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Have been informed by the doc that i have a mild fatty liver .

They didnt really say stop drinking totally or really gave me any real concerns but did say to cut down on alcohol intake as a precaution.

They took a blood test and said the liver function was normal but the fatty liver showed up on ultrasound.

Ive googled the term fatty liver and read a few pages but as always conflicting advice is out there on the net.

Just wondering if anyone else has been diagnosed the same and to see if you have any advice at all.

I know to reduce the beers is obvious but to stop completley or are there safe levels ?

Any advice from you guys / gals.

Pm welcome if youd prefer.

Thx all.

A bearing on this must be that i suffered from hep b several years ago but all tests after were clear of any problems with the liver.

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Thx h90.

Yup was off the beer for a year after the hep b and and given the light for a beer. That was maybe 5 years ago or so.

Time to lay off the sauce again i guess ?

Im pretty normal weight wise except for the beer belly ive developed :-(.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Thx h90.

Yup was off the beer for a year after the hep b and and given the light for a beer. That was maybe 5 years ago or so.

Time to lay off the sauce again i guess ?

Im pretty normal weight wise except for the beer belly ive developed :-(.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

yes exactly as my father....pretty normal weight but a beer belly. He removed the belly and the liver was happy again.

Seems it is a question of eating or drinking tongue.png


Thx h90.

Yup was off the beer for a year after the hep b and and given the light for a beer. That was maybe 5 years ago or so.

Time to lay off the sauce again i guess ?

Im pretty normal weight wise except for the beer belly ive developed :-(.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

yes exactly as my father....pretty normal weight but a beer belly. He removed the belly and the liver was happy again.

Seems it is a question of eating or drinking tongue.png

Yes must admit iv'e had more than my fair share of liquid lunches over the last couple of years.

The year i stopped drinking lost touch with alot of friends from the local bars , never could be botheted to go and see them and drink a coke while they were merrily drinking away.

Of course if i need to stop drinking then i will but i know its another year of life style change again.

Guess ill go back to bkkhospital next week and get another test and scan to see whats going on.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Thx h90.

Yup was off the beer for a year after the hep b and and given the light for a beer. That was maybe 5 years ago or so.

Time to lay off the sauce again i guess ?

Im pretty normal weight wise except for the beer belly ive developed :-(.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

yes exactly as my father....pretty normal weight but a beer belly. He removed the belly and the liver was happy again.

Seems it is a question of eating or drinking tongue.png

Yes must admit iv'e had more than my fair share of liquid lunches over the last couple of years.

The year i stopped drinking lost touch with alot of friends from the local bars , never could be botheted to go and see them and drink a coke while they were merrily drinking away.

Of course if i need to stop drinking then i will but i know its another year of life style change again.

Guess ill go back to bkkhospital next week and get another test and scan to see whats going on.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

In my understanding (and please someone correct me if I am wrong): With a fatty liver, the liver doesn't function fully. Which isn't much of a problem as long as you don't stress it. Like when you have a car that runs only on 3 cylinder because one is broken....You can go forever with it if you drive only 50 km/h.

But when you heavy drink it may gets big problems. While a healthy strong liver can take a lot alcohol (a surprising lot.....).

Solution is reduce weight.....


From my understanding i agree,

But bloody google confuses me , you have reputable sites , ie. Bupa , medical journel etc etc that kind of contradict themselves.

Some say zero alcohol , some say for a man 21 units per week is fine. No binge drinking though ie not 21 units in a day but 2 or 3 a day is perfectly fine.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


It depends on the cause of the fatty liver, is it alcohol related or not, if it's not, giving up alcohol wont solve the problem.

Hi chiang mai ,

I think this is where my dilemma lies.

Is it because of excess drinking over the last few years , or a consequence of hep b several years ago.

From what i can gather its impossible for the docs to determin?

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


From my understanding i agree,

But bloody google confuses me , you have reputable sites , ie. Bupa , medical journel etc etc that kind of contradict themselves.

Some say zero alcohol , some say for a man 21 units per week is fine. No binge drinking though ie not 21 units in a day but 2 or 3 a day is perfectly fine.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

yes but it is irrelevant.....get rid of the fat with some strong diet. While doing it either don't drink or just little. After the belly is gone, recheck your liver and most probably the fatty liver isn't fatty anymore and you can drink again burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

Why would someone have a liver with reduced function if it can be fixed easily.....

Just don't look into the mirror (my father looked 20 years old after loosing the weight).


See post 4.

I guess only you know if it's likely to be alcohol or overweight that causing the problem, if in doubt I guess one strategy would be to loose 10% of your body weight whilst drinking only in moderation, to see if that cures the problem.


I was having some health issues a while back and it was suggested that I "May" have a fatty liver.

It was also suggested that I clean out my liver by taking SAMARIN 140, it is pretty much a natural product in that it is made from an extract of the Milk Weed plant.

I bought some and took 2 tablets a day, 1 morning and 1 at night for a month, later extending that for 3 months at 1 a day on Doctor's advice.

For about 3 or 4 days after I started taking it, everything that passed out of me was either a dark colour or stunk to high heaven, that suggested to me that it was all the gunk coming out of my liver and I fealt much better for it, it is relatively cheap and readily available at most pharmacies.

Give it a go, nothing ventured, nothing gained and from what I have read it won't do you any harm.

PS: I am a light drinker and generally only drink low alcohol beer when I do drink.


Try not to eat fried or fatty food.Spicy food should be avoided,also. You can get tablets at most pharmacies called SAMARIN140 which are very good at keeping the liver healthy. They are also very good for all you heavy drinkers out there.I would advise you to visit your local pharmacy and try Samarin140.

Also,you people who are interested in herbal remedies will know that Dandelion in herbal form is very good for the liver. Check it out.


Thx h90.

Yup was off the beer for a year after the hep b and and given the light for a beer. That was maybe 5 years ago or so.

Time to lay off the sauce again i guess ?

Im pretty normal weight wise except for the beer belly ive developed :-(.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Is it fatty liver or NAFL (non-alcoholic)?

I had NAFL disease but stopped eating lay crisps and M&M's by the bucket load.

I can tell you what to take to protect your liver and that's milk thistle which contains Silymarin. It is brilliant stuff!!! I took Ultrathistle - well I still take it for maintenance.

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I was having some health issues a while back and it was suggested that I "May" have a fatty liver.

It was also suggested that I clean out my liver by taking SAMARIN 140, it is pretty much a natural product in that it is made from an extract of the Milk Weed plant.

I bought some and took 2 tablets a day, 1 morning and 1 at night for a month, later extending that for 3 months at 1 a day on Doctor's advice.

For about 3 or 4 days after I started taking it, everything that passed out of me was either a dark colour or stunk to high heaven, that suggested to me that it was all the gunk coming out of my liver and I fealt much better for it, it is relatively cheap and readily available at most pharmacies.

Give it a go, nothing ventured, nothing gained and from what I have read it won't do you any harm.

PS: I am a light drinker and generally only drink low alcohol beer when I do drink.

You are 100% correct SAMARIN won't do you any harm but the only person it will help is the manufacturer.


I was having some health issues a while back and it was suggested that I "May" have a fatty liver.

It was also suggested that I clean out my liver by taking SAMARIN 140, it is pretty much a natural product in that it is made from an extract of the Milk Weed plant.

I bought some and took 2 tablets a day, 1 morning and 1 at night for a month, later extending that for 3 months at 1 a day on Doctor's advice.

For about 3 or 4 days after I started taking it, everything that passed out of me was either a dark colour or stunk to high heaven, that suggested to me that it was all the gunk coming out of my liver and I fealt much better for it, it is relatively cheap and readily available at most pharmacies.

Give it a go, nothing ventured, nothing gained and from what I have read it won't do you any harm.

PS: I am a light drinker and generally only drink low alcohol beer when I do drink.

You are 100% correct SAMARIN won't do you any harm but the only person it will help is the manufacturer.

Actually, you don't know what you are talking about.

Ultrathistle does work and it is silymarin and milk thistle.

I had about half a dozen things wrong with me - all diet/metabolism related and eliminating them all naturally within a month.

I have done a lot of reading about natural cures and have just cured 2 mates of type 2 diabetes (within 3 weeks) after they listened to my advice.


I have drank most of my life, I was diagnosed with fatty infiltration of the liver more than 15 years ago. It can go two ways, but in Thailand you never know what to believe.

My problems escalated into Acute Pancreatitis, this is not nice, I was told never to drink again. I like a beer too much to comply with that so there was no way I was stopping having a beer. What I have found out over the last 15 years is that if you make sure you EAT some food before you drink you can almost eliminate the pancreas problems, I have lapsed on my own advice and have ended up in emergency about 6 times over the years all because I did not eat first.

Secondly, misdiagnosis - this is a bigger problem. I have constantly been told that I have the fatty liver, however it depends on the hospital you go to as to how fatty the liver is. I have been to 3 hospitals, the first one told me I was one stage from cancer, the next one told me it was mild, I went back to the first one after 3 years and they said it was mild.

But then they decided they found Gall Stones and wanted to operate on me to remove my Gall bladder ( again depends on the hospital) Thursday night they did an ultrasound, no problem, Monday they did an ultrasound (same doctor) and found a 1 inch gall stone. I was previously checked 6 times before by the same hospital and an international hospital in China that all found no evidence of gall stones.

I then went to another hospital in Chiang Mai and three doctors came and double checked my ultrasounds and said that there was no evidence of gall stones whatsoever.

From my experience, keep off any hard liquor, no spirits or lao kao or any of that shit, make sure you eat before drinking, stick to 5 big bottles of Chang per night as a maximum and you will probably be OK. I am not a doctor, but I don't trust the doctors here, If my advice turns out to be wrong and I die I will drop you a PM OK?

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I was having some health issues a while back and it was suggested that I "May" have a fatty liver.

It was also suggested that I clean out my liver by taking SAMARIN 140, it is pretty much a natural product in that it is made from an extract of the Milk Weed plant.

I bought some and took 2 tablets a day, 1 morning and 1 at night for a month, later extending that for 3 months at 1 a day on Doctor's advice.

For about 3 or 4 days after I started taking it, everything that passed out of me was either a dark colour or stunk to high heaven, that suggested to me that it was all the gunk coming out of my liver and I fealt much better for it, it is relatively cheap and readily available at most pharmacies.

Give it a go, nothing ventured, nothing gained and from what I have read it won't do you any harm.

PS: I am a light drinker and generally only drink low alcohol beer when I do drink.

You are 100% correct SAMARIN won't do you any harm but the only person it will help is the manufacturer.

I don't know the SAMARIN, but this milk thistle and Liv52 definitely helps on damaged liver (tested by many bodybuilders). But won't do anything against fatty liver, it helps recovering a damaged liver. And "everything that passed out of me was either a dark colour or stunk to high heaven, that suggested to me that it was all the gunk coming out of my liver and I fealt much better for it" is a bit strange at least.....


I have drank most of my life, I was diagnosed with fatty infiltration of the liver more than 15 years ago. It can go two ways, but in Thailand you never know what to believe.

My problems escalated into Acute Pancreatitis, this is not nice, I was told never to drink again. I like a beer too much to comply with that so there was no way I was stopping having a beer. What I have found out over the last 15 years is that if you make sure you EAT some food before you drink you can almost eliminate the pancreas problems, I have lapsed on my own advice and have ended up in emergency about 6 times over the years all because I did not eat first.

Secondly, misdiagnosis - this is a bigger problem. I have constantly been told that I have the fatty liver, however it depends on the hospital you go to as to how fatty the liver is. I have been to 3 hospitals, the first one told me I was one stage from cancer, the next one told me it was mild, I went back to the first one after 3 years and they said it was mild.

But then they decided they found Gall Stones and wanted to operate on me to remove my Gall bladder ( again depends on the hospital) Thursday night they did an ultrasound, no problem, Monday they did an ultrasound (same doctor) and found a 1 inch gall stone. I was previously checked 6 times before by the same hospital and an international hospital in China that all found no evidence of gall stones.

I then went to another hospital in Chiang Mai and three doctors came and double checked my ultrasounds and said that there was no evidence of gall stones whatsoever.

From my experience, keep off any hard liquor, no spirits or lao kao or any of that shit, make sure you eat before drinking, stick to 5 big bottles of Chang per night as a maximum and you will probably be OK. I am not a doctor, but I don't trust the doctors here, If my advice turns out to be wrong and I die I will drop you a PM OK?

For the ultrasound, it needs a lot experience to see the things clearly. When I was at the military 2 docs who ultrasounded me told me that they have no clue about it, so they just write the worst case on the diagnose...just to be safe.

In the hospital the doc won't say that but still has no clue.


I was having some health issues a while back and it was suggested that I "May" have a fatty liver.

It was also suggested that I clean out my liver by taking SAMARIN 140, it is pretty much a natural product in that it is made from an extract of the Milk Weed plant.

I bought some and took 2 tablets a day, 1 morning and 1 at night for a month, later extending that for 3 months at 1 a day on Doctor's advice.

For about 3 or 4 days after I started taking it, everything that passed out of me was either a dark colour or stunk to high heaven, that suggested to me that it was all the gunk coming out of my liver and I fealt much better for it, it is relatively cheap and readily available at most pharmacies.

Give it a go, nothing ventured, nothing gained and from what I have read it won't do you any harm.

PS: I am a light drinker and generally only drink low alcohol beer when I do drink.

You are 100% correct SAMARIN won't do you any harm but the only person it will help is the manufacturer.

I don't know the SAMARIN, but this milk thistle and Liv52 definitely helps on damaged liver (tested by many bodybuilders). But won't do anything against fatty liver, it helps recovering a damaged liver. And "everything that passed out of me was either a dark colour or stunk to high heaven, that suggested to me that it was all the gunk coming out of my liver and I fealt much better for it" is a bit strange at least.....

It does help fatty liver as the liver is very efficient at fixing itself. If you can relieve the toxic load (which milk thistle does) then it can get on with functioning how it is supposed to and the fat is removed out of (or from it's surface) in the process.

Exercise helps a lot and diet does also - you should increase the amount of 'good' saturated fats you eat and reduce the simple carbohydrates. Coconut oil is magical in this respect and other refined oils are extremely damaging so this is one of the first things I would do (replace with coconut oil). The bonus with this oil is that it can be heated safely whereas other oils are unstable and break down to form toxic substances.

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I have drank most of my life, I was diagnosed with fatty infiltration of the liver more than 15 years ago. It can go two ways, but in Thailand you never know what to believe.

My problems escalated into Acute Pancreatitis, this is not nice, I was told never to drink again. I like a beer too much to comply with that so there was no way I was stopping having a beer. What I have found out over the last 15 years is that if you make sure you EAT some food before you drink you can almost eliminate the pancreas problems, I have lapsed on my own advice and have ended up in emergency about 6 times over the years all because I did not eat first.

Secondly, misdiagnosis - this is a bigger problem. I have constantly been told that I have the fatty liver, however it depends on the hospital you go to as to how fatty the liver is. I have been to 3 hospitals, the first one told me I was one stage from cancer, the next one told me it was mild, I went back to the first one after 3 years and they said it was mild.

But then they decided they found Gall Stones and wanted to operate on me to remove my Gall bladder ( again depends on the hospital) Thursday night they did an ultrasound, no problem, Monday they did an ultrasound (same doctor) and found a 1 inch gall stone. I was previously checked 6 times before by the same hospital and an international hospital in China that all found no evidence of gall stones.

I then went to another hospital in Chiang Mai and three doctors came and double checked my ultrasounds and said that there was no evidence of gall stones whatsoever.

From my experience, keep off any hard liquor, no spirits or lao kao or any of that shit, make sure you eat before drinking, stick to 5 big bottles of Chang per night as a maximum and you will probably be OK. I am not a doctor, but I don't trust the doctors here, If my advice turns out to be wrong and I die I will drop you a PM OK?

For the ultrasound, it needs a lot experience to see the things clearly. When I was at the military 2 docs who ultrasounded me told me that they have no clue about it, so they just write the worst case on the diagnose...just to be safe.

In the hospital the doc won't say that but still has no clue.

The doctors that checked me out spent over 1 hour on ultrasound and found nothing, the original doctor found nothing on at least 4 occaisions before, the last one 3 days before finding this huge 1" stone. I just do not trust them here. The doctors in Chiang Mai said it was probably a shadow. Myself, I am not sure, my mothers family have a history of gall stones, personally I think it is just pancreatitis due to drinking, I know I drink too much and that is the risk I take. At least here I am not costing anyone but myself for surgery etc. I have to pay out of my own pocket. But there is no way I want some trigger happy doctor removing my gall bladder just for the cash. They would probably stick an old piece of gravel in it after they cut it out just to justify their actions. It amazes me how many people you see complaining about the NHS in the UK when you compare it to here or China ( as a point of interest, I spent 4 nights in a local hospital here, given anti biotics, X-ray Ultrasound and various meds when I had pancreatitis, they were fantastic to be honest, I had the exact same treatment in Shanghai, 4 nights...same meds only a nicer room - Chiang Mai 18,000 Baht, Shanghai, 60,000 Yuan! (almost 300K Thai Baht, and they nearly killed me twice with wrong meds and blood sugar problems)

And just for the benefit of anyone without insurance that have to pay on their own, make sure you check out the hospital first! My 18K bill was for 4 nights in a San Patong Hospital, my wife wanted me to go into the city, the Maharaj Hospital. Be very careful here as this hospital is as bad as the KKK regarding Racism. They charge a Thai 1800 Baht a night (generally speaking - nursing meds etc.) but if you are a westerner, and it does NOT matter if you have your little yellow book, they have been told by the directors / admin of the hospital to fleece farang! I was charged almost 14K Baht for one day, my wife (Thai ) questioned this and the girl making up the bills told her straight that she had been told that farang had to be charged as much as possible!

You would actually be better off paying for the Chiang Mai Ram! at least you would get a private room with a TV and run up about 7-8K per day rather than spend it in a ward with 8 other people where the place is actually filthy, cobwebs and spiders over your bed, no air con absolutely nothing.


Samarin is milk thistle which in turn is silymarin.

And an ultrasound of the liver takes about five minutes and fatty liver is very easily seen.


30 years ago in Munich my doctor told me i had a slightly fatty liver which shocked me somewhat, i asked what i should do,should i stop drinking beer ( in Bavaria ? ) he just laughed and said everybody in Bavaria has a fatty liver,just carry on as normal but don't over do it,which i never did anyway. Here i am today, no problems with liver function.


Samarin is milk thistle which in turn is silymarin.

And an ultrasound of the liver takes about five minutes and fatty liver is very easily seen.

milk thistle is milk thistle and the active component is silymarin.


I don't have fatty liver but another other condition that reacts with alcohol intake I still drink alcohol but not everyday, not even every week sometimes. I can have a beer with my dinner or go to a party and have no problem as long as I don't do it to often. Sometimes I even go see my friends at the bar and just drink soda with lime, tonic with lime or a coke just to get the social interaction.

But one thing I have realized is that my Thai friends easier accept when I don't drink alcohol than my expat friends!

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