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personally, when i see a 60 year old guy with slimy hair, an unshaved beer belly and a beer chang shirt walking down the street with a 20 year old young lady, i sometimes get the thought money might be involved as well, not just age and physical appearance :D

What about a 45 y.o. guy, with neatly trimmed hair, a (small) shaved belly and a "brand name" collared shirt, walking with a 23 y.o. young lady ? :D

What do you feel when you see Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones (35 years difference) walking together ? Or Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart (22 years apart) ? Or even Tom Cruise and the much younger Kate Hudson ? (Cruise - July '62, Hudson - Apr '79) OK, that's only a 17 year difference. :o

Honestly, as a woman? Most of the guys I see in Thailand with Thai ladies aren't in the Michael Douglas/Harrison Ford/Tom Cruise category of looks. Not even close. Even with Michael Douglas at his age. :D

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personally, when i see a 60 year old guy with slimy hair, an unshaved beer belly and a beer chang shirt walking down the street with a 20 year old young lady, i sometimes get the thought money might be involved as well, not just age and physical appearance :D

What about a 45 y.o. guy, with neatly trimmed hair, a (small) shaved belly and a "brand name" collared shirt, walking with a 23 y.o. young lady ? :D

What do you feel when you see Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones (35 years difference) walking together ? Or Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart (22 years apart) ? Or even Tom Cruise and the much younger Kate Hudson ? (Cruise - July '62, Hudson - Apr '79) OK, that's only a 17 year difference. :o

Honestly, as a woman? Most of the guys I see in Thailand with Thai ladies aren't in the Michael Douglas/Harrison Ford/Tom Cruise category of looks. Not even close. Even with Michael Douglas at his age. :D

They like to kid themselves SBK, If they stayed in there own country they would have maybe bought a porshe they could not realy afford or maybe a big sports bike, even though they had never been on a motorbike for 20 plus years. :D

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What do you feel when you see Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones (35 years difference) walking together ? Or Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart (22 years apart) ? Or even Tom Cruise and the much younger Kate Hudson ? (Cruise - July '62, Hudson - Apr '79) OK, that's only a 17 year difference. :o

i don't think catherine zeta-jones, calista flockhart or katie holmes were ever bargirls in thailand :D remember this thread is about sex tourism and girls having sex for money.

Edited by rainman
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I just found it amusing the other week when i was on the sky train and a Farang guy with his new found soul mate was sitting opposite. He was pointing at the robot building on South Sathorn Road and asking her what it was, she just kept saying yes to any question he asked.

The conversation went something like this.

John: Whats that building?

Pro: Yesh, Yesh.

John: What station are we getting off at?

Pro: Yesh, Yesh, (points at something out of the window)

John: Whats that?

Pro: Yesh

(Pro turns to John and smiles, John starts kissing pro infront of the whole train, Pro looks embarassed, John looks proud)

I exit train while the other Thai people look disgusted at the display of bad mannors.

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So what?

If they are happy together then it's not our right to judge or slander them. The 20 year-old girl doesn't have to be in the relationship, she could quite easily find a Thai boyfriend her own age. He chose her and she chose him.

i don't think i judged or slandered anyone. :o but as long as my name is on my body i'm entitled to an opinion and mine was just like i said

"i sometimes get the thought money might be involved as well, not just age and physical appearance"

and obviously i'm not wrong as everyone seems to agree that so far there are no free beer belly shavers in bangkok.


Hi Rainman, I know you are a good guy and know exactly what you are going on going about. I know what you mean about money being involved.

If they are happy and that's what they want, then let do them what they want to do.

As a former student in Thailand, i've been here ever since - let us enjoy the Thai way of 'mai pen rai' . Have your voice about Thai ways - for sure - but don't take everything so seriously!

Many people are old, obese or have hairy chests but pls let's not discriminate against them. They are already discriminated against in the west. They come to Thialand to get away from that.

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As do many of the ladies mentioned.... :D

That depends what you class as speaking and understanding a language. :D

Give you an example - mate of mine took a girl back in Jan for 3 weeks, didnt speak one word of english. :o It looked rather painful to me, but both seemed very happy and communicated quite well. I checked in on said girl and my buddah a total turn around - speaks da*n good english and she is sending herself to english school. I think give her another six months and she'll be fluent. She even wrote a letter to bring back to my mate in English. She's very smart and that is obvious - pretty much this is the case with alot of the ladies my gf and I know.

Edited by britmaveric
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I just found it amusing the other week when i was on the sky train and a Farang guy with his new found soul mate was sitting opposite ...

I exit train while the other Thai people look disgusted at the display of bad mannors.

Did that make you feel like a big man?

PS Can you spell?

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As do many of the ladies mentioned.... :D

That depends what you class as speaking and understanding a language. :D

2nd try :D

OK. Recent conversations I've had (with different girls) have been about: life in the village, favourite restaurants, shopping, movies we've seen or want to see and some gossip about (their) girlfriends.

More recent conversations have included talking about working in bars/clubs (and why), why they are or have switched clubs, different owners/manangers, and (yesterday afternoon) which panties looked sexier, and which made her butt look big (Seriously. I told her that honestly, all her outfits looked better on the floor. I got a playful punch in the shoulder for that) :D

Sorry to disappoint you, but no, we don't normally discuss philosophy, world hunger or Thai politics.

You still haven't answered questions from aways back.

In fact, you do that alot don't you ? Expect people to answer your questions, while avoiding any answers of your own.

Why is that ?

For example, when I asked:

"What gives you the right to determine who is worthy of respect, and who isn't, without even knowing the people you are passing judgement on ?"

you've been strangely quiet. :o

Having a hard time justifying your "holier-than-thou" attitude ? Or are you just one of those people that think they are better than everyone else ?

Don't worry. You won't be the first to think that, and you won't be the last.

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Honestly, as a woman? Most of the guys I see in Thailand with Thai ladies aren't in the Michael Douglas/Harrison Ford/Tom Cruise category of looks. Not even close. Even with Michael Douglas at his age. :D

Oh no ! sbk ! Please don't tell me that it's all about looks !

One guy telling us it's all about money, now you saying it's about looks !

Does no one care about personality any more ? About a persons characteristics ? What their values are ? Their likes and dislikes ?

I just want to be appreciated for my mind !

But now I see it's much more shallow than that. It's only about looks and money.


If it's her looks and my money, then it's EVIL (according to some). Wow. Luv the double standard. :o


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I wonder what these sex tourists and uneducated farm girl prostitutes talk about.

Dialog this morning as I remember it.

What do you want for breakfast?

Cow men gai.

OK be back in ten minutes.

Pen, that lady last night was a stunner.

Yes, she very beautiful.

I think she was a bar girl.

She not bar girl now.

I think she was a bargirl.

Ya ya, she work in Bangkok massage parlor.

Go with customer?

Yes go with customer every day.

Her Farang boyfriend handsome?

Yes but too young.

Ya I know I was listening last night. Does Farang know she was bar girl?

You understand we talk?

A little.

Farang meet her in coffee shop think she student.

Why he only want her one time a week?

Don’t know.

I think bar girls no like sex?

Ha, you crazy man. Why you think bar girls are bar girls? Bar girls like sex mak mak.

Where you go today?

Go Wat.

You come with me? Monk want talk you.

Why, is he going to go on about the lottery thing again?

No, I tell him you no like lottery. He want you write stoy bout he.

Story about what? You know I write story about Farang and bar girls.

Yes yes I think it good luck for you write stoy about monk.

You still going to go to Pichet?

Ma ma in hospital but they no let anyone in hospital say bird flu.

I saw it on the news.

I think very bad.

I think you wait and don’t go Pitchet this month.

Up to you but we need collect money from farm.

Tell them you come next month.

Lady from restaurant call she say price only 500,000 baht you want I speak her.

No, I don’t want restaurant.

Why they have business mak mak.

It just does not feel right.

OK up to you.

How Singapore do today?

Have you been reading my mail again? I think you read English more than you tell me.


Did OK Singapore.

(smile) yes I know.

OK, OK I go Wat and then eat som tom, you want BBQ chicken for dinner?

No I want Japanese.


Ya that sounds good.

Go Spicy tonight?

Yes go Hot shots and spicy OK?

Sounds good have fun at Wat.

End of dialog.

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personally, when i see a 60 year old guy with slimy hair, an unshaved beer belly and a beer chang shirt walking down the street with a 20 year old young lady, i sometimes get the thought money might be involved as well, not just age and physical appearance :D

What about a 45 y.o. guy, with neatly trimmed hair, a (small) shaved belly and a "brand name" collared shirt, walking with a 23 y.o. young lady ? :D

What do you feel when you see Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones (35 years difference) walking together ? Or Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart (22 years apart) ? Or even Tom Cruise and the much younger Kate Hudson ? (Cruise - July '62, Hudson - Apr '79) OK, that's only a 17 year difference. :o

Honestly, as a woman? Most of the guys I see in Thailand with Thai ladies aren't in the Michael Douglas/Harrison Ford/Tom Cruise category of looks. Not even close. Even with Michael Douglas at his age. :D

I agree they look more like a cross between Ernest Hemingway and Aristotle Onassis. One a fat drunkard and the other a hunchbacked dwarf. But they both did pretty well with the ladies.

Edited by kerryk
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You still haven't answered questions from aways back.

In fact, you do that alot don't you ? Expect people to answer your questions, while avoiding any answers of your own.

Why is that ?

For example, when I asked:

"What gives you the right to determine who is worthy of respect, and who isn't, without even knowing the people you are passing judgement on ?"

you've been strangely quiet. :o

prostitution violates the principle of humanity, it reflects a disrespectful attitude, which is expressed in the nonchalant use of the human body as a mere means to achieve financial gain.

You may not share my moral presuppositions, that prostitution defies the limits of respectful sexual relations and is a morally questionable and harmful activity but i am entitled to my opinion, as you are to yours. :D

I don't believe that people who engage in this behaviour can have any self respect and therefore can recieve no respect in return.

Without self respect you have but nothing :DIMHO :D

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So what?

If they are happy together then it's not our right to judge or slander them. The 20 year-old girl doesn't have to be in the relationship, she could quite easily find a Thai boyfriend her own age. He chose her and she chose him.

i don't think i judged or slandered anyone. :o but as long as my name is on my body i'm entitled to an opinion and mine was just like i said

"i sometimes get the thought money might be involved as well, not just age and physical appearance"

and obviously i'm not wrong as everyone seems to agree that so far there are no free beer belly shavers in bangkok.


I wonder who said this? "I know of one 62 year old farang who lives in Phuket, married to a 24 year old Thai. She goes to work every day, he doesn't work a thing, just sits home watching TV. And no, he's not rich, in fact quite the contrary. Her family bought their house."

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You still haven't answered questions from aways back.

In fact, you do that alot don't you ? Expect people to answer your questions, while avoiding any answers of your own.

Why is that ?

For example, when I asked:

"What gives you the right to determine who is worthy of respect, and who isn't, without even knowing the people you are passing judgement on ?"

you've been strangely quiet. :o

prostitution violates the principle of humanity, it reflects a disrespectful attitude, which is expressed in the nonchalant use of the human body as a mere means to achieve financial gain.

You may not share my moral presuppositions, that prostitution defies the limits of respectful sexual relations and is a morally questionable and harmful activity but i am entitled to my opinion, as you are to yours. :D

I don't believe that people who engage in this behaviour can have any self respect and therefore can recieve no respect in return.

Without self respect you have but nothing :DIMHO :D

Violates the principles of humanity? I got paid to kill people using my body in three different armies that all had god on their side. Respect? I got medals and citations and personal thanks from at least two leaders of the free world. I used my body to kill. That’s wrong. That is disrespect for humanity.

A woman using her body for money is her right.

Men have tried to control women for centuries by guilt and religion and by stoning and by whipping and by hanging to salvage their precious egos from admitting a woman has as much right to control her destiny as a man.

I have a brain and arms and legs that I can sell to the highest bidder.

What the heck puts my crotch off limits?

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..that so far there are no free beer belly shavers in bangkok.

Beer belly shavers eh..? I'm interested.. where do I find this service...? :o

totster :D

I know a place in Soi Diana, Patters that might be able to help you Tots!!! :D

Edited by britmaveric
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..that so far there are no free beer belly shavers in bangkok.

Beer belly shavers eh..? I'm interested.. where do I find this service...? :o

totster :D

I know a place in Soi Diana, Patters that might be able to help you Tots!!! :D

Hmmm... I'm guessing Mrs Tots wouldn't approve.. in the strongest sense.. :D

totster :D

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..that so far there are no free beer belly shavers in bangkok.

Beer belly shavers eh..? I'm interested.. where do I find this service...? :o

totster :D

I know a place in Soi Diana, Patters that might be able to help you Tots!!! :D

Hmmm... I'm guessing Mrs Tots wouldn't approve.. in the strongest sense.. :D

totster :D

Dirty bugger - its a beauty salon that does waxing. :D I'm quite sure Mrs Tots would go along for a laff, mind you at your expense. :D

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