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If Prostitution Disappears


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The "pimps" thread inspired this:

If you think the Thai economy will go down the tubes without prostitution I think you're wrong.

Prostitution is here to stay but let's imagine Thailand cracks down on prostitution.

I think the following would happen:

The trade moves underground, and bent law officials and criminals would use a crackdown to increase their "fees". Keep in mind that the red light districts are often concentrated within a few squiare kilometres. They are found in all larger cities all over the world. Eyesores not many are going to miss.

There will be a dent in the economy, but businesses adapt. The Pattaya hotels will find new customers such as families instead of sweaty, unattractive single caucasian guys. The beach is still there and Thailand has so many other qualities, national parks, sports.


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Funny no one I know or any of my friends ever came to Thailand for sex.

I suspect that the figures of 20-30% are vastly overblown......probably more like 5% if that.

I arrived here 18ish months ago, transferred to the local office here by my company....I didn't even know about that side of things until 6 months after my arrival. My office is right around the corner from patpong btw.

Its easy to get around Thailand without even knowing that seedy side exists......the only problem place is Pattaya I guess, but then stay away from the main strip and again you can avoid it easily.

I'm with the OP on this one.....a crack down on prostitution wouldn't hit the economy so bad at all imho.

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