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Thai Army chief issues 6 instructions to solve southern unrest


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There needs to be a lasting, credible solution to the southern violence.

Personally I don't care who brings it about as long as they do.

How many Muslim insurgencies have you seen or heard about that were willing to accept a credible solution short of giving them the country all to themselves? Even then, they can't live peacefully since there is constant infighting among the varying Muslim factions. If you are looking for a lasting, credible solution to a Muslim dispute, I strongly recommend not holding your breath.

If they have that country all to themselves they will, fight one another and need more territory. It will never end until they are totally defeated and completely disarmed. Good luck.


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They need to be given autonomy. And the remaining non Muslims may need to look at relocating themselves to a more Buddhist friendly part of the Kingdom. Sounds sad but it is true. No other solution as the Thai government / military/ police cannot deal with it.

it will not end there... it is like cancer...

Ahh. Yes. But one can draw a line on the map once they get what they wanted. And if they step over that line then..........

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This is another gum bashing event, the way forward is not with 6 instructions and it is not with pressure from the military, the terrorist couldn't give a toss about what the Army Chief say's , it is time that Thailand bit the bullet in this crises and started some meaningful ways to move forward, not the failed bossy attitude that has prevailed so far, whether the terrorists are interested in any meaningful dialog after the treatment of Muslims by the Thaksin Shinawatra Government is a problematic point. Verdict: More of the same.coffee1.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif>

The Thaksin Shinawatra Government's policy towards Southern Thailand was supportive of the Thai Military suppression against the Muslims in order to preserve the santity of Thailand's sovereignty and Buddhist faith. But the Yingluck took a more circumspective view of the issue, removed the military from negotiations with the insurgents, and offered dialog for autonomy. That did get the insurgent's attention and their attacks dropped dramatically.

But then followed the anti-government protest movement and suspected vilification by the military against the Yingluck regime from losing its ability to control the autonomy issue (never give in to loss of sovereignty), the Yingluck regime tabled negotiations to cope with its own survival. Now the Thailand nation is essentially back to where it was before Yingluck: the military and Thailand government (now under the military control) oppose any loss of sovereignty in negotiaions and look to only a military solution to the Muslim issues. The Philippines government was able to get off this same kind of merry-go-round and after 40 years of armed confllict with their Muslim insurgents to achieve peace through autonomy.

Unfortunately the Thai military has no truly new solutions and continues to employ officers who carry no credibility in negotiations from the insurgent's perspective. The solution is political and Thailand has a regime that follows military doctrine (you win or you lose-you do not retreat from the enemy) that is imcompatible with political doctrine (the best solution is where both sides lose).

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  • 7 months later...

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This is another gum bashing event, the way forward is not with 6 instructions and it is not with pressure from the military, the terrorist couldn't give a toss about what the Army Chief say's , it is time that Thailand bit the bullet in this crises and started some meaningful ways to move forward, not the failed bossy attitude that has prevailed so far, whether the terrorists are interested in any meaningful dialog after the treatment of Muslims by the Thaksin Shinawatra Government is a problematic point. Verdict: More of the same.coffee1.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif>

The Thaksin Shinawatra Government's policy towards Southern Thailand was supportive of the Thai Military suppression against the Muslims in order to preserve the santity of Thailand's sovereignty and Buddhist faith. But the Yingluck took a more circumspective view of the issue, removed the military from negotiations with the insurgents, and offered dialog for autonomy. That did get the insurgent's attention and their attacks dropped dramatically.

But then followed the anti-government protest movement and suspected vilification by the military against the Yingluck regime from losing its ability to control the autonomy issue (never give in to loss of sovereignty), the Yingluck regime tabled negotiations to cope with its own survival. Now the Thailand nation is essentially back to where it was before Yingluck: the military and Thailand government (now under the military control) oppose any loss of sovereignty in negotiaions and look to only a military solution to the Muslim issues. The Philippines government was able to get off this same kind of merry-go-round and after 40 years of armed confllict with their Muslim insurgents to achieve peace through autonomy.

Unfortunately the Thai military has no truly new solutions and continues to employ officers who carry no credibility in negotiations from the insurgent's perspective. The solution is political and Thailand has a regime that follows military doctrine (you win or you lose-you do not retreat from the enemy) that is imcompatible with political doctrine (the best solution is where both sides lose).

(the best solution is where both sides lose)

No damn wonder everybody hates politicians! Aside from being complelely worthless that is.

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Did you notice and digest the parts about increasing night patrols and increasing the Border Patrol Police?

And then read a few weeks back about all the camps found hidden in the Jungle, and lots of human remains recovered?

so with the increased night patrols, and the increased Border Patrol Police presence, they still had no idea what was going on with these camps??

Neither the Army of the Border Patrol Police were doing as the head of the Army implied in this 8 month old article it seems!! ;)

Time to hold up your hands and say "Sorry, we're just not getting this right at all!! " ?

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I doubt that they do any real patrolling, day or night Haggis. They might take the odd bimble down the road in a pick up but that will be it. As for any sort of night ops, forget it, they will be back in barracks by last light.

A few years ago I recall a platoon harbored up a rubber plantation for a snooze at midday. no sentries out, all pushing out the ZZZs. Got taken out by some insurgents. All you heard was what a tragedy, that the OC, a rising star and top graduate of the Military Academy, had been killed in action. If he had known his job neither he nor any of his men would have been killed needlessly.

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