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Yingluck barred from attending Fireball Festival


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you are making a lot of statements in your post when all the actual evidence would indicate the opposite

it would appear you are as clever a box filled with air - would you like me to explain or can you work it out for yourself

What actual evidence??

How about you explain why martial law has yet to be rescinded and why political gatherings are still banned, why the media is so heavily censored, why elections have been canned and why the constitution was scrapped?

From where I'm sitting, there all evidences in support of Boxclevers post.

I will refer you to the first 6 months of this year and how innocent people were murdered shot and blown up in the streets of Bangkok and other places

There have been several surveys done over the last 3 months all show that up to 80% of the Thai people are currently very happy with the situation, I would also refer to Thais that I have spoken too personally and I find the same thing

The only people that seem to be unhappy are those that have been living beyond the bounds of the law and are slowly being reeled in - not unusual in any normal society

There is more than a little bit of silliness in your post here mate.

The most likely explanation for the majority of the deaths and injuries that occurred during the most recent overthrow of democracy in this land is...

Yellow on Yellow.

unmitigated balderdash AKA BS

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Gaol the witch

How little you know.

They have no interest in jailing her, they just need to make sure she is barred from politics before the next election (if there is one).


Because she will absolutely crush them at the polls.

What a bunch of cowards.

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Well this will be the interesting thing because they are trying to convince the democratic world that the reason this happened was because of the complete incompetence of the people holding office. This does not mean to say competent people could be appointed within this party. Changing the democratic process would simply clarify that the reasons given to the developed world for this action was a complete lie. Countries like the USA have a history of funding democracy and the people who fight for its values. If the world decides between them that enough is enough and this dictatorship is now deemed undemocratic you will see rivers of blood and civil war. The worlds democracies will begin with embargo's and tough talk, this will fuel a revolution as the people will believe the rest of the world are on their side. Then the silent majority will become activists. This military junta can never win this war because it has to suppress democracy to do so. This is why Taksin has ordered no resistance, he knows these people are in a no win situation. He knows the world will not trade with this country if the democratic process is changed, no trade leads to financial ruin. Unfortunately for the junta the only option they have is to sit down and make a deal with this party, they know this party will win a democratic election so if they want to have any kind of future for themselves and the establishment, agreements need to be made. The problem is they do not have this course of action in their armory. The country will find itself in civil war and if it gets to deep not even the king himself will have the power to stop it. Huge swathes of the army will also turn on each other. The future is very bleak indeed.

"Huge swathes of the army will also turn on each other."

Thus the need for the Junta's security agreement with China so that Chinese troops can aid the Junta to safeguard "national security." The Junta knows that the potential for civil war will be high when it does not allow a public referedum on the new constitution and is planning for all contingencies to protect its power.

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