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Ebola crisis: 'huge disruption' expected at Heathrow as screening begins


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Yes - wishful thinking that something like this would be adopted ... even though it would work and work well... But the Authorities in charge would rather just take temps... And the likelihood of their current temperature screening being effective is a lot worse that 'wishful thinking'

What the authorities of Heathrow Airport and U.K. Immigration could do to greatly reduce the threat of Ebola entering the United Kingdom.

Require a short Self-Declaration of one's recent travel itinerary to assist U.K. Immigration in screening for travelers who have been Ebola Stricken Countries of West Africa in the past 30 days but arrived at Heathrow from another country... My suggestion is intended to make it more efficient in detecting those travelers who travel to the U.K. from any location - but have been in one or more of the Ebola stricken West African countries in the preceding 30 days.

My suggestion would facilitate a filter mechanism to allow IOs to process large numbers of people in shorter periods of time and more accurately.

Have consequences for travelers attempting to enter the country without fully declaring one's recent travel history (whereabouts for the last 30 days - each country and every country). Once Self- Declared each traveler would follow direction signs and proceed to the appropriate Immigration booth for processing indicated by their prior travel. Consequences for not complying - heavy fines, charges levied, having to appear in court to defend one's actions and possible denial of entry.

All done with a proper warning ahead of time. Warning that travelers shall comply with an airport immigration passport screening process - and here is how one 'complies'. Each traveler must Self-Declare recent travel history on a form with signature applied self-verifying as to the veracity of the information given. Question: What countries have you been in over the past 30 days before your arrival here? List each one and the dates - as per the entries in your passport. The questionnaire would be given to all passengers on the aircraft during the flight to the U.K.

Those travelers who have Self-Declared to have been Sierra Leone, Guinea or Liberia (current list - updated as necessary) will be directed by signage and by assisting personnel to a special immigration processing area.

Those travelers who have Self-Declared to not have been to any of those countries in the preceding 30 days... would be subject to immigration checks of their passports and visas as usual ... with some extra effort to spot travelers who failed to Self-Declare truthfully. Those who lie and conceal on the Self-Declare form will be few in number due to the announced penalties for presenting false information. Compliance would be high but not 100%... I have no way of knowing the detection percentage of the temperature scanning procedure but suspect it to be much lower than hoped. But would remain in use as a secondary form of scanning and detection.

Anyone found to have been in one of the Ebola Hot Spot countries in the past 30 days (via Self-Declaration or otherwise) would be taken to a special area for questioning and given a option to agree to a more detailed medical screening, blood tests, provide detailed information as to where they are going in the U.K., contact information while in the U.K., etc. After thorough screening some could be given an option to be put in isolation quarantine for a period of time depending on their last date of being in one of the Ebola epidemic countries and/or whether they are exhibiting any type of Ebola symptoms. Which could be from a few days up to 25 days. Or - they could choose not to enter the U.K. and return to where they came from - unless definitively displaying Ebola Symptoms along with a travel history to one or more of the Ebola Hotspot Countries within the last 30 days. These people - potential Ebola patients would be detained, isolated and possibly hospitalized.

Note: My comments above are to be in the context that the U.K. Government would also have the good sense to stop issuance of visas to residents of Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia. Or at least place very heavy restrictions on justification for being granted a U.K. Visa. And just wanting to visit family or tourism would not be deemed a sufficient reason. Sufficient reasons would be for diplomatic work, essential scientific work related to Ebola, a verified death in the family (not from Ebola), Ebola Aid Worker, Etc. The number of justifiable reasons - verifiable reasons - should be able to be counted on one hand.
So far the U.K. has escaped having an Ebola infected person from entering. And if the U.K. Government institutes what I and others recommend, then they run a strong chance of keeping Ebola out.

Ebola is serious business - deadly business - and if people's lives and businesses have to be changed - then that is what is required. In the face of such a serious epidemic a person's 'want' becomes secondary to the safety of the public.

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A number of posts have been removed. Please try and stay on topic. This topic is about Ebola and huge disruptions at Heathrow airport. A discussion of Ebola and air travel is acceptable.

The situation in Texas hospitals is a little too far off-topic for remaining in this thread.

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Again, I can't get on the hysteria wagon quite yet. Although I do get a bit nervous when I see people in the medical profession getting nervous -- just like I get frightened on a flight when the airline stewardesses get nervous. I will continue with my abundant caution only. My problem is I am not much of a hand washer and I tend to touch my face a lot -- do a lot of eye rubbing, touching the lips and (if nobody is looking), I've been known to pick my nose. Good vectors for Ebola, so I need to be a little more cautious than the average person.

Oh, I've also been known to have the occasional cigarette and that hand to mouth touching is probably not so good.

I don't hang around hospitals, or airports and my contact with tourists is limited so until there is a local outbreak with local transmission, I should be OK.

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Again, I can't get on the hysteria wagon quite yet. Although I do get a bit nervous when I see people in the medical profession getting nervous -- just like I get frightened on a flight when the airline stewardesses get nervous. I will continue with my abundant caution only. My problem is I am not much of a hand washer and I tend to touch my face a lot -- do a lot of eye rubbing, touching the lips and (if nobody is looking), I've been known to pick my nose. Good vectors for Ebola, so I need to be a little more cautious than the average person.

Oh, I've also been known to have the occasional cigarette and that hand to mouth touching is probably not so good.

I don't hang around hospitals, or airports and my contact with tourists is limited so until there is a local outbreak with local transmission, I should be OK.

From personal observations - only around 50% (westerners) of the people wash their hands when they go to the washroom -- and some of those don't wash if they think they are alone....

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Gosh... I was just proposing to stop issuance of Visas and have enhanced and thorough Air Port screenings at Heathrow...

(Yes - I know it is the 'Daily Mail' - but just get over it -- it can be verified soon enough)


Ebola lockdown: British plan to send 3,000 UK troops into Sierra Leone to set up military blockades to restrict movement in attempt to stop the virus spreading

  • Chief of the General Staff General Sir Nick Carter heads review of UK response to disease
  • One suggestion is to use Royal Navy ships to patrol its coastal waters
  • Oxfam said lack of Western military personnel in West Africa puts lives at risk
  • Charity wants troops to deliver vital supplies and build treatment centres

General Sir Nick Carter is leading a review of the UK’s response to the virus, and could use 3,000 British soldiers to impose a blockade and restrict human movement in the African country


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From personal observations - only around 50% (westerners) of the people wash their hands when they go to the washroom -- and some of those don't wash if they think they are alone....

So you think Ebola is spread by people not washing their hands after having a wee?

People that don't wash their hands when they take a wee likely never wash their hands during the day unless it makes them feel uncomfortable (sticky etc.). If you can transmit a virus by wiping your eyes after coming in contact with it, then you can transmit the virus by shaking hands and then wiping your eyes. If our society got away from casual contact, handshakes and replaced them with bows etc. then it would not matter if you met someone that grew up in an outhouse. It is one of the more common ways that flus etc. are transmitted. Even when coming in contact with a new more deadly pathogen is not going to change their ways (and if they do, not as conscientiously). When-ever a new outbreak hits they always start repeating things that should be done - which always includes "Wash your hands".

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