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Thai PM plays down British offer of help in beach murder probe

Lite Beer

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Oh YES. In the US the accused have a right to an attorney at government expense if they can't afford one. The defense attorney would have a right to "discovery" meaning a right to see all of the evidence before the trial. The defense would have a RIGHT to independent expert witnesses who would have a RIGHT to samples of the evidence for independent testing.

The defense attorney would have the RIGHT to determine who his expert and independent investigators and witnesses would be, and if he had offers from places with more expertise than he could muster, he could use them.

He could drill down as far as needed and the government would have to cough up anything he wanted before trial.

It's called a right to discovery.

Thailand's system STINKS of secrecy and corruption.

But what if for example a French couple were murdered in the USA? And then 2 poor illegal immigrant Mexicans were arrested and charged with their murders, the police claiming they have all the evidence against them. And then the French Government gives out a hint that they think the United States police force has a dubious reputation or are incompetent and only charged the Mexicans to save face as a cover up for something and probably would not trust the evidence even if the USA police were completely open with it, and then asks if it can send in their own French detectives to investigate the case? How do you think the United States government would respond to that?

"even if the USA police were completely open with it"

You spotted the difference yourself - what more needs to be said?

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I fear this could blow up into an international diplomatic incident

IMHO I rather doubt it

It certainly has a lot of potential. The UK has seen this Thai movie so many times over the years they have decided it is time to throw down the gauntlet. I suspect the UK are at least four chess moves ahead of the Thais, who are checkmated at will, and have already made that decision.

Once that happens, well, the Blue Diamond affair comes to mind.

250,000 Thais working in Saudi were expelled since the elite Thais that have the jewels have decided to keep them.

They don't care about the average Thai.

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Since our Police force is corrupt to the bone and has a worldwide reputation as an organized criminals, I welcome the British to come review the case.

That's what he should say.

indeed they let the boss of the island on the crime scene as the pics prove seriously does anybody think thats a real investigation?

but they insist and they are so persistent and stubborn in their farce

Very strange and concerning event, the injuries to Hannah Witheridge appear to be and act of anger designed to make a beautiful girl deformed and ugly. Hopefully the truth will come out and the perversely sick individuals who committed this heinous act will be suitably punished.

PS: You can find an interesting video at You Tube, entitled "The Story of the Koh Tao Murder", but beware there are some graphic pics.

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So, how many cheerleaders on here still think that corruption on high levels is gone?

Does anyone think that a certain color of shirt has consistently been favored, and another color of shirt chased down for various things?

Where are those people who think that this is the greatest thing since sliced bread?

Do some people still think there will be fundamental change, or is it becoming apparent that it's just the other side in charge now?

I had high hopes with the changes that have been made and perhaps that a slight attitude readjustment might take place. I was wrong. Completely wrong. Nothing has changed, and they don't want it to.

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I fear this could blow up into an international diplomatic incident

IMHO I rather doubt it

It certainly has a lot of potential. The UK has seen this Thai movie so many times over the years they have decided it is time to throw down the gauntlet. I suspect the UK are at least four chess moves ahead of the Thais, who are checkmated at will, and have already made that decision.

Once that happens, well, the Blue Diamond affair comes to mind.

You are feeding a troll - one who does not even understand what the 'H' in IMHO stands for, as his posts are anything but...

Got it. People who disagree with you are not worthy of a civil response.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

That statement is rather telling and almost threat-like:

"Anyone can come to Thailand, but don't forget that what is our issue, is our issue," he said of British offer of help.

Can you imagine the UK allowing Thai help in their country?

Or what about the US lol

I cannot imagine either country being so inept with a murder investigation that foreign countries would have any need to offer assistance. The USA has the world's foremost DNA labs and both countries have one of the world's foremost investigation agencies. What could Thailand offer - bribes?

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I fear this could blow up into an international diplomatic incident

IMHO I rather doubt it

It certainly has a lot of potential. The UK has seen this Thai movie so many times over the years they have decided it is time to throw down the gauntlet. I suspect the UK are at least four chess moves ahead of the Thais, who are checkmated at will, and have already made that decision.

Once that happens, well, the Blue Diamond affair comes to mind.

You are feeding a troll - one who does not even understand what the 'H' in IMHO stands for, as his posts are anything but...

Got it. People who disagree with you are not worthy of a civil response.

Well I'll be framed by a crooked cop!

Your finally starting to get it JD. Better late than never i suppose

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Priorities in solving this case.

1: keep tourist revenue coming in.

2: face.

3: make sure someone who doesn't matter did it.

4: deny any flaws in case.

5: justice and the truth or at least an acceptable form of both to ensure 1-4 happen.

6: well number 1 at the very least.


1. Face

2. Face

3. More Face

4. Even more Face

5. Get out of my face.

Let's face it. It's no farce that face is the ace in this place.

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Gen. Prayut has personally committed himself to the quilt of the two Burmese before any trial has happened:

- No Thai could have committed the murders;

- The police will get a reward for their diligent work to find the accused;

- Interrogations in secrecy are appropriate

Continuing as part of the NCPO that rules the country, albeit largely now through its "cut-outs", he leaves no room to save face from any action that might cast doubts on the Burmese's innocence. He cannot reverse himself (an ability that any capable politican has) no matter how possible innocence might be as that might weaken him as being perceived in control. And of course being at the pinnacle of power, there is no check and balance to his decisions, particularly under martial law wherein he could order the accused to be tried in a MILITARY COURT.

The real question to the Thai people is whether such single-minded governance is healthy for the nation.

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Gen. Prayut has personally committed himself to the quilt of the two Burmese before any trial has happened:

- No Thai could have committed the murders;

- The police will get a reward for their diligent work to find the accused;

- Interrogations in secrecy are appropriate

Continuing as part of the NCPO that rules the country, albeit largely now through its "cut-outs", he leaves no room to save face from any action that might cast doubts on the Burmese's innocence. He cannot reverse himself (an ability that any capable politican has) no matter how possible innocence might be as that might weaken him as being perceived in control. And of course being at the pinnacle of power, there is no check and balance to his decisions, particularly under martial law wherein he could order the accused to be tried in a MILITARY COURT.

The larger question to the Thai people is whether such single-minded governance is healthy for the nation.

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"Anyone can come to Thailand, but don't forget that what is our issue, is our issue," he said of British offer of help.

it seems like it is Britain's issue, too, dear General

Let's hope the Generals statement was for domestic consumption and a superficial show of nationalistic control.........whilst at the same time he allows some " observers" in.

But what then? Assuming the observers might be a tad critical of the RTP, and possibly even dispute their findings, how does the game play out?

Finding that there was some technical error in a DNA match due to the the incredibly complicated process involved, lack of specialist equipment etc etc, might be a face saving way of getting the Burmese off.

But pointing the finger at an alternative suspect who might be a Thai person? That will be a different matter.

I suspect that these kinds of issues might be under discussion between the governments and I'm betting that IF the Thais ever let in an observer, making sure that any conclusions remain forever secret will be one of their preconditions.

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jdinasia did not engage in incivility and his opinion may well be more realistic than mine.

But it is hard for me to believe that the UK ambassador and FCO have made this so public that it will be another swept under the rug deal. Unprecedented for the UK to escalate to this level?

I would also speculate that the Thai PM would not be so adamant and public unless the UK read his government the riot act. After all the blunders in these well publicized murders, it's fight or flight.

Oh well, in the end Thailand is not a very important country anyway, probably never will be.

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General, I've trusted you up to now.

You are making me to change my mind about your way of thinking and acting.

Be the man that you appeared to be at the beginning.

Don't let people stop trusting you and your judgement.

You trusted the man because you have forgotten the history of military dictatorships ... in fact, the history of military dictatorship in your own country. Do you remember that the Colonels seized power in your own country on the pretext of saving it from corruption and communism? Do you remember the human rights violations and corruption that took place under their regime?

Look, some coups (not all) take place because the generals want to stabilise the nation. But there are all sorts of downsides that come along with that, even with the best-intentioned military people running things. We tend not to like politicians because they are slippery and say and do things just to get votes. But the good thing about them is that they are sensitive to people's perceptions of them and they have to allow public scrutiny of their actions (through the media etc). Military men go through their lives not caring about what people think .... they give orders, they don't need to get people on side or be sensitive to how things are perceived so long as they have people's respect. So they will be prone to making comments about bikinis and won't appreciate (or care about) how the handling police investigation appears to the rest of the world. They come from a different world and this is what you get....

Be careful what you ask for...

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"We managed to arrest suspects swiftly even though it seemed impossible at the beginning," he said.

Looks like at least he was smart enough to not add the word THE before SUSPECTS, as that would have given his sentence a completely different meaning.

Did he actually make the statement in English or is this just typical (mis)translation?

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So, how many cheerleaders on here still think that corruption on high levels is gone?

Does anyone think that a certain color of shirt has consistently been favored, and another color of shirt chased down for various things?

Where are those people who think that this is the greatest thing since sliced bread?

Do some people still think there will be fundamental change, or is it becoming apparent that it's just the other side in charge now?

In the interests of positive thinking and giving the benefit of the doubt, I kept the glass half full on the Generals/PM's pledge on cleaning up Thailand and for a short time the efforts on Phuket showed some hope that things were changing.

Considering his efforts on the Koh Tao case, his credibility has slipped or gone down the drain completely.

Anyway the thing is one must remain positive on all issues, only being positive gives some hope for change. To the naysayers you will always be right because in your world nothing will ever change!

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Can you imagine the UK allowing Thai help in their country?

They could, if there was a field where Thailand was competent. Just wonder what that would be? Do you have any suggestions?

They ain't bad at staging coups d'états--19 in the past 80 years or so...

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Mr PM to show Thailand is moving toward reform It might be in the best interests of to allow outside investigation into the murders to show Thailand did there level best. Openness goes a long way to opening a flow of huge corporations wanting to do business open plants and bring much needed invests to the Thai people. Not to mention Millions of USD's for development projects. But only a suggestion Mr Pm Up to you to decide, after all it is Thailand's image that is damaged or that is in question.

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Oh well, in the end Thailand is not a very important country anyway, probably never will be.

That's what they should tell the kids in school at 8am every morning.

May see a change then in a generation or so, or is the aim of Thailand to be the last developing country on the planet.

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Although the PM's intentions, I believe were sincere and earnest and many small projects encouraged the citizenry, the major problems facing the country remain untouched.

It, apparently is very, very difficult to switch from " Commanding GENERAL " to politician and country leader. Changing from a uniform to a suit is not enough nor is the old habit of issuing unquestionable "orders" the best diplomatic approach to resolving issues domestic or foreign.

Thailand has always resisted any form of foreign involvement although most offered was of a helpful nature and, now, yet another rejection of assistance from the nation losing their citizens and having probably, next to Japan, more investments and ex pats here. Saying NO, with no explanation or alternatives offered is an inbred habit of militant leaders but hasn't/does not now, make friends.

Now, more than ever, Thailand needs friends and refusing, out of hand, offers of assistance from experienced/proven English law enforcement was a mistake.

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