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Australian Meat Cleaver Incident at Central Pattaya Car Wash

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A couple of posts have been removed:

And now a few more !! - petercool

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Looks like he is of 'middle eastern descent'. Enough said. Please don't send him back to Aus. Choof him off to Syria where I'm sure he and his cleaver will be much more appreciated.


Well, he does sound like a nutter (I wish Americans had such witty expressions) but to be fair, the article does indicate the exact details are unclear between when he got angry and when the police arrived and found him with a cleaver.

Its entirely possible he voiced his displeasure at the sticker removal and was quickly confronted by half a dozen Thai car wash attendants ready to practice their Mui Thai moves on him--at which point he removed his cleaver.

Or perhaps he simply removed the cleaver to scrape off the sticker residue?

Knowing the Thai mentality of six to one, there could be, I say "could" be possible he pulled it out to defend himself, I always carried a hammer in my car when back in the UK, although I never had to use it.

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Everyone in Australia comes from somewhere else (including aboriginals, just came long long time ago). So racism is alive and well on TV. Would you be happier if his name was Foster Pinkwell from Stoke on Thebarrbi? Personally I'd give him benefit of doubt, as Thais seem to think 1 on 1 is not "cricket", prefer flashmobs.


A real Australian name. Not?

This thread pretty much shows white Australians for what they are and what they always have been. Racists.

If Walid had been a rugby or league star, he would have been well claimed as an Aussie.

Hypocrites! The only true Australians have a lineage that goes back 40,000 years, not 150!

But hes not a Rugby Star, hes a nutter.Ozzies are not Racist, as we can see by him having an Ozz P/Port


A member posted on here that he had been threatened on Jomtien by the same person in the OP. I suggested that he should report it to the police. Both the post in question and my suggestion have been removed. However, a subsequent post by the member threatened in Jomtien claims there were also witnesses.

A death threat is not treated lightly by Thai law and if there are witnesses, then I really recommend that the member threatened in Jomtien STILL file a report with the Pattaya police as soon as possible.


Can you do like that in Australia? It's quite common that you don't get a job done as you want in Thailand. Good people but different working standards.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


Should have been arrested for carrying an offensive weapon to say the least,together with affray then sent home on the first available flight crazy men like him makes it worse for the decent people living here.


Anger management problems...............a small piece of cloth and some thinner would have done the job (on the window of course).

Can't blame the car wash.....the sticker was removed


behaves like a typical Aussie. Met plenty of them in oz


In the UK he could would be facing a criminal charges (unless deemed to be insane whereby he could be locked up indefinitely in a secure nut house), likly out come for this offence would be at least 6 month custodial.

Examples of nature of activity: Weapon used to threaten or cause fear and offence committed in dangerous circumstances

Starting point: In excess of 6 months custody
Range: In excess of 6 months custody so venue is the Crown Court


Incase it has not been mentioned yet I don't think Walid Chami is an Australian name, more likely middle eastern.

What's that got to do with it he is from Australia full stop... it doesn't make Australians bad dip stick...About 60% of Australians living in Australia are from all walk of life even Thai peopel which call themselves Australians.

It went straight over your head didn't it.... who's the dipstick now ?

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Sounds like the MO used for the Koh Tao case.

Get information only from Thais.

Believe what the Thais say, because Thais do not lie, and no Thai would ever put a foreigner into a position to have to use a cleaver to postpone a beating or worse.

Additionally, when writing a story, never ever get a statement from the foreigner, if they are living and able to speak coherently.

Added to the fact that the foreigner was let go, I would say that he had good enough reason for not being detained.

My vote goes to the foreigner for being quick minded enough to fend off the pack of cowards who were about to give him a beating for no reason at all, as well as not cleaning the window as they should have, and trying to get him to pay.

Reminds me of two Thais who beat up the foreigner who was naive and gullible enough to sit with them and drink all night, expecting them to share in the bill.

Generally speaking, it's odd typical that when the Thais don't get a chance to have one up on the foreigner, it is the foreigner who is labeled by a Thai making a statement to another Thai, and no one ever gets to hear out the foreigner.


He is not an Australian, send him home

OH you know him. Migrants to Oz can get naturalised you know and become Australian citizens for better or for worse but I guess you can tell by looking at the photo..well done.


Do something like that in Australia these days and it would be minimum capsicum spray or, just as likely, shot. He's lucky.


The real point is when a western person does something, the police response is within minutes but when a Thai does something wrong to a Frang the police response time is days.

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