his mouth RR the truth. Agreeing to this he is allowed to leave Thailand as are David and Hannah's friends. They have all been told and or threatened to keep their mouths shut.

SteveFong and u people who were there how close am I. I reckon that's it.

What's happened since with BK air and the Uni is just all apart of the cover up money chain etc. Mon was on the first flight out. He was never in school and all of this just goes to show u how evil this whole thing is. Thai authorities are prepared to maybe executed 2 innocent people so 3 weak pric#s could get there rocks off and save some face.

You know the saying AMAZING THAILAND.

That is spot on the most probable and likely scenario of events considering all the facts rumors and gossip.


Has anyone looked at the evidence of the Village heads son on CSI la?

They have multiple comparison pictures of him and the security camera of the guy running away from the scene on the island and it looks just like him..

Friends in the school say he was not there on the 15th but showed up on the 16th with scratches on his arms and neck.

The security camera phootage showing him at school seems to be doctored because of multiple coloring of time and date.

The last thing is he never got the dna test..

Im not saying he did it but these things are worth investigating and people here should look at the pictures on csi la facebook because it is really compelling.

Ohhh, you mean because it looks like this:
So, your assume those images have been tampered with because
someone put the settings to: - Automatic, White or Black on mixed background
One can easily change those letter settings.
- Top, Bottom, Left or Right
- Black on light background
- White on dark background
- White with black outlines on any background
....... and many, many more

CCTV footage means nothing. Especially times and dates.

I have CCTV at my home, and I can make you appear to time travel if you really want.

Come to my home, and I will make you appear 3 weeks in the past or even 2000 years ago, or even 5000 years in the future.... Take your pick.

I can do the same with mine, any date can be arranged, and scene, why did the police not force him to give a quick DNA then case closed, like the pathologist states there was a 3rd DNA on the body, and that person is still out there,...hmmmm


"However, both suspects insisted [to me] that they had committed the crimes," said the human-rights commissioner.

Just asking but..........does that statement not sound really strange to you ? I mean insisted ? blink.png

Do you think he was speaking English? Or that it was a translation?

Do you think the English translator should know the difference between insist and admit ? there are also Thai words that mean very different and dont forget the Rights commissioner there being quoted is Thai.... and btw its the only rights group whos saying that, Halls isnt and nor are the lawyers

Or do you think just maybe they were insisting on something quite different and the translator or reporter put it down wrong or failed to translate on paper the rest of it in the first place...

In a guilt or life and death situation, most would usually only insist on innocence or some other mitigating circumstance, such as others involved or separating one crime from another as an example would be... by insisting they did that ok, but not the other thing etc

I think they were probably insisting alight but not at their guilt to being the sole 2 murderer/rapists....

  • Like 1

Even if it wan't, the two suspects readily admit their guilt so it would not be difficult to have them explain themselves to a Native speaker/interpreter.

how they did it, the way they did it, who they did it with, and why they did it, does not alter the fact that they still claim that they did it, so they are guilty regardless of how sweet people want to make it seem, if somebody rapes and kills a person, would it make a difference if they said please first, they are guilty and they do not deny that, so lets stop worrying about the minor details, like I killed him with a stick, but it was not that stick, etc etc

They retracted there confession saying they were beaten and made to confess.

Yes they are now denying that they did it.

How many more times do I have to say there is NO EVIDENCE to justify a conviction of murder unless there is a confession. Now it's been retracted no-one can say anything different. But no doubt, the Thai court could if they consider it's fair and reasonable that a rapist would also commit murder..

I challenge any one to show me EVIDENCE to support their assertions. Rape, maybe, but there's only circumstantial evidence to take the ultimate leap.

  • Like 1

I posted this on another thread, so hope its ok to duplicate on this one...

For anyone interested, the CSI LA page spotted that Sean McAnna uploaded two songs to Soundcloud on 4th October, so it looks like he's alive, unless someone has access to his stuff - https://soundcloud.com/seanmcanna

There are some interesting lyrics in the track 'Johnny' - 1:38 "I'm still waiting at the hotel bar. They beg of you, but they don't need you, still they won't let you go. And I, I, so near so far...'. Might be nothing, but could be a message in there somewhere.

What a lot of rubbish is being put out on here about Saun MCanna!

No big mystery at all. He was in the company of UK media journalists shortly after the convenience store incident until he left the Island and gave a number of interviews to the UK press. It was later reported by those sources that he had left Thailand safely and gone to his girlfriend in Italy. His sister also confirmed that on Facebook before she shut the page down as advised by the UK FO.

All this nonsense about him being in sinister cahoots with Mon and co to set up gang rapes is complete fantasy concocted out of mindless gossip. The guy is just a very young over dramatic attention seeking spliff smoking musician. Thailand and the cheap backpacking circuit is full of them world over.

ALL friends of the victims would have been advised to keep any evidential statements quiet as their testimony could be highly relevant in obtaining convictions at the correct time. Spewing their guts to media or anywhere else for the titillation and entertainment of a load of ghoulish morons pawing over their friends awful deaths would be of no value to them.

Seriously, get a grip people.

Sanity is returning to the thread.

I was beginning to wonder if I wasn't trapped in some Twilight Zone nightmare.


I posted this on another thread, so hope its ok to duplicate on this one...

For anyone interested, the CSI LA page spotted that Sean McAnna uploaded two songs to Soundcloud on 4th October, so it looks like he's alive, unless someone has access to his stuff - https://soundcloud.com/seanmcanna

There are some interesting lyrics in the track 'Johnny' - 1:38 "I'm still waiting at the hotel bar. They beg of you, but they don't need you, still they won't let you go. And I, I, so near so far...'. Might be nothing, but could be a message in there somewhere.

What a lot of rubbish is being put out on here about Saun MCanna!

No big mystery at all. He was in the company of UK media journalists shortly after the convenience store incident until he left the Island and gave a number of interviews to the UK press. It was later reported by those sources that he had left Thailand safely and gone to his girlfriend in Italy. His sister also confirmed that on Facebook before she shut the page down as advised by the UK FO.

All this nonsense about him being in sinister cahoots with Mon and co to set up gang rapes is complete fantasy concocted out of mindless gossip. The guy is just a very young over dramatic attention seeking spliff smoking musician. Thailand and the cheap backpacking circuit is full of them world over.

ALL friends of the victims would have been advised to keep any evidential statements quiet as their testimony could be highly relevant in obtaining convictions at the correct time. Spewing their guts to media or anywhere else for the titillation and entertainment of a load of ghoulish morons pawing over their friends awful deaths would be of no value to them.

Seriously, get a grip people.

Recent posting on CSI LA Facebook page wanting someone to contact Sean and tell the truth about what happened on ko tao the night of the murders. They said he had uploaded a song to sound cloud 4 days ago.


Seems the prosecutor doesn't agree with Somyot's announcement on Tuesday that the investigators have done a 'perfect job'.
Does it??

Or did the prosecution ask for changes in the paperwork?

A perfect job looks quite different unless you are a torture and pancake fan.

cctv : modified for cover and frame up

DNA : Mon has given DNA,was cleared way to fast.Another cover up

Nomsod,the main suspect,still protected by corruption

Anything from your list cited by the prosecution? No.

Any of those statements facts? No.

And nothing coming from you are facts either, especially if it comes from the police.

All you are doing is really convincing me and probably everyone on here that the police are covering this up.

Nothing what you say actually stands up to what we all think (and know) about the corrupt Thai police. Therefore it flies against ALL logic, and so by default makes you almost certainly wrong in this particular debate.

You can not argue with logic.


I think your understanding of "logic" is at best remedial.

There are 4 logical fallacies in your post.


how they did it, the way they did it, who they did it with, and why they did it, does not alter the fact that they still claim that they did it, so they are guilty regardless of how sweet people want to make it seem, if somebody rapes and kills a person, would it make a difference if they said please first, they are guilty and they do not deny that, so lets stop worrying about the minor details, like I killed him with a stick, but it was not that stick, etc etc

They retracted there confession saying they were beaten and made to confess.

Yes they are now denying that they did it.

How many more times do I have to say there is NO EVIDENCE to justify a conviction of murder unless there is a confession. Now it's been retracted no-one can say anything different. But no doubt, the Thai court could if they consider it's fair and reasonable that a rapist would also commit murder..

I challenge any one to show me EVIDENCE to support their assertions. Rape, maybe, but there's only circumstantial evidence to take the ultimate leap.

I don't understand what you are saying. Are you saying you think they raped Hanna but did not commit the murders?

Ultimate leap?

  • Like 1

how they did it, the way they did it, who they did it with, and why they did it, does not alter the fact that they still claim that they did it, so they are guilty regardless of how sweet people want to make it seem, if somebody rapes and kills a person, would it make a difference if they said please first, they are guilty and they do not deny that, so lets stop worrying about the minor details, like I killed him with a stick, but it was not that stick, etc etc

They retracted there confession saying they were beaten and made to confess.

Yes they are now denying that they did it.

How many more times do I have to say there is NO EVIDENCE to justify a conviction of murder unless there is a confession. Now it's been retracted no-one can say anything different. But no doubt, the Thai court could if they consider it's fair and reasonable that a rapist would also commit murder..

I challenge any one to show me EVIDENCE to support their assertions. Rape, maybe, but there's only circumstantial evidence to take the ultimate leap.

I don't understand what you are saying. Are you saying you think they raped Hanna but did not commit the murders?

Ultimate leap?

According to this article the confessions stand.


"However, both suspects insisted [to me] that they had committed the crimes," said the human-rights commissioner.

Just asking but..........does that statement not sound really strange to you ? I mean insisted ? blink.png

Do you think he was speaking English? Or that it was a translation?

Do you think the English translator should know the difference between insist and admit ? there are also Thai words that mean very different and dont forget the Rights commissioner there being quoted is Thai.... and btw its the only rights group whos saying that, Halls isnt and nor are the lawyers

Or do you think just maybe they were insisting on something quite different and the translator or reporter put it down wrong or failed to translate on paper the rest of it in the first place...

In a guilt or life and death situation, most would usually only insist on innocence or some other mitigating circumstance, such as others involved or separating one crime from another as an example would be... by insisting they did that ok, but not the other thing etc

I think they were probably insisting alight but not at their guilt to being the sole 2 murderer/rapists....

LOL... I think there was a reporter not a certified translator there... And that you are being willfully obstinate. Apparently one of the lawyers did say it.


Not making any conclusions, but where does Sean McAnna fit in all of this? Is anything he said true? If not, why did he do that? 15 minutes of fame seems a long shot, but stranger things have happened.


"He said they told him they had not used condoms while sexually violating the female victim, contrary to earlier police statements that sperm carrying their DNA was found on the outside of condoms."

Have you heard of any rapist using condoms?

Often, yes.


I posted this on another thread, so hope its ok to duplicate on this one...

For anyone interested, the CSI LA page spotted that Sean McAnna uploaded two songs to Soundcloud on 4th October, so it looks like he's alive, unless someone has access to his stuff - https://soundcloud.com/seanmcanna

There are some interesting lyrics in the track 'Johnny' - 1:38 "I'm still waiting at the hotel bar. They beg of you, but they don't need you, still they won't let you go. And I, I, so near so far...'. Might be nothing, but could be a message in there somewhere.

What a lot of rubbish is being put out on here about Saun MCanna!

No big mystery at all. He was in the company of UK media journalists shortly after the convenience store incident until he left the Island and gave a number of interviews to the UK press. It was later reported by those sources that he had left Thailand safely and gone to his girlfriend in Italy. His sister also confirmed that on Facebook before she shut the page down as advised by the UK FO.

All this nonsense about him being in sinister cahoots with Mon and co to set up gang rapes is complete fantasy concocted out of mindless gossip. The guy is just a very young over dramatic attention seeking spliff smoking musician. Thailand and the cheap backpacking circuit is full of them world over.

ALL friends of the victims would have been advised to keep any evidential statements quiet as their testimony could be highly relevant in obtaining convictions at the correct time. Spewing their guts to media or anywhere else for the titillation and entertainment of a load of ghoulish morons pawing over their friends awful deaths would be of no value to them.

Seriously, get a grip people.

Agree, good words.


Not surprising that the other Burmese migrant workers would not want to believe fellow countrymen had committed the crime.

Such a statment has zero credibility.

Its no different than a Senior Thai Police official suggesting the same about a Thai.

This article offers little useful insight except the interpreter issue. It would be worth clarifying the interviews by having the taped recordings heard by additional Native burmese translators familiar with the same dialect.

Was the interrogation taped?

Even if it wan't, the two suspects readily admit their guilt so it would not be difficult to have them explain themselves to a Native speaker/interpreter.

how they did it, the way they did it, who they did it with, and why they did it, does not alter the fact that they still claim that they did it, so they are guilty regardless of how sweet people want to make it seem, if somebody rapes and kills a person, would it make a difference if they said please first, they are guilty and they do not deny that, so lets stop worrying about the minor details, like I killed him with a stick, but it was not that stick, etc etc

Do they really claym they did it?

What we know is that the Thai Human Rights guy claims they said this.

Is he trustworthy?

It seems in the same meeting, same time, same location they said they did not do it.

That's what the Burmese lawyers say.

Which one is lying?

Or may be translation mistake? The Burmese did not need translation


jdinasia i take that you have seen the presecutors report, seeing as how you dismiss other peoples posts so easily wallop

I dismiss conspiracy theories easily.

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