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Koh Tao murders: Petition seeking new probe to be handed to PM David Cameron


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Petition seeking new probe to be handed to PM Cameron

The Nation

David Cameron. File photo - source Internet

BANGKOK: -- A British newspaper reported that a petition with more than 65,000 signatures would soon be handed to Prime Minister David Cameron's Office asking for a reinvestigation into the Koh Tao case and outlining fears that Thai investigation into the September 15 murders was "flawed".

Jersey Evening Post said the number of people who put their names down on the petition had risen from 45,000 six days ago to Bt65,000 as of yesterday. The online petition addressed to the British Embassy in Thailand demands a "full and independent investigation" into the killings.

Separately, Thai public prosecutors and forensic police will provide clarifications in a press conference on Monday as to whether the two Myanmar migrants accused of killing the two British tourists had been tortured during interrogation, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) said yesterday.

The rights commission has also invited officials from the Justice Ministry’s Central Institute of Forensic Science to attend the 10am event, which will be held at the NHRC headquarters.

Details gathered by a fact-finding NHRC committee through interviews with the two suspects, migrant workers and other Koh Tao residents would also be revealed at the conference, commissioner Nirand Phithakwatchara said.

Before departing for Italy yesterday, Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha was briefed about the meeting between the British and Myanmar ambassadors. The Foreign Ministry mediated this meeting.

PM Prayuth Chan-o-cha was quoted as saying the meeting's results could be considered satisfactory as the British diplomats appeared to be receptive to the Thai police's investigation, though they found it difficult to accept the fact that police was not required to keep them updated on the case constantly.

Citing a statement by an unknown British official that the police had not given him constant updates, the premier said police were not obliged to report on their work unless a formal request is submitted.

Meanwhile, the Human Rights Lawyer Association and the Union for Civil Liberty yesterday issued a joint statement calling on all parties to be careful when giving interviews about the double murder case, as they might be affecting the legal and human rights of the victims and the suspects.

Police and public investigators also need to protect the rights of defendants or suspects in the line of their duty, the statement said.

It also called on the media in Thailand to strictly observe professional ethics, especially when it comes to protecting the victims' rights.

Extra caution is required to ensure their reports do not vilify suspects or defendants, especially if they end up being finally acquitted or proven not guilty, as no compensation can be provided for damaged reputations.

Both agencies also called on members of the Thai media and their regulatory bodies to keep checking on one another and maintaining a balance.

The detention of the two suspects was yesterday extended for another 12 days after the first 12-day period ended after the Surat Thani court accepted the public prosecutors' plea against granting them bail.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Petition-seeking-new-probe-to-be-handed-to-PM-Came-30245556.html

-- The Nation 2014-10-16

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Meanwhile ............

Myanmar's MPs weigh in on Koh Tao murder trial

Myanmar's national parliament has approved an urgent proposal demanding that two migrant workers arrested on suspicion of murder on Thailand’s Koh Tao island be given a fair trial.


just keeps on building. thumbsup.gif

Edited by englishoak
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And ...

SURAT THANI — The Koh Samui Provincial Court on Wednesday approved a police request to detain the Myanmar suspects in the murder of two British tourists for another 12 days before prosecutors seek to indict them.

They already said they were going to do that anyway. Illegal or not.

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And the British press has now got the bit firmly between their teeth

Thailand beach murders: Fury over speed of trial of Burmese accused of British backpacker killings

A Thai judge sparked outrage today by pressing ahead with the trial of two Burmese bar workers accused of murdering British backpackers Hannah Witheridge and David Miller.



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It id difficult to grasp how those that expect acceptance and obedience of words and deeds do not realise that other nationals and governments feel no such obligation. How much better would the relations be with a cooperative open procedure leading to closure for the victims friends and relatives. For both the friends and relatives plus for Thailand, I hope this can be sorted out.

Edited by alant
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"the meeting's results could be considered satisfactory as the British diplomats appeared to be receptive to the Thai police's investigation," C'mon.... in a land known for scams and deception, you think Brits are going to pound table? I hope they just nod heads and go on with own investigation, wait for RTP et al to rush judgement of guilty, then present side of competent investigation. Don't play British hand until time is right.

So glad internet is as widespread as it is. May be used by terrorists, but here is fine example of bringing wrong doing out into the light.

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"the meeting's results could be considered satisfactory as the British diplomats appeared to be receptive to the Thai police's investigation," C'mon.... in a land known for scams and deception, you think Brits are going to pound table? I hope they just nod heads and go on with own investigation, wait for RTP et al to rush judgement of guilty, then present side of competent investigation. Don't play British hand until time is right.

So glad internet is as widespread as it is. May be used by terrorists, but here is fine example of bringing wrong doing out into the light.


Careful what you wish for. The junta might just decide the internet is too much of a liability for them, and shut it down. Completely.

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The Key is the DNA which the Thai police "say" is a match - get that verified and we will believe beyond any reasonable doubt - I honestly fail to understand why they won't do that (or maybe I do) in order to stop the rot surrounding this vile crime

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What we have here a basic case of FACE, the Thais have probably screwed up and cocked up a simple investigation of murder of two people and as they are harassed to find the killers they have managed/ manipulated and concocted a scenario that fits in with their bumbling investigation, at no time are they intending nor will they ever admit that they are wrong and they dare the world to do that, and as they hold all the evidence with the inept and corrupt practices then evidence can be and probably has been manipulated to fit the current situation.

Thailand being asovreign nation it is hard for anyone to call foul without insulting the Government and that is something most countries will not do .

The public quite rightly being Thai do not really want an outside investigation or even corroboration to the investigation as they deep down are fully aware that it is probably flawed. The problem here is the NEW PM's refusal and insistence that all is OK when he must know it is NOT, so again scapegoats will pay the price and to make it go away they may well pay the ultimate price, by dying in custody , made to be seen as suicide which will exonerate the Police and pour blame on them with no legal and public reply. As dead men in Thailand cannot talk. As they are also illegal than it is a fait accompli and it will go the way of the Dodo.


I think you miss the most important aspect of this, and that is that the entire debacle exists simply to protect the real killers, who are no doubt related to the influencial family on Koh Tao.

For sure, otherwise everything would be clearly revealed- BS, smoke and mirrors, 200 cops present there for a while, endless charades...., pretty obvious well-connected people.

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something else for pryuh to deny no doubt whistling.gif

Meanwhile ............

Myanmar's MPs weigh in on Koh Tao murder trial

Myanmar's national parliament has approved an urgent proposal demanding that two migrant workers arrested on suspicion of murder on Thailand’s Koh Tao island be given a fair trial.


just keeps on building. thumbsup.gif

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What we have here a basic case of FACE, the Thais have probably screwed up and cocked up a simple investigation of murder of two people and as they are harassed to find the killers they have managed/ manipulated and concocted a scenario that fits in with their bumbling investigation, at no time are they intending nor will they ever admit that they are wrong and they dare the world to do that, and as they hold all the evidence with the inept and corrupt practices then evidence can be and probably has been manipulated to fit the current situation.

Thailand being asovreign nation it is hard for anyone to call foul without insulting the Government and that is something most countries will not do .

The public quite rightly being Thai do not really want an outside investigation or even corroboration to the investigation as they deep down are fully aware that it is probably flawed. The problem here is the NEW PM's refusal and insistence that all is OK when he must know it is NOT, so again scapegoats will pay the price and to make it go away they may well pay the ultimate price, by dying in custody , made to be seen as suicide which will exonerate the Police and pour blame on them with no legal and public reply. As dead men in Thailand cannot talk. As they are also illegal than it is a fait accompli and it will go the way of the Dodo.

I don't think it's just a case of the BIB being harassed to find a culprit. It seems to me to be a case of a known culprit being replaced by scapegoats.

Just look at some of the initial evidence and announcements. Arguments with locals, a local fleeing on the first boat out etc etc, all pointing to a local person. Then it all went dead. Nothing mattered but migrants. Any other leads were ignored.

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