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Do OUR looks matter?


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I have been playing around with Thai lady for 6 years now and I am not fit like I once was but I can pick up a thai I just need 1,000 thai bht and I am in be her a pro or a teacher the thai lady all she like is that you have money and can take care of her not all but about 99% do so your thai lady is way of the make mate are you new to thailand I think you are if you believe your thai like I have said all a long you no when a thai lady is lies she opens her month and I am good with that to because I lie now like a thai lady I have lean here the hard way but I have plenty of money and I am not going to give it all to a thai I will give her what I think is ok not what she what's me to like a thai would it is up to you .

self deleted my sarcastic response
so you are the know all of thailand are you I did not think so

yes I am, nice to meet you

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If your lady's Hot friend went out with him already, does this then mean she was a hooker at the time. According to your lady's logic, this has to be the case.

Young naive women place looks above money, they quickly wizen up and all future "prospects" are based on income first. This is a universal truth.

This is not a universal truth. It's not even close to being one.

close enough for your reaction.

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Thai women - like all women want a man they can be proud of in all situations...just like we like to have our gals admired they like their men to also be admired....It's not all looks, it's manners, caring, sharing, loving that build an entire persona....but looks, along with dress, cleanliness, grooming, hygene probably carry a good 85% of it......Thai's are very good about noticing subleties and forming opinions from there.....

You could also add:

1. no smoking

2. no tattoos

3. occasional drinking only

4. definitely not obese

and 5. No facial hair.

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Personally i like to dress well. I am one of those people that loves clothes. I have spent a lot over the years, and still do on labels. (i know i'll get stick for that off the bitter lot) What you wear and how you present yourself is what every other person in the world sees first...there's an impression made right away, even subconsciously.

Money....money matters at every level of society. I've yet to see a woman marry a homeless guy that had great looks and a wonderful personality yet pisses in the local duck pond when he wakes up every morning then showers when the bull in the next field takes a piss. It's only natural for a woman to know that she is not getting involved with a guy that doesn't have two pennies to rub together. It's how she operates around you knowing what you have financially and materialisticly that counts and that's when you need to decide if she is worth getting involved in

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Would you be interested in a fat, sloppy,stinky, drunk woman?

........ you missed out bald and nicotine-stained teethbiggrin.png

I don't believe baldness is a big turn off the way obesity, tattoos and facial hair is to women, after all baldness is not self inflicted, and no, I'm not baldy.

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Money money money.

Looks are way down the line esp. with Asian women.

Completely wrong.

What would the majority of Asian women want most? A fat, ugly, tattooed, facial haired, rich man, or a slim, clean shaven, handsome, non tattooed, poor man? If we are honest, we all know the answer.

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Personally i like to dress well. I am one of those people that loves clothes. I have spent a lot over the years, and still do on labels. (i know i'll get stick for that off the bitter lot) What you wear and how you present yourself is what every other person in the world sees first...there's an impression made right away, even subconsciously.

Money....money matters at every level of society. I've yet to see a woman marry a homeless guy that had great looks and a wonderful personality yet pisses in the local duck pond when he wakes up every morning then showers when the bull in the next field takes a piss. It's only natural for a woman to know that she is not getting involved with a guy that doesn't have two pennies to rub together. It's how she operates around you knowing what you have financially and materialisticly that counts and that's when you need to decide if she is worth getting involved in

Oh I don't know.

I know countless SERIOUSLY hot women back in London who, in their younger days - up to mid 30s - spent big in terms of time and money with ostensibly deadbeat musicians, bike couriers, poets, designers etc.

They supported them with cash infusions, moved them into their apartments, gave them the keys to the car etc and would've married them in a heartbeat if asked.

To a man, those guys were "lookers" with type beta personalities

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Personally i like to dress well. I am one of those people that loves clothes. I have spent a lot over the years, and still do on labels. (i know i'll get stick for that off the bitter lot) What you wear and how you present yourself is what every other person in the world sees first...there's an impression made right away, even subconsciously.

Money....money matters at every level of society. I've yet to see a woman marry a homeless guy that had great looks and a wonderful personality yet pisses in the local duck pond when he wakes up every morning then showers when the bull in the next field takes a piss. It's only natural for a woman to know that she is not getting involved with a guy that doesn't have two pennies to rub together. It's how she operates around you knowing what you have financially and materialisticly that counts and that's when you need to decide if she is worth getting involved in

Oh I don't know.

I know countless SERIOUSLY hot women back in London who, in their younger days - up to mid 30s - spent big in terms of time and money with ostensibly deadbeat musicians, bike couriers, poets, designers etc.

They supported them with cash infusions, moved them into their apartments, gave them the keys to the car etc and would've married them in a heartbeat if asked.

To a man, those guys were "lookers" with type beta personalities

No doubt mate, i knjow girls like that too. But the guys they date are not living with their mum or under a park bench. They do have some sort of income, that's my angle

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Money money money.

Looks are way down the line esp. with Asian women.

Completely wrong.

What would the majority of Asian women want most? A fat, ugly, tattooed, facial haired, rich man, or a slim, clean shaven, handsome, non tattooed, poor man? If we are honest, we all know the answer.

Yeah cos that's the only two demographics available to them, right?

Gross and rich or Buff and poor?

Nothing in between

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Soibiker you should be honoured, you have you set of stalkers. So do a few others. I note we share one in juluet bravo

He's an internet tough guy. You know the type, pasty little white face, hairy palms, spent his life in telesales and spends his nites rubbing himself cause he's clueless and broke.

Thinks he looks alright but street hookers snicker at him when he's back is turned.

He jealous of soi biker and most other people.

Edited by neverdie
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1/ Looks 2/ Money 3/ Power 4/ Brains

Women of all races are drawn to those four attributes. However, they will be quite happy to compromise on all four of them provided the male gives support and commitment. Thai women are brought up to value their family above everything else, so it doesn't matter if you're as ugly as a hatful of bums - as long as you can give support, usually monetary.

The most magnificent response I've heard on the subject of women choosing clothes for their men - yes, it's part of marking out their territory - was a friend of mine who said " It'd save us a lot of time and money if they just pissed on our feet occasionally".

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50 years ago in the UK, even a brontosaurus would've been inundated with offers because women simply weren't earning enough of their own coin.

Fast forward to today and women in the UK are either earning good money or supported by the state so there's no need to look twice at the ordinary Joe Shmoe much to his chagrin

So Joe Shmoe comes to Thailand to find women at the same stage of socio-economic status as women in Britain had half a century ago.

Those who arrived early did well but with the advent of increased wealth and a few better opportunities, there are lots more complaints from Western men about Thai women getting fatter, being less friendly, less grateful, more mercenary.

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Yes of course looks matter, as well as personality, as well as wealth, attitude, age, you know. the normal things that human beings do, the only way you will find it difference in Thailand is if you pay for a prostitute, the same as if you pay for a hooker anywhere, she'll normally take you anyway, as long as you're paying the price she thinks is worth it, like the old Farang men I see with women 20-30-40 years younger, do you really believe that if it wasn't a financial contract she would be seen dead with him ?

No chance, she just happened to be born into a poor family, if different, there isn't a chance in hell she'd be with a Farang old enough to be her Father or GrandFather, anybody who thinks different is delusional.

Honestly, some of you guys seem so green

Edited by Banzai99
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ALL Thai women are hookers, in some way, shape or form. They are culturally socialized from birth, to "please" a Thai man, regardless that they may have no real feelings for the man. Every foreigner in Thailand should READ Thistlewaite's book "Money Number One", to get a clue.coffee1.gif

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ALL Thai women are hookers, in some way, shape or form. They are culturally socialized from birth, to "please" a Thai man, regardless that they may have no real feelings for the man. Every foreigner in Thailand should READ Thistlewaite's book "Money Number One", to get a clue.coffee1.gif

I've been here since 1990 and I should read a book to tell me how it really is ?


Edited by Banzai99
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Didn't you know? Thai women just love to be seen with alcohol smelling farang in a wifebeater. They really are different than the rest of the world.

FYI ~ A farang wifebeater will definitely been looking to shorten his life, by beating on a Thai woman. Only Thai men enjoy the right to both beat and even murder a Thai woman, with impunity. coffee1.gif

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Didn't you know? Thai women just love to be seen with alcohol smelling farang in a wifebeater. They really are different than the rest of the world.

FYI ~ A farang wifebeater will definitely been looking to shorten his life, by beating on a Thai woman. Only Thai men enjoy the right to both beat and even murder a Thai woman, with impunity. coffee1.gif

Well I didn't need a book to tell me that

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ALL Thai women are hookers, in some way, shape or form. They are culturally socialized from birth, to "please" a Thai man, regardless that they may have no real feelings for the man. Every foreigner in Thailand should READ Thistlewaite's book "Money Number One", to get a clue.coffee1.gif

I've been here since 1990 and I should read a book to tell me how it really is ?bbcheesy.gif

YES, if the shoe fits, then definitely wear it! Otherwise, there's no need to be defensive, if the Richard Forbrain label doesn't apply to you. Capiche?coffee1.gif

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Didn't you know? Thai women just love to be seen with alcohol smelling farang in a wifebeater. They really are different than the rest of the world.

FYI ~ A farang wifebeater will definitely been looking to shorten his life, by beating on a Thai woman. Only Thai men enjoy the right to both beat and even murder a Thai woman, with impunity

Another guy with absolutely no clue, I have known many Thai women abused by their Farang husbands, and guess what, he hasn't been or wasn't killed.

Have any of you guys actually been to Thailand, and if you have, is it for longer than a 2 week holiday, some of the &lt;deleted&gt; I see on ThaiVisa is stereotypical and nothing to do with reality.

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ALL Thai women are hookers, in some way, shape or form. They are culturally socialized from birth, to "please" a Thai man, regardless that they may have no real feelings for the man. Every foreigner in Thailand should READ Thistlewaite's book "Money Number One", to get a clue.coffee1.gif

I've been here since 1990 and I should read a book to tell me how it really is ?bbcheesy.gif

YES, if the shoe fits, then definitely wear it! Otherwise, there's no need to be defensive, if the Richard Forbrain label doesn't apply to you. Capiche?coffee1.gif

Haha, what an idiot, generalizations are abound in books about Thailand, the reality is usually somewhat different.

When you some day go to Thailand, you'll agree with me.

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ALL Thai women are hookers, in some way, shape or form. They are culturally socialized from birth, to "please" a Thai man, regardless that they may have no real feelings for the man. Every foreigner in Thailand should READ Thistlewaite's book "Money Number One", to get a clue.coffee1.gif

I've been here since 1990 and I should read a book to tell me how it really is ?bbcheesy.gif

YES, if the shoe fits, then definitely wear it! Otherwise, there's no need to be defensive, if the Richard Forbrain label doesn't apply to you. Capiche?coffee1.gif

BTW ~ Money will buy you any fantasy your romantic heart desires, especially in "Smoke & Mirrors" SE Asia. The Russians are smart. They bring their own womenfolk, with them to LOS.clap2.gif

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ALL Thai women are hookers, in some way, shape or form. They are culturally socialized from birth, to "please" a Thai man, regardless that they may have no real feelings for the man. Every foreigner in Thailand should READ Thistlewaite's book "Money Number One", to get a clue.coffee1.gif

I've been here since 1990 and I should read a book to tell me how it really is ?bbcheesy.gif

YES, if the shoe fits, then definitely wear it! Otherwise, there's no need to be defensive, if the Richard Forbrain label doesn't apply to you. Capiche?coffee1.gif

Haha, what an idiot, generalizations are abound in books about Thailand, the reality is usually somewhat different.

When you some day go to Thailand, you'll agree with me.

My turn ~cheesy.gif

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