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Yingluck barred from attending Fireball Festival


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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

All it takes is a handful of people putting up posters sponsored by the Redshirt/Thaksin mafia leaders to spark distain and trouble

The reality of the matter is that Thailand needs to forget the abomination of the Yingluc PTP Thaksin government debacle and move on - they were on a path to destroy this country and anyone with a brain knows exactly that undisputed fact, having this woman at any high profile public event is just counter productive, the shins redshirt mafia propaganda machine is still smoldering in the background and needs to be exposed and extinguished once and for all, there's not much more to say

Your views are entirely ideology driven.

A little like communism, it looks good on paper by totally impossible to make work in the real world.

If you think that somehow the views of a huge majority of the Thai population can somehow be "extinguished" then you are only dreaming.

What you fail to acknowledge in your post is that the military coup is aimed at putting the powers-that-be who have ruled Thailand for more than 70 years back into power when the Thai population has had enough of them.

The PTP and Thaksin are not important, it's what they represent.

The Thaksin factions represent a changing of the guard, and everyone knows they were corrupt, but they were the people's corrupt government.

Don't you think the people know what is happening?

The Bangkok royalist establishment party is rotten to the core and that's how this mess started in the first place.

By bringing in the army, like they always do and putting them back into power only gives the population more incentive to vote them out at the next election.

If you and whoever else thinks this will be a lasting change and the people will switch to supporting the Democrats, you are thinking wishfully.

They are biding their time, waiting for the opportunity to throw them out.

I guarantee that the junta will be voted out at the next election.

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The propaganda machine with all it's polls on how popular the new government is way off the mark.

When it all boils down there is and always will be the great divide between the yellow elite and the reds all because the elites think they have been put on this earth to rule the less fortunate and if they can't get power through democracy which they can't then they will just take it by whatever means possible.

All these BS polls about popularity mean nothing as the true poll on Election Day will show who the people want if they are allowed free and fair elections and actually being allowed to vote.

More important than being allowed to vote is having someone you actually support to vote for. I suspect that the most important 'reforms' will involve making sure only the 'right' people will be allowed to participate in the political process (i.e., run for elected office). The government, in that situation, would probably be inclined to force people to vote to make it appear they have the people's mandate.

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The reality of the matter is that Thailand needs to forget the abomination of the Yingluc PTP Thaksin government debacle and move on - they were on a path to destroy this country and anyone with a brain knows exactly that undisputed fact, having this woman at any high profile public event is just counter productive, the shins redshirt mafia propaganda machine is still smoldering in the background and needs to be exposed and extinguished once and for all, there's not much more to say.

I agree and long for the day when a military junta in the USA arrests and court martials Obama and all his supporters.

your signature quote pretty much describes YOU!

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Would you support a coup against the current government?

Unlike your brainwashed lot, I don't support any coups period. But there won't be any need for coups, the current administration, if you can call it that, will dig their own graves (so to speak)

You're one of the few red posters that think that there will be an election. Congratulations.

Well back at ya' for coming out of the closet.

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The reality of the matter is that Thailand needs to forget the abomination of the Yingluc PTP Thaksin government debacle and move on - they were on a path to destroy this country and anyone with a brain knows exactly that undisputed fact, having this woman at any high profile public event is just counter productive, the shins redshirt mafia propaganda machine is still smoldering in the background and needs to be exposed and extinguished once and for all, there's not much more to say.

I agree and long for the day when a military junta in the USA arrests and court martials Obama and all his supporters.

your signature quote pretty much describes YOU!

His signature describes you too.. and me.. and everyone.. biggrin.png Take off your red shades and try to use your brain.

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Would you support a coup against the current government?

Unlike your brainwashed lot, I don't support any coups period. But there won't be any need for coups, the current administration, if you can call it that, will dig their own graves (so to speak)

You're one of the few red posters that think that there will be an election. Congratulations.

Well back at ya' for coming out of the closet.

Huh??? That must be one of those points that you think you are making.

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Would you support a coup against the current government?

Unlike your brainwashed lot, I don't support any coups period. But there won't be any need for coups, the current administration, if you can call it that, will dig their own graves (so to speak)

You're one of the few red posters that think that there will be an election. Congratulations.

Well back at ya' for coming out of the closet.

Huh??? That must be one of those points that you think you are making.

I didn't have to. You made them pretty clear.

You're a broken record. Fortunately you and your fellow autocracy supporters belong to a very small minority.

Spew all the drivel you want, I don't mind because in a democracy we allow self-deluded people like you, northernjohn and AleG to do that without persecution because that's part of having a real democracy.

I for one is gonna put a deaf ear to your nonsens as you won't even bother to do a rebuttal but do name calling instead. Have a good one sir.

Edited by maxme
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The reality of the matter is that Thailand needs to forget the abomination of the Yingluc PTP Thaksin government debacle and move on - they were on a path to destroy this country and anyone with a brain knows exactly that undisputed fact, having this woman at any high profile public event is just counter productive, the shins redshirt mafia propaganda machine is still smoldering in the background and needs to be exposed and extinguished once and for all, there's not much more to say.

I agree and long for the day when a military junta in the USA arrests and court martials Obama and all his supporters.

your signature quote pretty much describes YOU!

His signature describes you too.. and me.. and everyone.. biggrin.png Take off your red shades and try to use your brain.

C'mon Rob, I merely stated a fact whereas Mr kill-em-all wants to arrest the US president and all his supporters..... all 100 million of them!

Now there's a practical chappy eh?

The guy's obviously a nutter and his signature statement nicely sums him up.

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I didn't have to. You made them pretty clear.

You're a broken record. Fortunately you and your fellow autocracy supporters belong to a very small minority.

Spew all the drivel you want, I don't mind because in a democracy we allow self-deluded people like you, northernjohn and AleG to do that with persecution because that's part of having a real democracy.

I for one is gonna put a deaf ear to your nonsens as you won't even bother to do a rebuttal but do name calling instead. Have a good one sir.

Seriously ... what are you going on about?

Are you upset that I called you a "red poster"?

In an earlier post you said I "proved your point". Now you're saying that you didn't make one. I'm glad you've worked that out.

edit: As for "broken record" ... " I have been repeating the same thing, hoping you would understand." It doesn't seem to have worked.

Edited by whybother
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The reality of the matter is that Thailand needs to forget the abomination of the Yingluc PTP Thaksin government debacle and move on - they were on a path to destroy this country and anyone with a brain knows exactly that undisputed fact, having this woman at any high profile public event is just counter productive, the shins redshirt mafia propaganda machine is still smoldering in the background and needs to be exposed and extinguished once and for all, there's not much more to say.

I agree and long for the day when a military junta in the USA arrests and court martials Obama and all his supporters.

your signature quote pretty much describes YOU!

His signature describes you too.. and me.. and everyone.. biggrin.png Take off your red shades and try to use your brain.

C'mon Rob, I merely stated a fact whereas Mr kill-em-all wants to arrest the US president and all his supporters..... all 100 million of them!

Now there's a practical chappy eh?

The guy's obviously a nutter and his signature statement nicely sums him up.

It certainly furthers my suspicions that yellow supporters are also Republican supporters, i.e. red-necked, racist & ignorant.

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Would you support a coup against the current government?

Unlike your brainwashed lot, I don't support any coups period. But there won't be any need for coups, the current administration, if you can call it that, will dig their own graves (so to speak)

Then you live by dogma, no need to evaluate things on their own merits (or lack of).

And you call others brainwashed...

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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

All it takes is a handful of people putting up posters sponsored by the Redshirt/Thaksin mafia leaders to spark distain and trouble

The reality of the matter is that Thailand needs to forget the abomination of the Yingluc PTP Thaksin government debacle and move on - they were on a path to destroy this country and anyone with a brain knows exactly that undisputed fact, having this woman at any high profile public event is just counter productive, the shins redshirt mafia propaganda machine is still smoldering in the background and needs to be exposed and extinguished once and for all, there's not much more to say

Your views are entirely ideology driven.

A little like communism, it looks good on paper by totally impossible to make work in the real world.

If you think that somehow the views of a huge majority of the Thai population can somehow be "extinguished" then you are only dreaming.

What you fail to acknowledge in your post is that the military coup is aimed at putting the powers-that-be who have ruled Thailand for more than 70 years back into power when the Thai population has had enough of them.

The PTP and Thaksin are not important, it's what they represent.

The Thaksin factions represent a changing of the guard, and everyone knows they were corrupt, but they were the people's corrupt government.

Don't you think the people know what is happening?

The Bangkok royalist establishment party is rotten to the core and that's how this mess started in the first place.

By bringing in the army, like they always do and putting them back into power only gives the population more incentive to vote them out at the next election.

If you and whoever else thinks this will be a lasting change and the people will switch to supporting the Democrats, you are thinking wishfully.

They are biding their time, waiting for the opportunity to throw them out.

That is your opinion and one which I profoundly disagree with - if you deal with what is known (the facts) there was no option to removing PTP from office by legal means which they simply dismissed or for honour which they didn't have or by being forced out by the military either way it had to happen and the evidence is clear on many levels, nothing more to say on the matter

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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

All it takes is a handful of people putting up posters sponsored by the Redshirt/Thaksin mafia leaders to spark distain and trouble

The reality of the matter is that Thailand needs to forget the abomination of the Yingluc PTP Thaksin government debacle and move on - they were on a path to destroy this country and anyone with a brain knows exactly that undisputed fact, having this woman at any high profile public event is just counter productive, the shins redshirt mafia propaganda machine is still smoldering in the background and needs to be exposed and extinguished once and for all, there's not much more to say

You sound like Adolf H. talking about the Jewish .

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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

All it takes is a handful of people putting up posters sponsored by the Redshirt/Thaksin mafia leaders to spark distain and trouble

The reality of the matter is that Thailand needs to forget the abomination of the Yingluc PTP Thaksin government debacle and move on - they were on a path to destroy this country and anyone with a brain knows exactly that undisputed fact, having this woman at any high profile public event is just counter productive, the shins redshirt mafia propaganda machine is still smoldering in the background and needs to be exposed and extinguished once and for all, there's not much more to say

You sound like Adolf H. talking about the Jewish .

actually a better fit would be Thaksin and his redshirt terrorist movement along with PTP but even then not really a great fit as nothing comes remotely close to Hitler and what he did

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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

All it takes is a handful of people putting up posters sponsored by the Redshirt/Thaksin mafia leaders to spark distain and trouble

The reality of the matter is that Thailand needs to forget the abomination of the Yingluc PTP Thaksin government debacle and move on - they were on a path to destroy this country and anyone with a brain knows exactly that undisputed fact, having this woman at any high profile public event is just counter productive, the shins redshirt mafia propaganda machine is still smoldering in the background and needs to be exposed and extinguished once and for all, there's not much more to say

Your views are entirely ideology driven.

A little like communism, it looks good on paper by totally impossible to make work in the real world.

If you think that somehow the views of a huge majority of the Thai population can somehow be "extinguished" then you are only dreaming.

What you fail to acknowledge in your post is that the military coup is aimed at putting the powers-that-be who have ruled Thailand for more than 70 years back into power when the Thai population has had enough of them.

The PTP and Thaksin are not important, it's what they represent.

The Thaksin factions represent a changing of the guard, and everyone knows they were corrupt, but they were the people's corrupt government.

Don't you think the people know what is happening?

The Bangkok royalist establishment party is rotten to the core and that's how this mess started in the first place.

By bringing in the army, like they always do and putting them back into power only gives the population more incentive to vote them out at the next election.

If you and whoever else thinks this will be a lasting change and the people will switch to supporting the Democrats, you are thinking wishfully.

They are biding their time, waiting for the opportunity to throw them out.

That is your opinion and one which I profoundly disagree with - if you deal with what is known (the facts) there was no option to removing PTP from office by legal means which they simply dismissed or for honour which they didn't have or by being forced out by the military either way it had to happen and the evidence is clear on many levels, nothing more to say on the matter

Yeah can't win elections because of these pesky farmers. Coup is the only solution.

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Some people here like northern john and whybother seem to believe that dictatorship is good for the country. It goes along the lines with the poll when the locals were asked about corruption and sone of them answered "well if it works".

I have asked it before and I will ask it again. Would you support such actions if you didn't agree with the ruling party back home?

A dictatorship is better than civil war. If there were grenades going off and innocent people getting killed and the government wasn't doing anything about it, then maybe a coup would be a better solution. It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not.

I don't support the junta. I just comment on reality. The junta have banned political events. Yingluck going to this event would have made it political.

I understand your opinion about civil war vs coup, but I don't agree with it.

However, what I want to say is regarding the 'NCPO' and the festival - the junta is just being paranoid. It's a festival for pete's sake - it is not really political. She would have done her thing and that would have been it. No fiery speeches, etc, etc... But she is popular and the people would have been really happy to have her there.

But happiness for the Thai people means free haircuts and movies, and the junta is trying to erase their opponents from the history books, so having a popular former PM at a festival is just not acceptable to them.

Besides, I think that a lot of the Junta just plain hates her.

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I understand your opinion about civil war vs coup, but I don't agree with it.

However, what I want to say is regarding the 'NCPO' and the festival - the junta is just being paranoid. It's a festival for pete's sake - it is not really political. She would have done her thing and that would have been it. No fiery speeches, etc, etc... But she is popular and the people would have been really happy to have her there.

But happiness for the Thai people means free haircuts and movies, and the junta is trying to erase their opponents from the history books, so having a popular former PM at a festival is just not acceptable to them.

Besides, I think that a lot of the Junta just plain hates her.

They may be being paranoid, but they have to draw the line somewhere. If she had turned up, she wouldn't need to say anything. People would have turned up just to see her. It wouldn't take much for someone else (an extremist type ... every group has them) to whip up a bit of emotion from the crowds.

I don't actually think the junta give a toss about her. They know she is just a puppet.

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I understand your opinion about civil war vs coup, but I don't agree with it.

However, what I want to say is regarding the 'NCPO' and the festival - the junta is just being paranoid. It's a festival for pete's sake - it is not really political. She would have done her thing and that would have been it. No fiery speeches, etc, etc... But she is popular and the people would have been really happy to have her there.

But happiness for the Thai people means free haircuts and movies, and the junta is trying to erase their opponents from the history books, so having a popular former PM at a festival is just not acceptable to them.

Besides, I think that a lot of the Junta just plain hates her.

They may be being paranoid, but they have to draw the line somewhere. If she had turned up, she wouldn't need to say anything. People would have turned up just to see her. It wouldn't take much for someone else (an extremist type ... every group has them) to whip up a bit of emotion from the crowds.

I don't actually think the junta give a toss about her. They know she is just a puppet.

For someone who is "just a puppet", the junta, through their various agencies, are trying very hard to ensure she is not going to be part of the future political landscape..................coffee1.gif

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For someone who is "just a puppet", the junta, through their various agencies, are trying very hard to ensure she is not going to be part of the future political landscape..................coffee1.gif

Maybe they think the puppeteer will run out of puppets.

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The Junta know all too well that the great mass of the people, the silent majority, still love and support Yingluck and her political party. The military dictators are fully aware of this fact and are terrified the people will rally behind her. What a bunch of YELLOW cowards! They can't hold back the tide forever smile.png

you are making a lot of statements in your post when all the actual evidence would indicate the opposite

it would appear you are as clever a box filled with air - would you like me to explain or can you work it out for yourself

What actual evidence??

How about you explain why martial law has yet to be rescinded and why political gatherings are still banned, why the media is so heavily censored, why elections have been canned and why the constitution was scrapped?

From where I'm sitting, there all evidences in support of Boxclevers post.

I will refer you to the first 6 months of this year and how innocent people were murdered shot and blown up in the streets of Bangkok and other places

There have been several surveys done over the last 3 months all show that up to 80% of the Thai people are currently very happy with the situation, I would also refer to Thais that I have spoken too personally and I find the same thing

The only people that seem to be unhappy are those that have been living beyond the bounds of the law and are slowly being reeled in - not unusual in any normal society

There is more than a little bit of silliness in your post here mate.

The most likely explanation for the majority of the deaths and injuries that occurred during the most recent overthrow of democracy in this land is...

Yellow on Yellow.

Rich elites slaughtering their own poverty stricken paid supporters, hoping the blood spilled would force the coup.

The one death that we do know for certain who committed the crime was the old man slain by the popcorn gunmen.

This particular murderer went on to become a hero to the vile street vermin who thereafter took great delight in parading around in shirts emblazoned with the green and gold popcorn logo.


Several surveys in the last few months you say.

80% happiness.

Only the ridiculous amongst us could publicly proclaim these surveys hold any true value, because the reality is, if they were anywhere near the truth there would not be the almighty fear of elections that currently terrifies the anti-democrats of this nation..

As for the Thais you've spoken to recently, they're probably just too polite to point out how wrong (and bigoted) you are.

FYI, the unhappy include: PTP members and supporters, rice farmers, rubber farmers, academics, sandwich eating students, street vendors, small business owners, those employed in the tourist industries etc. etc. etc.

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There is more than a little bit of silliness in your post here mate.

The most likely explanation for the majority of the deaths and injuries that occurred during the most recent overthrow of democracy in this land is...

Yellow on Yellow.

Rich elites slaughtering their own poverty stricken paid supporters, hoping the blood spilled would force the coup.


For your next username you should go with Goebbels.

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Awright!!! I'm sorry if someone has already posted what i believe to be the most common sense powered reason why she's not been allowed to show up but I don't have the time or inclination to wade through 8+ pages. Nongkhai borders the capital of Laos, PTP and UDD have a reputation for (AHEM!!) buying support,

She shows up + a load of bought, drunk, none to keen on Thailand anyway young Laos lads = A recipe for violent disaster

You don't need to be a soothsaying mystic to see this been a likely outcome. The Govt saw this and nipped it in the bud.

End of story

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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.


Well, there are some interesting aspects to be considered.

For one to have a banner with "Her Excellency, Ms. Yingluck , the 28th PM of Thailand" seems aimed at annoying. It adds a political taste to the event. Now if the banner said "NongKhai welcomes Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra" it would be a completely different matter.

The fact that you start with the 'democratically elected PM' only emphasises the possible misuse of a peaceful event for political goals. No one of the people who come to watch the fireballs would like such disruption, assuming they come for the 'fireballs' festival.

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There is more than a little bit of silliness in your post here mate.

The most likely explanation for the majority of the deaths and injuries that occurred during the most recent overthrow of democracy in this land is...

Yellow on Yellow.

Rich elites slaughtering their own poverty stricken paid supporters, hoping the blood spilled would force the coup.


For your next username you should go with Goebbels.

Oh come on, AleG. No need to drag WWII into this.

Just a read up on Robespierre should be enough, I would think rolleyes.gif


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you are making a lot of statements in your post when all the actual evidence would indicate the opposite

it would appear you are as clever a box filled with air - would you like me to explain or can you work it out for yourself

What actual evidence??

How about you explain why martial law has yet to be rescinded and why political gatherings are still banned, why the media is so heavily censored, why elections have been canned and why the constitution was scrapped?

From where I'm sitting, there all evidences in support of Boxclevers post.

I will refer you to the first 6 months of this year and how innocent people were murdered shot and blown up in the streets of Bangkok and other places

There have been several surveys done over the last 3 months all show that up to 80% of the Thai people are currently very happy with the situation, I would also refer to Thais that I have spoken too personally and I find the same thing

The only people that seem to be unhappy are those that have been living beyond the bounds of the law and are slowly being reeled in - not unusual in any normal society

There is more than a little bit of silliness in your post here mate.

The most likely explanation for the majority of the deaths and injuries that occurred during the most recent overthrow of democracy in this land is...

Yellow on Yellow.

Rich elites slaughtering their own poverty stricken paid supporters, hoping the blood spilled would force the coup.

The one death that we do know for certain who committed the crime was the old man slain by the popcorn gunmen.

This particular murderer went on to become a hero to the vile street vermin who thereafter took great delight in parading around in shirts emblazoned with the green and gold popcorn logo.


Several surveys in the last few months you say.

80% happiness.

Only the ridiculous amongst us could publicly proclaim these surveys hold any true value, because the reality is, if they were anywhere near the truth there would not be the almighty fear of elections that currently terrifies the anti-democrats of this nation..

As for the Thais you've spoken to recently, they're probably just too polite to point out how wrong (and bigoted) you are.

FYI, the unhappy include: PTP members and supporters, rice farmers, rubber farmers, academics, sandwich eating students, street vendors, small business owners, those employed in the tourist industries etc. etc. etc.

what a twisted mind you have - so far from reality it beggars belief

I often wonder what motive an individual has on this forum for posting such untruths lies and hogwash

you're getting very close to being the 2nd person on this forum to be on my ignore list, it's not beyond the realms of possibility that the other id is your also - even though your posting amounts to only a few K on the www it is still a huge waste

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There is more than a little bit of silliness in your post here mate.

The most likely explanation for the majority of the deaths and injuries that occurred during the most recent overthrow of democracy in this land is...

Yellow on Yellow.

Rich elites slaughtering their own poverty stricken paid supporters, hoping the blood spilled would force the coup.


For your next username you should go with Goebbels.

Oh come on, AleG. No need to drag WWII into this.

Just a read up on Robespierre should be enough, I would think rolleyes.gif


Robespierre was a particular favourite of Pol Pot and Khieu Samphan

Pol Pot A History of a Nightmare

by Philip Short Pages 74 & 75

Philosophy from the period of French enlightenment does not have a particularly good track record in SEA. Best not quote it whistling.gif

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Still wondering how she could be referred to as her excellency or for that matter touted as the prime minister whatever the number.

She was PM then acting MP then an ordinary housewife shopping at a supermarket in awe that ready cooked rice meals could be bought.

As she is now an ordinary Thai citizen the sign promoting her as something else must in itself be considered political.

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