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Parents of Nick Pearson convinced their son's death on Koh Tao was murder


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Parents convinced their son’s death in Koh Tao was murder


KOH SAMUI: -- The parents of British holiday maker Nick Pearson, 25 who died in suspicious circumstances In Koh Tao believe that his death was a murder that was covered up to protect tourism.

Nick was on holiday with his brother and parents on a family vacation to Koh Tao when he was found dead on New Year’s day, chillingly his body was found in the water close to where Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were found only a few weeks ago.

The police suspected that Nick had fallen 50ft but his parents are disputing that version of events and believe he could have been followed back to his bungalow and told reporters that they were warned to keep quiet by people in Koh Tao.

Parents Tracey and Graham said “it seems like they just want to protect their tourist industry but we need to know what happened.” The family has also expressed their concerns that the police have got it wrong of over the deaths of the two backpackers last month. Mother Tracy said “we don’t believe the men they have arrested for killing Hannah and Miller have anything to do with it, it is just a plan to show the police have acted so they don’t put tourists off.

As soon as I saw the news about Hannah and David I cried for them and their parents because I know how hard it is to get the truth out of that island.” she went on to say that seeing the news, the beach, the same police and the same beach brought it all back to them and they find that very hard to deal with. “For us it is horrendous” she said, “it is a living nightmare, we have to face the awful reality that we might never get the answers we need. I hope one day somebody will get to the bottom of what is happening on Koh Tao and what really happened to our wonderful son”.

The family were holidaying among a large group of friends when the incident occurred, they had all been out to enjoy dinner and drinks on New Year’s Eve and had a cocktail in Choppers Bar and Grill, the same bar visited by Hannah and David. After their meal they said they went to Siree Beach to watch the fireworks and around 1am Nick’s father walked him to his bungalow and watched him get into bed.

On New Year’s Day concerns were raised that Nick had not been seen, later friends came to see Tracy Nick’s mother to inform her that staff as his resort had said he had been found dead in the sea. “I fell to me knees” Tracy said, “I could not believe what I was hearing”. The family were taken to a temple to identify their son, and noticed that his head was gashed, and soon started to question the police’s version of events.

Tracy said “Even in our shock and grief we knew it did not add up, he would never have gone swimming along and if he had fallen from his bungalow his body would have stopped on the rocks or been badly injured, it did not look as if he had been in the water for hours, there was still dried blood on his body” She told reporters that the police did not look in his room or seem to conduct any real investigation into his death. She also said that he had met a girl that he liked and wondered if that had in some way caused offence.

An autopsy back in the UK revealed that Nick had drowned but had no broken bones that seemed strange if he had fallen 50 meters, the postmortem said that it was possible he was attacked before drowning. The families demands for answers are being backed by the British police who are working with the Foreign Office to try to question the Thai authorities before an inquest in the UK in December.

-- Samui Times 2014-10-10

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I have climbed over the rocks the BIB claimed he fell off. They do offer a short cut but they are pitch dark at night and if your pissed they could be lethal.

In this case there might genuinely be no sinister cover up but then again it is Koh Tao we are talking about.

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I have climbed over the rocks the BIB claimed he fell off. They do offer a short cut but they are pitch dark at night and if your pissed they could be lethal.

In this case there might genuinely be no sinister cover up but then again it is Koh Tao we are talking about.

absolutely - the MIGHT genuinely be no cover up.....then you have to look at the environment that the incident occurred in and review the odds on BOTH sides...... so by the same argument there MIGHT be a sinister cover up

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I have climbed over the rocks the BIB claimed he fell off. They do offer a short cut but they are pitch dark at night and if your pissed they could be lethal.

In this case there might genuinely be no sinister cover up but then again it is Koh Tao we are talking about.

I have seen drunk tourists do some dangerous stuff. See what happens in Laos on the river.

I think his death should be looked into but people do die falling by the water all the time.

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Murders, rapes, robberies happen all over the world.. Cover up too.. Iv seen this in Greece, from local police, and Italy as well.... Hopefully the truth comes out... Why hasn't their lawyers, taken and shown pics of the beaten bodies and scolding marks from hot water being poured in them.. Surly if they were tortured, pics would prove so ???

If your allowed to take them HMMMMMMMMM

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I wonder when the movie will come out? Mysterious deaths on a tropical island, cover up and intrigue, distraught parents fight for justice - it will be a blockbuster.

But my heart goes out to the parents - what a long drawn out tragedy they are having to suffer, and made even worse by the way it's being mishandled by the police and authorities.

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People simply want the truth. It does not matter how difficult the truth may be to face but it needs to be out in the open and ensure that justice is always served and trust is restored. Sadly, no-one trusts the system because the system destroyed it own ability over time to tell the truth.

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Eye opener. Condolences to all family and friends of the deceased. A real dectective would be all over this like a hound dog in rut. Like I've said before, it's time for attention from an extra-judicial pro. Either that, or just stay away, especially Brits, out of both compassion and sympathy. No sense letting these killers continue to profit from your apathy, neglect and sheer hedonism -- the real 'loss-of-face' malaise.

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Murders, rapes, robberies happen all over the world.. Cover up too.. Iv seen this in Greece, from local police, and Italy as well.... Hopefully the truth comes out... Why hasn't their lawyers, taken and shown pics of the beaten bodies and scolding marks from hot water being poured in them.. Surly if they were tortured, pics would prove so ???

Dont even need that. The police claims/evidence/lies has been refuted and exposed by Thais on social media. For example the claim that one of the suspect was not DNA tested with other AC bar workers, CCTV however show he was tested. This raise the question how the police could claim that non of the DNA tests on AC bar workers match the DNA found at the scene only later to claim one of these workers was the killer. The planting of the phone etc etc etc. They are covering for the mafia and in the process a foreigner got away with murder. If they arrested him (the foreigner) he would have spilled the beans and the mafia would have been implicated. So he was allowed to escape and scapegoats was found.

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Boycott Koh Tao. Stop giving money to these horrible mafia families and the 'police' that they control.

True - Koh Tao needs the tourists more than the tourists need that island. A lot of other beautiful, less "infested", islands and places in Thailand.

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Murders, rapes, robberies happen all over the world.. Cover up too.. Iv seen this in Greece, from local police, and Italy as well.... Hopefully the truth comes out... Why hasn't their lawyers, taken and shown pics of the beaten bodies and scolding marks from hot water being poured in them.. Surly if they were tortured, pics would prove so ???

There are ways of torturing that don't leave marks... the old local constabulary favourite of the plastic bag over the head works a treat and leaves no lasting damage unless you suffocate the scapegoat suspect.

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