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Britain summons Thai envoy over Koh Tao tourist murder probe


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Long overdue , Britain is now voicing concern over the handling, due process, diligence, corruption, and gangstering.

We must remember though, it is this bungling and parading and talking to the people and press that allowed all of us to scrutinize their detective work.

I'm only sure this will help to teach them what to do correctly for there next cover-up.

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Finally the poms are showing some backbone

Unlike our Aussie counterparts, we tend to think first and act accordingly.

It's going to take a little more that words from envoys to get this mess cleared up, Action from Thai's = MONEY, threaten to take away income and see what happens.

JeremyBowskill, Really how so? Much as I enjoy Top Gear and Jeremy Clarkson, Seems he didn't do much thinking before acting accordingly huh?

Not so long ago on Samui the cops tried one on, trying to blame a motor cycle death of a woman on her partner when clear CCTV footage showed a speeding motor bike smash into them killing the female passenger and the cop's tried fitting him up and wanted cash for his passport back and to make things go away, The Aussies came in hard and the BIB had to back down.

Much like the Pom's and bodyline tactic in the cricket, that didn't work out to good for the Pom's huh? So what was that about thinking first and act accordingly?

GO THE DON!!!w00t.gif

So how's the humble pie today?

Surely you would wait for the Thais to show their full hand first? after all they do have suspects in custody, or would you have yours and our queen Liz send in the gurkhas now? BTW, this isn't 1 rogue copper trying it on for a bit of tea money is it, this is an entire force plus potentially the army.

On the subject of Clarko, I would say he did quite a bit of thinking on how best to wind everyone he meets up.

So you think 14 years waiting to show their full hand for the murder of the English woman in Chiang Mai is ok? or wait a little longer?

Yes I know it's not just one cop chasing a little tea money,

As for your LIZ, well ya think if she made a phone call to her counter part or even the current PM could have a little impact on things? Not to sure that'll work either didn't fly for the Saudi's did it? diplomacy won't do much of anything here, just the threat of loss of MONEY, as they say money talks.

Show some intestinal fortitude and let the BIB know you mean business.

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Thai police said on Friday that the two suspects had confessed to the crime and their DNA matched with samples taken from Witheridge's body.

All they have to do is get this verified by an independent agency and all the speculation will cease, the other issues of human rights and peoples right to council is a longer issue that needs to also be addressed along with opening the court system up to full public and media scrutiny - access and follow up of cases as they are heard - time for Thailand to get with being open honest and transparent.

It was the constant media release of conflicting statements from the authorities that caused this circus, the RTP need a central press/media department that has 100% control over statements that are released to the public, all proposed press statements must go through them for approval

The NRC can add this to their reform agenda - it needs to happen

If this were to happen, and it is a very big if, then I don't think speculation would cease. There are those who believe the evidence points to additional people being involved in the attach. DNA from a third unidentified person found on one victims body being one pointer to this.

You're spot on for the media issue, but every Thai cop loves his moment of fame.

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Swire emphasised the need for the British government and the victims' families to receive regular updates on the investigation's progress.

Odd. We've all been updated twice a day.


So you are very clear on whether they have retracted their statements or not!


Neither of us has any idea what you are talking about.

I was referring to how often some member of the RTP, over the past month, has incessantly issued updates on the case.

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Unfortunately I don't think this will change much. If the UK are given the freedom to do their own investigation in Thailand, what can they really do ? Look for evidence that the burmese guys were tortured ? Ask everyone involved to give a DNA sample again ?

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Aussieinthailand (unfortunately)

I think if OUR Liz did make a phone call, then yes it most likely would do some good. However, I don't think she can pick up the blower every time 1 of her subjects dies in a foreign land ( no matter how much I would like her to) its just not practical. As for Kirsty Jones, well British coppers were actually allowed here to do their own investigations, unfortunately they didn't turn up anything but then they didn't have the advantage of a smoking motorbike video to point them in the right direction, did they. I still don't see how waiting to see how it all pans out, before getting your arse in your hand is a bad idea........

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Why does Britain wait till now ? The British Embassy and British government should have been in at the beginning . Britain had a right to insist on British police helping Thai police and for British Forensic scientists to simultaneously examine the evidence and test the DNA . In view of Two British people being horrifically murdered in Thailand , even the Coup Military Government should soften to permit a British participation from the beginning . A skilled British Forensic Police team could have worked alongside the Thai police and have been a great help to them , in what has been a very difficult task .

Britain nor any other country has no diplomatic right to intervene in the internal affairs of another country regardless of whether one of its citizens is either the victim or the alleged perpetrator of a crime.

It says on the UK Bangkok Embassy website:

What consulates cannot do for you

... interfere in criminal or civil court proceedings

give you legal advice, investigate crimes or carry out searches for missing people, although we can give you details of people who may be able to help you in these cases

On the head JL. I'm afraid so many people, including members here, have a completely wrong belief about what their diplomatic representatives can do for them and sometimes that's only when they bother to respond.

All the ' musts ', ' should ', ' have to ' etc do not trump sovereignty, local laws and diplomatic protocol.

Pressure can of course be applied and equally can be resisted so it leaves it up to an ' aggrieved ' country, in this case Britain, to decide how far they want to take it.

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Finally the poms are showing some backbone

Show me where Backbone won and Thailand loss?

Part of the problem is that the Thais have dug themselves into a deep hole and suddenly reversing course is all but unthinkable as too much has been said and too much possibly covered up, ' arranged ' etc. The loss of face would be massive.

Yesterday the National Police Chief again insisted the investigation had been transparent and that the era of fitting people up was over and wouldn't happen under his command.

These and other strong words from the top HAVE To be seen through now.

There is an element of truth in what you say. If it is a cover up the Thai's have dug a very deep hole,, but it is never too late. Ok, it will be painful and the loss of face will be immense but the Thai PM will find an official head to role for sure.

I think the UK will probably get this between their teeth now and not let go until they are satisfied. This will only mean that sooner or later the truth will come out,, better for Thailand if it is sooner rather then continue with the nonsense as this will be shameful for the whole country.

A scandal and head roll will soon be forgotten,, an ongoing sharade will last a long, long time.

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Junior official and weak words coupled with the Thai Ambassador's previous b/s ... just political maneuvering to appease the media and growing concern over this case. I will sit up and take notice when someone of consequence in the UK starts asking questions.

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Finally something, but as also mention "call me Dave" shoul have stepped in earlier, and they should have used the actual Foreign Minister to deliver the message to The Thai diplomat as opposed to a junior nor, just to give the idiots a further push. Hopefully, oh ugh this might be the beginning of some serious political pressure from The UK

How can you pressurise nothing?

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The Brits did not get far with Kirsty Jones murder in Chiang Mai. 14 years ago, still not solved.!

You may well be correct, but never give up hope when the Brit's or the Aussie's are involved.


I think you're right. Also today things are different, social media and internet gives people so much information and pressure will come from the masses and media. For sure things are not as easy to cover up nowadays as they were back then.

For any corrupt country the enemy is now technology and I believe that this greatly reduces the ability of anyone to cover up things in the public eye..

Lets hope in this case it becomes a landmark where the true criminals (if it is not the 2 Burmese men) are brought to justice and the families can have peace.

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Knowing just a little of how governments and diplomacy is ''supposed' to work in the UK they have brought in a 'junior' minister to deliver the first shot across the bows. The 'big' boys will be waiting in the wings to get involved if the actions taken by the Thai officials are deemed unacceptable. You always need somewhere else to go if the initial phase fails.

To be honest I am not holding my breath. The UK have no legal right to interfere unless formally asked and we all know that will not happen. Further the crime scene and subsequent investigations have been so disturbed it is unlikely a provable alternative scenario is possible. I wonder if any 'original' DNA was acquired from the bodies in the UK? If so they have a chance but if not no chance.

As for the comments about the UK PM I am no lover of 'call me Dave' either but can anyone show me a viable alternative? The Labour Party have lost the plot completely due to Liar Blair taking us to a war to satisfy Bush and Bumbling Brown the Banker cocking everything up, Miliband...hopeless, LibDems...yeah right....that only leaves Boris, god help us, or Nigel Farage. Oh dear!

The investigation into the murders of these poor unfortunate people has been a mess and continues to be so, and until DNA is taken from ALL possible suspects this whole episode will continue to be shrouded in threads of conspiracy. I just hope that someone somewhere has the courage to come forward and say.....'well actually I know something' , because someone somewhere does.

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Finally something, but as also mention "call me Dave" shoul have stepped in earlier, and they should have used the actual Foreign Minister to deliver the message to The Thai diplomat as opposed to a junior nor, just to give the idiots a further push. Hopefully, oh ugh this might be the beginning of some serious political pressure from The UK

I know from the folks back at home that this is big news, it's not going to go away, the UK 'papers are all over it. I'm pretty sure David Cameron would rather sweep the matter under the carpet but this is impossible now as the story has just gained too much traction. In reality there is little political pressure that the UK can bring against the Thais even if the UK government really wanted to, maybe in the good old days when we had an empire it might have been different, but not anymore.


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Junior official and weak words coupled with the Thai Ambassador's previous b/s ... just political maneuvering to appease the media and growing concern over this case. I will sit up and take notice when someone of consequence in the UK starts asking questions.

Hopefully the MP for the constituency where Hannah's parents live, will be on the case and very vocal, when the time is right. Her party was only last week, so now is not the time, but soon.

Not sure what the parents of the jersey victim can do. The island has no representation in UK parliament and no say internationally other than through the UK foreign office.

So it's the MP from Hannah's constituency who's going to have to bear the brunt of keeping government pressure up to the mark

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I don't think the Thai powers will like this move by the UK.

They sure as hell won't like it but the unspoken threat by the UK is that unless this investigation/prosecution is conducted in an acceptable manner there will be further negative travel advisories issued to potential UK tourists to Thailand with the inevitable serious impact upon the Thai tourist economy.

Knowing that money is God in this land, I suspect this may cause some deep reflection among those in power..................

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Aha. Very clever.

It keeps the local embassy out of it, and very publicly hauls the Thai govt over the coals.

Very nice touch.

By a junior foreign minister? Wouldn't call that "over the coals," but a Brit face saving,...look at us, we're concerned. Nice touch.

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