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Do you really want to discuss another member? Will wait & see how this progresses. As it's not Thailand related, moved to Pub/ Farang discussion.

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The reputation can make a difference. In, for example those who regularly post red v yellow, humourous posts, or simply posts that slag people off, aside from the serious posters.

What I try to judge is the context of the post itself. Sometimes it is not easy to tell if there is true sarcasm there or not.

Someone like Costas can be quite funny, yet not all people see it.

I don't get put off a poster by the odd posts I do not like because we cannot all agree all the time.

Repetition can get boring from some people in replies they make to some OP's posts. Badgers & milking for example, they do seem to milk that for all they can get & more ;)

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Its the pedants who get me. Unfortunately they are usually also the rose tinted brigade for whom Thai's are demi-gods and Thailand a milky paradise. So you have pedancy protected by accusations of racism, superiority complexes and a general humour by pass.

We live in a crazy, wonderful, corrupt, weird country full of strange tastes, thoughts and logic. Whats not to laugh about? Its home for better and worse. But boy, make a statement that can be taken more than one way and you know where the pedants will go.

Only yesterday I was told that better is subjective!!! That was the sum total of the post. A pedant telling me that one persons better is not the same as anothers!!! Does he think I am 5 years old? The whole point of forums is for people to express opinions which will always be subjective. Do I need reminding? Not really.

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Actually Costas ... and in reference what Rooo writes above ... I'm not referring to any one Poster/Member ... just that you are the one copping it ATM ... so it seemed reasonable to mention your name, because most here know you.

So please Forum Members ... this is not about Costas ... it's about how you perceive a post and the relevance to the Author.

That said ... some excellent replies above ... thumbsup.gif

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I don't think it is a good idea to discuss other members by name... didn't know it was allowed...

I'm no expert ... many things are allowed ... it's more how you say it.

Plus, I'm showing the member in a positive light, which does seem to help.


Posters who carry a grudge from one thread to another just make themselves look childish - and by attacking the poster rather than the post, they reveal they have limited debating skills.

Costas just gets it in the neck because he spams the forum with attention-seeking nonsense. You can't seek attention and then complain when it's not the kind you wanted.

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David, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to express myself and have a rant.


Especially if it has nothing to do with the content of his thread/post, but just a personal dislike.

Mate ... I didn't know you were so angry (on the inside).

Don't let the Forum get to you like that. It's a great place, full of good people.

I was having drinks with 3 of them on Sunday just gone ... had a blast.

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Actually Costas ... and in reference what Rooo writes above ... I'm not referring to any one Poster/Member ... just that you are the one copping it ATM ... so it seemed reasonable to mention your name, because most here know you.

So please Forum Members ... this is not about Costas ... it's about how you perceive a post and the relevance to the Author.

That said ... some excellent replies above ... thumbsup.gif

David, I do understand the reason you opened this thread.

But what I wrote does not apply only to me, but also to many other members.

There is a culture between members to be horrible to others.

But why?

This is what you and me and others would like to know.

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I look at what the headline is - then who posted.....if the headline does not seem interesting then I pass......it's too easy to think we're doing something vaguely important by perusing TVF and the more threads read for no good reason are minutes I can never relive with the important/real people or take back.....

There is a lot to be learned in many ways from a good many posts...also good to pass on good help/advice/information when possible....

I find some humorous posters & tend to think there will be an interesting giggle/gaffe - hand grenade/land mine along the way.....

I see a lot of one liners that are genuinely funny.....

I really tire of the snipers (one in particular) that just snipe a subject/topic or post for nothing other than an arrogant put down of a preceding innocent poster.....just kicking sand via keyboard invisibility or keyboard masterbation.....hopefully that person doesn't last long.....

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I always go straight to the post, regardless of the poster (or play the ball rather than the man, as you say).

But strangely enough, the best posts are generally by the same posters (Davis and Costas being 2 of them).

As in sport, the best man has the best balls.

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I don't think it is a good idea to discuss other members by name... didn't know it was allowed...

I'm no expert ... many things are allowed ... it's more how you say it.

Plus, I'm showing the member in a positive light, which does seem to help.

Normally I do not allow a topic to run that is created with focus on an individual member as it is not fair to the member and they will be inclined to defend themselves and start of a war of the words. Regardless if the OP starts in a positive light regarding a member, it will nearly always degrade with the negative side coming up by disgruntled members. We'll just see where this is heading and if it heads where most member centric topics go then it will be closed.

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Fair Call.

Obviously I made a mistake with the OP mentioning any poster ... I should have used Poster 'X'.

My Bad ... sorry.gif

We will just now have to rely on the intelligence and good nature of the Posters who reply to keep this above board.

I have Faith.



Must admit I didn't realise how easy it is to look up someone's old posts.

I used to be a reasonable soccer player years gone by and always tried to play the ball. It should all be taken in good humour, as it is intended.


just read it and wonder if he is a whiner or a troll

Fair point, and often correct.

Could it be though that there are more options?

I like to post in the General Forum when appropriate and hopefully I fall outside the classifications mentioned above most times?

Mind you ... an occasional whinge is par for course ... helps me let off some steam!


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I don't understand why ad hominum posting or name calling or insulting posts are allowed. The first time a poster starts calling another names (like in kindergarten) I think the post should be removed regardless how cute the insult is or how much of a good old boy the insulting poster is.

There is a group of posters x, xx, and xxx who like each others posts almost each and every time. I think that's silly. I assume it's a mate thing and I don't get it because I'm from a country that doesn't require every male to have mates.

I think what I wrote above is OK because I didn't attack anyone personally. However I can see some people would construe it as an insult. In this instance I think it's on topic.

The political forum (Thai news) has been totally taken over by ad hominum posters in my opinion and I wonder that any person without an agenda (astroturfers) could post there. But then again it seems to have it's own rules and I assume the OP is not discussing that forum.

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^^ I do understand what you imply ... but ...

If it was reduced to an information style Forum, much of the Fun and Jocularity would be lost and it would become a dry place.

Reducing the posting to the lowest common denominator ... sort of like a PC forum.

Isn't value is a bit of fun? some gentle ribbing between folk. Sure, I know it gets out of hand occasionally ... but that's what the Mods do well ... removing what is OTT.

Tolerance is a strong drink ... but well worth taking a swig from that bottle occasionally.



Fun and jocularity is great - but it's possible to have fun discussing the topic at hand.

If you don't like the kind of opinions someone expresses, then say why you disagree and counter them with your own opinion, rather than just attack the person who expressed them.

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^^ I do understand what you imply ... but ...

If it was reduced to an information style Forum, much of the Fun and Jocularity would be lost and it would become a dry place.

Reducing the posting to the lowest common denominator ... sort of like a PC forum.

Isn't value is a bit of fun? some gentle ribbing between folk. Sure, I know it gets out of hand occasionally ... but that's what the Mods do well ... removing what is OTT.

Tolerance is a strong drink ... but well worth taking a swig from that bottle occasionally.


That's where I have a problem, the gentle ribbing. In some pubs what is considered gentle ribbing I would pull out a pistol and shoot the guy in the head. Being called a C*** I don't think is funny. Or other words that are highly demeaning in my culture. Since we have people from many cultures here I'm of the opinion that insulting, name calling, (gentle ribbing as you call it) should be banned because we all can't be expected to behave like a drunk (****) and think it's funny.

See what I'm saying? The insulting culture that you think is humorous I don't. Don Rickles is an American comic that insults people. I think he appeals to the lowest rung of society and would never listen to him or attend a celebrity roast as I think they are low class and tasteless.

There are pubs to frequent if one wants to bash other nationalities or people. I don't think it has a place in an open forum where one encounters people from many different cultures and nationalities.

Insults or gentle ribbing lead to gentile or not so gentile flame wars and in my way of thinking are a disruptive to the forum.


^^ I do understand what you imply ... but ...

If it was reduced to an information style Forum, much of the Fun and Jocularity would be lost and it would become a dry place.

Reducing the posting to the lowest common denominator ... sort of like a PC forum.

Isn't value is a bit of fun? some gentle ribbing between folk. Sure, I know it gets out of hand occasionally ... but that's what the Mods do well ... removing what is OTT.

Tolerance is a strong drink ... but well worth taking a swig from that bottle occasionally.


That's where I have a problem, the gentle ribbing. In some pubs what is considered gentle ribbing I would pull out a pistol and shoot the guy in the head. Being called a C*** I don't think is funny. Or other words that are highly demeaning in my culture. Since we have people from many cultures here I'm of the opinion that insulting, name calling, (gentle ribbing as you call it) should be banned because we all can't be expected to behave like a drunk (****) and think it's funny.

See what I'm saying? The insulting culture that you think is humorous I don't. Don Rickles is an American comic that insults people. I think he appeals to the lowest rung of society and would never listen to him or attend a celebrity roast as I think they are low class and tasteless.

There are pubs to frequent if one wants to bash other nationalities or people. I don't think it has a place in an open forum where one encounters people from many different cultures and nationalities.

Insults or gentle ribbing lead to gentile or not so gentile flame wars and in my way of thinking are a disruptive to the forum.

a gunshot is the answer to so many things in your country! incredible.

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