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Thai opinion: What has Europe ever done for us?


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The most ironic thing of all about the article is that the Nation paper is printed on German offset litho presses, unless they have replace them with the latest Thai machines? What about the lego like nation Tower on Bangna Trat opposite Index, was that built without European help? doubt it, has no corrugated iron or asbestos on it for a start.

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AUSTRALIA goes one step further banning Thai Junta and families from visiting their country.

Its of course the role of Thailand to view things differently.

But in the big wide world Juntas seizing power always meets the current commentary .

Wow - I bet the Junta and their families are gutted by not being able to visit Australia,

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EU are hypocrites, they promote so-called democracy (whatever that means), and then rely on China (which are communists) to produce their products, hardly qualified to mediate IMHO especially in Italy a country which is riddled with corruption.

Thailand is of course only concerned with Thais, hence no reason to interfere with other countries's internal policies, and hence have no enemies, but EU on-the-other-hand do. Perhaps EU should learn a lesson from the Thai book, instead of trying to preach on something they clearly do not understand the reason behind the coup when your own back yard is not in order.

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It is a terribly written article - content free. The free democratic world takes a stand against military seizing of democratic and civilian government. The US should stand more on its stated principles and break off any relations with Thailand and stop pandering to Thailand military dictatorship representatives at US taxpayer expense.

With opposing camps (Red Shirts & PDRC) just waiting for the right spark to ignite the conflagration, I am glad that General Prayuth Chan-ocha along with the Military stepped in and neutralized the situation. He gave both sides Months to resolve their differences and gave them two last chances to have a dialogue and settle their differences. By then, it was too far gone and the Kingdom was at the Abyss. He had to do what he was entrusted to do. First, and foremost is to protect the Monarchy. Second, not allow the Kingdom to erupt into Civil War. He did a great job with both tasks. The USA and Thailand have enjoyed mutual respect and friendship for 180 Years. I don't think breaking off relations would have benefited the USA. This is an internal affair of a Sovereign Nation. Breaking relations and/or imposing sanctions is only going to separate Countries further apart. Case in point, the current fiasco of strained relations and imposing sanctions between the USA/EU and Russia over the Ukraine debacle. Russia did a 180 and looked East and found a welcoming hand extended from China. Plus, I'm not sure what "Principles" the USA/EU has left. The past few decades have seen Invasion, Warfare and Conquest by the USA/EU by using it's "Principles" of Liberation and bringing so called "Democracy" to Sovereign Nations, especially in the Middle East along with Libya. They are ALL Broken States with millions of deaths, refugee populations, and in total chaos and despair. Plus, they are now the breeding grounds of ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh or whatever label you place on that group. I am glad the USA/EU did not interfere too much in The Kingdoms internal affairs and should have congratulated the Man responsible for what He did. IMHO. thumbsup.gif

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"A noted academic even urged the military junta not to kowtow to the EU, which he said was itself already becoming irrelevant because of its persistent financial crisis."

Noted for what? Trite, inaccurate, nonsense comments?

Maybe that should read, "A big noted academic ....

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What has Europe ever done for us?

Um...massive trade, building factories, creating jobs through commerce and tourism, charity for the poor and victims of natural disasters, sharing agricultural and medical science, building your satellites for Thai TV and cellphones, provided native teachers so private Thai schools can roll in profits...it is not a short list, and I only hit a few examples from hundreds.

And let's not forget liberating Thais from their WWII Japanese "guests"....

But but but, you missed the point, what have they ever done for us?

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Given its vast resources and decades of stability, Thailand has not produced all that many world citizens. Was there a Thai head of the World Bank or IMF ? Can anyone name any Thai world citizens ?

That is unfair, WB leadership has traditionally been American while IMF leadership has traditionally been European. Even the current head of the WB, Jim Yong Kim, is an American, a Korean-American.

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AUSTRALIA goes one step further banning Thai Junta and families from visiting their country.

Its of course the role of Thailand to view things differently.

But in the big wide world Juntas seizing power always meets the current commentary .

As neither the junta or their families were planning a comprehensive First Class World Tour at Taxpayers' Expense, it's hardly a problem. They are too busy running the country using economically rational principles..

What a joke, the only policy is anti red and anti Shin, sure not running the country and sure not economically.....

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Given its vast resources and decades of stability, Thailand has not produced all that many world citizens. Was there a Thai head of the World Bank or IMF ? Can anyone name any Thai world citizens ?

You can say what you want Taksin, but one thing is sure, He IS a world citizen.

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For the many Thai exporters and people who have jobs because of Europe buying Thai goods, the answer is: A LOT.

But for those power hungry military leaders and people with political aspirations who want everyone to agree with everything they want, then the answer is..... what did you expect?

Edited by Time Traveller
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Simple answer to the question: NOTHING

What the EU (and US) has/have done was and is only for their own interest and win, not because of their generosity.

I see it vice versa. They did not colonise Thailand as

- Myanmar was colonised by the Brits

- Vietnam and laos by the French

- Macau by the Portuguese

- Hongkong by the Brits

- Indonesia by the Dutch

- Australia by the Brits

- India (including today Pakistan and Bagladesh) by the Brits

- the Philippines by The Spaniards and the US

- and many other countries

Now the results are mixed. Maybe for Australia, Hongkong and a little bit for India the colonisation was finally positiv, i.e. language, economy. But for the others? Maybe, not colonising Thailand has a positiv result. But I hold in mind that the capitalistic attitude is the modern colonising, with not exclusively positive effects.

Concerning trade. All what the companies and governments of the European countries (and US) are doing is for their own win or interest (I must repeat it), but not because they like Thailand so much.

The members of the EU (and the US) have a piece of wood in their brain. The glass of the wine bottle must carry the label "democracy". That's enough. It seems to be of no interest that there is sour vinegar in it. So the EU isn't supporting the laudable efforts of the general to create a not so corrupt democracy in Thailand. The EU (and US) just made him (undeserved) problems because of their stupid demand for the democracy label. The wood in the brain (or other interests) prevent/s them from from waiting for his results.

Conclusion, the EU did not and does not do anything of substance for Thailand.

Edited by puck2
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We do a lot but we may not be good at doing publicity,

perhaps not good at doing publicity blink.png but for sure not so good doing homework too laugh.png

It's understandable that many Thais were agitated by the EU's strong stand against...bla bla bla..!

well....in my village they still dont know where europe is..facepalm.gif so they are absolutly not agitated but calm as usual drinking lao khaowai2.gif every day without thinking in all these thai political tribulation...and for the writer to his own concern, i would tell him that it is not "many thai" but in my opinion only a few clever rich business thais, only thinking in making more money who are disturbed for what europe could think or think about them.

also this is the worst that only a foolish and irresponsable person can write:

Thailand should shrug off any diplomatic pressure as it could easily live in isolation

well man ............burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif please dont say it....drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif .. just do it .....cause i want to be here to see the results od such a game

and for desert i would put the question upside down

What has thailand ever done for europe?

come on man give a tissu i want to crycheesy.gif

this articlel is a shame for thailand and for the thais


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Simple answer to the question: NOTHING

What the EU (and US) has/have done was and is only for their own interest and win, not because of their generosity.

Don't millions of Thai workers have jobs because of EU (and USA) buying Thai goods?

And this story is about Europe, but you couldn't resist to put some American bashing in their either could you?

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Most Thais probably don't even know where Europe is!!

Are you serious? Have you guys ever driven with a Thai? People, Thais don't even really know where Bang Saen is. Really, they don't.... you can get in a car and they will look at you for directions. It is the most uncanny thing I have ever experienced. They have heard about it, they would like to go there, but as far as knowing where "it" is, just forget it they don't have even the slightest clue.

Edited by utalkin2me
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Most Thais probably don't even know where Europe is!!

Are you serious? Have you guys ever driven with a Thai? People, Thais don't even really know where Bang Saen is. Really, they don't.... you can get in a car and they will look at you for directions. It is the most uncanny thing I have ever experienced. They have heard about it, they would like to go there, but as far as knowing where "it" is, just forget it they don't have even the slightest clue.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif It's true and as for asking for directions or using a map forget it. Normally they just drive in the general direction and then ask motocye man, asking a member of the public is no good as they just give any direction to save face, they never say I don't know not from around here! Thank god for google map! ooh another evil western invention.

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What has the EU ever done for Thailand? Only sent a few tens of millions of well-off tourists here over many years.

What has Thailand ever done for the EU? Scammed and cheated many of the EU tourists who come here, and rape and murdered a few too. But only if they were wearing a bikini, of course ...

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The EU is not to be confused with either economic or democratic application.


The EU is ruled by 28 EU Commissioners, all of them un-elected, who style themselves as, 'The Government of Governments.'

When the nation states of the EU, rashly asked their own people if they wished to be part of this European Union, the French, the Dutch and the Irish all voted decisively NO.

The EU Commission ignored these Referenda but told the Irish to back and vote again.

Sarkozy, the diminutive President of France, told Cowen, Ireland's Prime Minister that if Ireland did not accept the EU bail out loan to rescue two German Banks which had speculated on property development in Ireland, "If you do not accept these "loans" we will send Ireland back to the Dark Ages, where the EU found her.

There is not a single iota, beyond words of Democracy in the EU's rulers.

Germany wanted the Ukraine.

The Ukraine has vast deposits of shale oil. It has an unsophisticated population which would not object to Germany fracking the shale oil.

The Ukraine has large numbers of poor people - fodder for German manufacturers - so that they can compete with Asian prices.

So Germany, using its new dog, the EU, bribed Ukrainian MPs, all of them, with nearly 1 Billion euro to join the EU in a stage one takeover.

Historically, buying up Parliaments is the norm for the EU. Once the MPs and senior civil servants take the bribes - they are in the bag forever.

But in November last year - the Ukraine's Parliament voted against joining the EU.

Worse still, they did not give back any of the 1 billion euro they had accepted in bribes.

Germany in a rage ordered the downfall of the democratically elected Government of the Ukraine in which it succeeded.

Then German provocateurs, some wearing Nazi regalia, started beating up and killing anyone who spoke Russian. This created a mass panic and the Russian speakers fled to the east of the country and into the dominantly ethnic Russian Crimean Peninsula.

The EU then appointed - yes appointed their own puppet Government and sent weapons and 'advisors' to prosecute a Civil War in the Ukraine.

And these are the same people who would dare to preach Democracy to Thailand ?

Democracy is not just a word to the EU Commission. It is a threat.

The EU is not in the slightest bit interested in Thai Democracy or the lack of it.

It is interested ONLY in what Thailand can buy from French and German manufacturers.

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Yes, the West brought the worst of the worst, but Thailand has amplified these negative things. A leader can only be if the people agree. But, in modern times Thai's like short cuts. Don't blame the West for this when here they encourage this in every fabic in society here. Instead of being moral, sorry a Monk with Cig's and a Blackberry dosen't cut the muster or the head Monk and his private jet.

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