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Britain summons Thai envoy over Koh Tao tourist murder probe


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This must be starting to get expensive for the real perps. Palms at the top need to be greased even more now & that will not be cheap.

Spot On mate.. !!!

If not impossible very soon as their " World " is getting bit smaller by the day..

Let them loose every dime they own and then ROT IN HELL when all comes to an end for them.

Never say Never...

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However, this is the first high profile case where social media has been involved & where Thais can find info outside of Thailand. Look at CSI LA, a Thai person based in the USA, giving Thais (in Thai Language) information & evidence they would never have been privy to before

Yep, social media has been the game changer for sure. One other thing the Thais have now because of it is an outlet to report what they know, as they had nowhere to go with information in the past.


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Never rely on media reports that have the word "reportedly" in it.

It is very probable that the Myanmar guys was tortured but in all the press it is "reportedly" so, while the RTP says they did not torture without using the word "reportedly".

The Myanmar guys "reportedly" withdrew their confessions while the RTP says they have not withdrawn their confessions without using the word "reportedly".

The Myanmar Embassy lawyers "reportedly" said the suspects in the case had bruises on their bodies from torture, while in the meantime we have not heard a word from any Myanmar lawyer except from what is reportedly reported in the press.

Again it isn't the "evidence" that needs to be in question but the processes..

the words allegedly and reportedly are used in the media as by-words to avoid prosecution but still get across the general i=da - they therefore don't mean anything is "proven" or not.

In the case of a criminal investigation in most countries the accused has a presumption of innocence ands to make definitive statements about the accused or the case can only prejudice the proceedings (see this case in particular) however most of the wester press is following normal procedure by us=ing words such as reportedly and allegedly.

They serve a purose and enable a broadening of the discussion....in fact I'd be MORE worried about any release that claims to be FACT as it goes outside the norms of rational discussion.

Edited by wilcopops
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I agree completely, I was just trying to find the source of all the media reports on the net, and I fail to find it, maybe someone can shed some light into it? for example if a Myanmar lawyer say something, you would expect to find a clip somewhere with an interview or something else that can verify that report.

Never rely on media reports that have the word "reportedly" in it.

It is very probable that the Myanmar guys was tortured but in all the press it is "reportedly" so, while the RTP says they did not torture without using the word "reportedly".

The Myanmar guys "reportedly" withdrew their confessions while the RTP says they have not withdrawn their confessions without using the word "reportedly".

The Myanmar Embassy lawyers "reportedly" said the suspects in the case had bruises on their bodies from torture, while in the meantime we have not heard a word from any Myanmar lawyer except from what is reportedly reported in the press.

Again it isn't the "evidence" that needs to be in question but the processes..

the words allegedly and reportedly are used in the media as by-words to avoid prosecution but still get across the general i=da - they therefore don't mean anything is "proven" or not.

In the case of a criminal investigation in most countries the accused has a presumption of innocence ands to make definitive statements about the accused or the case can only prejudice the proceedings (see this case in particular) however most of the wester press is following normal procedure by us=ing words such as reportedly and allegedly.

They serve a purose and enable a broadening of the discussion.

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Another weak arse response from the British Government - it's about time Thailand was told, not asked, that a team of investigators will be conducting an independent investigation.

The Brits will never be, Quote---- conducting an independent investigation

They can only state, quote--------- British Police STAND READY to assist

Wish I could say you are right but sorry you are wrong

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Finally the poms are showing some backbone

Show me where Backbone won and Thailand loss?

Check out the Anglo-Siamese Treay of 1909. Thailand seems to have lost a lot of territory. The French also acquired quite a bit of Thai real estate, (in the late 19th and early 20th centuries), of which is now Laos and Cambodia.

Google for more.

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Even the global crime experts on TVF were showing more concern than the Westminster government were at all these stupid statements being issued by the Koh Tao police and local politicians and about the fabricated proof and sham arrests of the migrant workers and confessions done and now retracted as I am sure more will come out at the trial and Thailand knows now that the whole world is watching and scrutinising every word from every statement being issued, possibly time to think about arresting the real culprit for these horrific heinous evil crimes regardless who was wearing a bikini or not.

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Finally the poms are showing some backbone

Unlike our Aussie counterparts, we tend to think first and act accordingly.

It's going to take a little more that words from envoys to get this mess cleared up, Action from Thai's = MONEY, threaten to take away income and see what happens.

JeremyBowskill, Really how so? Much as I enjoy Top Gear and Jeremy Clarkson, Seems he didn't do much thinking before acting accordingly huh?

Not so long ago on Samui the cops tried one on, trying to blame a motor cycle death of a woman on her partner when clear CCTV footage showed a speeding motor bike smash into them killing the female passenger and the cop's tried fitting him up and wanted cash for his passport back and to make things go away, The Aussies came in hard and the BIB had to back down.

Much like the Pom's and bodyline tactic in the cricket, that didn't work out to good for the Pom's huh? So what was that about thinking first and act accordingly?

GO THE DON!!!w00t.gif

So how's the humble pie today?

Ha ha he got roasted on the barbi mate, get it? roasted on the barbie. Whats ya fariorite colour blue? what da ya do for a living digga

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" You can say whatever want because you don't have any physical presence. You never thought that your opinion will effect the work and feeling of the police. You are just a keyboard detective who has wild imagination and can't stop thinking. Since we are the police, we can take criticism. Your opinion also effects our society. In our society there are lots of people with different level intelligence. Only idiots believe what they saw on social media" Police chief.

It's great that he's not threatening people on social media but the reality in Thailand is that only idiots believe the police.

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Finally the poms are showing some backbone

Unlike our Aussie counterparts, we tend to think first and act accordingly.

It's going to take a little more that words from envoys to get this mess cleared up, Action from Thai's = MONEY, threaten to take away income and see what happens.

JeremyBowskill, Really how so? Much as I enjoy Top Gear and Jeremy Clarkson, Seems he didn't do much thinking before acting accordingly huh?

Not so long ago on Samui the cops tried one on, trying to blame a motor cycle death of a woman on her partner when clear CCTV footage showed a speeding motor bike smash into them killing the female passenger and the cop's tried fitting him up and wanted cash for his passport back and to make things go away, The Aussies came in hard and the BIB had to back down.

Much like the Pom's and bodyline tactic in the cricket, that didn't work out to good for the Pom's huh? So what was that about thinking first and act accordingly?

GO THE DON!!!w00t.gif

So how's the humble pie today?

Ha ha he got roasted on the barbi mate, get it? roasted on the barbie. Whats ya fariorite colour blue? what da ya do for a living digga. What ya sheilas name? Oh sheila.

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Nom sod and family must be starting to feel mortal again smile.png

They did not travel to Singapore already?

Is this true?

was meant ironically

hope they will stay here until the murderer(s) is / are found

Edited by sweatalot
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Finally the poms are showing some backbone

Unlike our Aussie counterparts, we tend to think first and act accordingly.

What do you expect from a bunch of convicts?

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Next please.

Ha ha he got roasted on the barbi mate, get it? roasted on the barbie. Whats ya favorite colour blue? what da ya do for a living digga. What ya sheilas name? Oh sheila.

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If anyone here thinks that Thailand will be concerned because the UK government decided to bark will be sadly mistaken.

History has shown that Thailand will not be fazed one bit by the escalation and sudden interest in the investigation.

Sadly but true. I hope I'm wrong .

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Why does Britain wait till now ? The British Embassy and British government should have been in at the beginning . Britain had a right to insist on British police helping Thai police and for British Forensic scientists to simultaneously examine the evidence and test the DNA . In view of Two British people being horrifically murdered in Thailand , even the Coup Military Government should soften to permit a British participation from the beginning . A skilled British Forensic Police team could have worked alongside the Thai police and have been a great help to them , in what has been a very difficult task .

Britain nor any other country has no diplomatic right to intervene in the internal affairs of another country regardless of whether one of its citizens is either the victim or the alleged perpetrator of a crime.

It says on the UK Bangkok Embassy website:

What consulates cannot do for you

... interfere in criminal or civil court proceedings

give you legal advice, investigate crimes or carry out searches for missing people, although we can give you details of people who may be able to help you in these cases

So what? You don't have to go that route. Look at what Natalie Halloway's mom did to Aruba's tourism.

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Why does Britain wait till now ? The British Embassy and British government should have been in at the beginning . Britain had a right to insist on British police helping Thai police and for British Forensic scientists to simultaneously examine the evidence and test the DNA . In view of Two British people being horrifically murdered in Thailand , even the Coup Military Government should soften to permit a British participation from the beginning . A skilled British Forensic Police team could have worked alongside the Thai police and have been a great help to them , in what has been a very difficult task .

Britain nor any other country has no diplomatic right to intervene in the internal affairs of another country regardless of whether one of its citizens is either the victim or the alleged perpetrator of a crime.

It says on the UK Bangkok Embassy website:

What consulates cannot do for you

... interfere in criminal or civil court proceedings

give you legal advice, investigate crimes or carry out searches for missing people, although we can give you details of people who may be able to help you in these cases

On the head JL. I'm afraid so many people, including members here, have a completely wrong belief about what their diplomatic representatives can do for them and sometimes that's only when they bother to respond.

All the ' musts ', ' should ', ' have to ' etc do not trump sovereignty, local laws and diplomatic protocol.

Pressure can of course be applied and equally can be resisted so it leaves it up to an ' aggrieved ' country, in this case Britain, to decide how far they want to take it.

As I said in an earlier post I am sick of all this bullshit.

"Diplomacy," "Sovereignty," "Diplomatic Right," "Interference" etc, etc........

No mention of the words "Fairness," and "Justice."

Yes I am aware of diplomatic implications but surely the above trumps anything else.

I detest professional incompetence and stupidity no matter what country.

The victims and the suspects both have rights in equal shares.

No chance of that now with the media circus and hubris that have surrounded this case.

This could pave the way for an international investigation team to be set up whenever foreign nationals have been murdered in any country.

There again pigs might fly.

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But ! where did the "convicts" come from in the first place???

Do we need to go through this Poms versus Convicts name calling exercise YET again? If so, can it be done on a separate thread and leave this one for something other than name calling?

Mods, please?

maybe ditch the rude comments about Queen Elizabeth as well. it's in poor taste and she's a fine lady. must be some poor, low-class peasants taking pot shots at her.

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It's a scandulous investigation to begin with and a bit too late to do it properly and legitimately. In addition, the two they have in custody are not the ones guilty as charged; cerainly not according to the evidence and investigation. Why are there no reports and discussion on other suspects? What, are we suppose to accept those arrested to be the ones actually guilty?

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Maybe Britain has "other" samples as well. Sean and maybe family members of Koh Tao

Britain now has DNA from Hannah and also the two innocents in jail.

That is why they are now getting more involved.

Spot On bertty !! They can now proof the fact that these two being held are in fact innocent and should now demand further DNA samples from certain Hi - So's on Koh Tao who refuses to give DNA and consider themselves untouchable.

Seems like everybody is overlooking this fact ???

So Britain should demand that Thai authorities take DNA samples from Thai nationals in their own country ?

Do you think that's going to happen ? Britain won't demand such a thing and the Thais won't do it anyway. Are you forgetting it's their country and their law ?

What will Britain do, apply sanctions or worse ?

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Finally the poms are showing some backbone

Unlike our Aussie counterparts, we tend to think first and act accordingly.

What do you expect from a bunch of convicts?

I was thinking that everyone on this site just hated Thailand and everything Thai, good to see you hate everyone and everything and are ill-informed about all countries and cultures

I hate you too

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