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I remember last year, a few days into August, I red in Chiang Mai Mail, that some authority claimed that no flooding could possibly occur in Chiang Mai this year, because every precaution had been taken ... Well, less than 24 hours after I personally red that one, we had a flooding, which soon were called "the worst flooding in 30 years" - that flooding were later accompanied by two floodings of the same "depht". Largely, the flooding affected all areas, where the waterlevel of Ping River makes a difference.

Well, living somewhere around the "middle" of the old city, we didn't have any flooding last year - the worst thing to happen on the days with heavy rains were that Th. Ratchapakinai was like a 15 cm deep whitewater stream and obviously the centerpoint of all the neighboring sois (call them Moon Muang sois or Prapokklao sois, in rainy season the sois know where they belong). Nevertheless, all the water was nothing but a bypassing stream around here - it newer went beyond sidewalk level because it was way too busy to get downstreams (which means towards the Southern moat). The most "extreme" exprience I had (besides photo-safaries to Night Bazaar) was being attacked by heavy rains while shopping at Central Airport Plaza ... I assure you - the water almost reached my knees in the Southern end of Ratchapakinai, when I heroneously tried to make it upstreams on my moped in order to save my wife and (my) computers sitting only 10 cntimeters above porchlevel - just to have my hero spirit broken by my wife's question: why didn't you stay at Central until the rain stopped?

However, since the whole CM area is relatively flat, I could image that in case Ping's waterlevel reaches 1-2 meter above the highest level last year - I better close business and move my computers to second floor ... what do you thinkt?

However, since the whole CM area is relatively flat, I could image that in case Ping's waterlevel reaches 1-2 meter above the highest level last year - I better close business and move my computers to second floor ... what do you thinkt?

Brilliant idea :o


I live on the river and did get hit pretty hard last year.

But I will have no flood damage this year. You can take it from me. No flooding for me this year.

Not that I think the gov't did a wonderful job of making believe they were doing something by moving sand around the river all year, but because I hired a guy who assures me that he will keep all flooding off my property.

All I had to pay him was allow him to wander around my property for about 40 years. I don't understand how it will work but that is what this guy MOSES told me.



Like Canute you can't hold back the waters if they come so no point in worrying.

If it floods, get your kit upstairs, crack open a couple of beers and wait for the waters to subside. If it doesn't crack open a few to celebrate!

Or move your house/usiness up the mountain!


I hear there is an increased risk of landslides in the mountains due to the heavy rains... :D :D

Good point MS - choose a well forested mountain :D

I heard of some good deals around Samui lately :o

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