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I usually take Melatonin to help me fall asleep at night. Perhaps I was just unlucky, but the pharmacies I tried did not have it. One offered Valerian instead.

Is Melatonin hard to find here ?

Does anyone recommend Valerian ?



I do the same- nightly. I spent years trying alternatives before I settled on what I consider the best concoction of Melatonin- timed release. Source Naturals timed release Melatonin in 2mg or 3mg version just can't be beat for efficacy. See their product page here Melatonin

Perhaps my method of purchasing will appeal to you. I recently took delivery of a one year supply via this route. I placed my order online with the Source Naturals web site. I had them ship to a family member in the US. My family then emptied all the bottles into a ziploc freezerbag. That ziploc was then slipped into a USPS Global Priority Mailenvelope and mailed to me for a flat $9.50 US.

Initially, I was worried they might arrive as a powdered compaction :o but they got here unscathed.

As to the Valerian: They also recommend it to calm your nerves, and at this it can be very effective, but when I took it to induce sleep it didn't seem to provide any positive results.

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