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Koh Tao murders: Petition seeking new probe to be handed to PM David Cameron


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Blah , Blah , Blah,

Cameron is more interested in the phony wars going on, to create money for the arms manufactures.

The share price for general dynamics up 22% in the last week.

Meanwhile the British economy at record debt is firing misfiles and deploying planes with borrowed money from the IMF or whoever to destroy the infrastructure of the people that once existed before the Toyota and rocket launcher mob arrived firing American arms at civilians.

Who says where did you get those guns son!

Who asks who buys the oil from ISIS and supplies them guns and trucks and tanks with stolen revenue from oil and bank robbery.

A complete farce being conducted in front of your eyes on TV.

So if you choke and swallow this crap then you might hope and only hope that the Cameron that thinks he can sell Christmas to Santa clause might investigate the obvious.

I say unlikely he's a pimp for the arms companies,

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Nice, I see the UK Gov has issued a statement in Thai confirming and reinforcing that the Thai diplomat was indeed 'Summoned' and not invited. Taken from Mark Kent's twitter https://www.gov.uk/government/news/fco-minister-summons-thai-charge-daffaires-to-foreign-office.th


Thats says it all and its clear the UK are not going to let this go despite the spin the Thai PM tries to put on.

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Yes, a horrific double murder and the guilty need to be brought swiftly to Justice.

But hold on a minute about Petitions to the British PM and demands for a British investigation. Just who do these people think they are?

We have some very fine Police in Thailand who are more than capable of handling this.

Thailand is a Sovereign State, so just back-off with your "Colonial Mentality" and leave it to the Royal Thai Police, instead of trying to run rough-shod over our investigative team. Time to simply accept the fact that "Britain no longer rules the waves"...or anything else these days and certainly never has, nor will it ever, rule Thailand.

is it the same police who let a potential suspect walking free in the crime scene?who tortured the witness and the suspects?what about the policeman who posted the pics of the bodies on his facebook page in the first place?i visited his page he posted the pics of the bodies close to pics of naked women and ladyboys.thats sick.....and you suggesting we have to accept this police investigating this way?noooooo way!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by kaobang
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From what I read if any petition with more than 100,000 signatures is presented to the UK PM it must by law go before the house for discussion.

If this is true and they had over 80,000 yesterday then there is a good chance they will get to the 100k and it will come up in the Commons to more international publicity.

What I was wondering is how the Thai police could keep a witness in custody for 2 weeks without charging him with anything, as they have done with the roti seller ?

I think that would have to be UK citizen signatures... NOT TV members and Thais.

I, also, do question how the court can keep on extending the detention of uncharged people.

Charge them and let them have their day in court, the sooner the better for them as there there is less chance of anything happening to them!

You have to be a British citizen or a resident in the UK (you normally live in the UK).

Could be Brits living abroad or foreigners living in the UK. It will be interesting to see if it gets to 100k

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Yes, a horrific double murder and the guilty need to be brought swiftly to Justice.

But hold on a minute about Petitions to the British PM and demands for a British investigation. Just who do these people think they are?

We have some very fine Police in Thailand who are more than capable of handling this.

Thailand is a Sovereign State, so just back-off with your "Colonial Mentality" and leave it to the Royal Thai Police, instead of trying to run rough-shod over our investigative team. Time to simply accept the fact that "Britain no longer rules the waves"...or anything else these days and certainly never has, nor will it ever, rule Thailand.

Have you considered a career in comedy ?

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I would have thought that this case could have been solved easily.

DNA from all the suspects (I mean including the son of the Mafia Boss in KT) as would have all the CCTV footage.

But what I also would have thought any police force would have done was get all the mobile phone movements from the mobile phone service providers.

This can usually locate peoples movements within 300 metres.

This would have been able to see who left the island on that speed boat.

This would have been able to see the movements of the sons of the Mafia Boss of KT and see if the son really was in Bangkok at university doing his exams.

I am really disappointed with the Army Prime Minister now, because up to now I believed this guy was genuinely trying to sort out the corruption and even appeared to have a hands on approach on some incidents.

Yet it would appear now that he is stating that he is confident with the Thai police investigative work despite recently having fired so many of the police force on the basis of corruption and incompetence.

I think his credibility may be questioned now.

Edited by Cashboy
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The real rapists, murderers and everyone protecting them will not get punished. Sadly never going to happen unless a vigilante takes them out.

Who are "them" exactly? That's the problem with vigilante justice.

Are the currently held "suspects" in custody by anything else than a group of vigilante's hell bend on justice and the protection of possible other party/ies.

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Yes, a horrific double murder and the guilty need to be brought swiftly to Justice.

But hold on a minute about Petitions to the British PM and demands for a British investigation. Just who do these people think they are?

We have some very fine Police in Thailand who are more than capable of handling this.

Thailand is a Sovereign State, so just back-off with your "Colonial Mentality" and leave it to the Royal Thai Police, instead of trying to run rough-shod over our investigative team. Time to simply accept the fact that "Britain no longer rules the waves"...or anything else these days and certainly never has, nor will it ever, rule Thailand.

There's no doubt there are some fine police in Thailand and I've met some but they seem to be outnumbered by ones who aren't so good either because they're just useless or they haven't had the proper training.

Who do these people think they are?

We're British citizens as were the 2 victims and we can petition our government if we want. We can also go and talk to our MPs as well, just because we are constituents even if we haven't got money and don't know the right people.

If the UK police want to carry out investigations in the UK then they are entitled to do so. There will be an inquest and that will be carried out by a coroner in the UK regardless of what Thailand thinks or wants.

The old 'Colonial' excuse just doesn't cut it anymore and is even more stupid when you consider that Thailand was never part of the British Empire in the first place.

I invite you to look at what a UK inquest is empowered to consider.

It will not include any investigation into who killed them.

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Yes, a horrific double murder and the guilty need to be brought swiftly to Justice.

But hold on a minute about Petitions to the British PM and demands for a British investigation. Just who do these people think they are?

We have some very fine Police in Thailand who are more than capable of handling this.

Thailand is a Sovereign State, so just back-off with your "Colonial Mentality" and leave it to the Royal Thai Police, instead of trying to run rough-shod over our investigative team. Time to simply accept the fact that "Britain no longer rules the waves"...or anything else these days and certainly never has, nor will it ever, rule Thailand.

You are mistaken if you think British people will stand by while an investigation into the murder of two of their fellow citizens is botched by corrupt officials. If there are "very fine Police in Thailand who are more than capable of handling this," why has the job been not been given to them?

The eyes of the world are on Thailand now, and they are half-full of horror and half-full of disbelief.

Not given to them due to a simple fact - not friendlies on the payroll of the local mafia -

but hopefully it will explode in their collective faces.

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Sondhi Limtrakul, owner of the Manager media group, has publicly come out with a conspiracy theory on his ASTV channel in which he suggests that the investigation was unsound from the start and he implies that a mafia family in KT has links with the NCPO. I don't know if this is far fetched or not but what is interesting is the balls of Sondhi in publicising his theory. He narrowly survived one assassination attempt and the police investigation got nowhere, despite several police claims they were about to grab the mastermind. Perhaps he has become over sensitive about police investigations into murders and attempted murders.

You can find this on YouTube and I listened to it this morning. My jaw dropped. He is not only accusing the Koh Tao mafia, but claiming they are supported by influential persons in Bangkok. There will certainly be defamation suits filed against him, notwithstanding the fact that most Thais recognize that his statements were factual. Conjecture: might his defense to the defamation suits be an excuse to re investigate the murders? Wild conjecture: he already has conclusive proof on those involved and their links to Bangkok, and his statements were deliberately designed to instigate his being sued as the way he can attack the police and their influential friends without breaching Prayut's rules any more than he did in the program.

Its pretty factual, and he is just pointing out how thinks work on the inside... we don't know his motive, except that he does know how things work when it comes to topics like this, if anybody would know...... at least he's got balls to talk about it.

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BBC News carrying an interview with suspects parents who proclaim their sons innocence, which of course they would do as the interviewer points out. Nevertheless he also points out the fact that British diplomats and others have grave doubts about this case amid the suspicions that the Thai's hoped a quick arrest would make the case go away.

Can certainly see a Panorama investigation coming up soon,would not be surprised to find out the boots were on the ground already.

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Get 'em tried, incarcerated and hopefully it will all fade into insignificance soon......and the world will forget!

and the world will forget!....."dream on" the world has a very long memory.

Not this time. We will not forget.

We will not forget the train case.

We will not forget cartoon.

We will not forget the security guard case.

All were convicted,put in prison.

The victims all laid to rest.

We will remember Hannah and David until they can rip.

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Over 80,000 signatures last time I looked.

according to normal Brit standards of apathy, that shows a genuine concern if so many people can be bothered to express an opinion.

It is not on a British site.

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Just thinking out loud...If it just happened that certain family members from Koh Tao found themselves removed to the UK, could they be tried in a British court of law, IF evidence was sufficient for the British Authorities to believe they were guilty of the murder of British subjects?

Really best if you don't think out loud...

Perhaps Google should become your new best friend.

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And the British press has now got the bit firmly between their teeth

Thailand beach murders: Fury over speed of trial of Burmese accused of British backpacker killings

A Thai judge sparked outrage today by pressing ahead with the trial of two Burmese bar workers accused of murdering British backpackers Hannah Witheridge and David Miller.



At this moment in time very few people really know what happened that night. The killers do, probably some of their close acquaintances and/or witnesses who are not speaking out for whatever reasons. Accepting that police here conduct inquires their own way, in their own style and with their idea of professionalism there are some worrying things.

There are many people shouting that the 2 Burmese must be innocent, fitted up, tortured, scapegoats. Regardless now of any evidence connecting them to the crime or any evidence proofing the torture and fit up, people have decided they must be innocent.

There are many people shouting who the guilty party is, and demanding that he and his family must be forced to take DNA tests which must be conducted by the British police or some independent test authority. Regardless of infringing that person or his family's human rights.

All this has been whipped up by the media, social media and a lot of people spouting off. Indiscreet police leaking crime scene photographs and then making a series of inane comments to the press, "witnesses" claiming things on social media, then redacted once they've had their 5 minutes of fame and gone away.

Reality is 2 people were very brutally murdered, Whatever the real answer to these crimes, no one will now believe it. Too many have decided based on the media circus fueled by some incompetent and unprofessional police statements and social media, which may or may not have their own agendas.

Frighteningly sad.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Over 80,000 signatures last time I looked.

according to normal Brit standards of apathy, that shows a genuine concern if so many people can be bothered to express an opinion.

It is not on a British site.

"TENS of thousands of people from around the world have signed a petition calling for the UK Government to order its own investigation into the recent murder of a Jerseyman and another British backpacker in Thailand." Jersey Evening Post

Does that make it better? I doubt if it is 80000 whingeing TV members alone. If many Thais are disgusted enough with the Royal Thai Police farce that they express their opinion even in the normally cowed Thai press, if people around the world see the Royal Thai Police farce as a national / international disgrace?

Yes of course the Thai government will dismiss the opinion of foreigners as they always do. But they may not be able to control the negative effect on tourism revenues.... It will get worse before it gets better.

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And the British press has now got the bit firmly between their teeth

Thailand beach murders: Fury over speed of trial of Burmese accused of British backpacker killings

A Thai judge sparked outrage today by pressing ahead with the trial of two Burmese bar workers accused of murdering British backpackers Hannah Witheridge and David Miller.



At this moment in time very few people really know what happened that night. The killers do, probably some of their close acquaintances and/or witnesses who are not speaking out for whatever reasons. Accepting that police here conduct inquires their own way, in their own style and with their idea of professionalism there are some worrying things.

There are many people shouting that the 2 Burmese must be innocent, fitted up, tortured, scapegoats. Regardless now of any evidence connecting them to the crime or any evidence proofing the torture and fit up, people have decided they must be innocent.

There are many people shouting who the guilty party is, and demanding that he and his family must be forced to take DNA tests which must be conducted by the British police or some independent test authority. Regardless of infringing that person or his family's human rights.

All this has been whipped up by the media, social media and a lot of people spouting off. Indiscreet police leaking crime scene photographs and then making a series of inane comments to the press, "witnesses" claiming things on social media, then redacted once they've had their 5 minutes of fame and gone away.

Reality is 2 people were very brutally murdered, Whatever the real answer to these crimes, no one will now believe it. Too many have decided based on the media circus fueled by some incompetent and unprofessional police statements and social media, which may or may not have their own agendas.

Frighteningly sad.

I have made those points... Always ignored by those who "know" what happened.. Even though they have no proof

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A completely useless gesture. One country cannot just walk into another country and start investigating a murder.

It seems Thailand is set on moving forward no matter the circumstances. The best thing anyone can do is get their hands into the trial where they, hopefully, they can persuade the court to consider the flaws in the case.

No need for the UK police to set foot on Thai soil to prove or disprove the involvement of the two Burmese.

Hannah's body is in the UK and (I assume) has undergone a thorough forensic examination. This will have provided DNA samples from the semen of her rapist(s).

The two accused Burmese men have families back in Burma who are protesting their innocence. DNA from the parents will establish whether or not there is a familial match with Hannah's rapist(s).

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Over 80,000 signatures last time I looked.

according to normal Brit standards of apathy, that shows a genuine concern if so many people can be bothered to express an opinion.
It is not on a British site.
"TENS of thousands of people from around the world have signed a petition calling for the UK Government to order its own investigation into the recent murder of a Jerseyman and another British backpacker in Thailand." Jersey Evening Post

Does that make it better? I doubt if it is 80000 whingeing TV members alone. If many Thais are disgusted enough with the Royal Thai Police farce that they express their opinion even in the normally cowed Thai press, if people around the world see the Royal Thai Police farce as a national / international disgrace?

Yes of course the Thai government will dismiss the opinion of foreigners as they always do. But they may not be able to control the negative effect on tourism revenues.... It will get worse before it gets better.

You missed the point. A change.org petition has 0 bearing on anything.

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Over 80,000 signatures last time I looked.

And not 1 that matters. David Cameron has no authority to conduct any investigation in Thailand.

Mine matters to me.DC doesn't have to conduct any investigation - just provide assistance to Myanmar.

That won't happen either.

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How do you work that one out, zero bearing on anything, I signed so did a few of my friends, my daughter signed and my Mum signed, it matters to us as it matters to the victims family and the suspects family. Of course it can make a difference, exposure, press, and eventually change in thinking from the Thai government. Stop being so negative, if it wasn't for petitions and similar actions then majority of the people around the world would have no voice

Agree wholeheartedly.

It doesn't make a difference if what we do has an effect or otherwise... what is important is that speak out when we think something is wrong.

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