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Thai PM asserts British govt has no doubts regarding British tourists' murder case


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"Gen Prayut said he would ask the international community to solve trade, economic, environmental, climate and water problems."

After the past weeks comments/ideas (Bikinis, Soap Operas, Learning Democracy, Police Bribes, Wristbands etc) and now also these comments in this article, I am sure the International Community, will take everything said very serious. Or maybe they might just laugh their brains out!

Besides that, I am honestly kind of "out of words". Every day, I wake up thinking: NOW it is for sure the end of silly comments, ideas and statements".... But it is just never ending! Please for the sake of Thailand and its good people. Stop talking unless first talking with several advisors!

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I really can't believe this travesty has gone on for so long. Every morning I turn on my computer thinking I am going to read positive news but it seem to get worse. I just had a look at Trip Advisor and was shocked at the amount of members comments that are taken down on the Koh Tao forum. It seems that if you put up a comment re the danger its its pulled down.

My wife who has family who come from KPG said there is a strong link between Suthip and the village head thats where the power is coming from and powerful people in Surat Thani the ex PMs power base.

You mean the right honorable Kanman Suthep, leader of the PDRC and one of the 'saviours' of Thailand? Screaming about corruption while he himself has his fingers in a few suspect pies? Well, I never...

No he meant, his wife is claiming this.

Who is his wife ?

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I really can't believe this travesty has gone on for so long. Every morning I turn on my computer thinking I am going to read positive news but it seem to get worse. I just had a look at Trip Advisor and was shocked at the amount of members comments that are taken down on the Koh Tao forum. It seems that if you put up a comment re the danger its its pulled down.

My wife who has family who come from KPG said there is a strong link between Suthip and the village head thats where the power is coming from and powerful people in Surat Thani the ex PMs power base.

You mean the right honorable Kanman Suthep, leader of the PDRC and one of the 'saviours' of Thailand? Screaming about corruption while he himself has his fingers in a few suspect pies? Well, I never...

No he meant, his wife is claiming this.

Who is his wife ?

It's not the first time I've heard this link. It could be pure speculation but everyone in Thai politics near enough is up to their necks in corruption. It wouldn't be at all surprising.

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what can the uk government do anyway ? They cant control Thailand thats for sure.

You'd be surprised! The British government can make it very difficult for people to get in and out, if needs be.

Watch this space. If Prayuth and his team don't answer, you'll soon find it hard to get a visa for your wife/gf or whomever from Thailand to get into the UK.

That's exactly what the UK government can do. And it can also control imports, as it doesn't exactly export much to Thailand... if anything at all.

And it can also control imports, as it doesn't exactly export much to Thailand... if anything at all.

No it can´t because it´s part of the European Union , tradewise 100%

I don't agree to agree. You FAIL.

Any country can control what it wants to import, be it part of a Union or not! ICH Q7 permits any EU country to decide upon the 'standards' of goods imported; such that if an individual country deems them of an unacceptable standard then it can warrant its own duties and import taxes, to the extent of restriction of imports and their being banned.

So in answer: Yes it can!

Even if you are right then they just ship the goods to France or any other member country and take it to UK so it´s not going to happen

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Deaths at Koh Tao UK, Myanmar 'can observe' icon_updated.gif

PM says representatives welcome to inspect Koh Tao murder site with local police.

The United Kingdom and Myanmar are welcome to "observe" progress on the Koh Tao murders case and can send personnel to visit the site and gather information alongside Thai police, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said yesterday.

Although the Thai side is confident that police have arrested the right people for the murder of two British backpackers, Prayut said police were ready to share information with both countries if they remain suspicious.

The premier was speaking after ambassadors from the two countries met with Police chief Pol General Somyot Pumpanmuang and Foreign Ministry officials and were briefed on details of the investigation that led to the arrest of two migrant workers from Myanmar.



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I don't think it would be possible to observe this and not say anything.

What gives the good general the idea either country would still be suspicious ?

This is after all a perfect case.

Edited by bertty
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I don't think it would be possible to observe this and not say anything.

What gives the good general the idea either country would still be suspicious ?

This is after all a perfect case.

The UK Government is unlikely to say much more publicly until the inquest.

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Deaths at Koh Tao UK, Myanmar 'can observe' icon_updated.gif

PM says representatives welcome to inspect Koh Tao murder site with local police.

The United Kingdom and Myanmar are welcome to "observe" progress on the Koh Tao murders case and can send personnel to visit the site and gather information alongside Thai police, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said yesterday.

Although the Thai side is confident that police have arrested the right people for the murder of two British backpackers, Prayut said police were ready to share information with both countries if they remain suspicious.

The premier was speaking after ambassadors from the two countries met with Police chief Pol General Somyot Pumpanmuang and Foreign Ministry officials and were briefed on details of the investigation that led to the arrest of two migrant workers from Myanmar.



First impressions is its encouraging

Clue here is the word "observe" I do NOT for one second think they are going to be allowed to send personnel and gather information and co op as it suggests.

Dont forget this is the nation and well known for mincing with words.

I'll believe the full cooperation bit and allowed full access when the UK gov says it is. i just dont believe anything coming out of Thailand re this case atm.

Completely agree. IF he did say the UK & Myanmar can observe then that is all it will be.

And then, when the UK Govt officially anounce that there were a number of irregularities, the Thai PM will issue a counter statement along the lines of "The UK Govt confirmed they were impressed by our good detective skills and have invited the head of the RTP to the UK in order that they can train the Metropolitan Police to be as good as our force"


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I don't think it would be possible to observe this and not say anything.

What gives the good general the idea either country would still be suspicious ?

This is after all a perfect case.

The UK Government is unlikely to say much more publicly until the inquest.

Not sure, this is another dodgy RTP investigation and the FCO gave already made comments unlike in the past.

Thailand is taking a deserved hammering in the press.

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Is anyone surprised?

Actually Franky Bear you should be surprised, shouldn't you? This is what you posted earlier:

Anyone that thinks the Brit embassy have not been on this from the start is a fool. same with Westminster. They will have stood back, taking notes allowing time for Thailand to do what they see fit. You don't just stick your nose into a sovereign countries judicial system when you feel like it.

So much for the British Embassy's note taking, huh?

The BK British Embassy is purely a chamber of commerce and the British Foreign Office is only concerned with maintaining British (and American) strategic interests in the region. Justice for British citizens is way down the agenda. So their response to this two-fingured snub from Thailand will be to take it on the chin.

And as i posted earlier the British FO interest in this case has come way too late, only forced by the Myanmar government's request for British police involvement. But by now all DNA and other evidence will have been tampered with to get the result the Thai tourism industry needs.

You should 'stick your nose into a sovereign country's judicial system' when you can anticipate at the outset that the judicial system is at best inept, more likely corrupt. The warning bells should surely have been ringing on day one when the Thai police stated that the culprits could not possibly be Thais.

Edited by TV7
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Now this guy is speaking for the UK government. Another thread said that the UK summoned Thailand's rep in the UK. Who to believe? This is fun! w00t.gif

Not the first time a Thai official has happily spoken out on behalf of another government or international government.

The British Government should reiterate their position in no uncertain terms and it has to come from someone very senior in London and not left to the embassy in Bkk.

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Now this guy is speaking for the UK government. Another thread said that the UK summoned Thailand's rep in the UK. Who to believe? This is fun! w00t.gif

Not the first time a Thai official has happily spoken out on behalf of another government or international government.

The British Government should reiterate their position in no uncertain terms and it has to come from someone very senior in London and not left to the embassy in Bkk.

Apologies, should read ' international organisations.

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The guys on Twitter and other media are not standing for these repeated conflicting statements coming from the PM, the police, and anyone else involved,

Not allowing the defense attorneys more time to prepare is amazing

None of this is getting any better, and as others have pointed out,

each day we hope that something has improved, and it just gets more distasteful,

I personally can not see myself ever wanting to take a chance of being in the wrong place at the wrong time in Thailand

There is no way out there,

I have read other places about other cases that you can't even make a phone call,

and, repeatedly, where "interpreters" are used to get people to sign things they can not read, and find they confessed to a crime and are now being sentenced,

it sounds like Nazi Germany

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BBC reports: The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) said the summons of Nadhavathna Krishnamra on Monday followed a call made by Mr Swire to Thailand's deputy prime minister and foreign minister earlier this month.In a statement, the FCO said: "Mr Swire stressed that there was a real concern in the UK about how the investigation has been handled by the Thai authorities.

Who do you believe, BBC or Mr. Foot in mouth Prayuth? Does he even do a little research before making these comments? These guys are clowns. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. Every time they open their mouth now they look more and more the fool

Yeah,, But so many here support this guy,,, but now they're a little on the quiet side,,, Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

The thing is he just keeps doing it so is it a misunderstanding again and again? or maybe a miss translation again? or is it this is what he really thinks???

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Who in their right mind would bother with any full moon party now?

Remind me, did they ever have any music festivals after Altamont?

There have been many. But, there have not been many where the organizers chose to have the Hells Angels in charge of security, and paid them in liquor, coke and smack. Funny that.

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