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Cancer-killing virus discovered by Chinese scientists


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Cancer-killing virus discovered by Chinese scientists
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GUANGZHOU, Oct 15 (Xinhua) -- Chinese scientists have extracted a virus known as M1 that could kill cancer cells without harming normal cells, giving hope for future research and development of cancer therapies.

A research team led by Yan Guangmei, a professor from the Zhongshan School of Medicine under the Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangdong Province, found the virus, extracted from a certain kind of mosquito in the tropical Hainan Province, can curb cancer cells' growth without damaging normal cells.

The discovery was published in the October edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Animal tests found that the M1 virus worked well on cancer cells of the liver, bladder, colon and rectum.

Cancer is a growing threat to health in China due to unhealthy lifestyles and a deteriorating environment. China reports 3.5 million new cases of cancer each year. And 2.5 million people, nearly the population of Kuwait, die of cancers each year in China. (Xinhua)

-- TNA 2014-10-15

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Would the pill makers not potentially make more by having cancer cured and the resulting lives filled with anti-depressants, lipids, insulin, vitamin supplements, heart drugs etc etc....???

The patents expired years ago.

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Would the pill makers not potentially make more by having cancer cured and the resulting lives filled with anti-depressants, lipids, insulin, vitamin supplements, heart drugs etc etc....???

The patents expired years ago.

Not every patent for these issues....

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Would the pill makers not potentially make more by having cancer cured and the resulting lives filled with anti-depressants, lipids, insulin, vitamin supplements, heart drugs etc etc....???

The patents expired years ago.

Not every patent for these issues....

I think it's 25 years for a global patent. So the newer drugs will still be within that.

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Great news, sadly I doubt will ever see it as pharmaceutical company's would never let any cure hit the market, too much money is being made

Whilst I understand no-one wants their family, friends or loved ones to die, if people didn't die then that would cause a whole host of other problems.

It's natural for people to die, even accidents are a good thing in the overall scheme of things.

A cure for Cancer or the total elimination of accidents / diseases or whatever would be a disaster for society and the planet.

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Great news, sadly I doubt will ever see it as pharmaceutical company's would never let any cure hit the market, too much money is being made

Whilst I understand no-one wants their family, friends or loved ones to die, if people didn't die then that would cause a whole host of other problems.

It's natural for people to die, even accidents are a good thing in the overall scheme of things.

A cure for Cancer or the total elimination of accidents / diseases or whatever would be a disaster for society and the planet.

but not on a personal level

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Would the pill makers not potentially make more by having cancer cured and the resulting lives filled with anti-depressants, lipids, insulin, vitamin supplements, heart drugs etc etc....???

If people live longer, they will buy and need more drugs and medicine, whether patented or not. But the conspiracy people want us all to think that withhold cures and treatments.

Dead people don't buy drugs.

That's an assumption that if people live longer they would be sick to require drugs and medicine.

If people with cancer are cured in say 1 month , they will no longer require medication, however cancer patients require loads of expansive meducation on daily basis , some for many years before they pass.

There have been a number of announcement of cure to cancer and hiv but after the announcement it never developed into anything else.

There was a doctor in US( sorry do not recall the name but can try to look it up) he has found a way to cure/ kill cancers in people with stage 4, ie final stage.

He was persecuted and pretty much forced to leave US.

He has now opened clinic in Mexico and has a very large success rate, though cost of treatment is $10000 or there abouts.

Putting all of that aside , if people lived longer , earth would be over populated and most importantly government would have to pay pensions longer.

So in summary, no cure would ever be allowed as it does not benefit those in power or money making .

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Great news, sadly I doubt will ever see it as pharmaceutical company's would never let any cure hit the market, too much money is being made

Whilst I understand no-one wants their family, friends or loved ones to die, if people didn't die then that would cause a whole host of other problems.

It's natural for people to die, even accidents are a good thing in the overall scheme of things.

A cure for Cancer or the total elimination of accidents / diseases or whatever would be a disaster for society and the planet.

No it wouldn't.

You haven't factored in wars. They will happen.

Classic bell curve or distorted bell curve, both population trends end the same way.

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So what some posters are saying is that we shouldn't persue a cure for cancer as if one is found, so many people won't die early leading to the world being overpopulated. Why not go the whole hog and stop vacinating people against diseases, treating accident victims, in fact just give up each country having a health service, just think of all the money that would save and just how much the population of the world would be reduced.

What absolute nonsense, but then I'm probably biased as I've had four operations in the past 14 months for bladder cancer and the treatment is ongoing and I'm fighting this thing as hard as I can, I've only got this one life, and I want to be here to enjoy it as long as possible.

There are too many " hope " quotes to post .

But basically humans must have hope to keep on going.

I am sorry about your sickness and do wish you all the best and speedy recovery .

As I sayd before there are a number of doctors who can cure cancer, but their treatments are not covered by any insurance or Medicare and are not approved by any government yet they have proven the results.

Gerson is a perfect example

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So what some posters are saying is that we shouldn't persue a cure for cancer as if one is found, so many people won't die early leading to the world being overpopulated. Why not go the whole hog and stop vacinating people against diseases, treating accident victims, in fact just give up each country having a health service, just think of all the money that would save and just how much the population of the world would be reduced.

What absolute nonsense, but then I'm probably biased as I've had four operations in the past 14 months for bladder cancer and the treatment is ongoing and I'm fighting this thing as hard as I can, I've only got this one life, and I want to be here to enjoy it as long as possible.

Best of luck with your fight

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There was a doctor in US( sorry do not recall the name but can try to look it up) he has found a way to cure/ kill cancers in people with stage 4, ie final stage.

He was persecuted and pretty much forced to leave US.

He has now opened clinic in Mexico and has a very large success rate, though cost of treatment is $10000 or there abouts.


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There was a doctor in US( sorry do not recall the name but can try to look it up) he has found a way to cure/ kill cancers in people with stage 4, ie final stage.

He was persecuted and pretty much forced to leave US.

He has now opened clinic in Mexico and has a very large success rate, though cost of treatment is $10000 or there abouts.


No, Gerson clinic. One in Mexico and now one in Hungary

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