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So you worry about the bar girls,

You worry about the farang men..

They all made concious and deliberate choices that affect their health.

Who worries about the unsuspecting wives or girlfriends at home?

I think they are the real victims.

And do you guys REALLY think that when a person has AIDS they broadcast it! Get real! You probably know more people who have AIDS than you realise.

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KerryK wrote:

I can’t speak for chuchok but I also think you are unbelievable. The Thai men that I know all started going to Thai brothels at a very young age and were anything but horny. I was always envious of their easy morals and relaxed attitude about sexual encounters.

Aids in Thailand is a problem with Thai men and Thai brothels and intravenous drug use. All of the information both statistical and anecdotal suggests this.

I think you are way off base to suggest it is a problem with sex tourism.

End of quote/

The Local sex scene.

In Fang City, north of Chiangmai, there used to be a dozen to 20 brothels

that catered to the locals and …me.

Now there are none. They were all shut down by the “National” police and then

burned to the ground by the locals as they were full of “AIDS germs.”

The local girls, especially the pretty ones find their way one way or the other

into the sex trade down in falang land.

The little villages are devoid of any young attractive available females.

When the bargirls come back home for vacation they are indeed very popular with the local boys.

…and when they get sick down in falangland and come up HIV positive, they head home

to the small villages and do what they do best with the local boys.

It is absolutely devastating to the local villages.

And yes, even though many don’t want to hear it, the falang sex tourist trade is the cause.

The Local sex scene.

In Fang City, north of Chiangmai, there used to be a dozen to 20 brothels

that catered to the locals and …me.

Now there are none. They were all shut down by the “National” police and then

burned to the ground by the locals as they were full of “AIDS germs.”

The local girls, especially the pretty ones find their way one way or the other

into the sex trade down in falang land.

The little villages are devoid of any young attractive available females.

When the bargirls come back home for vacation they are indeed very popular with the local boys.

…and when they get sick down in falangland and come up HIV positive, they head home

to the small villages and do what they do best with the local boys.

It is absolutely devastating to the local villages.

And yes, even though many don’t want to hear it, the falang sex tourist trade is the cause.

Read through some of the posters here mate,you might just learn something.

You are either a troll, or you are a bit dim.

Lets see.You have married 4 times,with three of these to bar girls.You know a plethoria of ladyboys.

It would seem that you are experienced in these matters, yet you fail to recognise that the pick of the "lookers" tend to start in the ASIAN sex scene.... :D

The problem of AIDS is NOT just a pay for play issue, but a general HEALTH issue.(as IJWT points out)

AIDS is not just a prossie problem, but you seem hel_l bent on making it one from your own myopic view point. :o


There are plenty of reasons to condemn (jr) the tourist sex industry in Thailand. But it was the local sex industry, not the Farang sex industry, that was a far more closely linked vector to the AIDS epidemic that scoured the north during the 1990s and continues to be part of northern rural Thai reality. But I can certainly relate to JR's pain and anguish in a way that you neo-sahib posters, with your heads always buried in the sands, are not yet capable of doing.

Yes, absolutely.

I have a very strong opinion of the "local sex industry", but I will keep it to myself as I am not Thai.

I am a falang and have a right to point my finger if I want to at other falangs.

In my opinion the "local" and the "falang" sex industires are not totally unrelated.

I believe when bargirls working for falangs get sick they go back to their villages and have sex there with unsuspecting locals.

You should keep in mind how horny and lonely the local men are, as a good percentage of the pretty female population has been taken away from them and employed in the sex trade.

When a pretty one comes back and becomes available again, it's party time.

Until they die of course.


PS...Most of the people I have known who have died of AIDS in the north were not drug users.

It was simply unprotected sex with bargirls or spouses who had been with bargirls.

There are many ways to contract AIDS, some of them easier than others but there is no doubt that heterosexual sex with infected bargirls can cause AIDS.


I have been reading your vitriolic rants for days now. Of course they are within the rights and freedom of the forum and often prevoke a hefty response.

Bargirls, pimps, prostitution, AIDS: it is all there: you consider yourself the one and only knowledge on all matters. Good. Take an interest. However you are overbearingly egotistical in your glib comments. Patience is wearing thin. AIDS is a serious subject.

You claim in your previous post to have had 'four Thai wives. (3 ex-bargirls). You claim to be on good terms with your first ex-wife for 25 years although the marriage lasted only 5 years. Then you also claim that you 'have not touched a bargirl for 15 years'.

You claim to be American (U.S.A.?).

Where has this sudden flood of moral indignation come from? Are you 'born again'? Are you a 'Mormon'?

What is your continued interest in Thailand? From recent post you appear to have an extended interest in ladymen. Good for you! are you are repressed homosexual with a hang-up on attractive bar-girls? Let us hear the full truth!

You are a mystery to me. However be honest in your future posts, that is all I, and probably other T.V. members request.

I bear no malice.

So your question is?

Am I a Mormon?


Any other questions?

Apologies for being glib.

I have manufacturing interests in Samut Prakan and MaeAi in Chiangmai Province

which manufacture construction materials for export to me in the USA.

I am also building a small factory in Amphur Fang which will manufacture components

for Low-Cost-Housing.

I love Thailand and love Thai people.

The north of Thailand, my favorite place in the world.


Actually, it seems that most women involved in western sex tourism are the leftovers and veterans of the local sex industry (when you're "over the hill" for locals or simply old stock -even at a young age-).

Yes, for some who started very young, in the Sino-Thai tea houses where age 16 is considered too old and too threatening, such women may be seen by the indigenous pedophiles as leftovers and pehaps veterans. But many more enter the trade after the age of 16 or above and thus bypass those who belive that having one-way sex, basically masturbating into the body of a child, with a 13 year old girl bestows medicinal benefits.

There are pedophiles in all cultures. For example you seem to imply that age 16 and over is somehow okay or at least better. And there likely is little bypassing being done.




Would you feel that a Farang who went to a bar or brothel and took one of the ladies out of there and married her was doing her a service or disservice?


Would you feel that a Farang who went to a bar or brothel and took one of the ladies out of there and married her was doing her a service or disservice?

This sounds like a trap, but I’ll bite.

Oeye is a good example. I bought her out and married her.

I was sending her money to go to school and help her family.

She used the money to shoot heroin with her boyfriend.

I stopped sending money, her father sold her to an agent who brought her to

Phuket to work.

Her situation apparently had become much worse as a received an alarming

letter from her sister that Oeye was in trouble in Phuket and could I please come


Oeye went from having sex with locals boys close to home to having sex with

Fat old farangs a long way from home.

Did I do her a service or disservice? Did I improve her life?

Certainly that was my intention but it didn’t happen.



Would you feel that a Farang who went to a bar or brothel and took one of the ladies out of there and married her was doing her a service or disservice?

This sounds like a trap, but I’ll bite.

Oeye is a good example. I bought her out and married her.

I was sending her money to go to school and help her family.

She used the money to shoot heroin with her boyfriend.

I stopped sending money, her father sold her to an agent who brought her to

Phuket to work.

Her situation apparently had become much worse as a received an alarming

letter from her sister that Oeye was in trouble in Phuket and could I please come


Oeye went from having sex with locals boys close to home to having sex with

Fat old farangs a long way from home.

Did I do her a service or disservice? Did I improve her life?

Certainly that was my intention but it didn’t happen.

Let me put it a different way as I don’t think long distance Thai relationships ever work.

I meant marry her and live with her in Thailand or Farang land.

As for marring and then going back to the West at last we agree on something. It is 90% of the time a waste of money and even worse for the woman. For the reason you mentioned and the other reason it encourages her to do it again and have two or three husbands on the line.

Let me put it a different way as I don’t think long distance Thai relationships ever work.

Beg to differ mate - been years with my gf and things are as smooth as silk. :o


Let me put it a different way as I don’t think long distance Thai relationships ever work.

Beg to differ mate - been years with my gf and things are as smooth as silk. :o

Your right britmaveric I should have said are more difficult to work.

I said I thought 90% of the time it didn’t. That’s been my experience.

Perhaps I am wrong.

The Local sex scene.

In Fang City, north of Chiangmai, there used to be a dozen to 20 brothels

that catered to the locals and …me.

Now there are none. They were all shut down by the “National” police and then

burned to the ground by the locals as they were full of “AIDS germs.”

The local girls, especially the pretty ones find their way one way or the other

into the sex trade down in falang land.

The little villages are devoid of any young attractive available females.

When the bargirls come back home for vacation they are indeed very popular with the local boys.

…and when they get sick down in falangland and come up HIV positive, they head home

to the small villages and do what they do best with the local boys.

It is absolutely devastating to the local villages.

And yes, even though many don’t want to hear it, the falang sex tourist trade is the cause.

Your logic is a bit askew here. The Farang sex trade is an offshoot of the indigenous sex trade and is not the cause of anything. The foreign tourist sex trade has long been estimated as only 10% of the entire Thai sex industry. The local brothels and cantinas that use to line the northern highway between Mae Rim up past Fang have been closed due to a combination of presssure from the government as well as a significant drop in clientele as education and common sense kicked into gear after nearly a decade of a devestating number of AIDS cases, many of which could be traced to these establishments.

The brothels in places like those behind the Fang Hotel were serious vectors for AIDS due to the easy availability of heroin in the northern region as many locals who helped transport the drug were paid in powder. It is a misconception that cash was used to purchase heroin in the border areas as funds were usually simply transferred between bank accounts. But local people still being poor, they would often share a needle and inject the heroin as it was the most cost effective method of getting high.

So local men up north were getting drunk and sometimes sharing needles. They were often paying for sex and even more often trying to have an orgasm whilst highly intoxicated and that leads to open sores. And everything combines to create a deadly epidemic of AIDS without any help or contact from foreign tourists.

Look, the population of my local tambon, if we include neighboring adjacent villages, is about 10,000. Over a 10 year period that population lost about 500 due to AIDS. Thats right, a funeral just about every week for 10 years. It did not take long before many local men stopped engagaing in sex with the ladies at these local places and slowly became more sexually monogamous. The AIDS death rate has dropped significantly around Chiang Mai and northen Thailand is seen as a model for the curtailing of this epidemic in other parts of the globe.

AIDS and bargirls

In the north, there is no village or family that has not been touched by AIDS.

Go there and see for yourself.

There is an orphanage outside of Chiangmai, in Mae Rim that has a special

dormitory for bargirls who are pregnant and have AIDS.

They also have a whole slew of AIDS babies who were either orphaned or

abandoned. There are hundreds of girls here and twice as many babies.

Go North to any small village and ask if there is AIDS there and your answer will be

“yert yert” which means it is everywhere.

You guys down South in the city say you never see AIDS there, so you think it is

some sort of myth or lie. Well what happens is when the bargirls get sick, they go


1998 my brother in law “Don” dies of AIDS he contracted going with bar girls

2000 my friends sister “Dow” who ran a beer bar in Chiang Mai dies of AIDS

2000 my good friend “Don” who worked at a hotel in Fang dies of AIDS contracted

from visiting bargirls.

2001 my nephew “Lert” wife dies of AIDS given to her from him who visited bargirls

and was HIV positive

2002 my third wife “Jansom” dies of AIDS given to her because her boyfriend visits

bargirls, her boyfriend and 10 year old daughter are both dieing of AIDS now

2005 my nephew “Lert” dies of AIDS

2006 “Lerts” last wife “Mouie” is HIV positive

Ya it's freekin scary and no one wants to admitt it..................I always wear condom :o


The Local sex scene.

In Fang City, north of Chiangmai, there used to be a dozen to 20 brothels

that catered to the locals and …me.

Now there are none. They were all shut down by the “National” police and then

burned to the ground by the locals as they were full of “AIDS germs.”

The local girls, especially the pretty ones find their way one way or the other

into the sex trade down in falang land.

The little villages are devoid of any young attractive available females.

When the bargirls come back home for vacation they are indeed very popular with the local boys.

…and when they get sick down in falangland and come up HIV positive, they head home

to the small villages and do what they do best with the local boys.

It is absolutely devastating to the local villages.

And yes, even though many don’t want to hear it, the falang sex tourist trade is the cause.

So local men up north were getting drunk and sometimes sharing needles. They were often paying for sex and even more often trying to have an orgasm whilst highly intoxicated and that leads to open sores. And everything combines to create a deadly epidemic of AIDS without any help or contact from foreign tourists.

orgasm whilst highly intoxicated leads to open sores?

I have never heard that before, maybe you have first hand experience?



Would you feel that a Farang who went to a bar or brothel and took one of the ladies out of there and married her was doing her a service or disservice?

This sounds like a trap, but I’ll bite.

Oeye is a good example. I bought her out and married her.

I was sending her money to go to school and help her family.

She used the money to shoot heroin with her boyfriend.

I stopped sending money, her father sold her to an agent who brought her to

Phuket to work.

Her situation apparently had become much worse as a received an alarming

letter from her sister that Oeye was in trouble in Phuket and could I please come


Oeye went from having sex with locals boys close to home to having sex with

Fat old farangs a long way from home.

Did I do her a service or disservice? Did I improve her life?

Certainly that was my intention but it didn’t happen.

Thread after thread ... post after post ..... TROLL


orgasm whilst highly intoxicated leads to open sores?

I have never heard that before

Use your imagination Ringo :D

Spit in the palm of your left hand and then rub your right finger over your palm. Initially it feels smooth as silk but after while it gets kinda rough :o

The same principle applies to intercourse and when it takes you long time to come because you're intoxicated the river might run dry so to speak and you or she could well end up with sores.

A quick dip in a glass of Mekong afterwards would be advisable in this case.


About 10 years ago my wife was living in a smallish town in north-central Thailand (in Sukhothai province). Every week the Buddhist equivalent of a Churchwarden would come around looking for donations to help bury another Aids victim.

Things have improved since then. There are still occasional deaths, but considerably fewer than there were.

She wasn't native to the area and couldn't say if they contracted the disease locally or while working away from home.


JRingo, you have my deepest sympathy.

Getting infected is no joke.

For some reason you don't hear about farangs with AIDS or HIV.

Do they all go home to get treatment?

Using a condom is the right thing to do, but everyone I know has had unprotected sexual contact at some point.

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