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Train killer may get attacked in Thai prison


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Train killer may get attacked in prison
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Corrections Department has voiced concerns about the possibility of the convict - sentenced to death for raping and killing a 13-year-old girl on the train - being attacked in prison.

Wanchai Saengkhao was sent to the Bangkwang Central Prison yesterday, where more than 800 other convicts on death row are being detained.

The department said Wanchai's crimes were so hideous that other inmates may turn against him.

"We will try to monitor him round the clock," director general Wittaya Suriyawong said yesterday.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Train-killer-may-get-attacked-in-prison-30245489.html

-- The Nation 2014-10-15

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In this case I will make an exception to my general disdain of death sentences.

He's been sentenced to death by a court, one day someone will cary out this sentence.

Does it really matter who, when and where ?

Well it distinguishes us from the animal that committed the crime.

If one animal kills another its ok. This guy is surrounded by animals all waiting for an untimely death compliments of the courts.

If they kill him before his appointed time it will end the suffering of that little girls family and save the Gov the money and effort of killing him themselves. I just hope if they do kill him that they rape him several times first or gang rape him so he can know how he made that little girl suffer before he killed her

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If an evil rapist and murderer of a child is sent to prison and gets defiled seven ways to sunday, could we see the pics?

Any news on what punishment his relative got? You remember, his relative that was a "big guy" in the railway dept that got his scrote nephew a job and gave the child murderer and rapist a sense of invicibility due to his powerful connections. I would like to see this hiso facilitator face draconian punishment for his role - something fatal and slow will suffice.

Huuummmm, not sure on that one......... If I could, I would get my nephew a job, I would like to think I wouldn't be held accountable if he raped someone though. Fairly sure if the uncle knew how it would pan out, then he would never have done his nephew a solid.

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If an evil rapist and murderer of a child is sent to prison and gets defiled seven ways to sunday, could we see the pics?

Any news on what punishment his relative got? You remember, his relative that was a "big guy" in the railway dept that got his scrote nephew a job and gave the child murderer and rapist a sense of invicibility due to his powerful connections. I would like to see this hiso facilitator face draconian punishment for his role - something fatal and slow will suffice.

Huuummmm, not sure on that one......... If I could, I would get my nephew a job, I would like to think I wouldn't be held accountable if he raped someone though. Fairly sure if the uncle knew how it would pan out, then he would never have done his nephew a solid.

Interesting POV. So, that the standard job application procedure was not used in this case, ie no check of criminal record etc etc because the murderer was a close relative of some bigwig should excuse the bigwig from any repercusions? You have seen how these entitled little pricks behave right? He's not the only one, these entitled types are everywhere.

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If an evil rapist and murderer of a child is sent to prison and gets defiled seven ways to sunday, could we see the pics?

Any news on what punishment his relative got? You remember, his relative that was a "big guy" in the railway dept that got his scrote nephew a job and gave the child murderer and rapist a sense of invicibility due to his powerful connections. I would like to see this hiso facilitator face draconian punishment for his role - something fatal and slow will suffice.

Huuummmm, not sure on that one......... If I could, I would get my nephew a job, I would like to think I wouldn't be held accountable if he raped someone though. Fairly sure if the uncle knew how it would pan out, then he would never have done his nephew a solid.

I would bet if you look into the nephews past he would have many flawed character traits, but nobody would say a thing, as he is a relative of a wealthy/influential man. This is evidenced every single day in the Thai news...

Edited by ParadiseLost
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May get ???


I hope some-one punches his belly, chick and chin many-times until he gets unconscious, than rapes him several times, than throws out him from the window as a garbage, exactly like he did to those poor innocent and unprotected 13 yrs old school-girl.


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In this case I will make an exception to my general disdain of death sentences.

He's been sentenced to death by a court, one day someone will cary out this sentence.

Does it really matter who, when and where ?

I think the punishment will be fairer, the prisoners will kill him slowly with much pain...

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If an evil rapist and murderer of a child is sent to prison and gets defiled seven ways to sunday, could we see the pics?

Any news on what punishment his relative got? You remember, his relative that was a "big guy" in the railway dept that got his scrote nephew a job and gave the child murderer and rapist a sense of invicibility due to his powerful connections. I would like to see this hiso facilitator face draconian punishment for his role - something fatal and slow will suffice.

Huuummmm, not sure on that one......... If I could, I would get my nephew a job, I would like to think I wouldn't be held accountable if he raped someone though. Fairly sure if the uncle knew how it would pan out, then he would never have done his nephew a solid.

Interesting POV. So, that the standard job application procedure was not used in this case, ie no check of criminal record etc etc because the murderer was a close relative of some bigwig should excuse the bigwig from any repercusions? You have seen how these entitled little pricks behave right? He's not the only one, these entitled types are everywhere.

What links do you have to say the standard interview procedure was not adhered to? I have read about this case from the start, I don't recall reading anything to say he never had an interview or that a criminal check wasn't run on him (although I doubt a check was, as it pretty much never is in Thailand for this kind of work). No doubt he got the job because of his uncle, but I have seen nothing to suggest he didn't go to an interview of some kind, even if it was a shoe in.

Edited by JeremyBowskill
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May get ???


I hope some-one punches his belly, chick and chin many-times until he gets unconscious, than rapes him several times, than throws out him from the window as a garbage, exactly like he did to those poor innocent and unprotected 13 yrs old school-girl.


So childish.

1) There are so many better ways to inflict pain on him.

2) Take a break whilst typing and calm down.

3) Raping him would be more effective whilst he is awake.

4) We have something called human rights which are non-discriminatory, something which sets us apart from his type.

5) Throwing him out of a window on a train could give him a means to escape.

6) Let Thai prison do its job.

7) Stating a 13 year old is "innocent, unprotected and in school" would account for most 13 year olds.

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Can we even be sure he is the real killer? This case had conflicting reports initially in the press and police bungled things in this case too. Just because he has admitted it and the DNA matches doesn't mean it was not the son of rich Koh Tao resident who was studying in Bangkok at the time. Did the police check the rich son's DNA? Has a foreign government done independent DNA testing? w00t.gifcrazy.gif

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